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We live in a state that is allegedly one of the most progressive and liberal, particularly when it comes to women’s rights. Yet every time I turn on the TV I see the people running our state allowing people who assault women to go unpunished. In one of the most diabolical schemes of all time, a Worcester woman named Megan Winslow and her husband Ryan found out in Worcester District Court that there is no justice when men assault women:
A man accused of spiking a woman’s drink two years ago at a Park Avenue bar was placed on probation Friday after pleading guilty in Worcester Superior Court. Daniel H. Szklarz, 36, of 9 Sun Valley Drive, was placed on one year of administrative probation by Judge Daniel M. Wrenn after pleading guilty to an indictment charging him with assault and battery. A prosecutor had asked the judge to sentence Mr. Szklarz to 2½ years in the House of Correction, the maximum sentence for assault and battery.
Mr. Szklarz, a Marine Corps veteran and former correction officer at the Worcester County Jail and House of Correction, was charged after police obtained a surveillance video from Mickey O’Neil’s, a bar at 377 Park Ave., that Assistant District Attorney Christopher P. Hodgens said showed him dropping “a white object” into Megan Winslow’s cocktail on the night of Oct. 18, 2014. Ms. Winslow, a mother of three, later became violently ill, blacked out and stopped breathing, according to the prosecutor.
Mr. Hodgens said Ms. Winslow and her husband, Ryan, were friends of Mr. Szklarz, and the three were attending a PTO fundraiser at the bar together on the night in question. The prosecutor told the court that the video showed Mr. Szklarz placing the object in Ms. Winslow’s drink after she and her husband left the bar area to go to the restrooms and Ms. Winslow asked Mr. Szklarz to watch their drinks. When the couple returned to the bar, Ms. Winslow took a sip of her drink and thought it tasted funny, according to Mr., Hodgens. Her husband and the bartenders tasted the drink and, although it seemed flat and had a strange taste, Ms. Winslow decided to keep it and finished it over the course of the next couple of hours, the assistant district attorney said.
Mr. Szklarz later offered to drive the couple home, but Mr. Winslow declined the offer, according to Mr. Hodgens. While her husband was driving Ms. Winslow home, she went limp and vomited and Mr. Winslow carried her up to bed. He called 911 after his wife stopped breathing, Mr. Hodgens told the court. Medical personnel transported Ms. Winslow to the hospital, but she was simply treated for dehydration and was not tested to determine whether she had ingested a substance that caused her to become ill, the assistant district attorney said. Blood work that was done at the hospital the next day showed nothing unusual in the woman’s system, according to Mr. Hodgens.
Suspecting that something had been put in his wife’s drink, her husband contacted the bar owner after his wife’s initial hospital visit. The owner preserved the surveillance video that police and prosecutors said showed Mr. Szklarz placing something in Ms. Winslow’s drink. In an impact statement read in court, Ms. Winslow, admittedly “nervous” and “uncomfortable,” described Mr. Szklarz as “a person whom I trusted.” She questioned Mr. Szklarz’s motives and “lack of respect” for her.
What a fucking asshole this guy is:
That’s the most punchable face I’ve ever seen. It’s the face of someone who obviously is not remorseful. Seriously, it’s your day in court and you look like the guy who just took a shit under the Green Street overpass. What is going on with the facial hair dude? The sad part is that this is not the result of letting himself go and not giving a shit about his appearance. He actually shaved in a vain attempt to look stylish and it came out like this. He was obviously trying to give himself a chinstrap (because you know you’re a complete piece of shit when you’re 36 years old and you’re still trying to rock the chinstrap), but instead it just ended up as a disorganized group of pubes.
Seriously. So this poor woman is friends with this guy’s wife at the time. They all start hanging out. Next thing you know his wife leaves him and in an unprecedented move the Jennifer Winslow stays friends with HIM!! She wants to help him get through a hard time, because divorce is such a shitty process, especially when you have kids like this guy. According to her husband who we spoke with,
“I was there at his graduation from the Worcester House of Corrections Sheriff’s Department, his kid’s birth, and through his divorce. In fact, earlier in that day we were at his new house painting and helping with his carpentry stuff.”
And how does he repay her for her kindness? He roofies her fucking drink. The most fucked up part about this is the fact that it was all premeditated. He had to go out and buy whatever the poison was he put in her drink. Then he had to wait for her to leave before he slipped her the mickey. And for what? What exactly was he hoping to accomplish with her husband there? Did he forget to roofie him too? Or was he trying to roofie her husband’s drink so he could make the moves on her? Either way, he offered to drive them home, because he was obviously hoping to sexually assault her, but instead she just stopped breathing and almost died.
But wait, it gets better. Dan Szklarz, multiple people have reached out to us and told us that he lost his job at the prison because he had porn on his work computer. That’s how stupid he is. Every dude in America knows you don’t go on porn on your work computer. This is why God made iPhones. Then he made up a fake injury, went on workman’s comp and got caught operating his landscaping business. The man is a scam artist, sexual deviant, and a pathological liar.
And I’m sorry, but the hospital fucked up on this one. Big time. The husband INSISTED when they went to the hospital that something was put in her drink and they obviously didn’t take it seriously. So he watched the video the next day with the owner of the bar and was SHOCKED at what he saw his “friend” doing. So they brought this news to the hospital and demanded blood work the next day, but whatever was put into her drink had passed through her system by then. This was REALLY important, because the grand jury could not indict him on charges of poisoning, which would have put him in jail where he belongs. The guy is sick. It takes a sick and twisted individual to do something like this. He’ll do it again if he hasn’t already, you can guarantee that.
But at the end of the day another joke of a Massachusetts judge dropped the ball. He gave him the minimum, but why? What about this face would make anyone wanna be lenient?
That’s the kind of face that makes a judge say to himself, “fuck this guy,” and then give him the maximum. But instead he looked at that dooshnozzle and said, “I’m gonna give this guy a break.” Lots of normal people poison their friends who helped them through a hard time. This case represents everything that is wrong with our judicial system right now.
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26 Comment(s)
My take, as a conspiracy theorist,
He was having an affair with the buddy’s wife and she dumped him. The roofie was to get back at her.
Freaking scumbag
Way. To go Mr Evangalitis you hire this scum to guard prisoners he should have been sentenced 2 years in same prision he worked, maybe if he got a taste of how he treated inmates. Spent most of his hours on Worc County House of Correction with pornography, half the staff at that jail are corrupt, He not only had one wife he’s divorced twice no surprise there. Like I said he should be an inmate , and why did court not recommend a dangerous hearing, from probation to judges entire Worc courthouse is a discrace
It is disturbing the husband clearly tells the hospital he thinks something was put in her drink and no tests? Wtf Thats a problem. Now because he couldnt get convicted, he can clearly go out and try again. Danger, danger!
His picture should be circulated amongst bar owners and bartenders so they can be on the lookout for Mr. Asshole.
That is an excellent idea. Hell…post his picture on a wall like they used to do for those people who wrote bad checks.
He has the cocky Worcester look for sure. Could have killed the woman, one never knows when drugs and alcohol are mixed. Got off way too easy with obviously a out-there judge.
“Ms. Winslow and her husband, Ryan, were friends of Mr. Szklarz, and the three were attending a PTO fundraiser at the bar together on the night in question. ”
PTO — DING DING DING!!! Administration, teachers and even right down to the PTO — full of corruption and cover ups.
Lets get one thing straight. Whoever reported this. He IS NOT a veteran… Of any branch. He failed out of boot camp… This clown would bring a gun to the bar because he felt like a badass. Scored a pretty wife ( still cant figure that one out) ruined that. Had a decent job ruined that. Had good friends. Ruined that too. Loooser to the highest degree.
He is not a fuckn veteran he got out before he finished boot camp never served a day in his life I grew up with him know all about him. He had a back injury. Only joined because we all left him in neighborhood when we joined. Never made it through basic
He wanted to knock out the women so he could be with her husband. Looks like a pole smoker to me.
Wait a minute. You’re telling me they had a PTO fundraiser at a bar…..in Massachusetts….um. We don’t even do that in Texas.
oh Massachusetts, you’re so liberal you can’t even punish the people for the crimes you get triggered by! Can’t wait to never move back there.
He probably got the minimum because his mom is a lawyer. She obviously did a great job raising this piece of shit. I used to be an acquaintance of this scumbag. Not friends just new him through some people. If I only knew then what I know now I would’ve beat the shit out of him then like I want to now. What a fucking scumbag. I hope I see him some day . Id like to punch him in the face.
Anyone who intentionally drugs another person is a danger to society and should be removed from society in order to protect the general public.
What a fucking looser. This link should be sent to all his FB friends and shared on everyone’s FB. Amazing this dude only got probation. 36 year old Divorced father of three. Good goin man. LOOSSSSAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
Wow, so in the last 24 hours or so we have had Cops, a Firefighter and a Corrections Officer all put on display ranging from job performance incompetence to sexual deviancy. In fact it is just plain and simply embarrassing for people in these positions to conduct themselves in this manner. On or off duty period. And I am pro public safety big time.
Are they all held to a higher standard than most professions with regard to conduct both on and off duty? You bet your fucking ass. They signed up for this responsibility and nobody put a fucking gun to their heads to do it. They are all compensated well, protected by semi-strong to maybe strong unions, and have a guaranteed career as long as they fly straight and just plain be mother fucking normal.
So if we are now going after civil service first responder personnel and their adverse proclivities reaching the insane. Let’s take a deeper look at our two nominees for the Presidency of these United Stated States shall we? A fucking Misogynist and a fucking out to lunch dodger for a husband who is an out of control Philanderer and Womanizer.
Boy oh boy are we in in good shape or what?
Remember that time you roofied me and stuck me in your ass? That was last night.
Fiesty the fake lawyer Anna from allegedly Holden at it again I see. You will never stop will you. Such a sick fuck you are my God. For the one millionth time – I am a happily married man get it? So stop fucking stalking all ready!!!
Who is this fake lawyer you keep posting? Is that the author of the blog? I read that on another story. Is it author or someone commenting? Just wondering.
It is a commenter like you and I April in here in a sports blog comment area. She calls (or screen names herself) FiestyLawyerLady. Could be a guy for all I know the way her brain works. All she does is cause trouble in here. All day and evening trouble and vial disgusting rants.
Do not disagree with her on any topic or else you will receive the wrath. Stupid stuff I know but it is difficult for me to take shit from a person like that and not bounce back 5 maybe 10 times strong. That’s how I roll in life so why water it the fuck down in here.
Some commenters believe that she is an actual attorney. And this fruitcake, the fake lawyer, plays it up and thinks that we are all just a bunch of dumb-asses and fall for this shit.
I just so happen to know a little bit about what she is impersonating. I called her out from time to time and then the shit hits the fan. That’s about it April and welcome if you are a new commenter. Stay away from her is my best advise.
Now watch the 37 down votes I’ll get from her for speaking the truth to a new welcomed commenter. Those all are coming from the fake lawyer Anna from Holden.
I have to say this as well. April you may laugh at this. Over the course of several months leading back to April (not you the month in 2016) when this idiot fake lawyer emerged – there were people with legal questions that were directed toward her since she so proclaimed to be an Esquire. And still to this day does in fact.
And of course we all know that lawyers give out advise for nada on a sports blog comment section. Ya ok. That’ll never happen.
Anyway so she always used to start off with an answer to a legal question, “Well it all depends and then blah blah blah” until your eyes fucking bled from the bullshit.
So I called her out on it. Then Holy Shit the wrath started. An Attorney never never answers a question with, “It all depends” especially in their field of study. Let alone give free legal advise on a fucking sports blog comment area. Real Attorneys know what the fuck they are talking about within their respective concentration of the vast array of law that they studied then decided to practice.
If it is not their field of focus from an array of legal studies from their respective law school learnings then they will ALL say that this is not my concentration for the purposes of dignity. Then concentrate on what they are interested in and have become proficient and make a business out of that. Whatever that may be.
That is the way it works. Common sense – which seems to be not all that common these days…
Hey dumbass, I’m not Feisty. I’m just one of many other commenters here who hate you for being such a gigantic piece of shit. Why don’t you tell April about how you were trying to hook up with Feisty in the comments section back in May and how you stalked her relentlessly until she finally just snapped and went off on your stupid ass (well deserved if I might add). And then after your online romantic advances were spurned, you got all butthurt and bitter and ever since then have proceeded to attack her out of the blue for no apparent reason on countless threads here. I mean this shit has gotten so bad that when she comments on a story and didn’t even mention your name at all, you’d chime in with a disparaging comment directed at her that was completely off topic. You’ve fucking ruined Turtleboy. We’ve asked you to stop your shit, but you just keep it up.
All April has to do is go back through the archives starting around May and check the comments sections to see that everything I’ve said here is true and then she’ll see what a gigantic douche you are and will want to have nothing to do with you anymore either.
April, whatever you do, do not under any circumstances let this deranged moron contact you outside of TB Sports. Trust me on this.
Alright there dumb ass. I know who you are. Fiesty’s little pisshead brother sticking up for her. I get that. I have a little sister too that I watch out for. So ok, I’ll admit that I was once nice and hospitable to your sister last April and half of May when just about everyone was bashing the shit out of her when she first came here. A lot of people.
I thought she was just fucking around with an edgy sense of humor which I thought was funny in that context. Boy I was wrong and the nay sayers were right stupid me. Not knowing her then like I do now obviously, I stood up for her back then. I commented to the nay sayers to give her a break – she’s bringing a new and refreshing perspective to the table I used to post.
Then shortly thereafter your sister successfully garnished a bunch of sympathy commenting again of topic to the articles and announcing that she was going into surgery to have tumors removed. Again stupid me – I commented a ton of support, well wishes and affection. Made enemies in here during that which I regret. She then later perceived that as some sort of internet love thing followed by me being a stalker. I have always said that I am a happily married man but for reason that doesn’t seem to resonate with her. Such a fucking joke all of it was and still is.
So you see dude you don’t know shit about shit about this so stop pretending like you do. And don’t try to drag my name through the mud like your sister is so good at doing. You will get ZERO people to jump on board with your dumb ass band wagon trust me on that. Fuck you and her. You two are so fucked up it is incomprehensible.
It’s great to be white says the rapists. Bill Clinton made rape cool in America don’t forget to vote for Hilliary so we have a diddler 1st lady. Millions are with her and her cumdumpster party the flag should be a rainbow by now you would think.
Hey, no anti-semitism in this comment, one cookie for you. Good boy!
Well the kikes follow liberals because they like communism,and “rabbis”suck babies dicks after circumcision,so kikes are much worse they been removed by 137 countries in 2000 years.