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27 Comment(s)
Why, why does this pig enjoy nodding out in public, why does she enjoy black cock splitting her like cord wood, why does she enjoy having a “baby daddy” instead of a husband, why does she let her baby near methadone, why does Aiden want to get rid of the comments???? After reading this article these are the questions I was left with, maybe Aiden can answer at least the last 1!
This human trash is the product of decades of democrat policies.
Nagger lives don’t matter, and neither do the lives of nagger humpers. I think there’s an old saying…oh yes now I remember, it’s: “once you go black go fuck yourself.”
Ten thumbs up for this spot-on analysis
Why does that she-man have a friggin tongue ring?
He was from Quincy, anybody remember him? You remember the guy; kind of needy, mealy mouthed, smelled like he had a bag of onions in a headlock.
He don’t come around here no more, what up with that?
Geno is/was a nice guy, a little distant, in his own world kinda. He used to ride the rails, just on the red line going back n forth all day. He had a hot sister, Angela I think her name was. But then I heard through the grape vine she turned Lesbiano:( what a waste, what a shame.
Nobody will go to the other site and now with all the commenters gone TBS is just a guy bitching about shit on Facebook like all the other stay at home Facebook moms do.
The Judge has spoken
Lavoie is a well known whore n!gger fucker. She has crabs and gonorrhea . Her mother is a toothless cocksucker, she also prefers mudpeople
This blog sucks now. All those who disagree suck cock by choice.
I’ve never met a bitch who burns the coal that DOESN’T have a litany of psychiatric issues.
WTF is with all the fake gang signs this gorilla needs to flash in every pic? And his flat brim cap with decals is not even the Bulls. And I’m guessing his shoes ain’t even Jordans (I don’t follow sneakers.) Such a perfect example of a NH porch monkey, he wouldn’t last a week in a real city.
What ever happened to aspic Tormentor? Even he has flown the coop♂️ There were always a couple other cool commenters on here regularly too, casino guy, old Tom Morris….. all gone new, but when Spic Tormentor aka Matt D from the Woburn Target abandons ship you know the blog is in its final downward spiral.
Geno have you been drinking? That post has more typos than one of Uncle Turtles worst blogs, and we all know that “journalist” sure knows how to butcher the written word when he’s having one of his sloppy, drunk Irish loser days.
What ever happened to aspic Tormentor? Even he has flown the coop♂️ There were always a couple other cool commenters on here regularly too, casino guy, old Tom Morris….. all gone new, but when Spic Tormentor aka Matt D from the Wogurn Target abandons ship you know the blog is in its final downward spiral.
So many vomit inducing photos in this blog;
The open mouth kiss with visible tongues
The pregnant bikini photo
Every one with the mom
Damn you Turtleboy! And it was lasagna night!
They look like such a nice couple.
Until the going gets rough.
Then as always.
The negro is gone
The photos of those two, their apartment, and even her name are so “Manchester” it’s ridiculous. Before anyone thinks of living there, take a good look because there’s your neighbors. Never mind what that Realtor is telling you about it becoming the “next hot place”. Every 10-15 years you hear the same recycled spiel like they give in Worcester, and you can see how well that’s worked out.
They said the same thing about the Bronx, New York. They been saying it since 1990. They’d say, “oh they’re gentrifying the Bronx,” “look at all the new building, the Bronx is going to be like downtown Brooklyn soon.” Yeah right, before that happens, they have to get rid of all the cockroaches. Human cockroaches, too.
On paper Manchester is good; location is ideal, airport is decent, and there are some areas that do look good.
But I have had to go up there for work, several times, and oh man it has more than it’s share of sketchy as fuck people.
Look at that! A simple link and wouldn’t you know. A smooth transition to page you’d like to direct your audience to! Apps are great and you still get your audience to the webpage that you generate money from!
Fucking pig, sterilize her and that pavement ape
Did somebody say cock?
Cock? Yes please!
TB Daily News sucks cock