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Some local clam pooper posted this yesterday in the Truth About Worcester Facebook page….
All I really need to know about this woman is that she shops at Aeropostale. AKA welfare Abercrombie.
So let me get this straight. You showed up at the Auburn mall Aeropostale right before closing to do a return and the gate was down. Instead of just coming back the next day, BECAUSE THE GATE WAS DOWN, you elected to go underneath the gate, the manager told you they were closed, you caused a scene, refused to leave, took pictures, demanded names, and she’s the bad guy?
First of all, where’s the proof that this happened at 5:40. You could take a picture of the employee, so why not take that picture and screenshot it on your phone with the time showing like this?
So that people know what time this happened. Otherwise I guess we’ll just have to take your word for it. And you seem like such a trustworthy and reliable creature.
Oh, and using a Facebook group to attack a woman who probably doesn’t make very much money, suggest her husband is cheating on her, being a pain in the ass at closing time, and demanding to know her name (like she’s a cop) totally doesn’t make you look like a plate of refried ass nuggets.
What’s really sad is that big chains like this usually just end up throwing these cretins gift cards because it’s better than fighting the negative publicity. Basically pay them to shut the fuck up.
What’s even sadder is how many people blindly believe an unconfirmed anecdote from a dog filtered dick cushion who basically admitted to being THAT customer who keeps a store full of employees from leaving on time by barging through a closed gate:
How do you know she refused to pass her name long? Because this jizz whistle said so?
Sounds legit.
Excuses for her rudeness? What rudeness? I saw a picture of a woman working at Aeropostale. That’s it. It never ceases to amaze me how morons like this will literally believe ANYTHING that is posted on Facebook. It’s remarkable.
Ho, you are a grown woman using the dog filter. Class dismissed.
Bitch, you’re named after a shade of pink. Pay your cell phone bill online like a normal person. This ain’t 1997.
Some more reasonable people tried to explain to her what a pain in the grundle she probably was to the employees….
Or you could just come back the next day instead of getting there at 5:58 (no one actually believes you were there at 5:40).
Keep in mind, she’s trying to use the mob take away someone’s livelihood because of a perceived slight. And to what end?
Oh good. “Some laughs.” Yup, she’s the good person here.
What if the woman has kids and loses her job because of this?
Not her problem!
Someone pointed out that her cuntiness was a perfect example of first world problems, which it is. And as you can see, she didn’t get it:
Newsflash jizz whistle – she’s talking about you, not the manager.
Keep in mind, this is a woman who clearly thinks she’s a level above low wage mall workers….
Of course when you flip food stamps for a living it’s easy to laugh at people who do actual work every day.
And when you go to her page it’s quite clear that this chick craves attention:
She posted about her “best friend” dying a billion times. And don’t get me wrong, that sucks. But after the 20th time you posted about it it’s no longer really about your friend. It’s about you, and getting people to feel sorry for you.
Finally a rigorous debate broke out about whether or not what she did was illegal:
So many Internet lawyers, so little time. No. Just no. Of course it’s not “slander” to take someone’s picture in public. Because there’s zero expectation of privacy in a public setting. It’s why stores are allowed to have surveillance cameras. It’s why the papparazzi is allowed to follow anyone they want around all day and report in on what they bought for lunch.
Ummmm….because it’s children in school. Little different from people in a mall hun.
But according to the jizz whistle it’s actually her who will be doing the suing…..
Honestly, it’s still more legit and less embarrassing than what Mike Gaffney is suing us for. She’s right though – you can sue for slander. Because anyone can sue anyone for anything. Doesn’t mean you’re gonna win.
The bottom line is that if you get to a store or restaurant five minutes before closing and you can see that they’re closing up, just come back tomorrow. It’s really not a big deal. But if you see the gate’s down and you still barge in, take pictures, and demand names like the problem ISN’T you, you’re pretty much guaranteed to end up on Turtleboy. Just sayin.
29 Comment(s)
Mwa-ha ha [evil laugh]
You know what’s neat about being a giant guy?* I can go to a store five minutes before closing and the clerks are like, “Oh My God, That guy’s so freakishly tall he must be a basketball player! Let him come in! He has to be a pro-basketball player! Does anyone recognize him? Be nice to him! Who does he play for? No one can be that tall and not be a professional B-baller. Christ! He’s gigantic! He’s taller and bigger than Shawn Bradley and Yao Ming! Be nice to him, Kiss his ass, Maybe he has free passes to hand out. Get his autograph if he’s someone.” (and) Four or five clerks walk with me, staring up at me. I offer to come back some other day, at a better time, but they insist it’s okay that I stay, and they’ll keep a register unlocked till I’m through. I say, “Are you sure?” and they give the excuse that they have to stay, anyhow, to clean up, and that they have to ‘do stuff’ before they leave. I’d hate to disappoint them with the fact that I’m just a nerd who inherited genetic gigantism, and I didn’t even play basketball in high school, because I’m big klutz when it comes to anything athletic. I just get what I needed from the store, thank them, and apologize for holding them up.
I don’t purposely go to stores at closing time. It only happened a few times, unintentionally.
*(It’s not really a ‘neat’ thing about my life. My life sucks. FML)
You’re giving her WAY too much credit saying it was 5:58. It was probably 6:05 and they were checking out the last couple customers. Seen shit like this way too many times where twat waffles think that they’re entitled to enter a store because there’s people in there. Like they think the employees just materialize at open and disappear right at close.
Maybe they would have let her in if she wasn’t sportin a Kneegrow…….I see future Niglets with EBT cards.
Get up before noon like a normal person.
Do your business at a reasonable hour then go home and roll around in $1 bills.
Can we talk about Meghan Harlacher….
What the fuck is wrong with all these white chicks banging all these moolies ? The Kartrashians have glorified being a mud-shark.
This lowlife piece of shit that looks like she’s not equipped to clean the floors at McDonald’s. I’m sure she is some welfare queen who couldn’t pass a GED if she had the answers. She’s probably giving $20 blowers in the rat infested alleys of Worcester. Please please let her overdose. She’s a waste of oxygen and a burden to taxpayers who fund her tattoos, meth, Newport Lights, iphone and planned parenthood visits.
Haha not even her first time.on here…. Grew up a few years a head of her in school, she was always a wanna be gangsta…. Still loved her last time.on this blog where she was quoted saying the cops threw bullshit charges on her
I am starting to see a trend here. If you don’t agree with someone you completely insult their character. Yes you should not walk into a store 20 minutes before it closes but I worked retail in my earlier years and if the stores open till 6 it’s open till 6. We were not allowed to close early because we want it to. I hated those customers that walked in last minute. But it was my job. I don’t know why you’re completely insulting this email. Is it because she has a black boyfriend? You showed pictures of her saying yes she’s completely credible. And then there was a picture of her and her black boyfriend. Why is she not credible?
Shut your fucking hole, you stupid cunt. There’s courtesy to customers and then there’s cum catchers like this chickenhead who do shit like this, and the workers are powerless, so we are the ones who sound off just like we would do if we were there. Yeah, the problem probably is the nigger boyfriend, because Shane the white boyfriend would have been like “They’re closing, I’ll take you back tomorrow, don’t raise the gate and make a scene” – UNLESS – the Shane in question TALKS AND ACTS LIKE A FUCKING NIGGER LIKE EVERY WHITE ASSHOLE WHO ENDS UP ON TURTLEBOY. On that fucking subject, I’d love to see how this firecunt mudshark treats and tips waitstaff. Go fuck your father again, you cunt.
The picture they forgot to include shows her holding the cash and him smoking a cigarette.
“I am starting to see a trend here.”
No you don’t. You have zero trend analysis skills. I can already tell.
“If you don’t agree with someone you completely insult their character.”
Ah – I was right. You’re misinterpreting the story. *sighs* The story points out how righteous this idiot acted and yet she freely exercises rachet behavior.
“Yes you should not walk into a store 20 minutes before it closes but I worked retail in my earlier years and if the stores open till 6 it’s open till 6. We were not allowed to close early because we want it to.”
I don’t believe for a second that it was 20 minutes till closing. If it was really 20 minutes before closing, she would have taken a picture of the time. She made sure she took plenty of other pictures. She is full of shit.
“Is it because she has a black boyfriend?”
Is throwing in the race card your best argument? Again, you’re showing your piss-poor analysis skills.
“You showed pictures of her saying yes she’s completely credible. And then there was a picture of her and her black boyfriend. Why is she not credible?”
Because when one is flashing C-notes in selfies – it’s for the wrong attention (and it’s incredibly douche-cringy).
Get Fucked,
I love Papi’s big roll of tarpaper in my stinkstar. Finna have his ass babies
Cant we just pull the exif data off the picture?
It’s libel if it’s written, slander if it’s spoken.
Beat that nigger dizzy, take them bills, and pay for that mudshark to get her tubes tied afore we have to pay to raise another nigra she no doubt gonna bring into the world.
You ignorant MF. I would like you to call a black person a nigger to their face. I’m sure you’re simply white trash on welfare. Us Black Folk are taking care of you.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger spearchucker nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger porchmonkey nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger tarbaby nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger watermelonlips nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger smelly fucking nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
“Us black people are taking care of you.”
That is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever heard, you nappy headed stinkhole. What, you’re changing our bedpans? Fuck off, pavement monkey. Here’s a few quarters. Go buy some beaver wash. Tell the other niggers to try staying off the news for one night before trying to talk like you’re useful to society, let alone “taking care” of us. Fuck off and die twice.
Love the selfie pic of her and that bad ass rap mogul flashing a $100 bill, with 23 $1 bills stacked behind it. Bet they flashed that stack on their way into Applebee’s to eat like kings.
The $100 wrapped around a bunch of $1’s trick is otherwise known as the “N****r Roll” according to my sources.
She’s not exactly on track to set the world on fire, is she…
She certainly will set some coal on fire, that’s for sure. Coal burner complete with door knocker earrings.
There’s no amount of $100 bills that make you look like a real player, except for maybe a briefcase full.
When you accept a job in retail, you have to accept that customers are retarded goofballs. I had a lady who wanted to try out a GPS in her car before buying it.
I tried something like that at Dick’s and they had the nerve to tell me they were a sporting goods store!
Were you looking for Dick or a 9 iron?
Something tells me that Ashley and I think alike so I’m taking her side on this one.
You bang negroes and wear large hoop earrings?
I couldn’t bang a bowl of jello at my age