Gutless Easthampton Administrators Give Defy The Constitution, Give Into Student Walkout And Bans One Asshole From Wearing Confederate Flag Sweatshirt

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Masslive: Superintendent Nancy Follansbee has reversed her position on the appropriateness of a Confederate flag sweatshirt worn by a student at Easthampton High School. Following a student protest Monday morning, Follansbee announced she would ban the sweatshirt for two days, and that the School Committee would make a determination about the matter at its Tuesday night meeting, confirmed School Committee member Peter Gunn. On Friday, Follansbee had said the sweatshirt would be allowed in school because the student who wears it is exercising his legal and constitutional rights to free speech.
Easthampton superintendent backpedals on Confederate flag sweatshirt; institutes 2-day ban https://t.co/jAg9fDcBzA pic.twitter.com/GqyewnE7YY
— masslivenews (@masslivenews) May 9, 2017
Let me be perfectly clear about where Turtleboy stands on the Confederate flag – we hate it. Not because we find it triggering or hateful, because let’s be honest – the people who are waving it are just trying to get a rise out of social justice warriors. We hate it because of what it represents – treason.
- It represents a collection of the biggest pussy ass bitches in American history who started a war and then surrendered like cowards when General Sherman shoved his foot directly up their rebel anuses.
- It represents an imaginary country that never existed, and was not recognized by a single nation on earth, including Great Britain who was our arch enemy at the time and would’ve loved nothing more than a divided USA.
- It represents a group of armed terrorists who disregarded the Constitution and fired on Americans at Fort Sumter.
- The majority of people who died for that flag were poor southern trash who were fighting a war for wealthy plantation owners who were too cheap to pay their laborers like a legitimate business. These same plantation owners convinced the rabble that it was worthy dying for because of “state’s rights.” Of course “State’s rights” in this case meant, “the rights of states to allow slavery.”
- It represents a group of shit-for-brain dickless assholes who couldn’t get over the fact that Abraham Lincoln won a fair election (sound familiar?)
- It represents an armed insurrection that directly led to to the deaths of more Americans than the rest of our wars COMBINED.
- It represents a group of people who have killed over 100 times more Americans than ISIS and Al-Qaeda put together.
- It represents losers. Because they lost the war.
- It represents a group of people who couldn’t handle defeat and the conspired to murder the greatest president in American history who had just led us through our darkest moment.
With that said, if you wanna wear the flag of traitors, pussies, and terrorists, then go right ahead. Not Turtleboy though, because Turtleboy is a winner. We don’t celebrate losers. Because without freedom of expression this country is worth shit to begin with. And that’s where all these whiny SJWs get it wrong – they’re mad for the wrong reasons. Instead of bringing up the legitimate points that we just did they whine about how the flag hurts their feels. How it makes them feel “unsafe.” When all they should be bringing up is what a blatant contradiction this picture is:
The flag on the right represents a group of people who declared war on the flag on the left, because they no longer wanted to be a part of the flag on the left. You cannot have confederate and American pride at the same time. The two are exact opposites.
The kids who are doing this are assholes. Make no doubt about it. They live in Massachusetts. They have zero connection to the south. There is no reason for them to fly this flag, except to annoy people. And the only reason they’re doing it is because they go to a school that is being taken over by lunatics. Last month these SJWs staged a protest because the white student in this video was not suspended from school, while the black students were. Watch:
Of course the white kid isn’t gonna get suspended. He stood there and was repeatedly punched in the face by three bitches. You don’t get suspended for getting punched in the face. Obviously. Granted the white kid wasn’t exactly completely innocent nor is he sympathetic. He had sent his ex-girlfriend a text message that used the “n word” in reference to one of the other students. Not cool. But he did what anyone who did something like that could do – he apologized. In a civilized country you don’t assault other people because they use racial slurs.
Since then there have been demands for the principal and school resource officer to resign, since he is the father of the white student. Both of these are absurd. There have been countless protests, including a student walkout in which a teacher participated. They have paid a lot of money to a consulting company that puts together diversity training seminars, on top of mountains in lawyer fees. They have made the three students assaulting the white kid into the victims, as they were all featured at the protest:
When you side with assholes like this, and you think that words justify a physical assault, you radicalize the other side. And clearly the other side has chose to start rocking the confederate flag as a sign of resistance. It’s stupid, but social justice warriors created this mess.
'EHS concerns' on Easthampton School Committee agenda as Confederate flag appears in high school parking lot https://t.co/kNvnFCTJsz pic.twitter.com/aWFbUacIsb
— masslivenews (@masslivenews) April 25, 2017
And as usual, Masslive lies:
The CES was hired to help transform the school district’s culture after an alleged assault on school grounds in March led to a student walkout and the arrests of three students of color.
There’s no “alleged assault on school grounds.” It was an assault. We all saw it in the video. The three students deserved to be arrested, and the white student did not. The only culture at EHS that needs changing is the culture of violence that led these three students to think that jumping someone like this was OK. The other kid said something stupid and acknowledges the fact that he was in the wrong.
Of course the biggest joke here is that the GUTLESS superintendent caved to a meaningless student walkout. Once again yesterday, a whole bunch of kids skipped school at EHS and no one got in trouble:
Demonstrators prompt temporary ban on Confederate flag at Easthampton High School https://t.co/BGnPbVAXkK via @dailyhampgaz
— North Street (@northassoc) May 9, 2017
You’ll notice that several parents are contributing to the delinquency of minors, and organizing a protest that specifically targets another student for his choice of clothing. But it’s cool because it’s all in the name of #NoHate. Unless you’re rocking the flag of treason. Then we hate you.
You’ll also notice in that video that a couple recognizable winners were part of the walkout as well:
Yup, the kids from the video who did the assaulting. They’re the victims here. That’s how stupid these people in Easthampton are who have bought into this. Kid getting punched? Bad guy. Kids doing punching? Good guys.
But instead of being reprimanded for finding yet another excuse to skip class, the truant students were rewarded by getting their way – the superintendent backpedaled on her previous ruling and banned the confederate flag sweatshirt this one rabble rouser keeps wearing:
Who gives a shit? I see that sweatshirt and I see a moron. He’s not doing it to intimidate black people. He’s doing it to piss off the white people who are pretending to care about black people, even though they intentionally chose to live in a community that is almost entirely white. Sure, they could live in Springfield where black people actually live, but, ya know, black people have koodies.
Regardless, he has a right to wear it, and the ACLU and the school district’s lawyers agree:
“State and federal law protects a student’s right to freedom of speech, and this includes wearing clothing with a symbol of the Confederate flag,” Follansbee wrote. “The law also limits protection of freedom of speech, but to a limited extent and in limited circumstances, none of which apply to the current situation in our high school.”
So if they try banning the flag, they’re setting themselves up for a major lawsuit that they will lose. Like it or not that flag represents political speech, which is constitutionally protected in schools:
“State and federal law protects a student’s right to freedom of speech, and this includes wearing clothing with a symbol of the Confederate flag,” Follansbee wrote. “The law also limits protection of freedom of speech, but to a limited extent and in limited circumstances, none of which apply to the current situation in our high school.”
There’s nothing more to say. Instead of doing what lawyers are telling them to do, the superintendent is doing what feels good and giving into a mob of assholes armed with nothing more than buzzwords and feelings.
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14 Comment(s)
TurtleBoy caught between a rock and a hard place. How to virtue signal hate of the “rayciss” “white trash” South but still be edgy and against liberals? Secession didn’t have to be any more violent than the breakup of the Soviet Union; the blood is on Abe Lincoln and not the Confederacy which fought a defensive war.
The Confederates and modern secessionists are no more “traitors” than the founding fathers. Wait, actually even less so — North and South have always had vastly different cultures and irreconcilable political differences, a much better reason to break away than a 3% duty on tea or a fee on the paper used in legal documents.
A government entity like the school stepping in strips this piece of crap of his rights. His peers kicking his ass, would be a natural consequence. The right way to handle this is “You are free to wear your sweatshirt, but I cannot assure your safety”. Same scenario as, I would defend your theoretical right to burn an American Flag, but I might attack you if I see you doing it.
Whoa now, we can’t be having a reasonable response and using things like “personal responsibility” and “consequences” here… those are foreign concepts in moonbat SJW-land!
Those little bitches aren’t black, they’re nig nogs. Their shitty attitudes and hatred toward their non-black American peers prove they are nothing but shit and worthy of the title Nigger. [Not really] Sorry, but if someone acts like a piece of pig shit, he is going to be called a piece of pig shit. In this case, Nigger fits perfectly. Again, [not really] sorry.
Be honest, who would you rather have as a neighbor, the white idiot or the the three ghetto rats?
White boy any day of the week.
Had he been wearing a shirt with the U.S. flag instead of the rebel flag, would they have treated him the same way? My guess is that they would have found fault with that as well. Someone would have been offended.
The only flag allowed under lib rules is a rainbow flag.
When you give candy to your child every time they have a tantrum, you teach your child to throw a tantrum to get candy.
SJWs are making this nice little town crazy – and they are NOT the majority. But they are getting all the attention.
Whole generation gets a trophy, a unicorn and a butterfly.
F that – I want a Ducati -_-
It’s okay, they’ll all choose to segregate themselves from the rest of society and everyone will be better off afterward.
“what do you mean we lost the war of northern aggression!?” said every confederate flying hillbilly ever.
And this is why we live in a world full of whiners. So fucking sick of it.
The pussification of America, boofuckinghoo, my feelings are hurt. Sticks and stones……where did we go wrong? I am offended at all the people that get so easily offended…….shit am I becoming one of them?
Nah, worry not. Just start enjoying pissing them all off. That always makes me feel better.