NH Ratchet Who Tied Kids To Bed And Left Them To Rot In Own Crap Once Said She Toured with Carrie Underwood To Lure Underage Girl From Parents
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Jesus take the wheel! Seems that Manchester ratchet mom we wrote about yesterday, who was arrested when her children were found by police covered in feces, naked, and tied to their beds, used to be a back up singer for Carrie Underwood.
Just kidding. That’s what Samantha Grenier told a fourteen year-old girl she had become infatuated with.
Samantha’s apparent goal was to get the kid to leave home to be with her. Isn’t that what sexual predators online do?
The child’s stepmother, Nicole Couglin, said she wasn’t sure why Samantha was obsessed with her stepdaughter. She said her stepdaughter never told her if it was sexual but she didn’t think it was.
When the backup singer story didn’t work on luring the child out of leaving her parents, Samantha began sending letters to the young lady, posing as Carrie Underwood herself. Yeah, we can see the likeness.
Nicole said the stalking got so bad that she had to call the police to get Samantha to leave her daughter alone. Even then, Sam continued to try and contact the girl and made threats to Nicole and her Fiancé James Vandel. Vandel and Grenier both worked at Taco Bell when they met and began a fling.
Once Vandel introduced his daughter to Samantha, the obsession started, and she began lying to the child to lure her away from home for a “tour in Europe” with Carrie Underwood and constantly picking the child up from school without permission from her parents.
Nicole said that she did everything she could to get their young daughter out of the situation as fast as possible but Samantha was a “lunatic” who wouldn’t back off.
No wonder Samantha’s children were living in such disgusting conditions. She was too busy being a country-singing predator to pick up the shitty diapers off the floor or take care of her kids.
Something tells me this isn’t the last of this story… Stay tuned.
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14 Comment(s)
I just went back and the FB messages weret loaded when i commented. So the 14 yr olds parents did not call or report to police or a to e else. Why not? If you are concerned enuf now to write shit maybe you shod have been concerned before. Wtf. Alcohol in bottles, inappropriate messages, picking up without permission. Seriously any single one of those things are flags and warrant more attention or reporting.
It never ceases to amaze me that after every single horrific event , people come out with story after story that shows clear signs of whats to come. And i understand that every little thing is not a reason to call or report , but repeated things or ongoing stupidity needs to be reported. And so what if your wrong. If people are innocent then its a mere inconvenience but if they are guilty of something then being nosy can literally save a life. I would rather be wrong than be ignorant if i thought an innocent was in danger.
The blog yesterday had neighbors coming out of the woodwork talking about how they had called numerous times and nothing was ever done by the state. I was also told that the “father” was arrested for trying to beat the crap out of one of the neighbors and even then they didn’t send social services.
The screenshots are on here if you’re interested in reading more. You’re asking a lot of the same things everyone else was asking and have every right to be pissed.
So did the 14 yr olds parents call the cops and have the ratchet investigated ? I m guessin not or if so it was before they had little kids. But as usual there is always indicators and signs that come out AFTER a horrible event that if properly paid attention too can predict or prevent future behavior.
Neighbors really need to be nosy if kids are involved. It doesnt take much to realize that either kids are being taken care of or not. If you know someone has children and you never see them outside or coming and going. Ask , be NOSY. When it comes to protecting innocents it is everyones responsibility.
Innocents– anyone or anything that is not capable of protecting themselves , speaking for themselves , or taking care of themselves.
Children, disabled, elderly, and annals.
Crazy world we live in and as humans we should be capable of preventing some of this shit from happening.
I believe that big ears and fat ass dopey looking biotch should be flogged.
Man – I hate to use terms like “being Psychotic”, or “Delusional”, terms often thrown around in here in the comments like some makeshift amatuer kind of symposium, or any other references to psychiatric disorders not being a mental health professional and all. I’ll just keep it layman and just say this chick looks fucking nuts. Acts fucking nuts. Out of her tree koo koo, out of touch soulless, clueless, world’s worst mother and she was out getting a little boom boom on the side? Who would tap that? She’s a mutt! Yikes Ay Caramba I wouldn’t go near that on my best drunken stupor if single or an asshole husband.
Seriously though those poor kids my God. Christmas is vastly approaching and that really is a time for family and especially children. God bless them.
She’s perfect for you BobnMic. You should hook up with her.
This gets more depraved by the day. How do we know the two year old child wasn’t naked in her crib due to sexual abuse?
Sadly, we don’t. The system failed these kids so badly.
Can I get a 12 month turtlegirl calendar?
The system didn’t fail, the parents failed
“Strong words from a strong man… Captain Insano”
Not if the system was called like a billion times as shown in the previous blog. Something got missed here for these kids to still have been with the parents.
The gov’t or the system is not here to wipe the asses of ever human failure in the country. As horrible as the shitbags are, it is impossible for the government to take part in everyone of these events. I am in no way making excuses for these shitbags but the government can’t do everything..now a public hanging might work….
I completely understand and agree with you. But we, as humans, have a responsibility to protect the little ones who don’t have a voice for themselves. Hell, look at Bella Bond. They failed her too. If we stopped funding people conning the welfare system we could actually fund social services to protect kids who are born to these dirtbags and should have happy homes.