Remember the Gloucester Gonorrheject and former Beverly nurse who started a GoFundMe after she said she got the commie cold despite claiming that it was all a hoax while she bragged about going on spring break during the middle of the crisis?
She’s back.
Last week she and a couple of supporters messaged my real page (attention ratchets – I hardly ever use my real page so if you wanna tell me what a douchebag I am then message Clarence Woods Emerson) and voiced their displeasure about the blog.
“You’re the cause.”
Nah bitch, your sister got the bug because she’s a fucking idiot who ignored safety protocols. But it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if she doesn’t have it at all.
“Last time I checked medical information was private and you shared hers.”
Here’s a thought for thot – if you want your medical information to remain private then don’t post it on Facebook.
Just sayin.
“What if she doesn’t make it.”
Probably should’ve thought about that before going on spring break and laughing about it. Don’t worry, it’s probably just a GoFundMe scam though. Not my problem or my fault that your friend makes idiotic life and death decisions.
Hannah herself also messaged and was on the rampage.
Funny that the deadbeat Mom who abandons her crotch fruit to go on spring break during a pandemic is saying that I’m the one who shouldn’t be around kids. Her evidence is Turtleboy Sporks, which is pretty God damn reliable when you think about it. All I have are her own DCF documents showing what a pathetic excuse for a mother she is. So let’s compare our parenting and history with children:
Uncle Turtleboy
- Never dealt with DCF
- Never been accused of doing anything inappropriate with children
- Was a teacher for 11 years and got great evaluations before leaving profession and using cash payment from Dudley-Charlton Regional School District as part of settlement agreement due to libelous blog written about me to start business
Gloucester Gonorrheject
- Had to be put on a Relapse Prevention Plan by DCF in 2018 because she’s a raging alcoholic
- Continued to get shitfaced constantly and was dumb enough to post images of it constantly on social media
- Snitched on herself by calling the cops over a domestic violence incident with her ex-boyfriend and telling them that her ex was mad at her for drinking while on a sobriety plan and telling the court that she had been 5 years sober
- Had to use Narcan that she got from work (the hospital) to revive her junkie ex-bf after an overdose
- A week later the cops came back again for a DV call because she went out drinking again and her ex-bf socked her over it
- Ex-bf told the cops that he was taking issue of custody of her daughter more seriously than she was
- Mother prevented the father, who is an actual functioning adult, from seeing his crotch fruit in direct violation of court order
- Lost custody of her crotch fruit for all of these reasons
- Requires a parental action plan that tells her she can’t expose her kid to people who are high
- Bans her from telling her crotch fruit that her stepmother and her children aren’t part of the family (because she did this all the time and it was confusing for the kid)
- Plan requires that she not beat her kid during visits (can’t recall any time I’ve needed a court order to tell me not to do that
- Requires a plan that forces her go to a parenting class where she can learn how not to be a guttermuppet
- Requires a plan that orders her not to harass her kid’s stepmother and meet with DCF once a month
- Recently failed a drug test before going on spring break and is in danger of losing her crotch fruit for good
- Ex-boyfriend reached out to her friends and family about concern about her drinking and lack of fucks to give in relation to regaining custody
- Gets evicted all the time from apartments despite employment in hospitals as a nurse
- Has 3 supported 51A’s
- Filed false reports with DCF on her kid’s stepmother that came back unsupported
- Sent series of text messages to stepmother telling her that she hopes she miscarried
- Won’t pay child support but can afford to go on spring break
- Hasn’t seen crotch fruit since she basically kidnapped her last summer and wouldn’t return to dad
- Domestic violence incidents above all occurred while she had the kid
- Broke out of rehab, gets drunk with friends, gets in fight with ex-boyfriend that ends up getting him sent to jail where he remains today
- First lost custody of kid in 2015 when she picked her up from daycare wasted, dropped the 4 year old off with someone and went out drinking again
- Once was evicted after pissing in a neighbor’s yard, passing out on the floor of a communal garage, passing out in the driver’s seat of her own car, and trying to get into the wrong apartment while shitcocked
- Gave her daughter a black eye in February of 2018 and had a RO taken out against her when she threatened to kidnap the crotch fruit
- Once was fired as a waitress from stealing $100 in tips from another waitress, which backfired because that waitress was married to a Gloucester cop
But perhaps the biggest difference between Hannah and I is that I have never been run over by my own car while probably shitfaced at 1 AM:
A representative from Massachusetts General Hospital said that Hannah K. Flaherty, 26, of Madison Avenue was listed in “fair” condition there Monday afternoon after an unusual single-car accident on Rackliffe Street had left her pinned beneath her car. The accident, which was called into the Gloucester Police Station at 1:07 a.m., occurred after Flaherty’s car got stuck in a lot on Rackliffe Street. Officers said that in an attempt to free the vehicle, Flaherty had placed a rock on the gas pedal, and had stepped outside the vehicle to try to push her car as well. When the Jeep broke free, however, it ran over Flaherty and dragged her until it hit a dumpster and came to a stop, with the driver’s side front tire landing on her arm.
As usual, the only people who dislike Turtleboy have been proven to be degenerate rejects, DCF Moms, junkies, social justice queefs, and/or criminals. And when they get called out on their bullshit they always revert to citing “Turtleboy Sporks” and making shit up about my alleged history with children. Except I have actual facts and evidence on my side, and they have links to Turtleboy Sporks.
Don’t. Poke. The. Turtle.
P.S. If Hannah wants to come on the live show tomorrow the invitation is still extended.
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102 Comment(s)
Word is she got arrested again for a domestic. Id love another update lol This girl is the literal epitome trash
Nope she’s pregnant
Hey there fallas! Helloooo! Hit me up on Grindr tonight! I’m thrilled the State rest stops haven’t been shut down, I must have gobbled two gallons in the stalls today!
hey just because this person is loser doesn’t make everyone with CNA license and a GED a loser. Here’s food for thought. I am a CNA in school to become a registered nurse. Most CNA’s are. Most registered nurses start as CNA’s first. Also CNA’s make more than most assclowns bragging on how their bachelors degree got them a whopping 14.50 an hour. whoopy shit most CNA’s make 17.50 an hour with full benifits after about 5 years experience. Not to bad for a certifican that only takes 2 months to obtain. If most people you know with a GED and CNA are shit bags than that speaks a lot about who you are. Its actually a lot harder to obtain a GED than a HS diploma. Alls you have to do to obtain one of those is pass literally an ass hair for GPA and show up mostly everyday for 12 years. Having a HS diploma doesn’t mean you will go on to college anymore than having a GED does. It all depends on the individual.
I meant to say 4 years not 12. Also CNA’s are very caring and compassionate people. You have to be a total shit bag loser to talk down about people who take on position in the healthcare field that requires them to care for others who can’t care for themselves. These individuals have hearts of gold and are literally the angels here on earth. Especially those who stay in the working their whole lives as a care giver. I will be graduating this year, and will have my RN. As a person who has been a CNA for years, and worked along side many of them this is pure ignorance to believe such things based on a persons job. Most of these individuals are hard working nursing students, parents, grand parents with one or more jobs who never get thanked enough for the work they do everyday to care for your loved ones.
Bet she is having a definite panic attack now…LMAO…this ratchet obviously doesn’t understand that if you have AN ENTIRE CLOSET FULLOF SKELETONS…best to quite go away…LMAOOOO. if anyone donated to her GO FUCK ME page they need to be slapped. What a mess she is dear god. Her sister must be SO PROUD….NOW..what a shitbag
she doesn’t have custody of her child and under State law she is obligated to pay Child Support to the father. If she doesn’t her driver license, CNA license and the threat of jail can be imposed. Or are these laws only for Dead Beat Dads?
What an ugly fat whore!
Is Juliann a drunken slampig slut also?
There’s a woman on my street. When she moved in 20 years ago she was the babe of the neighborhood. She used to exercise a lot and wore these little shorts…Yowza.
Now, 20 years of drinking and smoking have taken their toll. New, younger women have moved in and taken her place. The babe of the neighborhood is now a wrinkled old woman with a scratchy voice.
In my mind can still see those little shorts. What a loss.
Hannah, you are still young enough to turn it around. Your were blessed with looks. Don’t blow it.
No. She’s a CNA with tattoos isn’t she? Not many good men interested in that, are there?
She’s a nurse. Most nurses working in long term facilities are just as wretched if not worse then most cnas. Back off cnas they are not all lazy and it’s usually the cna saving the ones they care for. Most nurses spend a second in the room with their patients, where the cnas are the ones caring for them and most of the time cnas are reporting issues and most nurses are brushing the shit off til covid-19 runs rampid through nursing homes like Holyoke Soldiers Home.
We may just have foundd next year’s Ratchet Madness winner. I was breathless as each salacious detail proved more amazing than the last! This woman is a classic!
What the hell happened to the man bunned yellow bell pepper guy?
Did he lose his virginity to a street preacher in a remote cabin somewhere?
Or in this case, batting practice
You’ll need to use more than the “play the victim” chapter in your playbook. TB is way too warmed up right now for your amateur hour bullshit
You should’ve just left it at you caught coronavirus by being a moron. May I suggest that you put down the proverbial rope and step (i.e. run) away
Game. Set. Match
Hahaha. Gotta love the dumb ratchet bitch chorus of defense there. “Hey, you called out my piece of shit friend. If she kills herself, it’s your fault! How can you sleep at night?” Cognitive dissonance like that is one infuriating reason out of thousands that pieces of human garbage deserve no mercy, ever. And to top it off, the queen skag herself pipes back in with “How could you? Be nice to me! Aren’t you a child molester?” Like, bitch, do you even understand how stupid and hypocritical it is to throw slanderous insults after a plea for clemency?
Jesus. I’d let her suck the cum out of my ‘hookah’! Look at those funbags!
How many dicks do you think she’s had?
What is her preferred method of having a man finish?
…. Deep inside?
…. On her back?
…. On her tits?
…. On her face?
…. In her mouth?
Asking for a friend.
Ask her old high school football team. Ask the whole team. They can make a tally of their experiences.
Damn TB you really pulled out all the tricks for this one lol. U destroyed her. I love how everyone that gets offended by a blog always bring up an allegation against u that resulted in ur school district paying u to not sue. Like do they really think u don’t hear that comback atleast 3 times a week? Keep up the good work
What a mess, I’d dump a load on her.
I think Uncle it’s enough already with constantly mocking GED holders and CNAs.
GED: This is someone who, for whatever reason, didn’t go the traditional route. A person who took action to get the diploma. They don’t just hand these out. You have to go to classes and pass examinations. Many of these folks (my daughter included) left High School for a good reason and then went to college and a productive life. Didn’t you leave High School?
CNA: It’s a necessary role in providing health care to a lot of sick and needy people. Glamorous? No. Needed? Yes. Not everyone becomes a neurosurgeon. There are lots of “lowly” roles in a hospital, without which, people wouldn’t receive proper treatment. These people are employed. They could be sitting on their asses all day but instead they are productive.
Throwing stones my brother, throwing stones.
No. GED = failure. You want to prove yourself? Go back to high school. I’ve never met anyone who has their GED and was successful in life. Do you realize how shitty & lazy you have to be to fail & not graduate high school today? Back in the 70’s when I was in HS they’d throw your ass out & didn’t give a fuck because you could still get a decent job being a drop-out stoner. Not one of my friends who dropped out got their GED and many of them still did okay for themselves with good jobs from companies like Norton’s, Heald’s, or Jamesbury.
CNA = a job for people who can’t find a job anywhere else, couldn’t get pregnant for the free shit, and have exhausted all their benefits so they have no choice but to work. Being a CNA is wiping up shit all day. Showering fat old people. Things that a nurse thinks is above them. (Nurses change IV drips, Band-Aids, and listen to your heart & lungs once every shift change, then go back to the nurses station to talk with the rest of the nurses.)
No personal experience with CNAs. I only know that it is a useful paying job. Something millions of people wish they had right now.
You might be surprised how many kids leave HS early, score a GED, and head to college. You sound like an outdated Boomer. Catch up with the times.
having a GED is like tattooing ” I’m a retard” on your forehead.
Eat a tide pod shit for brains
Test results for: Hannah Flaherty
70% Indian Fire Water
20% Jamaican Ganja
10% Colombian Snow
Persons related to: Kate Peters
Kate is a fat whore that is also a drug addict with many personality disorders. Her children hate her
When will these idiots learn that Unc is fucking relentless!!
The best thing one could do is lay low for a while after the first story, but they always persist and the stories always get juicer…Certainly not saying that’s a bad thing for the rest of us though!
she has the power of tits over men, but as a party girl, she’s at the top of the hill and going over, a bloated mass of mistakes, devoid of the instincts she might have had sober. my guess is sexual abuse at a young age… (<Ape, this is NOT satire.) living in the victimized chaos that is her norm.
I am contacting her place of work in the morning to report her for all of this and demand she is fired. Hope that helps! Fuck you hannah stupid fucking cunt
Nurse Ratchet
Nice work.Thats gold.
This is sad. TBS has a long history of featuring messed up girls who at one time were quite comely. Because of a lifetime of bad decisions, not so appealing now. What could have been.
Hannah, Crack Feen Barbie, Hull Cool Mom, The Rizzy Chicks, … endless examples.
Luck and circumstances are big factors, but the difference between a good life and a shit life is the decisions we make.
I’d piss in this ugly cunts face
But I think she’d enjoy it
I’d defecate on her. Full huge fecal logs, followed by some spray farts and flecks of bowel movement.
She’s not a nurse. She’s a nurse’s assinstant aka bed pan cleaner.
Serious Q?
Why are DCF files available thru public?
DCF records are public.
Is an assinstant the same thing as Instant-Ass padded underwear?
These DCF documents may be part of the child custody battle and child support case that the father has with Hannah. It sounds like the father is remarried/living with another woman and they have a family together…anyone can access court documents (unless they are sealed). You do need to know the courthouse, names and docket number. I don’t think Uncle needed to though. Something tells me that a little Birdie sent them to him. If I were to guess I’d say “the fathers new wife/gf”
Her baby daddy’s new wife is laughing at all this. I’d bet some of the intel came from her.
WeRfucked I’d lay a Dime on that. Pro scouting tip: If you read the visitation guidelines. comment number 7 says “Hannah will have no communication with (name redacted) regarding the daughter visits. All communication will be with the Baby Daddy”…I had to laugh at this. You know the redacted name is the Baby Daddy’s wife. Hannah is not allowed to talk to the Wife under the court visitation guidelines because Hannah is a fucking drunk cunt that blows up the wife’s phone 24/7
I love that her enabler friends and family are blaming this blog for her “health scare” while in every pic she has a bottle in her hand. Definitely too much time in the bars it’s aging her like meth. She was definitely doable, too bad. Oh….btw what cretin drinks Guiness from a bottle?
Agreed. If only we could imprison all enabler friends. The ratchets in question might stand a chance of being a less shitty person.
Bet this bitch got pregnant on a pullout couch.
She’s a CNA faking to be a nurse. It’s even in the police report.
Not even a hit it and quit it.
Is she a nurse or cna? Two very different jobs. What a lunatic.
If you’re gonna pop this one you better wear a raincoat, something tells me she’s got warts the size of toddler thumbs up that cavern.
Your Uncle diddler is just like the people he writes about. Jewish countries are sick.
Just dropped $79.95 on a fleshlight, so I’m good.
there are so many skits of her life story. It starts off on pornhub.com Has a quick layover on world star, and ends abruptly in some final episoded on efukt.com I’d take a dable at staring/directing on an episode for each channel. I’ve got some new Ideas for the blacked out cock goblin.
good to know all it takes is a pepper full of mac and cheese and a couple white claws to get inside this slop hounds Lane Bryant sweat pants.
ahahahahahaha……everyone at this speak easy is glaring at me, great comment
Hannah just fill out the removal form provided by Abi
an come on the live show Saturday night.
Problem solved
I think she’s hot. Total party girl. I’d get her loaded and then game on. You just know that nothing is off limits with her. Hannah – hit me up!!
Geez what a whore!
I bet the spring break Boyz turned her face into a glazed donut.
I would consider letting Lauren Sutherland eat a coke freeze off of my starfish.
She looks fun in the sack, I’d bang that ham beast
Only one type of person drinks a Guinness straight from the can or bottle and not outta a pint glass, a fucking disaster who only wants to get as much booze into their system any way they can. What a mess.
Are you still alive?
I want a relapsapotamus for Christmas
My name is err ahh Mawty and I ahh .. ahh am an alcoholic….
A gay alcoholic
Those a shit ton of anecdotes.
Hannah.Furnished basement studio is still available.I see you have a blemished rental
history to say the least.Not to worry.My lease is next to impossible to get out of.
Is that because it has no windows and only one door that locks from the outside? Asking for a friend….
All but impossible to reconcile the before and after photos. The woman in some of the before photos was quite attractive, whoever she was; those before photos could have been lifted from some Venezuelan website, for Tinder fraud. This one and Bristol/Kate should compare notes, if they haven’t already. They seem to traveling the same road. Cliff just ahead, if not already behind them.
Kate Peter always looked like a goddamn dumpster fire, just with Rachel Dratch dna in it.
I’d give her the Andrea Grocer special
Spring Break in a pandemic ….Because priorities..
Juliann Flaherty will receive Cleveland steamers in trade for nips of
Lawrence bathtub gin.
Asking if she was still alive was golden. I love you.
Her future looks bright,al least as a Democrat in Massachusetts.she will never be charged with anything,but if it was a guy he would be fucked as the day is long.gotta love the great system of fair and equal justice for all
Once was evicted after pissing in a neighbor’s yard, passing out on the floor of a communal garage, passing out in the driver’s seat of her own car, and trying to get into the wrong apartment while shitcocked
Hannah are you single?? I’m all in… Balls deep.
Do you know how fucked up you have to be to fail a urine test for alcohol?? That means she had to have been drunk like 6 hours before the test lol
If you look up ‘clusterfuck’ in the dictionary Hannah ‘s picture is there
p.s. does anyone actually listen to these live podcasts? I can’t imagine a bigger waste of time.
I’d hit it.
If you do, can I get sloppy seconds?
A sizable chunk of Gloucester is like Lawrence with seagulls, so I’m not surprised to see that it’s her primary stomping ground.
Shame really. I was there in 2004 and it was still pretty nice.
Hannah should blow up an old picture of herself and post it to the outside of her liquor cabinet next to a mirror, so everytime she wants a drink she can look at what it’s doing to her appearance alone. Yikes.
Imagine being so blind to your own flaws and fuck ups that you continuously poke the turtle. What do you think is going through their head when they decide to message you and make threats and libelous statements against you? Do they honestly think you’re going to back down or backtrack. Do they honestly think that you’re going to take down the article and write an apology I really want to know what goes through their head because it’s fascinating to me. Which makes Bristol/Kate Peter that much more interesting as well that her life was a giant shit show and she pretended to be better than everyone else and toss down life lessons it really is amazing to me.
Significantly decreased activity in areas of the frontal lobe
Resulting in..
Failure to see the repercussions of their actions
First of all I’d like to say WOULD, “damaged goods are such a steal”
( anybody know what song that comes from?)
Second, I warned this Rachet princess after her first attempt to defend her honor. Don’t poke the Turtle!! It will only make matters far far worse! When will ratchets learn???? Just shut up, look in the mirror, do a shitload of soul searching and fade away Into turtle obscurity…. But no! Part of being a Rachet is the inbred inability to consider sound advice! Now this sexy slutty mess is digging her own grave in the TurtleBoy cemetery.
So sexy mess just give up, remain silent and hope it all goes away! And let’s meet at Mohegan Sun sometime in mid May when the commute cold has let up a little 😉
What is local-H alex?
You are correct Sir! And only the worst type of Irish-American plastic paddy would drink Guinness straight outtha bottle! I’m fukin mortified, but I still like er:)
Holy shit what kind of drug test did the give her? It’s like they tested for everything except for ketamine and LSD.
I knew this woman was a piece of human garbage when I saw her drinking a Guinness stout out of the bottle not a pint glass.
This “Kunt” has a nerve saying she’s a nurse she’s a fucking CNA big difference…..If she’s interested I’ll buy her a couple bottles of jd just to film a shit show….
Ouch. Hannah you are a first-class ratchet.
I’d give her a bottle of vodka and then my pierogi after she was nice and liqueured up. She isn’t half bad in some of those pictures!
shame on you, she’s a fat, drunken slampig from Glosta.
Serious question TB.
What do yo tell your kids you do for a living?
Just curious.
Wow, Lauren says that she has a ‘Respiratory Condition’. In the original post, she’s sucking on a Hookah. And this one has her sucking on a cigarette. Little wonder she has a ‘Respiratory Condition’.
And What the Actual FUCK is a 32 year old single mom doing at spring break? Only 2 reason to go, first to get shitfaced, white-girl drunk, and next to get some sort of communicable disease. Bingo on both counts! Congrats to Hannah!!!
And that Goddamn “Carol Fucking Baskin”. It’s all her fault.
Juliann Flaherty, you seem like a nice kid. Maybe put your energies into an Intervention for your Sister instead of contributing to her downfall.
I thought the Baskin thing was kind of funny. She has a sense of humor amidst the ratchet darkness.
She wasn’t trying to GET an STD on her Florida Spring Break. She was totally GIVING and STD during her drunken swing.
It still doesn’t mean you’re not a scumbag
how long did it take to come up with that face melter
Actually “just saying“ that entire article basically just proved that he isn’t a scumbag. What’s it like being that oblivious to the facks I’d love to know? I’d also love to know which tit Of Bristol’s are you sucking on? Those gross sloppy fat pimply tits.
Why do I feel like Bristol has more than two nipples….