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Last year we wrote about two Greenfield dads who caused a huge hubabaloo when they noticed that their neighbor, Greenfield Sgt. Dan McCarthy, had a Confederate flag hanging deep within his garage. Since they have an adopted black son they made up a huge thing about the kid being scared for his life and asking Santa for white skin for Christmas. But as you can see from the picture he posted on Facebook, you can barely see it:
Later we found out that Rod Hart, (Dad #1) was a teacher at JFK Middle School in Northampton, and he was posting very inappropriate things, including derogatory/discriminatroy statements about his students and sexual pictures of himself in class:
We urged people to call his school and let them know that they had a bigoted teacher in their building:
But at the end of the day no action was taken, because as a white gay man with an adopted black son in Northampton, he gets special privileges.
Anyway, you would think this moron would want this to go away. But now that he’s been appointed to the Human Rights Commission (despite his open disdain for stupid religious people), he had to bring the theatrics back and talk about the flag incident again at the most recent HRC meeting. This is the first time we ever heard this nudnik speak, and somehow he sounds worse than he does on paper. Start watching at the 68:20 mark:
This guy is just a bold faced liar. And you can tell everyone else in that room is sick of his bullshit too. If you didn’t bother watching, here’s some of the best transcribed parts:
“My son asked me (when he saw the confederate flag) ‘is that the KKK flag?’ How am I gonna answer that?
My son asked me, is he a racist?”
“I had to say – he may be. Many racist people fly that flag. I told him, I don’t know. Maybe.
Next question he asked – is he gonna kill me?
I asked why he would ask this.
He said, “duh, he’s a policeman and I’m black.”
Couldn’t get him to go to sleep that night because he was so close to the flag.
My comfort was shaken as well. I was disgusted. Saying you’re not aware (that the flag is racist) I’m not gonna believe that for a second.
When I was a kid I always thought I would die by age 20 because all gay guys get AIDS and die.
My son thinks he’s gonna die because he’s young and black.
How do I convince my son that my neighbor isn’t a racist redneck cop trying to kill him? Because I need to convince him of that so he can go to sleep tonight and we can continue to live.
Sgt. McCarthy has never given an answer.
He just can’t help himself. This poor, innocent little boy just probably wants to be a regular kid. But he had to get adopted by these two idiots, who are kind of using him to pretend like they’re part black because they’re his parents now. Not even kidding, I really think Rod Hart thinks he gets credit for being black. He kind of alluded to that when he expressed how angry he was that Sgt. McCarthy hadn’t apologized to him:
“Sgt. McCarthy should’ve come and apologized to us. Some people ask why you didn’t just go over there and talk to him before talking to the media. Because he’s a cop and we’re gay and black. That’s like a Jewish guy going to a house that has a swastika on the door. The message is clear – I don’t want you here. A community official should feel welcoming. I don’t feel safe there.”
I think the most ridiculous part of this whole saga is that he thinks Sgt. McCarthy owes him an apology. Rod Hart spied on him, took pictures of a partially exposed historical artifact buried deep within his garage, told his son that he might be a racist cop trying to kill him because of the color of his skin, and smeared his reputation irreparably in front of hundreds of thousands of people on the Internet without so much as walking over to his house and speaking to him first. And for that he expected that this man would walk over to his house and beg him for forgiveness for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Yup, that makes TONS of sense. SJW logic like you read about!!
I also loved when he said this, when talking about how aside from all the killer racist cops, he likes Greenfield:
“His school teachers are wonderful.”
Keep in mind, just a few months ago Dad #2 showed up at his kid’s elementary school and verbally abused his female teacher in an aggressive action that reduced her to tears. Then he began videotaping the children, the cops were called, and Turtleboy got ahold of the police report:
Besides that they “love” the teachers though.
Anyway, you saw in that video what a despicable, selfish, narcissistic piece of human garbage Rod Hart truly is. When the woman on the HRC brought up the fact that it wasn’t flying in his yard, it was in his driveway as he claimed in his Facebook rant, and she pointed out that this is very different, he yelled over her and shut her up:
“It’s different to you, it’s not different to me. I get what you’re saying, but it isn’t different. It’s hung in public view. It’s across the street from an elementary school with a ton of black and brown kids.”
Because this is how Rod and Lyndell Hart treat women. I feel like because they’re gay they think they get to treat women like other women treat women. They’ve not only convinced themselves that they’re part black, but they’ve also convinced themselves that they’re one of the girls.
Anyway, I guess life in Worcester isn’t so bad. The worst thing we have is Sarai Rivera, but she’s a joke and no one takes her seriously outside of Main South. Are there normal people in Greenfield who can see what the rest of us can – that this guy is a professional drama queen who constantly seeks attention and can’t let this go after 10 months?
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15 Comment(s)
WTF. On top of everything else, this douchebag discusses his man crushes with his students??????
God help this society.
“Daddy, is that racist cop gonna shoot me?”
“No son, they only shoot BAD black people.”
Boom. Problem solved. And behavior issued absolved. That’s parenting.
Take that child away from these two very dangerous individuals. It would be for their own good. Otherwise there is a very real chance that in 6 years or so he’ll go crazy and attempt to kill the both of them.
Wait a sec. A gay white guy goes “adopts” aka buys a black child, how does anyone not think that’s like buying a black slave.
Slavery should be legal anyway.
Someone should file a complaint with DCS as he is definitely an unfit parent. That kid needs to be put in home with responsible adults.
I swear to God, if I were at this meeting, I would hand this guy a 10 inch dildo , and tell him to go fuck himself, right in front of the entire town meeting
I would paint the entire front of my house to look just like the Confederate flag, but that’s just me…..
Isn’t JFK the same school where a teacher beat off in a closet regularly and tried to bring a student into his beat laboratory?
Yeah… And??
If mental health facilities hadn’t closed their doors twenty years ago, the likes of Rod Hart would be there doodling and making sock puppets. Sadly, however, their now loose on the streets, in classrooms across the country, and ruining childrens’ lives. He needs regular doses of Haldol to help curb his schizophrenia. Unfortunately, that won’t happen. Let’s hope he has a nervous breakdown and does the world a favor and jumps off something really high.
That poor black kid is going to end up so screwed up, the cops will be busting him every weekend.
And PaPa bear deserves a beatin’
What a fairy-ass cunty prick this fuck face is.
Give him a rope, point out a nice tree, and a short list of instructions what to do with it, do us all a favor