How Much Of A Pussy Is David Price For Pretending To Be Injured So He Won’t Get Booed Tonight At Fenway?
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How much of a pussy is David Price?
David Price will be placed on disabled list due to an elbow issue, source confirms. @MLB @MLBNetwork
— Jon Morosi (@jonmorosi) July 28, 2017
Unreal. What a beat up, gaping vagina. I’ve been looking forward to this Friday night start all week. Ever since it was revealed that Price waited on a Red Sox team flight, surrounded by 20 teammates, and confronted Dennis Eckersley for criticizing one of Price’s teammates in his role as an analyst. Because unlike David Price, Eck does the job he is paid to do – provide honest and critical analysis, regardless of how much it hurts the player’s feels. When the Hall of Fame pitcher tried to say something back to Price he was told to shut the fuck up, and the rest of the team clapped. Because for some reason Price has become the leader of this team, despite being 1-8 in career postseason starts.
Meanwhile there have been conflicting reports that Dustin Pedroia was one of the players who clapped. It doesn’t really matter if he did or didn’t. The only thing that matters is he hasn’t taken control of HIS team. He’s allowing this to continue. And where’s John Farrell? According to him he has not reached out to Eck and neither has Price. So what exactly are we paying this moron to do besides make elementary in-game mistakes that your average Little League coach would never make?
Let’s be perfectly clear here – David Price is not injured. He could pitch tonight. But he’s not going to earn his $31 million a year because he has NO BALLS, and he knows that he will get booed tonight if he sucks. The vast majority of Red Sox fans are sick of his bullshit. It would be one thing if he was putting up Chris Sale numbers. But he’s not. He’s slightly better than mediocre after 1.5 years in Boston. We like winners in Boston, and David Price ain’t a winner.
Oh yea, and the 10 game DL stint coincidentally sets him up to have his next start on the road, where he won’t have to face the music from Red Sox fans:
Price on TEN DAY disabled list. How convenient. Sox go on the road in 10 days. NOBODY buys this gutless crap, Dave. pic.twitter.com/wMu0Ir2g32
— @JohnDennisMAFL (@JohnDennisWEEI) July 28, 2017
Kirk Minihane is allegedly on leave from WEEI, but of course that’s just code for “suspended” because he had the audacity to criticize the disgusting way the Red Sox have handled this whole situation, as well as the Adam Jones racism hoax from May. So his sarcasm game is on point at the moment:
I choose to believe Mr. Price and the Sox organization as a whole. And is it me or has the original programming on NESN been great lately? https://t.co/T2MtuSLElH
— Kirk Minihane (@kirkmin) July 28, 2017
The Red Sox have basically made WEEI state run media. And they think Red Sox fans are too stupid to figure out what’s really going on. Thank God for Patriots, and even the Celtics at this point.
Unfortunately no one believes David Price is really hurt:
David Price : pic.twitter.com/XLN2HVzMe2
— Christian Arcand (@ChristianArcand) July 28, 2017
I need to look into his eyes before determining whether he's telling the truth https://t.co/W7zJLFx46e
— Gerry Callahan (@GerryCallahan) July 28, 2017
Probably could be remedied with ear plugs and a pair of balls… https://t.co/2w555lqmtV
— Glenn Ordway (@GlennDOrdway) July 28, 2017
Fuck this guy. Keep him on the DL forever. If we win without him it’s something I could really enjoy. But like our boy Mike from Woburn points out, winning with him just won’t sit right.
I will always root for the Red Sox and be a Sox fan. But having asshats like Price on the team makes it way less enjoyable.
— Mike From Woburn (@MikeFromWoburn) July 28, 2017
Luckily I won’t have to ever know what it feels like to win with David Price because he can’t win in the playoffs anyway. He’s a bitch. He’s a fraud. He’s an asshole. He’s a pussy. His wife is twice as bad, and tried to fight Turtleboy in Cleveland while her fiance was blowing yet another postseason start.
dude you so can't hurt my feelings. Keep trying tho. I would be happy to meet you so you can say this to my face on Sunday
— Tiffany Nicole Price (@tif_price) October 7, 2016
We all know how she feels about Red Sox fans anyway:
Convinced that there must be a written rule that in order to be a Red Sox fan, you have to be a complete and utter POS. Wow!
— Tiffany Nicole Price (@tif_price) October 4, 2013
And he should be booed relentlessly the next time he steps foot on the mound at Fenway Park. He’s not one of us. Never has been. Manny Ramirez and Pedro got paid insane amounts of money too. Hell even JD Drew did. But ya know what all of those guys did? They produced in the postseason. They earned their money. And they didn’t go after media members who were critical of them. Anyone who doesn’t boo him probably sings Sweet Caroline when the Red Sox are losing and goes to games so they can take selfies and put them on Instaface.
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16 Comment(s)
How did this work out for you? 🙂 🙂
This was an affirmative action signing. Zero chance that Sox would have picked up Price if he was white. Liberal terrorist scum.
That Glenn Ordway Tweet though :joy:
Calling Price a pussy is an insult to pussies everywhere. More like a petulant toddler.
I love this little ditty from the Sox web site:
“Inflamed left elbow lands Price on DL”
Come on all join in – This article heading needs some major tweaking. Let’s see who got the juice. I’ll start off with, “Inflamed hair across ass lands Price on Diaper List.”
Turtle boy, I agree with your take, price is a bitch with a tampon permanently lodged in his mangina. However, what were u thinking posting mike in woburns tweet? That over hyped mouth breathing Hillary voting Elizabeth Warren loving gas bag is the worst caller on sports radio, even worse than Steve in Fall River. You know he blows felger and offers his ass to the sperm burping jimmy stewart, and all of them wouldn’t even pull out their dicks and piss on u if u were on fire to try and put it out. I suggest u retract his tweet from this story.
Should’ve taken him to the “confession booth” 20 years ago…
Will never pitch at Fenway in a Red Sox uniform again. Will pitch once in about 12 days, and then will shut it down needing Tommy John surgery. Will make it city to Pawtucket in 2018 then opt out
Sadly, David Price is proof that Millennials never outgrow their douchey behavior. They are going to be entitled till the day they die.
I don’t blame him Boston fans are awful and Remy,what a sick club for gay Boston,remember when there were no pats fans around. Worst fans
Pretty sad state of affairs when you’re scared to pitch in front of your own home crowd. I think we are witnessing career suicide. Maybe he don’t need the money? Ya ok. More like a shrink!
The Bobby Valentine of pitchers…
This is an insult to pussies.
Sore elbow? Awwww poor baby, but you should have known that’s what happens to jack offs.
E-mailed the Sox and told them how disappointed i was in their handling of this mess. I expected better from them.
no im really hurt look see
yeah im not well i need rest and stuff now or i might blow up
really sore here somtingwong