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Let me start by saying that Turtleboy Sports is 10,000% pro-teacher and pro-teacher’s union. If you’re a long time turtle rider then you know that already. Teacher’s unions are an absolute necessity when you’re working with kids. Why? Because you’re working with thousands of kids throughout your career, and all it takes is one to ruin your life. Seriously, just ONE crazy kid who wants to get back at you for a bad test score can say that you looked at them the wrong way, or said something to them, or even touched them, and you’re fucked. If it weren’t for unions you’d lose your job without any sort of due process. But union dues are set aside so teachers can hire lawyers for situations just like this. They are not outdated, they are absolutely still necessary, and they always will be.
But what pisses me off about teacher’s unions are the shitty people they elect to lead them. People who take teacher’s union dues and send them to politicians who actively work against the best interest of teachers. The Massachusetts Teacher’s Association donated heavily to President Obama in both of his elections. This despite the fact that his entire Presidency he has been boning teachers in public schools:
- Obama is an outspoken advocate for charter schools, which teacher’s unions oppose because it takes money out of public schools.
- President Obama introduced “Race to the Top,” which is nothing more than an extension of President Bush’s failed “No Child Left Behind.”
- President Obama appointed Arne Duncan, a man with zero teaching experience and an opponent of public schools, to be Secretary of Education throughout his tenure in office.
- When Central Falls High School in RI (an AWFUL, impoverished, crime-ridden dumpy city) had the lowest test scores in the state (obviously), Obama supported the controversial decision to fire the entire faculty: “If a school continues to fail its students year after year after year, if it doesn’t show signs of improvement, then there’s got to be a sense of accountability,” he said. “And that’s what happened in Rhode Island last week at a chronically troubled school, when just 7 percent of 11th-graders passed state math tests — 7 percent.”
The man has been an enemy to public education for eight years. But because he has a D in front of his name on the ballot he gets all the money. Same goes for Hillary Clinton. She was booed while speaking with the teacher’s union for her support of charter schools. But their leaders ended up endorsing her anyway.
That’s because the leader’s of teacher’s union don’t really care about educational issues. They care about social issues and they tend to agree with people like Hillary and Obama. Which is fine. But when you’re acting as the spokesperson for the teachers, then your only public concern when it comes to candidates should be education. Immigration, abortion, pussy grabbing – none of those issues are relevant to your organization’s existence.
Apparently MTA President Barbara Madeloni did not get this memo.
The Northampton resident sent the following email out to tens of thousands of MTA members across the state (email in italics followed by our rational thoughts in bold):
Trump Hate With Love, Make Safe Spaces, Opt Out
We have entered a dangerous and frightening time for this country. Our students and their families – beautiful in their diversity – need our love and protection now more than ever. We must use our power as educators to let all of our students and their families – but especially those who were targeted by the president-elect in his campaign – know that we will provide safe spaces, defend them from attack and be more focused and vigilant in our struggle for justice.
Oh for fuck’s sake. Safe spaces? Kids targeted by President-Elect Trump? Like he’s going around kidnapping children and putting them in the back of his rape van.
Tell Your Students and Their Families: Love Trumps Hate. As a first step, I am inviting locals to organize standouts across the state next Tuesday, November 22, to let students and parents know that love trumps hate, that we welcome all students and their families, and that we will provide places of safety in our classrooms, schools and colleges. Next Tuesday, please welcome your students to school with signs of love and support that speak to how we cherish their differences and how we will protect their right to be themselves, to feel safe and in charge of their bodies and identities, and to tell their stories.
“Love trumps hate” is a political statement. It was one of Hillary Clinton’s campaign slogans, and it’s specifically directed at Donald Trump and the 60 million people who voted for him. But as we’ve seen, most people who are saying this are the ones who are actually consumed with hatred.
Teachers should NOT be directed by their leaders to brainwash children with political statements. They have no right to urge students to bring in anti-Trump signs. What if a kid in their class has parents who voted for Trump? Guess what? There’s a shitload of kids who will find themselves in this position. Their teachers are being told to tell them that their parents are hateful Nazis. How do you think that makes them feel? The buzzword with schools these days is “teaching to ALL students.” But I guess, “ALL students” really just means all students whose parents didn’t vote for Trump.
Here’s an idea – when you show up to work to teach Math or Science, just stick to teaching Math or Science. Your job is to do your job, and that means teaching kids the subject matter you’ve been hired to teach. Nothing more, nothing less. You are not an activist, and you are not a politician. You are a teacher.
Thank you to Medford ELL teacher Sara Dion for originating this idea.
Of course some pea-brain ELL teacher from Medford, an overwhelmingly white wealthy Boston suburb, came up with this idea. And of course the president of the Union not only humored her, but directed all the teachers in the state to follow her misguided idea. This is Sara Dion:
This is what we are dealing with. These are the people who have influence in the teacher’s union. A young, precious snowflake Hillary Clinton diehard supporter. She is upset that her candidate didn’t win, and now she’s urged the teacher’s union to use innocent children as props in their publicly funded hissy fit.
Sad thing is that there are plenty of normal teachers out there and idiots like Sara Dion and Barbara Madeloni give them a bad rap. They have actual concerns, like the fact that they’re being forced to pay money out of pocket in order to prove they’re not an interstate sex offender. The MTA hasn’t done shit for them. Their voices are effectively silenced, but don’t worry – the MTA is still gonna take your money.
Here’s how you can contact Sara Dion:
Declare Your Schools and Colleges Safe Spaces. From college campuses to elementary schools, organize to declare your buildings and campuses safe spaces. We have already seen this on some campuses, such as at UMass Amherst. There is no reason that a school faculty cannot meet and vote to do the same. We cannot be shy or cautious in our defense of our students and their families. This is a time to push past rules and bureaucracies that limit our ability to show and live our compassion.
There is no such thing as a safe space. Not from differing opinions. And if you’re modeling anything after UMass-Amherst, then you’re probably doing it all wrong. After all, this is a school where an organized “shit-in” is going on all week as hippies sit on the throne for 8 hours a day preventing others from taking dumps.
Teach Toward Empathy, Hope and Democracy. Beyond statements of support and safety, we need to act on our duty as educators in public schools and colleges to educate for democracy. Our students need to be given the tools and opportunities to name the world, develop and articulate their ideas, and act with courage, empathy and a sense of justice. We need to talk about racism, sexism and the ways in which power can be used to abuse and oppress. Now more than ever, we cannot let mandates, hyperaccountability and narrow conceptions of teaching and learning limit our ability to engage in pedagogies of freedom and hope.
Teach democracy while you’re actively resisting the results of a fair and democratic election. Yea, that makes TONS of sense.
And this paragraph really sums up what is wrong with people like Barbara Madeloni. We need to talk about racism and sexism? No you don’t. You need to teach math and science. You wanna teach kids to act with a “sense of justice?” We all know what that the J in social justice warriors stands for. We all know what that really means Barbara.
In the weeks ahead, we will be fighting to fully fund our public schools and colleges; to end the testing and standardization machine; and to create the schools our students and their communities deserve. Our victory against Question 2 was possible because we used our voices and allied with students, parents and the community.
See that? Those are actual issues that the teacher’s union should be concerned about. Funding for the classrooms, an end to waste-of-time standardized testing, and resistance of charter schools. All of those things directly affect teacher’s livelihoods and ability to do their job. These are the only things the MTA should be fighting for, and they should be fighting for it outside of the classroom instead of dragging kids into it.
This is the time to build from that strength and to take courage from and with each other. Speak up. Stand out. Join arms.
In solidarity,
The second you write “in solidarity” you have gone full SJW. She might as well have ended that email with “stay woke” or “mansplaining.” Never go full SJW.
And just look what Barbara Madeloni is endorsing and supporting on Twitter. Student walkouts over the election results (so much for supporting democracy):
‘We got the power’: Amherst high school students walk out following Trump's victory https://t.co/lPC72LQYtx pic.twitter.com/7ZMttpG6Fz
— Mass Teachers Assn (@massteacher) November 15, 2016
Declarations that Hillary is “about to be elected”
As the first woman president is about to be elected. https://t.co/sJGZEcplVH
— barbara madeloni (@bmadeloni) November 8, 2016
And blaming Donald Trump for creating the need for student grief counseling:
Following Donald Trump election, @UMass offers students grief counseling https://t.co/8lamgKyaJn #edchatma
— Mass Teachers Assn (@massteacher) November 11, 2016
We fully support teacher and the hard, thankless work they do on a daily basis. We just wish their union wasn’t run by social justice warriors who are more concerned with activism than they are with protecting the rights of their dues paying members.
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26 Comment(s)
“Snowflake”? Seriously? How do you think insulting people like that is going to get people on your side? By the way, the reason people are so anxious about a Trump Presidency (as they SHOULD be) is because of all the different demographics he undebateably insulted whilst running for the white house. By writing the article in this manner, you are basically confirming the opinion of Ms. Madeloni and others who are working with her in this effort (correction here) that you are hate-mongers who blindly supported the worst possible candidate for the Presidency of the United States. Seriously, every country where there are not Trump-like people running for office is surely laughing at us right now. As Trump himself would say: SAD!!!
He will definitely make america great again though-by unifying everybody in the country behind the 2020 Democratic nominee, which will hopefully, once said nominee is inevitably elected, bring in a new era of unity. And if they are smart enough, certain prominent republicans will jump on the winning team and endorse this candidate, perhaps even enough to get cabinet positions in the next administration. I hope Mitt Romney is smart enough to do that and he winds up as Secretary of State(would be kind of nice for him to get that job anyway after trump made him think he was considering him only to pass him over for Rex Totally-not-friends-with-Putin Tillerson) or if not that, maybe Treasury Secretary because his business knowledge would be useful for the economy there.
Trump Supporters: Yes, you did win the 2016 election(although not really). Enjoy your FOUR years (if that).
“Snowflake”? Seriously? How do you think insulting people like that is going to get people on your side? By the way, the reason people are so anxious about a Trump Presidency (as they SHOULD be) is because of all the different demographics he undebateably insulted whilst running for the white house. By writing the article in this manner, you are basically confirming the opinion of Ms. Madeloni and others who blindly supported the worst possible candidate for the Presidency of the United States. Seriously, every country where there are not Trump-like people running for office is surely laughing at us right now. As Trump himself would say: SAD!!!
He will definitely make america great again though-by unifying everybody in the country behind the 2020 Democratic nominee, which will hopefully, once said nominee is inevitably elected, bring in a new era of unity. And if they are smart enough, certain prominent republicans will jump on the winning team and endorse this candidate, perhaps even enough to get cabinet positions in the next administration. I hope Mitt Romney is smart enough to do that and he winds up as Secretary of State(would be kind of nice for him to get that job anyway after trump made him think he was considering him only to pass him over for Rex Totally-not-friends-with-Putin Tillerson) or if not that, maybe Treasury Secretary because his business knowledge would be useful for the economy there.
Trump Supporters: Yes, you did win the 2016 election(although not really). Enjoy your FOUR years (if that).
I have a thought – how about the union start trying to get schools properly funded so teachers don’t have to buy all of their supplies out of pocket. Leave the namby pamby feelings shit to the idiot parents of these future welfare leeches.
TB thanks for the reminder why teachers unions are really bad for students. And also a reminder why public school budgets need to be scrutinized at every opportunity.
Hey, Steve Soldi….you vest wearing, bullying, little Napolean….when are you going to let the parents of West Tatnuck School in Worcester know you are retiring in February? Why did you hide it from them for so long? Hasta la vista, baby!
Perfect, TB! Well said. I for one, HATE that my union dues go toward funding a candidate I do not endorse…locally or nationally. Kudos for calling out Obama and his anti-public education agenda for the last 8 years.
Dangerous and frightening time? Talk about trying to scare the kids, which is what Hillary did, and it’s the same thing Johnson did to Goldwater in 1964 with the daisy commercial that ended with an atomic bomb going off.
Escalation of the cold war by failing to negotiate with Putin is what would have made things dangerous and frightening.
Maybe some posters are right after all and liberalism in politics is a disease,. Well it is definately a disorder and even democrats are starting to recoil in horror at the pathetic progressive banter over an election. What will progressive do when they really have something to complain about?
Have you ever seen anyone more filled with hate than the ANTI-Trumpers,,, They make no sense at all
Another intolerant hippie SJW Amherst teacher.
Bet she has a BLM sign and rainbow flag on her rural suburb lawn.
She should go teach with real diversity, like in the Springfield or Worcester schools.
But she wouldn’t last a day there.
Time to retire, do something.
No wonder teachers are no longer respected by their students and by the parents of those students.
Great post Maggs, where have you been? I’ve missed you, you’re like a ray of sunshine cast through this site of perennial darkness.
“We have entered a dangerous and frightening time for this country.” Nice job spreading unnecessary fear, uncertainly and doubt you fucking union thug. When the mindless teachers start using that language with the kids, your the ass wipe the parents should come looking for when the kids heads are all screwed up. Another reason to thank my lucky stars both my kids are out of the public school system and survived college without getting all fucked up. I brought them up to think for themselves and form their own opinions vs follow the trash that’s in the media and spewed on worthless social media.
Love the first sentence of her email. “We have entered a dangerous and frightening time for this country.” This sounds like something Churchill or Roosevelt would have said upon entering WWII. Do these people actually believe the shit they say or are they just trying to prove themselves to a certain demographic. She should be fired for attempting to instill fear and incite a riot among public schoolchildren. People like her will do more damage to this country than President Elect Trump could ever do.
““We have entered a dangerous and frightening time for this country.” ”
You know who finds this is “dangerous and frightening”? The liberals who have been enslaving people with fear mongering and dependence on the government. They’ve got to keep ginning up the fear, lest people stop depending on the government.
All it takes is one crappy teacher to ruin several students love of learning and trust. Teachers are protected by the union to cover their lies; students (especially young kids) are not protected even if they tell the truth.
MTA is just a classic, prime example of how screwed up they are. This article proves it.
My sister had a teacher in high school that was purposely inflating grades for football players so they could stay on the team, and she claims her GPA was ruined because of him. They tried to can him but the union kept his job.
The union protects these political activists posing as teachers. Get rid of the union – and we can get rid of these sewer dwellers that are being paid to indoctrinate our kids. There is no other way to rid the public education system of these “mind molesters”. You are either for the kids – or for their brainwashing. No amount of rationalizing or public school “logic” is going to change the hard truth about unions. They are inherently un-American, and like all socialist programs they are ultimately, in practice: morally bankrupt, anti-competitive and anti-freedom. Pretty much a no brainer to anyone that actually has and uses their brain.
So endeth the lesson.
Northampton resident? I’m shocked. You can always tell a conservative leaning teacher because they rarely if ever give opinions other than subject matter for fear of being fired and ridiculed. Liberal teachers however have no second thoughts on spewing their views and indoctrinating the young skulls full of mush. When I was in school we cared about three things, 1. girls 2. drinking on the weekends with girls and 3. hanging out with our friends and girls. If I told my parents I was too scared or upset to take a test or go to class, or walked out of school in protest because of an election I would’ve ended up on the receiving end of a knuckle sandwich. Shut up and teach!
Nice work Turtle
First, I wouldn’t call Medford “wealthy”
Second, is there any doubt Barbara drives a Subaru?
Women teachers are the worst in regard to politics. Bunch of idealistic idiots
Who’s the dude in the picture on the right?
These incidents are why I believe the teachers unions should be abolished! They’re about their careers and activism over education!
The teachers Associations are not labor unions, they are only associations of employees, and are dictated by superintendents. Only the AFT (American Federation of Teachers) is a TRUE teacher’s labor union. MTA, EAW are only “Associations” – not Unions.
How come I wasn’t allowed to freak out in 2008 and 2012?
Because Donald Trump did not win either of those elections.