Calm down, Porky, it’s not Black Friday yet!
Help ID This Swampscott Swamp Donkey Who Pushed An Elderly Man To The Ground Because He Got Called Out For Stealing A Handicap Space
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Holla atcha girl: NorthShoreTurtlebabe@gmail.com
A million people messaged us this post tonight
This hardo
A flat-brim rockin’, shorts in the winter with high tops and a two sizes too small coat wearin’, typical garbage North Shore salami head was parked in a handicapped spot outside the Boston Market in Swampscott
which happens to be right on Rt 1A… which if you stay on for a short jaunt southwest, you end up in the City of Sin.
An older gentleman had some choice words for this seemingly young and healthy man, what with parking in a handicapped spot and all. Good Samaritan Marcie Berry happened to be standing by, phone at the ready, to record what happened next:
We need a name, and we need it now. $5 says he’s from Lynn.
He drives a silver Camry
Do your thing, Turtles.
22 Comment(s)
There is nothing I hate more than this kind of thing. How is he not charged with assault? There’s a witness. This punkass needs to be put in the stockades for a week preferably near rabid coyotes.
Let him push my old ass down , I promised I will get up and you will meet my gun. Nah just kidding , your hands wouldn’t have made it to push me in the first place.
Punks like this are why we all need licensed and trained concealed carry.
Respect would be appreciated too.
LOL, another commando.
Hoping the older gent has a family member that will be willing to square this up with tubby once his name comes out.
to protect his honor?
He pushed the elderly man because he knows that would be the only fight, he could actually get into and not need his jaw wired shut after. Must feel good to assert that power. What a pussy. Real men don’t do that.
I’ll kick all yo asses!
nope, just gonna troll them
You are a faggot loser motherfucker. I hope when you get old you ass is dragged down some alley and you are whipped to meeting your maker…Satan you POS.
so someone live parked in a handicap spot… so what?
You obviously don’t have a family member with a disability. If someone had done this to my late brother, I would have ripped off their head and shit down their neck.
lol @ comment section commando!
words are the weapons of women my friend… lol
Speaking of, is your last name Hunt?
Let me guess, you also park in handicap spaces even though you are an able-bodied adult?
let me guess, you dont understand what ‘live parking’ means? are you ‘triggered’?
Don’t waste your time arguing with this idiot. He is the type of man who trolls turtleboy comment section because he didn’t have enough money to pay for a piece of ass to keep him company and let him know he is special. I’m sure he will have something great to say in response to what I just said. The suspense is killing me!
Words on the internet hurt me! LOL just kidding.
Well well well, looks like someone is posting redundant stories about pitbulls, elderlies snowflawes in an attempt to get enough clicks to pay her verizon bill. Sorry NSTB but you’re better off blocking parking spaces at the 99’s for a $2 tip like TB used to do.
And here you are giving her page views… Dumb fuck.