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Make sure you are following Clarence Woods Emerson on Facebook turtle riders. Can’t emphasize this enough. Personal pages are MUCH better for interaction now because of Facebook’s new algorithms. We’ve got close to 10,000 turtle riders over there now. It’s where we will be broadcasting live shows from because personal pages get suspended a lot, but they don’t seem to get shut down like our community pages. Click here to follow Clarence Woods Emerson. Don’t friend request, just follow:
Here’s tonight’s agenda for Turtleboy Live at 10 PM from Clarence’s page. See ya then turtle riders!!
2 Comment(s)
I fell you’re pain. Turlteboydid it tome 2. I been irrelevant. Black bro ignore me. I cannot even get a bone in my overalls. I gonna cloose the shades and be forgotten. By cruel word.
Can you do me a favor? Give a shoutout. I need a few gals with strong backs to load a U-Haul and get rid of all these unread Worcester Magazines. Bury them in the woods, throw em in dumpsters, hide them in grandma’s attic. Just get rid of them for me. You ruined my reputation and nobody ever reads my phony rag no more cause of you outing my perversion. So at the least give a shout out. I got three readers and you are bigger then Oprah’s ass. Help a guy out please.