Herald: The parents of a 1-year-old Lawrence girl who was hospitalized for fentanyl exposure were ordered held without bail Tuesday on drug trafficking charges — after cops said the couple initially lied about where their daughter found the pill. Mcdanner Pereyra and Jennifer Ouch, both 27, of Lawrence, were charged with trafficking a Class A substance (fentanyl), illegal possession of ammunition and possession of a large-capacity magazine. They were arraigned in Lawrence District Court and are being held pending a dangerousness hearing on Feb. 26.
Ouch brought her daughter to the Lawrence General Hospital emergency room Sunday after she found the toddler with a pill in her mouth, court records show. Both Lawrence police and the Department of Children and Families responded to the hospital Monday afternoon, a Lawrence police report said. A doctor told police the girl’s urine screening tested positive for fentanyl, the report stated.
Ouch and Pereyra initially told police they had taken their two children to a Methuen trampoline park the day before and then went shopping at Target. Pereyra told police that on the ride home Ouch said their daughter had put a small, round blue pill that she found on the floor of the store into her mouth. Ouch told police a similar story, and said she thought the pill was candy, the report said. But the couple’s 6-year-old son told police his sister stayed in the shopping cart the entire time at Target, and that once home she made a “yucky face” and that’s when Ouch took the blue pill out of her mouth, the report said.
Pereyra later “apologized for lying to us and stated that he was afraid of what DCF would do if they heard that she [his daughter] found the pill at home,” telling police he “told his girlfriend to lie” about where the incident occurred and that “he believed that his daughter found the pill at home or on her way into the house,” the police report stated.
Police searched the couple’s apartment and seized 43.9 grams of suspected fentanyl, 2 1/2 “Xanax bars,” 17 tablets imprinted for promethazine hydrochloride, a large digital scale and $896 in cash found under a mattress. Police also found a gun box with a high-capacity magazine loaded with 11 9 mm rounds, a holster and a safety manual for a semiautomatic pistol, as well as four boxes of 7.62 mm rounds, 23 loose 9 mm rounds, and 20 loose 7.62 mm rounds, the report said. Pereyra denied owning a gun and “denied dealing Fentanyl or any other drugs outside of Marijuana,” the report said. Court records show Pereyra was found guilty of possession with intent to distribute a Class B substance in 2012. DCF took custody of both children. Authorities said the parents could face more charges.

I for one am shocked that these two gutter pigs would be shitty parents. The Lawrence PTA meetings will never be the same. The most egregious part of this story is that her last name is Ouch. I shit you not. Ouch. And from the looks of her Facebook page she plays the loving mother of 2.
Gotta love their failed attempt at lying too. “My 1 year old found a blue pill on the ground at Target so instead of being a responsible parent I just let her keep sucking on it for hours and then she got sick.”
Because when my crotch fruits pick foreign objects up off the ground at Target and put it into their mouths I just kind of let them do their thing. It’s not like the Methuen-Lawrence area is crawling with diseases or anything like that.
These poison peddlers should never, ever, ever get to see their kids again. Parenting isn’t a three strikes and you’re out situation. If you’re dealing drugs out of your home, not only are you destroying other people’s lives, you’re also endangering your children. Drug dealers get robbed. And from the looks of it he’s got a gun that he keeps somewhere else, since they found a bunch of rounds, a gunbox, and a Goddamn manual for how to use a semiautomatic pistol. They’re selling fentanyl, zanny bars, and pills, but Knobjob Marley says they’re only selling weed.
I’d love to see them lock them up and ship their kids off to a home where they can actually have a shot at life, but then again this is Massachusetts so they’ll probably have them back for supervised visits within a couple weeks.
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32 Comment(s)
I’m so sick of hearing addicts say the only person they are hurting is themselve. Bullshit. Too many babies are getting into fkn stashes and dying or overdosing from it. Does it feel good knowing this could have been avoided if you didn’t have the poison in your possession that provided all of this to happen? I hate them. I hate anyone who don’t fkn get this who issue. Give these kids a damn chance
Considering she didn’t drop dead the second that pill touched her lips, I’m guessing this isn’t the first time babes got a taste. I’m legitimately surprised Ouch didn’t just narcan her and call it a day.
Build the Wall to stop the supply of fentanyl.
Oh, and stick these two on the other side of the Trump Wall with Die Hard signs that read in Spanish “I snitch on Cartels!.”
Well Adios, you have confirmed you’re fucking retarded. 80% of the fentanyl coming into the country makes it way through California from ocean illegal importation and Canadian cross over. All building your wall will do is increase the demand and profits the Chinese underground is basking in. You should study your bitching points. The wall is wanted to stop the wetbacks first and foremost. Conservatives scare folks with the violence and drug scare tactics, but it is really economics, perceived lost jobs (which they generally take those no one wants anyway) and the social service costs. A wall may help those issues, but do not think for one minute you fucking cum swallowing idiot it will stop the flow of fentanyl coming into this country. I will pray your children are not fucking retarded.
This is disgusting. Why on God’s mother fucking green earth would a parent think it’s a good idea to keep drugs and a loaded weapon (probably not even locked up properly) in a home with young children? Where is that mother’s maternal instinct?? Like, hmmmm, “maybe I should get out of this situation for my kids??” Maybe I give people too much credit and assume they know better. I mean, we aren’t in Florida soooo…???
Sadly, these kids absolutely WILL have supervised visits with these gene contributors shortly. Our dear saint-of-a-couple-of-human-beings friends are foster parents for DCF and they take on tough cases (I know they all are): opiate addicted babies; babies basically left for dead by way of malnutrition because mommy needs to get fucked up on pills; etc. —you know, classy shit. Sadly, these parents have not only been given weekly supervised visitations (which trigger such negative responses in these poor babes, like vomiting), but have even been given custody again!
Fret not, 6 months later the same child will end up back with our friends because they lose like 6 pounds (half their body weight at the time, btw). Our system is broken as fuck. This shit makes me want to hug my babies a little tighter (oh wait, I already do that because I’m not a piece of shit parent).
Sorry for the rant. But yeah, these “parents” are pieces of shit and don’t deserve their kids. Ouch. Burn. (See what I did there?)
These are not parents, not by a long shot. These are breeders. There is a huge difference.
Yeah never talk to cops if you are dealing fent, smack and have a bunch of stolen guns in your crib while your walking welfare checks are sampling the merchandise. If you were a law abiding, productive member of society and not some pos hoodbooger you’d have no problem talking to a cop. More cops, less pond sum.
Wtf you expect? This is low rents we are talking about. Fucking shithole.
These 2 are trash but this is an excellent example if why you should never talk to cops. Ask for a lawyer and NEVER. TALK. TO. COPS.
But, but the police always tell the suspects things will go smoother if they “cooperate”.
Glad some of us aren’t too ignorant to believe a sworn officer wouldn’t to anybody to advance their careers. Everybody is guilty in a police officers mind; they let the courts sort it out, since sworn police officers aren’t disciplined when they make mistakes and false accusations
Promethazine is used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting related to certain conditions (such as motion sickness, or before/after surgery). It is also used to treat allergy symptoms such as rash, itching, and runny nose. It may be used to help you feel sleepy/relaxed before and after surgery or to help certain narcotic pain relievers (such as meperidine) work better. The suppository form is used when medications cannot be taken by mouth.
Had no idea what that was.
Purple Drank, also known as Lean, is a mixture of a prescription cold medication with a soda drink like Sprite or Mountain Dew, plus ice and Jolly Rancher candies often added for color and taste. The cold medication is one that contains promethazine (an antihistamine) and codeine.
Effects of Purple Drank include:
Constricted pupils that do not respond well to light
Rough, raspy voice
Slow, slurred speech
Uncontrolled eye movement
Droopy eyes
Slowed heart rate
Loss of balance
Loss of coordination
Urinary tract infection
Dental problems
Save your acrylics, manicures and pedicures all around!
Friends mystified by death in harbor
Lawrence man’s car found in sea
They can’t seem to make sense of it.
A day after Pedro Rodriguez’s death, his friends say they are searching for answers as to what led the 25-year-old Lawrence man to apparently drive into the Boston Harbor behind the University of Massachusetts, where his body was discovered Saturday.
He had been a student at the school, according to university officials.
“We’re trying to understand why he would do this,’’ said McDanner Pereyra, 24, a childhood friend from Lawrence. “No one understands this.’’
Maybe Pedro picked up something off the floor of a Target store….
Rots of ruck with DCF beeeatches!
Ha, they’re probably thrilled to have a free baby-sitter for the next couple months
Jesus I thought Aquaman got arrested for a moment.
” But the couple’s 6-year-old son told police his sister stayed in the shopping cart the entire time at Target, and that once home she made a “yucky face” and that’s when Ouch took the blue pill out of her mouth, the report said.”
Law of the hood, Snitches get Stitches.
Just take them out back and bury them. The kids will survive better as orphans.
The only thing good coming out of Lawrence and Lowell is the Cambodian breast milk.
I saw these two on the news this morning. If I could have reached through the screen I would have strangled both of these fucking Shitstains
Two Democrats hitting for the cycle: DCF, fentanyl, food stamps, EBT, Medicaid, free daycare, free housing, no working, Lawrence.
I’m cheating on my taxes so hard this year even the IRS will blush.
I parked in a handicapped space today.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Know what Randy? I believe you. Must be tough to go through life completely amoral.
I feel for you buddy!!!
I forgot to My new vibrating butt plug arrived today
“Two Democrats hitting for the cycle: DCF, fentanyl, food stamps, EBT, Medicaid, free daycare, free housing, no working, Lawrence.” – Haha, it’s called Section 8 BINGO.
Dude looks like Colon Krappernick in dreads.
Don’t comment about other peoples lives unless you actually know them. Both had jobs and it was “suspected” fentanyl in the bags.
So, apparently it is normal to have an array of “suspected” illegal drugs in one’s domicile?
Does he have a “suspected” FID card for the “suspected” firearms and ammo?
How about the “suspected” neck tattoos – oh wait – those aren’t illegal.
Hey “Girl Please”
Number 1: Suspected drugs, not confirmed drugs- This is now a week later.
Number 2: Suspected Firearms and ammo- Get your facts straight, there was NO FIREARM FOUND. Only ammo.
Number 3: Two other people lived in the apartment. Clothing designers such as the defendant use bullets on occasion to make urban clothing.
Summary: Based on the tattoo quote, I am sorry. I’m sorry you barely graduated High School. I’m sorry your MAGA shirt wont fit anymore. I’m sorry your scale stopped working. (Yes its OK hun, you can go have that extra pint of ice cream. That scale is old and must have misread your weight. No way that arrow really made it past 300 pounds right?)
I’m sorry you suck!