A year ago we published a blog exposing the most notorious contractor/scammer/junkie in the south shore, Dylan Costello.
I felt bad for that poor crotch fruit at the time, but a year later after he made the news again I feel even worse.
NEW: Dylan Costello, 24, of Randolph in facing 17 charges after leading @WeymouthPD on a chase that came to a crashing end on the Fore River Bridge around noon. Police say he had a 4-year-old girl, 17-year-old girl and his dad in the car. All 4 of them suffered minor injuries. pic.twitter.com/rcX0Dk1ZBJ
— Mike Saccone (@mikesacconetv) March 5, 2020
Fox 25 News: Weymouth Police arrested a Randolph man accused of speeding, driving on the wrong side of the road, blowing through red lights and passing cars around lunchtime Thursday, Detective Sergeant Rob Regan told Boston 25 News. Regan said Officer Edward Yakubian tried to stop the driver, later identified as 24-year-old Dylan Costello, just before 11:30 a.m. Yakubian reported Costello failed to stop for him as he pursued him northbound on Pleasant Street into Weymouth Heights. Yakubian lost sight of Costello, but kept searching for him. He eventually located him on Bridge Street where he said Costello again refused to stop and fled at a high rate of speed. Ryan Bond was dropping his brother off at school when he saw police in hot pursuit.
“This little black car came balling down the street and was doing like 100 miles an hour,” Bond told Boston 25 News. “I was like, what is this guy doing? Running from the cops? All of a sudden I see the blue lights. I see Weymouth Police chasing after him.”
Costello crashed into three cars on the Fore River Bridge, Regan said. No one in the cars was hurt. A 4-year-old girl, 17-year-old girl and Costello’s father were also in the car Costello was driving, according to Regan. All four were taken by ambulance to the hospital to be treated for minor injuries. Police have also charged the 17-year-old passenger with misleading a police officer. She switched seats with Costello and tried to tell police she was the one driving, according to Regan. The relationship between Costello and the minors in the car is unknown.
“The Department of Children and Families has received a report and is investigating in collaboration with law enforcement,” an agency spokesperson told Boston 25 News.
The 17-year-old was released from the hospital to a custody of a relative. She’ll be arraigned in Quincy Juvenile Court at a later date. Regan said Weymouth Police were looking for Costello a couple of weeks ago to arrest him on outstanding warrants for similar reckless driving charges. They were unable to locate him, but Boston Police later arrested him in Charlestown.
Costello is facing 17 charges including negligent operation of a motor vehicle, failure to stop for a police officer, a marked lanes violation, two separate speeding charges, leaving the scene of an accident with property damage, concealing a license plate, operating a motor vehicle with a suspended licenses – subsequent offense, operating an unregistered vehicle, operating an uninsured vehicle, using a motor vehicle without authority and two counts of reckless endangerment of a child.
But wait, I thought he was turning his life around because he stopped getting high for 48 consecutive hours?
I’m sure he had a really good reason to be driving 100 mph at 11:30 AM with his girlfriend’s sister, girlfriend’s father, and the crotch fruit belonging to his girlfriend (luckily he doesn’t get to see his own), and crashing into three other cars. I for one am SHOCKED that he considers his baby momma the “biggest clown to exist.”
Definitely want a role model like that around my poon polyps.
He’s really got his priorities in order…..
And it sounds like he has a LOT of respect for women.
On the bright side, at least the innocent people all made it out alive. But on the not so bright side, so did he.
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44 Comment(s)
He looks like a Mickey Milkivich from shameless.
Wiggers are so amusing. If they actually grew up in the hood, the last thing they would aspire to be is a nig nog with their jail/baby mama/welfare culture. They are all suburbanites that were raised by cuck fathers with no hair that are height challenged begging for attention from facelifted, SUV driving soccer moms that wish their kids shopped at Lulu Lemon, just like them.
Those of us unfortunate enough to have grown up around these animals that have barely been civilized for 40 years aren’t wiggers or SJWs or jumping at the first chocolate sausage they can to mass produce brown babies.
How do you prove someone misled a police officer, as opposed to proving they made a false statement? Seems like the standard of proof would be, like the famous Supreme Court statement about obscenity, “I know it when I see it” — in other words, it’s unconstitutionally vague and impossible to define with any clarity. I’d be surprised if anyone has ever been convicted of it. There is the well-established crime of making false and misleading statements, because falsity has objective standards, but just making misleading statements? Never heard of it before. I suspect the police probably charge people with it occasionally to scare them, but I doubt any prosecutors pursue it.
Hey moroon
This scumbag drove by me that morning going so fast i couldn’t see who was in the car. It was in front of the entrance to pingree elementary school. If those kids had a half day they would have been crossing the sidewalk and this ahole woyld have ran them over. Stop trying to cover for criminal aholes. You must be one yourself. You are a piece of shi t.
Save your preamble for my knob.
He looks like he’s sucked a few black dicks
He should be all set in prison
Takes one to know one
What a complete total ass clown , definitely a canadiate for Daddy of the year!!!!!!! Complete pussy and totally confused in his identity , wakes up everyday totally bs he wasn’t born black , will absolutely be performing oral sex on the first black cellmate he has
If Boston Irish had a face.
Stick him an a cell with a potato…..for life.
There’s nothing that disgusts and infuriates me more than a suburban pussy who plays ghetto.
It’s funny, but us white guys that really did grow up in the bricks and around the bruthas NEVER wig out.
We used to fight them and shit and we never wanted to be or act like one. These fucking fags make me sick, they’re so empty and adrift that they glom on to the lowest possible “culture” in the world and try to belong.
It’s going to be hilarious when they’re out panhandling and hustling blowies just like real bangas do when they can no longer outrun the po-po. Fucking losers !!!
I wouldn’t worry though.. I’m sure prison is eventually in this dickheads future and when that time comes he’ll quickly learn how stupid and misled he’s been over the years when he tries making friends with whites AND blacks..
Nobody who gives a rat fart about this creep needs to worry about him doing any time. This is Massachusetts, after all, where someone could firebomb a hospital filled with orphans and only get community service…he’ll be back ripping off the local area town folk in no time.
The girls father I’m thinking must be a real shit bag
Letting his daughter anywhere near this asshole
And riding around with them in the middle of the day
I’ll bet he’s a fucking drug addict
You brought up a good point. It takes a next-level shitbag father to let this dickhead control your life. I guarantee he’s equal or more of a shitbag than this Wigger.
I’d like to make a request to expose this lowlife father Unc please !
“Police have also charged the 17-year-old passenger with misleading a police officer.”
Since when was “misleading a police officer” a crime? Is it also a crime to mislead anyone? I thought it was a protected right under the Constitution. Someone better get Rachel Rollins on this in a hurry or we’re all in trouble.
Judges can mislead ICE agents.
I misled your mom when I told her it was just a dark tan
My mom misled you. She used to be my dad.
You’re dumb. Interfering in an investigation is illegal. Hate to break it to you
Right. And all those State Police overtime records innocently disappeared. Good to know the police never mislead or impede investigations by other police.
Which story was about you?
What’s your profession?
You mean “ Blac Pebbles” Rollins? She and the “Black Sargent Schultz” police commissioner with the fedora to hide his huge empty head Is the Boston Justice Minstrel Show.
Moving BPD headquarters to ghettobury was such a stupid move.
Remember “it’s just a few bad apples.”
Don’t mislead
You’re mother misled me by telling me she gave a great blow job
She was awful and I wound up beating off in her hair
He’s being held as he should be! Him and Bristol the douche canoe would make a good pair. They are cut from the same cloth. And his mother chimes in from court.. any comment “ o ___ expletive _____ no” last year she was his good boy! You f’in Wench! He’s your crotch fruit!
Where did that little piece of blonde taste go that he was with? Did she get wise and dump his ass?
I’d like to help her feel better. I go for brunettes but I can make an exception.
I can pick you up. Look for my VW at 6 PM tonight.
This guy is an asshole. Plain & simple. But he doesn’t care. Something in his brain is misfiring. He doesn’t realize he’s an asshole. He doesn’t think that life is better when you just follow the rules of humanity.
That he inconvenienced the people in those cars he smashed into doesn’t cross his mind. He won’t give them an ounce of thought.
Right now all he’s thinking is how much “cops suck.”
My wife won’t be blowing me while I’m driving, or spitting my cum out of her mouth and telling me to put it in her ass, but I’ll take my life over his any day. At least I’m not jerking off in a jail cell.
Who the hell does he think he is, an illegal alien?
The list is long and it seems my work is never done, but I’m coming for you Douchebag Costello, and when I find you, it will be glorious. Tick tock motherfucker, scammers are the lowest of lows.
He manages to stay out on the streets every single time. This is what this state does, why lock him up when you can just set him right back into his lifestyle? He’s been lucky so far, all the people he swindled, and no one has caught up to him yet. Somebody will, sooner or later. His time is slowly running out.
Wiggaz stay doin’ stupid shit…it’s their way of showing their black homies that they “keep it a hunnit”
I was Costellos daddy and top last time I visited a bath house in Provincetown. Now The DNC threatens to release the tape so I dropped out.
Do your thing Coronavirus.
World is overdue for a good cleansing.
Thanks again China. SMH…..
I thought that heroin was going to clean up the shit stains of society, but then some smart ass scientist had to make a billion dollars by inventing Narcan.
We need something to spread fast & furious inside prisons. Sorry CO’s.
You ain’t gone to bust a grape at a food fight
This reprobate was most recently operating out of Mattapandolph?
Surprised I didn’t hear about him sooner.
There’s a few people looking to hand out some justice. He better find somewhere else to land if he gets back on the street.
I’d like to cause him pain and suffering on principle alone. No mercy on anyone that swindles older folks and everyone else.
If someone knows an addy, please drop it here.
Lols. What ya gonna do to him tough guy? People like you who talk shit like that NEVER do anything. It’s the ones who don’t talk but take action you gotta look out for.
You’re right, I have no balls.
But Mattapandolph, you have to got to give me a like for that shit.
Get it, Mattapan and Randoplh put together! Huh?! Huh?!
Fuck you both.
If I do something or not, never swinging for it, “Y’all”.
Nobody likes an imposter, you fake ass queef.
I bet both of you wouldn’t step up together, never mind by your lonesome selves.
i always feel as though i stepped in dog shit when i read about people like these, and even at the distance of the interweb, their white trash pong is tough to abide.
Gutter cleaning ha ha, I guess you could say he keeps a clean residence.
He looks miserable holding the baby. Does his arrest mean he won’t be able to rake my leaves this weekend?
I’ll rake your leaves, Skipper. But… what’s a rake??
Come to my hut little buddy and I’ll show you. My last name was earned.