People Like Jamie Eldridge Created A Mob Mentality By Sharing Anti-Cop Misinformation On Social Media And Now Five Cops Are Dead


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The five police officers murdered in Dallas last night did not have to die. But a culture has been created in this country where a video is released, and instead of letting due process take its course, people embolden the mobs by sharing incendiary and dishonest information on social media. And it’s not just random people. It’s our leaders. For instance, let’s look at State Senator Jamie Eldridge’s Twitter over the last 48 hours to see what Turtleboy is talking about…….

Alton Sterling was an innocent man, minding his own business, selling some CD’s outside of a store. He was murdered for this. That’s what Jamie Eldridge is effectively saying with this post. We know now that the cops were called because Alton Sterling had threatened someone with his illegal gun. We know that he has spent most of his life in prison, and has been arrested and served time for raping a child, beating women, and armed robbery. We know that he was actively resisting arrest and was reaching for his gun. By leaving all of that out people like Jamie Eldridge are intentionally organizing online lynch mobs which are devoid of facts and knowledge. He gets to watch the world burn and pretends like he cares about black people from his expensive home in the ultra wealthy, nearly all white suburb of Acton. A man who intentionally segregated himself from black people, now claims to understand their struggle.


According to Jamie, it is offensive to suggest that black lives matter activists are looking to rabble rouse, rather than seek truth and justice:

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According to Jamie Eldridge, last night’s protest in Dallas was “peaceful”

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Five cops are dead. “Peaceful.” Although it’s not surprising really. After all, this is a State Senator who voted against minimal funding for bullet proof vests for Massachusetts police officers, only to change his vote after Turtleboy publicly shamed him. He doesn’t care if cops die. He only cares if cops kill people while defending themselves.

Jamie Eldridge shared this hate speech from professional provocateur Shaun King, urging black people NOT to stay calm in the face of “police brutality”

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As a direct result of stuff like this being shared on social media, a mob got together in Dallas, and several members of the mob had no intention of “remaining calm,” because their leaders told them they didn’t have to.

Jamie Eldridge shared biased articles like this, which lead people to believe that police are “hunting” for black people.

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When people see stuff like this, it is their natural inclination to fight back. Why be the hunted when you can be the hunter? That’s the sort of message that inspired the people who murdered five Dallas cops last night.

Jamie Eldridge shared this article, which spread more misinformation and is designed to make black people feel like war has declared war on them:

Jamie Eldridge claims to care about black people killed by gun violence. Yet he has not mentioned the 60 black people who were shot in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend. He only shares articles about black men who are shot by white cops. He shares articles that call people like Mike Brown “unarmed,” but leaves out the fact that they attacked police officers before being shot. He is being intellectually dishonest and trying to incite a riot. He is a State Senator.

He proudly throws up the #BLM, the hate group whose members murdered five police officers, while claiming that legislators like him need to take actions against police officers who defend themselves from dangerous criminals:

But while he rushes to blame police for violent altercations, he goes out of his way to defend career criminals like Alton Sterling, because he believes their past history as dangerous and predatory criminals is irrelevant towards the conversation:

Alton Sterling was causing “no harm” according to Jamie Eldridge. Yet someone called 911 on him because he was using his gun outside the store in a threatening manner.

Jamie Eldridge and people like him are directly responsible for what happened in Dallas last night. He retweeted information on protests all over the country, which was clearly designed to get more people to attend these protests and thus increase the size of the uninformed mob:

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And the worst part is that when you call him out this disgusting mob mentality, they label you as “right wing conservative.”

Turtleboy is not “improving society?” Pretty sure our work with Laughlin Kennel, Spencer-East Brookfield Schools, and Mosaic Cultural Complex have all improved society. Meanwhile, Jamie Eldridge writes hashtags on twitter, organizes mobs, and does ribbon cuttings for water fountains:

Our most recent blog before the Dallas shootings were incredibly critical of extreme right wingers. Because we call out bullshit in all shapes and sizes as we see it. But people like Jamie Eldridge have made careers out of worrying people about the right wing bogeyman. They do it to distract you from their disgusting and unethical behavior.

This is not the type of leadership we need. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both equally as guilty. What we need is more leadership like this:

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Cooler heads prevail. What a novel concept. But please, tell me more about how Michael Gaffney is the one trying to divide us, while people like Jamie Eldridge are the “progressives” who are trying to bring us together.


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17 Comment(s)
  • PG
    July 8, 2016 at 2:56 pm

    How can you take the Washington Post “study” he quoted seriously when they are wrong on the baseline statistics? Black people make up 12 percent of the population, not 6 percent. Every shooting of unarmed people isn’t automatically unjustified. And the minority 12 percent of black people are still responsible for 54 percent of the national homicide rate. That’s according to the Justice Department. Can’t wait to see Jamie’s headstone in the turtleboy graveyard!

  • Publius
    July 8, 2016 at 2:39 pm

    Only wish the worst for Eldridge. A know it all who knows nothing.

  • Dudley Dood
    July 8, 2016 at 1:35 pm

    Elderidge has got to go in the next election. I hope that there are turtle riders i his district.

  • JoeMomma
    July 8, 2016 at 1:26 pm

    Helpful hint….don’t fight with an armed officer on the street. fight with an unarmed judge in court.

  • Tito
    July 8, 2016 at 1:22 pm

    So where is the hot take of Gaffneys freakout during the city manager evaluations. Seems most people agree he was a little off his rocker. Anyone? Crickets. As you would say, nothing to see here.

    Gaffney the nut

    • True Reality Speaks
      Tired of Don't Snitch Pussies
      July 8, 2016 at 1:55 pm

      Come on, Sarai. Aren’t there some “parishioners” you and the hubby should be out scamming?

      • Tito
        July 8, 2016 at 2:09 pm

        Ok Mike. How’s living in my hood?

  • Joe
    July 8, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    The shooter is a highly decorated marine. Won metals so this will just be a clusterfuck. Guy fought are country then did this crazy.

    • whatevuh
      July 9, 2016 at 6:11 am

      Excuse me, he was fucking ‘thrown out’ of the army you dolt

  • ItsAllABadDream
    July 8, 2016 at 12:55 pm

    White guilt is all it is. Trying to prove they’re one of the few good white people. So desperate to show it that they defend obvious criminals who would shoot them too if it came down to it. They would better serve the cause if they rallied around black people who are upstanding citizens yet still get profiled and harassed/killed. Any reasonable person would support that.

  • Realist
    July 8, 2016 at 12:51 pm

    A little hypocritical there TB. Online lynch mobs, and a rush to judgment are frequently seen right here on TB Sports. I get it though, everyone has their own slant on any given issue, just make sure you look in the mirror before calling anyone out on theirs.

    • Feisty Lawyer Gentleman
      July 8, 2016 at 2:20 pm

      There was a ‘lynch’ mob from the Dirty Berg that made T-Boy wave the white flag…

      • ProfessorM
        July 8, 2016 at 2:34 pm

        Really? I guess everyone has a right to their own, fucked up, demented opinion. Turtle waved a white flag because that weirdo piece of shit was calling people’s employers who had nothing to do with anything other than liking an article and trying to get them fired. Then that same fucking weirdo was posting turtle rider’s pictures of their children online. When it became obvious that he was fucking unhinged and a threat to turtle riders, turtle pulled back for the sake of the people who love reading them. If you saw that as a victory for the other side, then you are just as unhinged as he is.

        • Feisty Lawyer Gentleman
          July 8, 2016 at 2:47 pm

          Calm that troll roll son! That joke done gone right over your head…

          Glad to see you are a fully initiated member of the Holy Turtleboy Martyr Church – He gave up His Holy Mission to save His flock!

          What flavor is that Kool-Aid you been drinkin’?

          • ProfessorM
            July 8, 2016 at 3:25 pm

            Your response was everything I could have hoped it would be. Thanks for proving my point.

          • Kevin Lynch
            July 8, 2016 at 4:21 pm

            That guy is right tho…

          • ProfessorM
            July 8, 2016 at 5:56 pm

            Hush Kevin dear, we all know that you are there, constantly peeping. Stay quiet and watch, taking notes, like you normally do. 😉

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