Smiles And Sunshine

Northbridge Public Schools Superintendent Sends Out Email In Response To Our Blog About Kids Blowing Lines In The Hallways And It’s Actually Pretty Good

Northbridge Public Schools Superintendent Sends Out Email In Response To Our Blog About Kids Blowing Lines In The Hallways And It’s Actually Pretty Good

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Our blog about the kids at Northbridge High School blowing lines off stairway railings and threatening “snitches” who report drug transactions to administrators, has got the whole town all fired up. And rightfully so, because the video was pretty disturbing:

It’s troubling for a number of reasons:

  • That kid looks like he’s 14.
  • How stupid can kids be to not only do something like this in school (where there are cameras everywhere) but to broadcast it on social media?
  • There’s clearly a subculture at the school where certain kids bully other kids into reporting drug use.
  • The drug kingpin appears to be the same student who last year viciously assaulted a freshman girl on camera.

But we just wanted to make it clear that in no way, shape, or form do we blame NHS administration or faculty for this. I’m sure 99% of kids at Northbridge are great. We blogged about a small fraction of them. We just need to get rid of kids like this so the rest of the kids can learn in peace.

The person to blame here is this laardvark:

Screen Shot 2017-03-10 at 2.02.05 PM

Celia McAuliffe has completely failed as a parent because she’s a junkbox push cushion who doesn’t have custody of her daughter because she’d rather be her BFF than an actual authority figure. She’s just complete trash in every sense of the word and I can’t say enough terrible things about her. Kids are a product of how they were raised. And Cailin Gonyea was raised to be trash, so we can’t act surprised when she grows up to be trash.

The superintendent was obviously mobbed today because of the blog so she sent out this email to all parents in the district:

December 14, 2017

Dear Families,

You may be aware that there was a video and information circulated through social media Turtleboy regarding drug use at Northbridge High School.

Firstly, I feel it is vital for you to know that we take this situation and any situation involving student safety very seriously. This is extremely concerning. We learned of this video over a week ago and took swift, immediate disciplinary action. We worked very closely with the Northbridge Police Department. We have no evidence that this is wide-spread within our building. Staff members are assigned to supervisory duties around the building to ensure students are safe and following school rules. Such egregious behavior is not overlooked or ignored. We are committed to continuing to monitor and support our students in a safe and productive school environment.

I would like to share with you the steps we take to provide education and support for our students regarding chemical health and safety. 

Our Health classes provide direct instruction on the perils of drug use and abuse. We work closely with our School Resource Officer to integrate actual life-experiences into our units. Officer DeJordy has visited multiple Health classes this year with individuals who are Northbridge graduates in recovery to speak to the students regarding these issues. 

We are one of the first districts in the state to initiate the SBIRT screening by which the nursing staff meets with every student individually in grade 7 and 9 to speak with them regarding their life choices and risky behaviors.

Our School Adjustment Counselors meet regularly with students who require assistance for social-emotional concerns that could lead to risky behavioral choices.

We work closely with the Northbridge Police Department to collaborate on issues that arise affecting our students.

We work closely with Family Continuity and You, Inc. to provide support and assistance to our students and families struggling with chemical issues and family trauma.

I meet regularly and am an active planning member on the Northbridge Coalition.

We provide quarterly activities to engage families in supporting the community in a wide range of activities, including community forums around substance abuse and presentations from Learn to Cope and the Shine Initiative.

We sent home literature regarding chemical health and addiction last fall, courtesy of the Missin’ Matt Foundation.

We have increased the frequency of our Chemical Health Nights from once annually to once for each season.

We are not turning a blind eye to the epidemic at hand. We are vigilantly working to ensure we deter any such activity at Northbridge Public Schools. We will continue to respond swiftly to allegations and include community resources as appropriate.

However, we cannot do this work alone. We need to call upon parents and the community to support us in discussing such issues with your child as age-appropriate. Encourage them to seek out administration if they believe there is activity that violates school policies. Utilize the Anonymous Alert system to make a report and provide as much actual evidence as possible. Contact the Northbridge Police Department if you have information regarding drugs circulating in the community.

We are committed to supporting our students in becoming successful adults. As a reminder, just because you may hear about something and believe nothing has been done, please know that we are not at liberty to discuss such situations publicly.

Our next Northbridge Coalition event is scheduled for January 25th and will address the topic of homelessness. More information will follow. I urge you to become involved with the coalition as we try to address a wide range of topics that affect the community.

Rest assured that we understand that this situation is obviously concerning; it has been addressed, and we will continue to monitor all allegations closely with the Northbridge Police Department. 

Please feel free to contact your building principal if you wish to learn more about the specific instruction regarding healthy lifestyles that take place at your child’s grade level or if you wish to learn more about specific safety protocols in place.


Dr. Catherine Stickney

Where are all the butthurts who think we’re not real news now? If we were’t real news then why would the superintendent feel the need to react to our blogs? It’s almost as if the things we publish matter. Now Northbridge is going to be more proactive to stop drug use by students, and that’s a great thing. This is what we do at Turtleboy Sports. We act as the catalyst for positive change by highlighting the negative. It’s not always pretty, but the end result is the only thing that matters. Your feelings don’t matter.

Some parents have voiced their opinion that this is meaningless and it’s too little, too late. But I actually thought it was pretty good. It was’t generic. It wasn’t filled with buzzwords. You can tell this woman actually takes pride in the work she’s put in to combat drug use in the schools. She was probably more frustrated than anyone when she saw the video. But she needed to see that video because clearly there’s more work to be done.

But the fact of the matter is that a lot of the things they’re doing and have already done aren’t gonna change a thing. When your mother is Celia McAuliffe, it does’t matter how many times your guidance counselor meets with you, or how many assemblies you go to about the dangers of drug use, because you’re gonna end up selling drugs and beating up freshmen. Being a trashbag is just in your DNA.

The best part about the email was this:

However, we cannot do this work alone. We need to call upon parents and the community to support us in discussing such issues with your child as age-appropriate. Encourage them to seek out administration if they believe there is activity that violates school policies. Utilize the Anonymous Alert system to make a report and provide as much actual evidence as possible. Contact the Northbridge Police Department if you have information regarding drugs circulating in the community.

That’s what we need more of right there. A reminder to parents that ultimately they play a big part in this too. You can’t blame the school because a handful of kids are running wild. Schools don’t raise kids. Parents do. Schools just have to attempt to educate them while keeping the rest of the students safe. I’d trust my kids at Northbridge High School and I certainly wouldn’t let a couple junior trashbags keep my kids from enrolling there.

26 Comment(s)
  • Fake Rant Queen
    December 15, 2017 at 5:34 pm

    None of the steps Catherine Stickney outlined means squat to a full-blown addict. Except maybe police involvement, and a tips line. But something tells me Stickney “collaborates” with police in order to paint an overly-optimistic picture and make sure the Narcotics Unit stays as far away as possible. Things didn’t get this bad overnight.

    • Namaste'
      December 16, 2017 at 10:11 am

      I am part of a new type of addiction clinic, we have a holistic view of the person, behavior and society.

      We don’t judge and we understand the deep root causes and there interplay with the addicts psyche. We use cutting edge beating with rubber hoses, car battery to the genitals, cold water baths and head dunkings that induce mild choking and fear of imminent death. On occasion we find staking a person spread eagle in the sun over a fire ant nest is effective.

  • august ames
    December 15, 2017 at 3:45 pm

    oxy is too hard to come by in 2017

    • Bulldog
      December 15, 2017 at 6:51 pm

      august ames,

      I was thinking the same thing. Oxy is almost impossible to get these days and since it’s at least a dollar per mg, that’s way too expensive for high schoolers. But then again, these high schoolers likely have parents or grandparents that get opioid medications and they just steal them and sell/share them amongst their friends. I saw this plenty, even when I was in high school and that was before everyone knew and openly talked about the “opioid epidemic.”

      We know that the kid definitely snorted some type of opioid because he started projectile vomiting which is a red flag for an opioid overdose.

  • ChrisInShrewsbury
    December 15, 2017 at 11:22 am

    There’s something about Dr. Stickney that’s really appealing to me. She’s got that cute little high voice and all those videos she does on Youtube.

    She appears to be squeaky clean on the outside, but I’m sure, inside, she just craves a man to dominate her. If she’s married, I apologize, otherwise HMU girl.


  • Bill
    December 15, 2017 at 10:07 am

    Turtleboy. All I gotta say is your the shit. It took your one post . Keep it up turtle

  • Independent Thinker
    December 15, 2017 at 9:07 am

    We need to clean house and rid the school of trash so that people who want to learn can actually learn instead of being distracted by drugs, gangs, and bullying. Not everyone deserves a free education. In cases such as this, the school-to-prison pipeline is just what we all need.

    Remember, prison isn’t where you go to get rehabilitated. There are better ways of rehabilitating people. Prison is where dangerous people belong, permanently, in order to protect society.

  • Dave Lind
    December 15, 2017 at 8:07 am

    I am still trying to figure out the quote ” I am a real ass person” and Celia being the proud parent of that. So, the mom is happy that her daughter loves anal?

  • Independent Thinker
    December 15, 2017 at 7:25 am

    This woman belongs in prison. She threatened to make sure that someone never walks again. That’s serious. Let’s just hope that the next person who she beats up is carrying.

    All drug dealers should be executed. Funny how the SJW’s accuse Turtleboy of being a racist, when most of the blogs are about white trash such as this person.

    • kurt
      December 23, 2017 at 3:47 am

      “All drug dealers should be executed.”

      Dude you need to start your own blog called “All drug dealers should be executed.” instead of using someone else’s to constantly push the “All drug dealers should be executed.” agenda :/

  • Hipocrite
    December 15, 2017 at 7:20 am

    You are not real news. Only you claim to be real news and when someone calls YOU on your LIES you shelter behind your shell and you state ” we are not real news.

    You are a Trump sheep. This means you call ALL real news FAKE. You in turn are the source and creation of FAKE news. You attempt to be masterful at deception and reverse phycology but you are not. Only the morons, sheep followers, bold print readers and one liner enthusiasts appreciate TBS.
    Michael Hartwell is a well know LIAR. He got let go from the Sentinel which became a two page lying clique forum. He constantly misspelled words as he still does in TBS stories. Michael lived a very sheltered life in Maine away from the real deal life experiences.
    Now you will in short order tell me how my spell check chose “There instead of their. ” But fact of the matter is that I don’t claim to be a writer or a journalist YOU DO.

    • TortugaNino
      December 15, 2017 at 8:24 am

      So go read ______ Post and smoke your morning pole then snowflake. Nobody here gives a rats crusty anus about someone stupid enough to call out another mans spelling while they themselves spelled HYPOCRITE wrong. Buh Bye!

    • SVU
      December 15, 2017 at 8:49 am

      This is real news. I read things from TBS before I see it on the what you would call the “real” news. You may not like the way they deliver the news or how they write it, I personally love it. Anyone who says this isn’t real news is just in denial.

    • Finn
      December 15, 2017 at 9:16 am

      I love how Turtleboy haters identify Turtleboy as either a “Trump Nazi” or “Libtard Fag”. Such polar opposites – yet they share the same stupid, simple thought process.

    • Sausage Gorfing Communist
      December 15, 2017 at 11:25 am

      “Hipocrite” is either Craig McFarlane of the Telegram, Dan the Commie Margolis, or some other scumbag who aids and abets the druggie ratchets.

      Regardless, either one of those felon fellating cheerleaders would be happy to get jumped and anally raped by a pack of food stamp scamming hoodrats who are temporarily gay for the duration of their meth benders.

      McFarlane and Margolis are rare exceptions. They’re too much of pussies to do crimes themselves and they’d rather support criminals, but both of them rub off thinking about prison sex.

      • TortugaNino
        December 15, 2017 at 1:40 pm

        Either way he is someone I would LOOOOVE to punch in the face.

  • dindu what?
    December 15, 2017 at 6:06 am

    God bless China it may be the new United States where hard work and innovation are rewarded, I love asian culture and asians. This man sees it understands it no social injustice bull shit explanations. Simple, you did what you did and have the results of that. One correction for my Chinese friend, they didn’t learn this from the Belgians, it’s a dindu thing you wouldn’t understand.

  • streetsweeper
    December 15, 2017 at 5:54 am

    give em all the drugs they can use! distribute fentanyl in 5 pounds bags like whole wheat flower, gonna happen sooner or later, let darwinsim takes its course white, brown, black, after using the H theres no going back

  • Skeptical Taxpayer
    December 15, 2017 at 4:48 am

    In all honesty, and I know I may be wrong, but hopefully not, that video
    looks fake. Cocaine is more “crystal-y” that looks like baking powder.
    Should do a drug test on the kid/railing to determine it.

    • QueefChief
      December 15, 2017 at 5:46 am

      I believe in the original article it was stated that he was sniffing oxys. That looks like a big pile of apirin with about 5 mg of oxy in it… aka a Percocet 5 mg.

      • Bulldog
        December 15, 2017 at 6:44 pm

        QueefChief, it does like like a crushed up Percocet but that wouldn’t make sense. If a person is trying to snort a pill with so much acetaminophen like Percocet, the person won’t even ingest any of the drug they’re trying to get high from which is the oxycodone because their nose would be clogged from the acetaminophen. The story mentions that the student immediately started projectile vomiting and 5 mg of oxycodone wouldn’t cause that but snorting 30+ mg which is the standard dose for Oxycodone 30 mg pill could cause vomiting or even an OD for someone with zero opiate tolerance. So no, there’s no way it was just a 5 oxycodone/325 acetaminophen mg Percocet.

        • Justsaying
          December 15, 2017 at 6:58 pm

          They make percs without aspirin too. And a lot of people sniff pills with aspirin in them. It really don’t matter it’s just more to sniff

          • Jay
            December 15, 2017 at 7:07 pm

            I know a lot of people who do. I use to see my sister do it all the time with her friends. I got real sick from a 5 mg perk and itchy

          • Bulldog
            December 16, 2017 at 6:46 pm


            Are you an idiot?

            “And a lot of people sniff pills with aspirin in them. It really don’t matter it’s just more to sniff”

            You must be if you’re snorting pills with acetaminophen in them. It’s not just “more to sniff” when you’re snorting 325-500+ mg of acetaminophen, it means your sinuses get too clogged with acetaminophen and therefore can’t absorb any of the measly 5 mg of oxycodone, so you’re wasting the entire pill. Any “high” you would feel from snorting a Percocet would be a placebo effect or you just have a VERY low tolerance and would be feeling the effects of maybe half a mg (if that) of oxycodone that dripped down the back of your throat (post-nasal drip) from snorting the pill. The only idiots I’ve ever seen snort pills with acetaminophen were high schoolers. I didn’t know adults actually did shit so stupid and wasteful. If you want to take an opioid pill that has acetaminophen, you’re actually better off just eating the pill normally, instead of wasting 99% of it.

            “They make percs without aspirin too”

            Those aren’t Percocet. Those are regular immediate release oxycodone pills (sometimes labeled Roxicodone) or the extended release OxyContin. Percocet are ONLY made with oxycodone AND acetaminophen and they’re made in doses of: 2.5/325, 5/325, 7.5/325, and the largest is 10/325 mg. It’s a different brand name depending what the ingredients are. The majority of pill addicts call everything with oxycodone, Percocets, because they’re idiots and don’t know the difference. Google Percocet and check or and you’ll see that I’m right if you don’t believe me.

            “And a lot of people sniff pills with aspirin in them”

            Last, the pills don’t have aspirin, they have acetaminophen which is the generic name for Tylenol.

        • QueefChief
          December 16, 2017 at 6:26 am

          if people weren’t getting high off of p5’s because of too much acetaminophen then it wouldn’t be one of the most abused pills on the streets. I do agree however after watching more closely that it’s more likely a 30. At first glance the line looked much larger. I think we can all agree it’s fucked up either way. I know people who started doing that shit in high school who now are full blown dope heads robbing people and spending most of their time in jail. These kids need to be taught the reality of drugs before they find out the hard way and it’s too late.

    • Bulldog
      December 15, 2017 at 6:36 pm

      It wasn’t coke. It was oxycodone and it looks just like that, just like most crushed up pills do. Plus the story includes the fact that the student who snorted the lines started projectile vomiting means he was just about overdosing on oxy because vomiting is a HUGE red flag that the person has had way too much of an opioid/opiate. Even if it was coke, do you honestly think kids in high school get the fish scale stuff? No. They would have gotten some crappy cut powder that was 99% cut and 1% actual cocaine, so it would appear just like the powder on the video.

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