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Saw this posted on the Facebook machine the other day:

The pervnados name is Richard Agyemang, and although not everything posted on Facebook is true, this one certainly is.
Authorities say 33-year-old Richard Agyemang has been following women to their cars and won’t take no for an answer. He told authorities he was just looking for a girlfriend. Agyemang used to drive for Uber before being fired, but officials say he’s still picking up passengers. Last month, officials sent out a warning to women in the Worcester, Shrewsbury and Natick areas, saying that Agyemang would wait outside of bars as they were closing to pick up female passengers. On Monday night, Agyemang was arrested for trespassing, annoying and accosting.
Well, there he is – the creepiest dude who has ever lived:

What better way to find a girlfriend then to stalk strange women at their car at 2 in the morning when they’re leaving work. Lots of romances start that way.
He’s been doing this for years too, and he doesn’t just stick to Worcester. Like in Hopkinton in 2015:
Richard Agyemang, 30, said he repeatedly ignored the woman’s rebuffs, saying he figured she “was simply playing hard to get,” prosecutor Dan Storms said during Agyemang’s Framingham District Court on Monday. On Saturday, the victim drove to the Hopkinton Police station after she noticed a car had been following her for an hour and a half. The car that was following her pulled into the parking lot, too. Agyemang initially said he was not following the other car, but was going to the police station. He then admitted he was following the woman, with whom he worked, Storms said.
Is this fun for these people? Driving around, wasting gas? What’s the end game here exactly? Follow you around aimlessly for a few hours…..and then what? Is he beating off to her? Because there’s not much to look at if you’re behind someone’s car. Either way, he’s gotta be the skeeviest dude who’s ever skeeved. And it gets worse….
Officers saw a bottle of yellow liquid and asked Agyemang what it was. He initially said it was juice, but then admitted lying.
“He said he was waiting in the restaurant’s parking lot for her,” said Storms. “He said he didn’t want to get out of the car and miss her, so he used the bottle to urinate in.”
This guy is a lot of things, but one thing you can’t say is he’s not committed to the stalking game. Urine a lot of trouble though Ghanarea Gary.

Can we get this guy a love coach or something?
The victim said she and Agyemang worked together at an unnamed restaurant. She said he had been constantly asking her out, despite multiple rejections. He also constantly hugs her against her will and has kissed her neck, despite being told not to, the prosecutor said. He also had the victim’s photo from Facebook as his wallpaper on his cellphone.
Oh yea, asking a girl out after she’s already said no a bunch of times is a high percentage move for sure. Worked out great for Steve Urkel.
Then a year later he struck again in Shrewsbury:
A woman tells FOX25 a suspicious man followed her from the grocery store to her home in Shrewsbury. Saturday night, Tecia Coelho finished grocery shopping at Shaw’s at White City shopping center. She saw this man come up to her car while she was loading groceries. As Coelho pulled out of the Shaw’s parking lot, she noticed the man was following her. She called me and said he was following her,” said her husband, Roger Brown.
The couple lives across the street from the Shaw’s. Brown didn’t even think twice and ran outside and saw the man walking towards her.
“He turned back around and saw me getting out of the car. He then parked the car and came crazy towards me,” she said.
“When he kept walking towards her. That really upset me. I asked him that’s my wife, get out of here. He stopped and went back towards his car,” said Brown.

Good God, can someone please lend this dude their Brazzers password?
But wait, it gets even worse in 2016….
A Worcester man will remain in jail after prosecutors said he harassed and followed at least four women in a shopping plaza, while awaiting trial for harassing a female co-worker. Shrewsbury Police arrested Richard Agyemang Monday after they said multiple women filed reports this spring that Agyemang had approached them near a Panera restaurant. In two cases, police said Agyemang tried to get into the victim’s car.
“He entered into the passenger side of the vehicle. [The victim] told him ‘no, no, no.’ to get out, he did, and she left the area and called the police,” Officer David Faucher testified in court Tuesday afternoon.
It’s really only a matter if when, not if, this animal rapes a woman. Better keep letting this animal out on bail.
He also did this:
In one case, police said Agyemang followed a woman from Shrewsbury to her home Worcester, and then tried to enter her home.
Jesus H. Christ. This guy’s Ghana be deported if Trump hears about this.
During Agyemang’s dangerousness hearing to determine bail, prosecutors noted the alleged incidents occurred while Agyemang was already out on bail for a similar case in Hopkinton, where he was accused of following and harassing a female co-worker. In court Tuesday, prosecutors said although Agyemang did not know any of the other four alleged victims, he expressed similar statements about his feelings.
Officer Faucher told the judge in one case, “Agyemang stated that [the victim] had looked into his eyes and he took that as an invitation.” One of Agyemang’s alleged victims was in the courtroom Tuesday, and told FOX25 that Agyemang claimed she was “flirting” with him and had “winked” at him before he began following her from the Shaw’s supermarket in Shrewsbury in April.
“He knew what he was doing was wrong,” Tecia Coelho told FOX25. “Not only does he know my address, he knows my daughter’s car and that’s very dangerous.”
Yet somehow this animal remains out of prison. Because judges in this state operate under the idiotic philosophy that if they keep giving career criminals chances they will suddenly see the light and reform their behavior.
But of course we know that that’s not how criminals work. And last month he did it AGAIN in Millbury….
“The fear is he is aggressive. His behavior is escalating,” said Millbury Police Detective Andrea Warpula. Warpula says most recently, he stalked two Panera Bread employees at the Shops at Blackstone Valley Mall.
So yea, he’s under arrest for now:
But this is why women should carry pepper spray with them wherever they go. Because he doesn’t just do it at night in secluded areas. He does it in crowded parking lots outside of Panera Bread. He follows you home. He tries to come in your house. Let him know that if the state won’t protect you, you’ll protect yourself.
10 Comment(s)
Tell him to hang out in Cambridge. The “white guilt” and “I gotta let an African throw it in me for SJW creds” moonbat mindset would work like a charm with the “why won’t you be my girlfriend” approach. He’ll have anchor babies from Harvard Square to Arlington.
This is why I own, and on occasion, carry legal firearms. These people aren’t even human, words obviously wouldn’t help in this situation. Broad daylight, busy areas, he didn’t care. My teenage kids carry pepper spray and know how to use it. It’s disturbing that this is the world we live in, but it’s best to be prepared.
Party on, turtles. Be safe.
I think we need more than legal carry, We need the punisher, the vigilante. We need Charles Bronson Death wish type vigilantes who will take out the trash…
I’m not saying I agree with you, I’m saying I wouldn’t be opposed to this idea… 😉
If Ghanarea hangs out under the bridges in the Woo or in South, he can find plenty of women who will be his girlfriend for $20 or a pipe of meth. They may not have all their teeth or stink like day old tuna but at least he can get the girlfriend experience with someone who won’t run away from him or scream to call police.
How much simpler getting a girlfriend was back home when you could just give her father a goat.
Good logic, Stalka Zulu. Girls avoid you, so that means they’re playing hard to get. Since you get how shit really works behind the scenes, you obviously know that stores put stuff out on display to make it easier for people to steal shit.
Men like this are just one of the many reasons I encourage my wife to carry (which she will not). Hopefully pepper spray will get the job done if ever needed. An angry mob should snuff this guy out!
“Agyemang stated that [the victim] had looked into his eyes and he took that as an invitation.”
I’m pretty sure I saw something like this on an episode of ‘Criminal Minds’. It didn’t end well.