I Can’t Wait Until One Of These Junior Hoodboogers Swerving Bikes At Cars Finally Gets Introduced To Darwinism
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This Week In Worcester: A dangerous new trend called “swerving” is interrupting Worcester traffic and the Worcester Police department has created a task force to put an end to it. In a communication from Worcester Police Chief Steve Sargent to City Manager Edward Augustus, Sargent said, “Swerving involves teens riding their bicycles into oncoming traffic and veering away at the last minute as well as doing wheelies and stunts on busy streets. The new trend has been reported by municipalities and police departments across the country. This new trend is potentially deadly and is putting the general public at risk.”
According to the WPD, police officers have identified teenagers purposely blocking traffic and surrounding vehicles. The police department also refers to several reports of vandalized and damaged OFO bicycles -a new bike-sharing program that launched last month in Worcester. The WPD task force will be made up bike patrols patrolling neighborhoods throughout the city. The video below was taken on Tuesday, Oct. 17 and several OFO bicycles can be seen in the group of nearly three dozen kids on bicycles interrupting traffic on Franklin and Foster streets in downtown Worcester.
So we saw this video on Pat Sargent’s new startup website ThisWeekInWorcester.com. Definitely support stuff like this because it’s the future of news media. There’s no reason hacks like Worcester Magazine and the Turtlegram and Gazette should be anyone’s go to source for local news. Literally anyone with a blog can do what they do. They just need people to click on their blogs so follow Pat’s new site on Facebook.
Anyway, kids on bikes are the new plague. And I can’t wait for the day when one of these little hoodboogers finally gets hit by a car. They totally deserve it. They’re literally riding bikes directly at buses and shit and swerving at the last moment. And yea, I said that children deserve to get hit by a bus. Deal with it. It’s the truth and everyone knows it.
And of course they’re wearing no helmets because safety is wicked gay. Look at these shitheads:
And you best believe that once one of them does get hit by a car their “parents” will finally emerge from their third floor section 8 apartment in Vernon Hill and pretend to care about them. They’ll see a pay day, blame someone else for their own failures as parents, and raise holy hell. And we will be there to publicly shame the shit out of them.
These kids are blocking traffic, going through major intersections in packs, scaring the shit out of little old ladies, and half of them are on the yellow ride sharing bikes:
These things continue to be destroyed and littered all over the city:
They’ve even made it all the way to Webduh:
And they figured out that if you just smash the GPS off, the bike now belongs to you:
Gee, never saw that one coming.
Oh yea, and they’re using them to go around selling drugs and opening car doors that don’t belong to them:
Watch that video at the top again,
and then contrast it with the propaganda video that Fast Eddie Augustus and the McGovern Crime Family put out when the OSO bikes were first introduced to Worcester:
Or compare it to these junior hoodrats smashing a bike just for the fuck of it at Maranville Park:
They really think you’re stupid. There’s no other way to explain it. They’re trying to sell Worcester residents that we’re some magical place where everyone wants to move because they’re building a bunch of luxury condos downtown. They’re trying to make you believe that Worcester is some yuppie metropolis where a bike sharing program could actually work. But people who live here know better. They know that Worcester will always be a junior hoodrat cocoon, and the bike sharing program was destined to fail. We just didn’t know that the failure would be this spectacular.
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30 Comment(s)
There are about 14 of these punks that every day ride their bikes down Pelham, over to Blossom, down Russel and the whole time backing up traffic because the people driving cars are afraid to hit them. They see me coming and move. I have told them, ” I will hit you, get the f*** off the road.” To those who believe these are innocent kids just riding their bikes and don’t know any better….Why don’t you come to the “hood” for a week and see just how innocent they are?? And I can tell you right now , 100%, that if 1 of them IS hit, that whole street..you will see parents that were no where to be found, come pouring out of their apts, along w/ extended family to beat down the bad driver! Truth!
If Gaffney had come up with the Bike rental program we wouldn’t see one negative blog about it, Hypocrisy!
little fuckers are lucky i wasnt driving by. i would have thrown my beer at them.
I hope they get hit and paralyzed so their families suffer. Sick of these jr hood rats!!!! If we lessen population by half it will be a better Worcester
what did the black kid get for Christmas? answer: my bike
Worcester is no JUNIOR hoodrat cocoon. It’s just as shitty and a hole in the Earth as any of the other ghettos in the state stop defending your rathole of a town TB
You don’t read so well, do you?
Gas up the Freedom Mobile. Need to do it just like Charlottesville. Run em down, shatter their bones and leave pools of blood and organs sprayed all over the pavement. Then throw it in reverse and hit em again until they’re lying there mangled and begging for death.
Check out Youtube for “bosozoku”. Japanese gangs of pickle smoochers on 125cc’s that ride around en masse surrounding cars and whatnot. Similar and more organized; it’s like a feeder system for the Yakuza over there.
How old are these a$$wipes?
Why can’t they put the gps somewhere it can’t be so easily removed? I visit Chicago almost monthly for work and they have an extensive bike share program. The downtown area of Chicago is quite beautiful, very much gentrified, not like the areas you hear about on the news. These light blue bikes are everywhere, it is a hindrance when you are a pedestrian or a driver but you definitely get used to it. I will tell you there is no shortage of homeless people hanging out in this area, they are just always the same ones. One guy who hangs out on I think it was the corner of west wackier dr and north Dearborn or state st literally keeps his head in a box. He is sitting on a Home Depot bucket leaning over with his head and shoulders in a cardboard box just chilling doing god knows what. Anywhere under the L (train) you will find crazy ratchet. These people have learned that keeping the well off people of this area happy so they can enjoy their spare change. Much smarter than Worcester’s ratchets.
Yeah ok buddy, go south of Roosevelt or west of Western ave and tell us all about your perceived utopia. Try riding the El anywhere after 10pm. Hang out latenite on Clark and Halstead? Chicago is a shithole death trap most citizens there will never escape.
Losers who do things, such as swerving, and block traffic, deserve to get run over. Unfortunately, even if it isn’t the driver’s fault (the motor vehicle operator), he will get sued and his insurance company will settle with the “victim” instead of fighting it because it is cheaper to settle than it is to hire a lawyer and fight it. This is why we have so many frivolous lawsuits.
Where’ s the guy in the jacked pick-up that runs down turkeys when you need him.
(Just kidding you sensitives)
Winter’s coming anyways. Problem solved.
The only Ofo bikes you’ll see will be the ones crushed in snowbanks.
Only if the city decides to actually plow the streets this year
“The only Ofo bikes you’ll see will be the ones crushed in snowbanks.”
Can’t wait for the TB photos of 10′ snow banks with share bikes, Christmas trees and leaf pile leftovers sticking out of them, and a recycling bin on the top!
I was just thinking that those brush bars that were on every ghetto bound pickup and SUV in the 90s will come back into style this time with a purpose
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again……They MAKE you hate them.
I was just showing that I dont need training wheels any more
What do you mean “parents” I guarantee most of these shitheads dont even know who their baby daddy is
Thankfully I don’t live near any of these turd-infested areas of the city
Springfield doesn’t have a bike sharing program, but these little fuckers are in the road downtown all the time, swerving through traffic on bikes, skateboards, and rollerblades. I can’t wait to see one (or more) taken out by a bus, but I agree their welfare skag parents will act like their little angel would never do such a thing, play the race card, and sue the city.
“My son is INNOCENT!”
“Why you DRIVIN’ like that?”
“He’s just a little boy!”
“You RACE-hiss!!!”
“Where’s my settlement check?”
I can hear it already.
They are why Worcester sucks.
Sons of Assholery.
Thuglets training to be Thugs. Mayor Petty? We ran into a dozen on Southbridge Street. Mad Max like.
Please tell me that by ‘ran into’, you mean you plowed through the group with a monster truck.