Panhandler Troll With “Send Nudes” Sign Is The Hero Worcester Has Been Waiting For
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Worcester apparently has a new panhandler, and he’s way better than the other ones:
His name is Jon Bogart. Obviously he is a good shit and has great taste:
He doesn’t want money. He doesn’t do drugs. He’s not homeless. He just seems to want to make people laugh. And apparently the junkie patrol isn’t liking it too much:
Good. Hope they hate him. Because if you’re pissing them off then you’re doing something right. Not sure how he finds the time to do it, but I hope this becomes a trend. Everyone stands at the corners where the panhandlers are and holds a hilarious sign like this. As someone pointed out, “Send dick pics” obviously has to be next.
We wanted to know what his motivation was for doing this, especially since he chose the shittiest time of the year to be a panhandling troll:
Youre literally the first person to ask lol. Well I’ve been, personally, in a really poor place mentally. And i like making others laugh, a lot. So I shot the idea about doing this around to various coworkers and they all kinda chuckled at it, so i took it upon myself to grab a piece of cardboard and upstage the actual homeless guy that’s normally on that corner for my lunch break. It was pretty dope for me, because people were stopping to snap a picture or they would honk and give me a thumbs up as they passed . It was a pretty cool experience and im.. Glad that i did it.
Legend. Well Jon, if you keep doing this here are some signs I would urge you to hold:
- “Tracy Novick made me do it”
- “Joe Petty says I’m a moron”
- “No fat chicks”
- “Food stamps half price”
- “Fire Clive”
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18 Comment(s)
Every time I come down Salisbury St there is the same guy on the corner of Salisbury and Park Ave outside of the antiquarian society. I saw the fucking guy get into a new Hyuandai hatch back on Regent St. Next time you’re coming down the hill, look for the car and tell him you know it’s his. Hilarious.
Would that be the elderly man at that corner? If it’s still him he will tell you he is not homeless. He is a war veteran and doesn’t get enough to pay for his meds. We gave him money last summer, very nice man
Seen this guy drinking at one of my shit hole bars on millbury st.
Turtleboy: This is a true Worcester hero. You guys should put him on the payroll. Give him a company car while you’re at it. And an expense account. Put him up the company condo.
That post was not from Joe Petty. It emanated from the grassy knoll.
Mayor Petty never posted that, I did!
This panhandler is a moron and uneducated.
Sarcasm has left the building.
I like the ‘fire clive’ idea.
Creative, if he did think of it himself. To me, he’s just another street beggar, slowing down traffic and blocking the sidewalk. Never mind if he has other income too. Some actually work, not many. SSDI is more to their liking, just to start with of course.
you’re wrong. he did just do it to be funny. he’s not a beggar.
If you look up, you may see the joke flying over your head.
Just remind the lazy panhandlers that Novick used the free speech argument to allow them to suck free money from liberal morons to continue their abuse of drugs and alcohol. Sit down and STFU while I pan handle for pussy shots! A noble and legal cause sure!!!
This is my ex-husband lol. He’s a great co parent and dad too! And he was on his lunch break lol.
TB you should do a turtleboyshorts segment on your podcast where you interview people like this and more brett kilorians. love the devoted riders
I’m going right down to that corner now to talk to this guy. I bet he knows where I can find this Burglestein guy at so I can finally bring him to justice and seize his cocaine empire. Hey Tredge, you hear that? You gonna use your 1 phone call to call up Fiesty to bail you out?
Whoopsies, forgot to sign it with my official title.
DEA Agent
Perfect. Or how about “Drain the Worcester Swamp”