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So Turtleboy drove by Centerfolds in Oxford and we couldn’t believe it – the place has gone out of business. How does a strip club go out of business? Do people get sick of seeing naked women while drinking $8 rum and cokes? Anyway, it was weird because right when we passed by someone sent us this article from February, which we were shocked we hadn’t already reported on:
Here’s some interesting parts of the article:
We found money being taken out at Hy-Line Cruises in Hyannis, $3,000 at Logan International Airport, the Framingham Police Department, a gun club in Hudson, and during a Chris Brown and separate Incubus concerts at the Xfinity Center in Mansfield. EBT money was also taken out at three strip clubs in the state, including the Magic Lantern in Palmer.
Welfare recipients can’t buy beer with their EBT card, but we found $852,750 of EBT money taken out at ATM’s inside places we identified as package or liquor stores. $66,270 at the Summit Package Store in Springfield. Another $66,420 at bars across the state. The Department of Transitional Assistance, or DTA, which oversees the state’s welfare system, told the I-Team as of today, DTA has blocked 541 “bars, pubs, taverns” and 660 “liquor stores.”
More than $20,000 EBT dollars were taken out at one convenience store in Springfield where they sell beer and wine. Every transaction, the welfare recipient was hit with a service fee. Now just a few feet away, if a welfare recipient used this bank ATM, they wouldn’t be hit with any transaction fees. $1,960 was taken out at an iPhone Solutions store. $5,140 was taken out Six Flags. $12,620 at Best Buy across the state and $20,140 at Pawn Shops.
Pawn shops are not prohibited locations under the law, therefore DTA does not have the authority to block ATMs at those locations. You can’t pay directly for a tattoo with your EBT card either, but we found $240 taken out at an ATM inside a Springfield tattoo shop.
You know what the real crime here is? You have to pay money to listen to Incubus. It’s insane. But what’s also insane are the legion of ding dongs who get fired up whenever you bring up EBT abuse. Hey geniuses, no one wants to get rid of food stamps, and no one wants to shame the poor. We actually want to help them, and in order to do that we want to make sure that people who REALLY need the money, and are trying their best every day, get the money for basic necessities.
You know what’s not helping them better themselves? Enabling them. When you see that morons are spending your tax dollars on lap dances in Palmer, package stores all over Springfield, tattoos, Best Buys, pawn shops, Six Flags, Chris Brown concerts, and the Nantucket fast ferry, that’s not good. We should try to stop that. None of those things help get people out of poverty. It keeps them in poverty, which apparently is what some politicians want. The more people are in poverty, the more they can promise to take money from hard working taxpayers and dole it out to them for more lap dances. Jamie Eldridge gets a pension out of it, and the people supporting him are stuck in the same place for the rest of their lives.
What blows my mind is how you’re allowed to withdraw money from ATM’s. This seems like the simplest fix of all. EBT cards should be for certain foods and beverages only. No lobster, no Moet, no Air Jordan’s. The only thing you can possibly need cash for, is stuff that you can’t buy with your EBT card. Think of how idiotic it is to allow this to continue.
There should be regular check ups at homes too. If you are receiving assistance and you have a 60′ TV in your home with cable and Internet, then you don’t get any more assistance. Because EBT is for people who can’t afford those luxuries.
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60 Comment(s)
Why are people selling them for half the worth if they can get money out of an ATM with them?
And when the hell did that start???
I’m having my first girl crush on fiestylawyerlady. “Swoon”
I like girl crushes! 😉
Well turtleboy, normally I love your articles and take on things like the Vibrator bandits. This article on the other hand, I find to be in poor taste. There’s things that the article you used isn’t taking into account. A: The article and you use generalization where things should be looked at with an individual basis. While I am sure that some of these transactions are not on the up and up, it’s too easy to just assume it’s all abuse. It’s also too easy to just assume that everyone on EBT assistance are able to work or function at a job and are just leeching off of people who work. Your idea of home check ups is completely unconstitutional, and how can anyone prove anything? I have a 60′ tv, neither me or my fiance were working a year later and had to use public assistance for a while to make sure our child had food, electricity for heat, and such. I am back to work now, but those were rough times, scraping by, but if some d-bag came in my house and said my child had to go hungry because I owned a tv, I’d probably want to bash his face in. Idk, I just feel like this is a topic where the needs of the many outweigh the crimes of a few, and many people seem to forget this.
Well, Richard, I think a lot of us would sell that 60″ television before we signed up for public assistance. While I agree that there are a lot of people who legitimately need public assistance, the fact is that there is a lot of abuse. And why do so many of them have money to buy cigarettes but not enough for food, hmmm?
I have to agree with rational person. If your daughter is hungry you can’t sell/pawn that SIXTY INCH TV? If you had a Bentley I’d expect the same. Both I consider luxury goods if you’re using MY tax dollars to feed YOUR family. And I know that’s not what you want to hear but it’s true. Why would they need cash also? Couldn’t you have used paper food stamps that can’t be used a strip club or on liquor and tattoos? Sorry you bought a luxury electronic and don’t want to sell it… But why shouldn’t somebody in a Mercedes say the same thing? The system should be less abuseable.
You know, I can’t stop thinking about your comment, Richard. The fact that you thought it was a sensible idea to buy a 60″ television when your financial situation was so tenuous that losing your job put you onto public assistance is part of the problem. I would never pay $600, $800, $1200 for a tv unless I was very, VERY financially secure. Like Maxito said, that is a LUXURY item.
People need to be realistic about how they spend their money and think about “what could happen” in the future. And they need to set a good example for their children about living within your means and being responsible.
I stopped trying to figure this state out a long time ago. Now the state wants to legalize recreational pot. Soon everyone will be buying bags of pot, 2 litres of Pepsi and all of the munchies they want with EBT cards. How any of these things will improve our state escapes me. What you end up with is lazy overweight stoners with diabetes.
Lol, I’ll take lazy overweight stoners with diabetes over raging alcoholics with driving issues.
Centerfolds is closed??????
you got to keep the spammers away! annemarie is the first I recall seeing.
Do you want to earn from home by working basic work using your desktop or laptop for 4 to 6 h on daily bassis, get paid 91 bucks an hour and get a paycheck every week and choose yourself your working time…89k
Then see this——- HomeBiz70.Tk
Really E.B.T is not a big deal other than the scammers,but I don’t get how people from much poorer and even third world countries come here work their asses off and do well for themselves and family. The same people who’s lived here forever can’t figure it out. Seems odd. Clive?
Nothing much changes in Mass. This comes up at times, in the past in many instances. Bottom line, things seem to stay the same. But realistically, are getting worse !
Massachusetts still has the best schools and medical care in the country.
I can’t fathom why people are bitching about ads on here. It’s called an ad blocker, people! I run Ad Block Plus on my desktop, and AdGuard on my phone and tablet. Haven’t seen a single one of these annoying, objectionable ads you’re all complaining about; just the ones embedded into the blog posts themselves. And those don’t bother me one iota.
I had no choice but to install one… It works!
If anybody knows the real reason Centerfolds closed, I’m sure many of us would like to know.
Now those poor girls are probably on ebt.
All I got from that is Centerfolds is closed! EBT holders have been scamming the government and working citizens since forever. But why would such a first class establishment such as Centerfolds go under, lol. Where will all the drug dealers make it rain $15, maybe $20 in singles on a good night.
As a liberal-leaning, usually democrat-voting taxpayer, this pisses me off too. Don’t lump us all together.
As the token liberal, this shit pisses me off, too. If my hard earned money is going to go in between a stripper’s ass cheeks – I’m going to be the one putting it there!
Wash your hands afterwards.
With bleach.
Centerfolds in Oxford closed several years ago. So long ago that when I read the blog I thought you meant the Centerfolds in Worcester closed, please don’t scare me like that!
The states need to go back to the paper food stamps that came in a booklet and the individual “bills” were torn off. The US government went to bank style cards to reduce the stigma welfare recipients felt using food stamps. But the only way to insure that that food stamps are used for food is by using the old style. There’ll still be fraud from stores paying 50 cents on the dollar for a dollar in food stamps but not as much as there is now.
I have no problem helping those who truly need it to have a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs, especially the elderly, the handicapped or those who work but don’t quite earn enough to support their families, which I am sure are many. I am totally against giving welfare to healthy 20 year olds who hang out all day getting high while working the system or illegal aliens whose first legal act in the US is to apply for freebies.
Nevermind the booze, butts and pole-dancers, I think it would be interesting to see if any Pols took donations from EBT cards.
This is the fault of the liberals, and it’s disgusting. Lucky for me, I’ve figured out a way to pay the smallest possible amount in taxes to the government.
But speaking of disgusting, TB, I find some of the new ads on your site objectionable. If I keep having to see them pop up, I might stop reading Turtleboy Sports. Just my opinion.
Oh yeah the cellphone add is vulgar.
Oh yes and I am going to have to agree. These adds do go against the “family blog” concept originally intended. One of few times I do disagree with this thing on here. But when you have vulgar shitheads saying vulgar things in the comment section that kind of takes it down several levels. Street level scumbag stuff really.
Get rid of the near porn adds for God sake. We can tackle that anywhere but not here already. Jesus H. fucking Christ.
You know something? Between ths shit with the fucked up add thing and the absolute fucking assholes coming on here this blog is losing it big time. SJWs rule apparently.
Still a fight worth fighting and I will never stop.
Took 40$ out a atm at bettys charged me a 10$ fee. Bettys owner be making gwop.
This could be easily fixed, but it isn’t because welfare recipients are Democrat voters. The solution is simple. Printed vouchers (no cards) with the recipient’s name and address should be sent to these public charges. They can only use them after showing photo ID at a fixed number of government approved discount markets, all within a healthy walk of the takers’ ghettos. Let them and their faggot politicians scream.
Does this really suprise anyone? Our tax money hard at work.
Shauna O’Connell the state rep from Taunton is the only voice on Beacon Hill pushing for ebt reform. Of course the Dems vote down any changes she proposes.
I think I’ll write my congressman – he’s actually a very good guy and would probably be pretty interested in this.
FYI – I’m from Kentucky – I actually DO have a really good congressman, Thomas Massie.
You are living in Kentucky now KJDS? I always assumed that Turtle Riders were from in and around central Massachusetts. If you are then that is pretty cool. Seriously.
I’m in Atlanta.
I’m from Antarctica
Well that’s cool as well Turd. It’s cool to communicate with people from all over. Different perspectives from different regions.
Great stuff. Let the bander continue…
I was on another news site & reading a story about Trigglypuff & Chenkin. Someone posted a link to this site & I’ve been reading TB ever since. I find it pretty interesting.
I don’t understand Professor why you don’t just leave this blog and take your bad attitude with you. Turtleboy sports is MY favorite blog site and everyone loves me here.
What a great idea Bobnmic, Greg, or whoever he fuck else you may be… When shit gets this childish, your right, it’s time to go. I’m well aware that I won’t be missed, and guess what? My life will go on. Enjoy the bullshit. 🙂
ProfessorM it wasn’t so long ago when Fiesty and I owned the comment section here. All of the posters checked in to watch our net romance grow and they LOVED it. Anybody who dared give fiesty a thumbs down wouldn’t do it twice once they learned I was her boyfriend and I have mad ass ripping comment skills. Then you showed up all jealous of what we had and tried to break us up because obviously you have the hots for me and was wishing that you would become my girlfriend. I’m sorry your plan backfired on you but I’m just not interested in you. You posted earlier that you went to work last night and when you came home at 9:30 blah, blah, blah only leads me to believe that you work part time stalking shelves at the Dollar Store. Get a grip on yourself, you can’t have me!
Still an avid turtle rider down here in florida. The things I see happening back in my home make me so angry!
Run, run far and fast before I start professing my undying love for you. If you reply to me once, I’m going to ask you to let me smell your gym socks.
Why don’t you two stupid fucking assholes leave this guy alone…He apologized then went on his way…What is your obsession with him?…You two little whore mouthed sluts are amazingly fucked up and are ruining this blog…
So, I’m going to step out of my normal character here to address you once and for all.
Listen you fucking moron, if I wanted to make his life a living hell on here, I could do it in a heart beat and have enough fucking balls to do it under my name like I did last time.
I basically gave out his personal fucking information under my Fiesty account without blinking my eyes. Not one ounce of me felt guilty either. Therefore, if I was still trying to bother him, it would be way more than just making a silly reply. Although, I have to admit I did have the same reaction that poster did, but I kept it to myself.
I’m no pussy bitch. If I say I’m going to do something, I will do it…. just like I did. Now since I’m annoyed I will say this, I did it so fucking well he apologized like a godamned coward.
I don’t fuck with people on here unless I feel threatened, and Bob crossed the line so I rubbed some salt in his wound. He apologized, we moved on. Whenever I see the Taz avatar, I scroll right past the comment 9 times out of 10. I could care less what he has to say, and you for that matter.
Again, if I wanted to keep bothering him, I would have never stopped when he said sorry. Unless you know the whole story and why we even got to this point, you should keep your fucking mouth shut. When someone is trying to find me in my personal life and try and pass off my FB information, that is when I get angry and will not be nice the next time it happens, I assure you that. I will fucking give out every damn thing I know and still be able to sleep at night. I will spam it here everyday, too. So keep making your fake accounts to garner sympathy from the readers here. You want to go on an “IP check rant” like you have the ability, guess what, you don’t.
I come here and I am nice to everyone until someone gives me a reason to be a cunt. At that point, there is no turning back.
Hope off my imaginary dick before I do the same thing to you because unlike bobby boy, my threats are never empty. I know this will get tons of down votes but I don’t give a fuck because this is getting annoying now.
I’m good at what I do. I will post what you have for breakfast, when you flossed your fucking teeth, how much in EBT benefits you get…. stop fucking with me man… I’m getting tired of it. I swear to all mighty God if you or Bob reply and try to test my fucking patience after one of the longest worst days of my life today because unlike you, I don’t lie about my life, and I hate my job because I mainly deal with assholes, like you… I will give it all out, everything. Leave me alone man…. seriously. Fuck off.
I can be the nicest person in the world, but also someone’s worst fucking nightmare.
Seriously Bob stop your fucking shit already.
ALSO… The FB page that I use on TB is my second page that I use for game requests (WSOP, CANDY CRUSH, ECT). So, the most you are getting out of there is my work history that I updated years ago as lawyer and mommy, a picture of my face, my bestfriends face, and my dog, everything else is set to private…. BIG FUCKING DEAL… but to be stupid enough to talk to people and ask around for my FB page is ridiculous. Just because I don’t address people on here on a personal level does not mean I don’t know anyone. There are THREE people here who know me PERSONALLY – IN THE FLESH. Keep that in mind before you go off on a rant looking for me on FB you dumb fucker. You asked the wrong person – shit face. I swear people like you make me sick. You think I hide because I’m afraid of my appearance? NOPE. I’m confident 100% in how I look. I stopped caring about peoples opinions when I got my period for the first time, you little child. Some people will think I’m pretty, some will think I’m fucking gross, I DON’T CARE! I hide because I don’t want a random weirdo falling in love with me on the internet…………………………LOL! Anyhow, enjoy my picutre you fucking pussy. I’m not afraid the way you think I am.
I’m starting to hate being a lawyer, so if I have to give all of your information out and you figure out who I am.. at this point I don’t care. I rather own a restaurant or put my time toward real estate.
SO the big bang… Here it is… Take a look at my avatar. You next Greg. You DO YOUR picture now Greg or I will…. Unless you leave me alone then I won’t. You have 24 hours to jerk off to it too you fucking weirdo pervert. Who’s a pussy? ME or YOU? I have the balls to change it to my picture for 1 day knowing there are at least 10 people here who LOATHEEEEEEEE MEEEE… LOL. You have no balls!!!
FUCK OFF for the last time.
People on here are so stupid and don’t realize “Stop this” is also BobnMic. People ALSO don’t realize that ALL of the trolling accounts that have been copying names have been BobnMic! I’m talking about the fake BobnMic NO avatar. I’m talking about the FAKE Fiesty, Professor M, ect.
8 blogs ago Bob accidentally put in the wrong email and ended up commenting to himself under one of the troll accounts because he’s fucking stupid.
Amazing how 9 people have fallen for your sob story there Bob and think this “Stop this” person isn’t you, but someone sticking up for you. Crazy, because the information matches!!! 🙂
I asked you to stop several times, and you don’t listen. I asked you to stop making fake accounts, you don’t listen. So, Here is level 1. Let me know how much further we can go.
You used a fake account to accuse me of being some pussy hiding behind a name. I’m not that person – this is Fiesty by the way if you can’t tell. I don’t need to be afraid of you Bob.
I don’t know how to listen… LA LA LA LAAAA I don’t know HOW! I ruined this blog and because I use so many fake accounts I make it seem like Fiesty has ruined it. HA!
Anyone remember “Jon” that I used to talk to?? Yeah, that was me talking to myself, LOL! SAME EXACT INFORMATION! It all matches up. Hey, but I like to be cute and threaten people on here with IP tracking, I should have never mentioned that! Kept my mouth quiet, but NO. I don’t listen. So, let me give you the skinny. I can’t afford much because I work for Verizon. At times I have to make my loved ones suffer and live with my mommy. I lie and say it’s because we are helping her, but in reality, she is helping us!! I’m ever so trusting and just accept any ole’ person on FB and so fucking dumb and never thought about WHO it could be! LA LA LA!
I have lied to people on Turtle Boy Sports in the following ways:
1. I have said I go to expensive vacations on tropical islands. The only cool vacation I went on was to Disneyland and it set me back far.
2. I lied and said I have motorcycles – nope.
3. I lied and said I knew karate – nope.
4. I make fun of fat people even though myself and my spouse are overweight.
5. I lied and said (GASP) that I was a Navy Seal… JESUS!!! HOW LOW AM I?
6. I make fun of drug addicts and criminals but Allie has been arrested so many times.. So has my precious Ken aka Kenneth.
7. I have a few fuck ups in my family, it embarrasses my wife.
8. I threaten peoples safety on here, and when I get ganged up on, I then put my tail between my legs and make up a bunch of troll accounts so people feel bad for me. I always get the “NEW READERS” to up vote me because they don’t know the history behind my psychotic behavior.
9. I lie and say I own a bunch of condo’s – NOPE! I live with my momma.
10. I am on welfare and receive benefits for FOOD, and heating assistance.
I’m done for the evening. Bob, you take care now babe!
I can keep going, but I am tired and leaving for vacation tomorrow. I have no idea why I’m still awake, I’m just in a horrible mood and Bobby you chose to bother me on a night that I felt like being up this late causing trouble!
– “LUV” FiestyLawyerLady
What in the flying fuck of several known to the global world flying fucks are you talking about? I mean seriously. Seriously? I thought we were done with our spat. I just came on here and started reading about me this and me that and what the fuck already.
You know something, say what you want. I am a big giant asshole prick dude assface fucking idiot fucking clueless fucknut fuckstain shitstain worst person ever to live on this earth.
Did I cover it all? Oh and like I really did deserved that you fucking idiot. Fuck off.
Look – a little harsh language with the fuck off comment I’ll admit and apologize. But seriously girls, I thought we were done with all of this absolute nonsense. Why do you think the enemies of yours have anything to do with me? Why do you have to make so much trouble for me and other people on here. So people say fuck you to you and you automatically think it is me? Come on.
Do you remember a short time ago we all used to be friends?
You go crazy with crazy rants and make a fucking list. Come on already.
I just don’t get it. I really don’t – so now back on topic on the next good article thank God.
Stop with the innocent game. Show me one regular here who has stuck up for you, and I will give you $20. Every account that attacks me is you. Why would a RANDOM person remember that you apologized to me, and then take time out of their day to mention it in a comment? Come on man, you have to be smarter than that if you’re going to troll someone like me who is extremely analaytical. Then I take a lil’ looksy and realize it’s you… again…
The thing about me Bob is I don’t care about being liked or accepted here. You do. No one here is going to make me cry or beg to be liked to the point I’m kissing people’s asses in the comment section the way you do. What’s the most aggravated is how you have to reassure people you enjoy their commentary like your opinion matters that much, “Nice comment oh so cool… yeah keep posting” it’s almost text porn talk, might as well be holding your weiner when you say it.
All in all, you have been asked to stop a million times but you think you’re slick. Close but no cigar.
It’s okay Fiesty I forgive you. I don’t know how everything got so messed up. It wasn’t very long ago we were Internet lovers and talked about moving our relationship to the next level like maybe texting with our phones or even hooking up at a hotel room. Where has that lovable sexy Fiesty gone to? Let’s just call a truce and maybe bring back the magic we shared.
Riddle me this Greg, I went to work last night, came home around 930, spent some time with my kid, watched a little tv, then went to bed. This morning, I wake up, to find that Greg K Marsden, 39, from 63 Wilson in Spencer Ma, has called me a whore mouthed slut. And then continued to drag me into a fight that he started because he is off his meds again. How is this possible? I could have sworn that you learned your lesson? Hmmm… Should we go into yearly income? Well, thanks to fiesty we know it’s under 23,000, cause you receive fuel assistance. How about phone numbers? Hmm? How fucking dare you drag me into this when I’m not even here? You fucking loser scumbag. Go suck off your moms tit. I’d post her name on here too, but she already deals with enough having you as her son.
Ps, calling fiesty rude names on her appearance was pretty ballsy of you, considering she’s by far a ten, to my nine, and to your wife’s two. 😉
Call it what you will Professor. Once again Fiesty starts showing me some well earned affections and attention and you freak out in a fit of Jealousy. GROW UP!
What I find interesting is the federal governments inability to address the issue. Gov. Lapage recently said he is upset that his obese poor residents are buying mountain due and other shitty soda and stuff with their entire and if they can continue this he won’t be involved in the federal program. For some reason this was viewed as an attack on the poor by democrats? I though all them and Michelle Obama thought it was a great I idea to take all tasty foods away from kids and give them veggies for lunch… Let’s to this with the other dependant, unable to think for them selves individuals and welfare teet suckers.
Enjoy your day at work tomorrow while those on welfare enjoy some smokes, a little day drinking, maybe get that 12th tat, check out the shortys at the Lantern, all after they arise sometime after 1:30 pm. – on YOUR money. Who’s the sucker?