Haverhill Chick Starts GoFundMe For Husband Doing Second Stint In Jail For Breaking Into Cars So She Can “Help Frank Get His Life Back”
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Here’s your GoFundMe scam of the day out of Haverhill:
So apparently Frank Hampson’s wife Meghan got married to him right before he went off to jail in December, in case any Kyle Kennedy’s tried to call dibs in the can. But it’s not Frankie’s first stint in the clink:
Yup, Frank is a real winner. He goes to the gym, not to exercise, but to go through lockers so he can steal people’s car keys, rummage through their wallets, and run up bills in their name. He’s also broken into filing cabinets at City Hall, presumably because there’s buried treasure inside. This was back in 2012. Not sure when he got out, but more than likely he was out on probation after that. Guess what he went back to jail for:
Arrest: Frank David Hampson, 36, 106 Bismarck St., Manchester, theft from a motor vehicle, 12 p.m.
Yup. Same exact shit. Real winner.
Anyway, this is Meghan:
And apparently she looked at this ex-con with a lot going for him and said, “I wanna feel that guy’s chudstuffer inside of me.”
So she decided to settle down with him, and of course while doing so he was up to his usual tricks of breaking into people’s cars and stealing their credit cards. Now that he got pinched she’s begging for money on the Internet. An able-bodied woman in Haverhill, who needs you to take care of her bills because her “husband” is a professional scumbag. Oh, and she doesn’t wanna just live – she wants to live “comfortably.” Plus, Frank is an “amazing, solid, straight up guy.” Because lots of amazing guys do multiple stints in jail because they can’t stop breaking into other people’s cars.
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13 Comment(s)
This is Meghan.
First off – I never created that GoFundMe page for Frank. I divorced him as soon as he got locked up. Someone hacked my Facebook account from his family, & used all my information to start that.
I had a full-time job at the time and made over $800/week. With that being said, there was no way in hell I’d ever start a GoFundMe for my career criminal ex husband.
I do not appreciate whoever ‘turtleboy’ is, posting pictures of me on a website without my approval – or even bothering to hear MY side. Frank put me in debt, used all of my credit cards, and ruined my life. I was filing for divorce while he was getting interrogated.
Make sure when you post pictures of people and try to humiliate them, you have your facts 100% correct. This entire article is bogus and I honestly think you need to seek psychiatric help; learn how to use your time more wisely.
Xoxo ❤️
I’d throw one in her.
I’d give her fifty bucks to smoke my boner.
FFS! Get off your ass girl and get a job! Nobody in their right mind would donate to this lazy, dumbass couple. She’s stupid for not realising this and he’s stupid for not learning the first time he got busted.
Turtleboy’s latest contribution to the community: kicking down people trying to get on their feet.
You can always pick out the real low lives in this world — the people who look for someone struggling that they can pick on.
Turtleboy, this blog has turned into absolute garbage. Surprised you can look your family in the eye after you publish this stuff — taking advantage of the vulnerable for a quick buck.
Ahhh the butthurt
He who we do not speak of still wins the troll ofthe year award. Better luck in 2018 sir.
This young lady needs a job, there are plenty available. She is attractive. Hooter’s in Nashua is hiring, was just there yesterday for lunch. She is much prettier than the others that were working there.
Working is better than begging. Beggars should be shamed. Enablers should be ashamed.
Asking for anything is ridiculous, but $5,000?
well the more you donate, the longer he can go without stealing!
You and I must have a different definition of ‘low life.’ To me Frank, and now Megan, with this ridiculous gofundme is a low life, to you people pointing out criminals and able-bodied people begging for money online is a low life.
It’s liberal logic!
Meghan looks like she should be a cam girl. Probably a good career move as she is no stranger to begging for money. Another idea is to go back to the tat shop and ask for her money back if they remove the tats, should work, right?