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Remember in January when we published this blog about the two Worcester trashbags who were videotaping themselves sexually assault a two year old in the Walmart parking lot? Yea, this week a judge basically let one of them out:
A judge reduced bail Tuesday for a woman accused of taking pictures while a male companion allegedly sexually assaulted a 2-year-old girl in January. Over a prosecutor’s objections, Judge James G. Reardon Jr. lowered Mary McForbes’ bail from $25,000 cash to $1,000 cash with GPS monitoring after a hearing in Worcester Superior Court. Ms. McForbes, 27, of 53 Perry Ave. and a co-defendant, 25-year-old Joshua D. Rezsnyak of the same address, are each awaiting trial on charges of child rape aggravated by age difference, indecent assault and battery on a child and reckless endangerment of a child.
The two were charged after a witness reported to police that he saw a man, later identified as Mr. Rezsnyak, engaging in a sexual act with a child Jan. 18 in a vehicle near the Walmart on Tobias Boland Way. The witness said a woman, later identified as Ms. McForbes, appeared to be taking pictures of the alleged assault, according to court records. Ms. Pashou said investigators obtained a search warrant for the suspects’ home Jan. 18 and recovered three used diapers from a trash can. One of the diapers tested positive in a screening for the presence of a seminal fluid enzyme, according to Ms. Pashou, who said forensic testing was being conducted.
When you guys get out of jail we will hire you at the @telegramdotcom !
— Party Waren Kebber (@WebbDawgTG) January 22, 2018
This is the precedent that Judge Thomas Maguire started when he reduced Kevin Quinn’s killer because he was too poor to afford $35K bail, so he lowered it to $1,000. Get used to it. Assholes everywhere are about to be unleashed in Massachusetts because of these killer judges. Add James Reardon to the judicial hall of shame:
He’s a Charlie Baker appointee that became a judge after a unanimous 8-0 vote by the Governor’s Council.
But please, tell me more about how Charlie Baker is a reformer who wants to clean up Deval Patrick’s mess. It’s pretty much the exact same thing. Now a Main South gutterslug who was filming a 2 year old being sexually assaulted so she could sell the videos on child pornography sites will be out of jail as soon as she can scrounge up a grand. Feel free to email your Governor’s Council representative to let them know what you think of James Reardon ignoring the advice of the ADA and lowering Mary McForbes’ bail from $25K to $1K. Contact info can be found in this blog.
29 Comment(s)
The broad who hit someone’s car because they have a Trump bumper sticker got a higher bail than $1000. This is FUCKED.
Judge James G. Reardon Jr., Mary McForbes, and Joshua D. Rezsnyak,
You are all beyond disgusting and repulsive scum-shitbags. Joshua – you’re a child rapist, so I’m pretty sure they’ll take care of you in jail. Mary – you actively participated by allowing the crime to happen. You’ll get yours in prison too. Judge Reardon – you repulse me just as much — doth protest too much, me thinks? I suspect that’s the case. You arrogant fuck.
Judge Reardon – they found Josh’s jizz in the the baby’s diaper. Mary did nothing to stop it. You lowered her bail (I would want to knock their fucking teeth out). What message were you sending again? They don’t deserve comfort, acceptance or any kind of support. I hope some rogue pedo-hunter in prison sends the message you can’t.
Get Fucked,
These two pieces of shit need to be executed, after babysitting the Judge’s kids for a month, unsupervised.
Watch what these judges in Novi, Michigan give a nonviolent scumbag for bond (MA should follow suit):
“McForbes”. Looks like another Irish guy got shitfaced and stuck his dick in something he wishes he could forget. When your benders result in some shit-brown deviant like that, it’s time to quit the sauce.
Don’t bother reading? The “Irish” one is the girl. BTW Forbes (as in Steve, the guy who ran for president and his gay dad Malcolm who loved wearing plaid skirts and as in John Kerry’s Mom’s family is a Scottish name)
These asshole judges, along with full retard state guvment, can’t seem to grasp that bail amount is supposed to be a deterent to committing crimes! WTF!!
Needs to be terminated from his duties as a judge!
We can’t even police the insanity we already have here, so we might as well let the rest of the world funnel-in, unchecked…it can’t get any worse…or can it?
Let’s find-out; continue to vote for the D!!
PS, I know the judge is Baker’s choice, but Baker is a fraud R.
At best, Tall Deval is progressive liberal. The D’s in Mass went full retard liberal long ago.
Also, too many people believe that being a Democrat is like it was pre-LBJ. LBJ’s Great Society started the ball rolling towards full retard left.
Thanks for the $1 bail. See ya in Paraguay!
Feel free to email your Governor’s Council representative to let them know what you think of James Reardon ignoring the advice of the ADA and lowering Mary McForbes’ bail from $25K to $1K
You do realize that these folks are political hacks, right? You don’t even get to be in consideration unless you are one of the chosen to begin with. Everything from that point on is window dressing.
Some of these hacks are former judges. They may not be anymore but they have a bond that won’t be broken.
The other issue is pre-judge and judge are 2 different things. For some reason once they become judges they become unhinged. But, you never see that before hand.
When I was kid, we’d go to Sunday Church and my father would give a couple a ride home (the man had a medical condition that kept him from driving) and sometimes the couples daughter and SIL would get a lift also. I’d be sitting in the middle of the front seat with SIL in the passenger seat. The SIL was a pretty good lawyer and a nice guy.
He became a Mass. Supreme Court judge now retired. Some of the BS he ruled on via legal gymnastics was staggering. I always think on some of his rulings, “Pop, all you had to do was drive the car into a tree and the state of Mass. might look a little different”. So, if you want to blame the judges in this state, you can blame my old man.
Blessing in disguise? She will soon be available for street justice?
Good point. Watching the shit stain who raped baby having his yogurt slinger removed with a cheese grater would be a sweet sight to behold.
Maybe I just have a soft spot for pedophiles
Like a good liberal you ruled for the sake of the children.
Baker the faker put in liberal hach. When reached for comment, Baker said he was disappointed very disappointed
I just heard I was governor and maybe this is something I am suppose to look into Is that true ?
You know these liberal creatures condone this type of shit. There is a video where a guy walks around cali asking liberals what they think about incest. The liberals all have no problem with that kind of shit because, in the name of sexual progressiveness & shit. I know incest is a far stretch from doing what was done to that little girl. It does however show how fucked up & diseased the liberal mind is. The guy who made the videos name is mark Dice. I encourage you all to watch it.
I’m surprised they are still even alive. Must both have been in punk city where no one could get too em. Please dont say well “shit shes going to have a rough life now” yeah definitely not. She might never get a job but it’s not like she had one anyway. We are still going to be caring for this trashbag through tax dollars. We were doing it before & will do it again. Nothing has changed, well the only thing that has changed is now shes a babie ripper! She will be known by all as the chick who helped a dude rip her daughter. She will find another dude because there are dudes desperate enough to fuck with her. She will turn this around and play the victim & the feeble minded idiots will believe her. Nothing is ever going to change unless we bring back true public shaming, like putting people in stocks until they are hung at the gallows! You know why prior to the early 60s there was not alot of this shit happening? It’s because there were hardly any liberals in office. Look what happened when people started voting for liberals. You got crime, filth & disease in every major city o & let’s not forget the kkk.
That’s why Turtleboy exists.
I always figure a cage and the person dressed in a pink bunny suit instead of stocks in a public location. The best public location would be a shopping mall or shopping center. “Look mommy why does that man look like the Energizer Bunny?”
I’d personally take a month in jail for every day of enduring that. Jail is out of site out of mind. Shame IS a wonderful thing if you embrace it and use it as a tool for bettering yourself.
All pedos should be executed.
Has the word pedophile lost it’s negative meaning with people? Maybe we need to say baby raper, or rapist of babies and toddlers, child rapist. Raping a toddler…. think about what that means….. beyond coprehension for decent people, releasing a toddler rapist on one thousand dollars bc fairness and stuff.
These judges need to be arrested and prosecuted as co defendants in any crime the criminals commits while out on bail. Judges enabling sick and violent criminals are no different from a getaway driver in a bank robbery where a security guard is murdered.
Criminals saturate this state at the top and the bottom. We are sandwiched between a massive protected class of street criminals who we pay for their everything. A well documented massive layer of criminals in the agencies tasked with fighting crime and we pay their everything. They must be laughing so hard at us as we go to work and fund their pensions and second vacation house at the top and we fund their suboxone treatment, free needles, iPhone and tats on the bottom.
That’s why I took my tax dollars and left the state. I know not everyone can do it, but you sure as hell should try, even if it takes years. It’s not utopia, but in some other states you might feel a little better when the tax bill comes due.
make it a hashtag #KillerJudge
The judiciary is this state is soul-less and without a moral compass.
Hey “Judge” Riordan ! I know you’re gonna be tipped off that you’re Turtle Boy famous and will likely read this:
Would your actions be the same if someone was caught complicit in boinking your child or grandchild? Would it ?
Cretins like you should be ashamed. But I’m sure you’re not….as you are inflicted with that incurable disease called liberalism.
Hey “Judge” ! Get fucked !
The east and west coasts are lost to progressive liberals… the sooner the oceans rise to flood them, the better off the rest of the country will be.
What is happening to this country. Children are no longer safe. I mean animals seem to have more protection. These judges are just complete imbeciles. I mean the poor child had no way to defend herself against these animals. I mean the mother wasn’t even trying to stop this. What the hell is it going to take to have some sort of law and order brought back into this country.I just don’t get it anymore. I tell you what if I see something like this happening to a child it won’t end up with them having a chance in court. Justice is certainly blind.