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Turtleboy saw this story on the Facebook machine and it just melted my turtle heart:
A lot of the news we blog about on Turtleboy Sports ain’t good news, which is why this is so refreshing. This is yet another example of the fantastic work that police officers do on a daily basis. This poor girl apparently chased a cat out of the house where she lives with her sister and brother in law and they couldn’t find her anywhere. According to our sources a state police officer found her crying approximately 300 yards from the house
This is what worries me about moving to a town. Turtleboy is a city boy. If you get lost around here you’re guaranteed to end up at a Dunkin Donuts in no more than 20 minutes if you keep walking. But the Brookfields have bears and coyotes and Bigfoot. Plus, this would TOTALLY happen to Turtleboy Jr. If that kid sees a cat he will follow it to the ends of the earth, because as you know, he unintentionally tries to kill himself 8 or 9 times a day.
The North Brookfield police acted quickly and collaborated with the State Police that are located in nearby Brookfield. It couldn’t have happened at a worse time – 4 PM – because daylight savings sucks and it gets dark at 5 now. It was a game of beat the clock. The poor girl had a t-shirt on and was not fit to take care of herself in a dark and wooded area through the night. And if you’ve ever been to North Brookfield, you know EXACTLY how North Brookfield is the official middle of nowhere in Worcester County.
The family apparently just moved to North Brookfield from Worcester which made it more difficult because they did not know the area. As crazy as this was, things are about to get a lot crazier for them soon. North Brookfield was ranked dead last in our list of the worst plowed towns in Worcester County.
Ask anyone from North Brookfield and they wouldn’t have it any other way. North Brookfieldians are the only people in New England who WANT to have the shittiest plowed roads. It keeps the riffraff from Spencer out. So as harrowing as this experience was for this family, shit’s about to get a lot more real in a couple months. Hope you got 4 wheel drive.
Great job by the State and North Brookfield police. This story could’ve had a much different ending.
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12 Comment(s)
There’s definately a lot to learn about this issue. I like
all of the points you made.
The Police do a lot of good work, good to see them get the Kudos they deserve.
and just as an FYI…..Daylight Savings Time is in the summer….we are on Standard time right now
Worcester is the worse plowed city. They start off by ignoring the first, second and sometimes third storms, then waste tons of the inadequately alloted funding by allowing the private plow contractors go up and down a totally bare street a few dozen times, then by February, theres no money left, tge temps never go above 20 degree, and the streets start to resemble a monorail system, with a huge bump of ice in the center of each lane and just tire ruts carved out. Worcester has nothing on these towns when it comes to shitty plowing. Oh and they start each storm in the downtown area and work their way out. Note: downtown should be done LAST. No one with a vehicle lives there.
Such an uplifting story, and TB gets a classic rag on Spencer yet again!
Great work boys !!!
Turtleboy, thanks for supporting the men in blue, I(I mean we) really appreciate it. It good to hear a strong, humorous voice supporting us. Many thanks. 27 year police veteran.
I hear you Lieutenant. And I am on board as well. Thank you Turtleboy. Turtleboy, you are a great voice of reason and consciousness.
Keeping it real. That is Turtleboy in my eyes.
The evil cops did what? Saved someone who had mental issues and brought her home safely? This must be all lies because from what i read in the twitter space and e-book machines, all cops are bad people who rape and kill. Did they not get the memo?
She’s kinda cute. You should hook her up with that Kevin guy. Special people have needs too.
Six disagrees? Why all the hating on special needs people? I’d tongue punch her fartbox.
It is good to see this.
Too bad the televised media won’t emphasize this and proudly shout that this girl, and many others, are saved by cops daily.