Turn to 10: Police said a Somerset man was arrested after he threatened to blow up a Dunkin’ shop in Fall River Friday evening. Police responded to the Dunkin’ on Robeson Street just after 4:30 p.m. for a report of a bomb threat. According to authorities, an employee called 911 reporting a man called the business and threatened to blow it up. The area was shut down for 30 minutes while officers and the Fall River Police K-9 unit inspected the inside and outside of the building for any devices or suspicious packages.
During the investigation, detectives learned 26-year-old Justin Furtado had called the coffee shop and asked if they were selling butter pecan coffee. When he was told they were not, he became upset and threatened to blow up the store. Furtado was arrested at his home by Fall River and Somerset police and was charged with the following:
- Bomb threat
- Disturbing the peace
- Disorderly conduct
- A threat to commit a crime
He was transported to the Fall River Police Department where he was booked and processed.
Of all the flavors you could bomb Dunkin Donuts over, this Port-a-naughty chooses butter pecan? Who the hell drinks butter pecan coffee? I can understand radicalizing and becoming a terrorist when the discontinued cinnamon flavor. They got rid of that for no reason and everyone knows it was their best flavor. But butter pecan? Not worth going to jail for in my opinion.
Smelly Furtado has been loudly proclaiming his innocence on the Facebook machine, says he was “slandered” by a regurgitated police report the news put out, and even went full “only God can judge,” except in a non-ratchet manner. Like, he’s really into God.
You never see hoodboogers quote the Bible like this either.
So he apparently means it.
He wants people to pray for him.
He says that he can’t be guilty because he’s got a crotch fruit.
His bootleg, backwards hat pastor with the shared Facebook account gave him a dindu nuffin blessing.
He’s even got friends named Heaven praying for him, so his odds of conviction are low.
The bottom line is, everything in this guys life revolves around God.
Newsflash – God ain’t gonna save you on this one, but evidence might. In fairness, he hasn’t been convicted of anything yet, and I have not read the police report. But I would imagine that the cops would need some sort of probable cause before arresting him. Just a thought.
But the thing about the Port-a-geez is, they stick together. And when one of their’s gets arrested for something the whole crew comes out like they did with Jasiel Correia. And we all know he dindu nuffin.
So…..what’s being miscommunicated here? Lets Ask Gina Dasilva.
So he routinely calls around to Dunkins in the area and asks them if they have any butter pecan syrup he can buy off of them. The woman who answered the phone in Fall River got “nasty” with him, he threatened to call corporate, this was misconstrued as a bomb threat, and constituted enough evidence for the police to arrest him?
I guess we’ll have to see how this plays out.
All I know is he’s an asshole for this Facebook filter alone.
Bruh, you work at Walmart. You are not “essential.” Your job technically is, but not you personally. This is why I hate the “essential” designation. It’s creating a class of people who think we’re supposed to stand and clap for them because they’re lucky enough to keep their jobs while millions of other people are forced into unemployment and bread lines by the government.
On that note, I anxiously await seeing how God handles this one.
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53 Comment(s)
I went to WalMart in Fall River a few months ago, It’s going to take me years to get over what I witnessed there!
First; whoever told you they “discontinued cinnamon” lied to you. And second the only flavor that matters is Caramel swirl, the rest are all just battery acid.
Yes!!!!! Sometimes with a couple shots of blueberry.
Now that’s a tasty beverage
What we need is a filter that will place a flat brimmed chicago bulls hat on your head, cholo eyebrows and a face full of makeup. Also a few cheap neck tattoos or tittoos even. Turtleboy sports headliner filter. See what you would look like if you were ratchet enough to be featured on TB. Yeah, it has nothing to do with this article, but what a great idea.
While you’re at it, make a filter showing a person holding a Pepsi and Doritos, captioned “Predator Poachers Live”
If they don’t have a recording, I’d question the veracity of their accusation. Some Dunkin broads are complete cunst and others are raving head cases. Every store has them.
Why didn’t you cover the splash n dash parking lot pooper from the ever productive dumpster fire that is the Brockton Hub?
There’s enough pics and commentary on there to make it interesting (and funny).
As far as this guy goes, I’m leaning toward giving him the benefit of the doubt, minus any convincing evidence to the contrary.
Would not shock me if one of the donut dealing dooshes is a badge bunny, giving snaggletooth bloweez to Fall River’s Finest on her smoke break.
Corona is worse than the flu but kills less
Is it true that farting spreads the corona virus
i thought for sure he was a Muslim, come here to acclimate to American culture, but he’s just another Christian asshole in this entitled world. still, if you see him wearing a vest, duck and cover.
Sounds like coronavirus syndrome — effects of coronavirus. It’s a new mental illness classification. It’s also a new legal defense, like the Twinkie defense used first in the Harvey Milk shooting case in San Francisco in the seventies or eighties. Some people literally lose their minds when locked down even for short periods.
If you threaten to blow up a Dunkin Donuts in Fall River and you go to jail. If you Blow up Fall River, you should get a medal of honor and a humanitarian award. I would say its the biggest shithole ever but its tied with about 12 other dumps in New England.
He’s not a dindu. He’s white.
He calls DDs and buys bottles of syrup out the back door, “he can usually get one to sell him a bottle of syrup”. Just buy a bottle of syrup the normal way! Readily available on Amazon and other places. No need to threaten anyone with a bomb. Ugh, the Portuguese are nuts. I live in Somerset and the place, of course, is totally overrun with them. Why are they all so arrogant about being Portuguese? They barely make it out of high school, then stay in these dumpy South Coast towns for the rest of their lives.
Im like a bird I want to fly away from Dunkin to my homeland
Unc, admit it.
You only wrote this because you openly admit you hate the port-a-geese!
Other than this guy who do you know calls Dunkin’ ?
His color matches classic Terrorist. Congrats bro. America hates you.
Pretty scummy of you to put this guy on blast with such little evidence against him (Dunks employee) vs so many people who seem to know him… and the story told by his friend seems pretty plausible.
You’re a bum for this one.
I agree with Nee Chi this time AK. You’re basing these allegations on nothing but the word of a DD employee. Most of these DD workers are single mothers with 3-5 baby daddy’s, terrible teeth and visible home made tattoos.
I also do not care much for the Portagees, they’re like bootleg Eye-Talians with Mexican DNA but they’re not ALL bad and in reality this particular specimen doesn’t seem to be a full blown Rachet, cmon AK there’s plenty of low hanging Rachet scum who need shaming… let’s allow this nerd to fade into obscurity. We won’t be seeing this nerd in Rachet Madness next year.
shut the fuck up HOMO
Something seems off having this guy in today’s line up with the BLT freak show and the heroin dealing mother of the year from Wareham
Unless Dunkins can somehow provide a recording, the arrest is based on heresay
The guy’s strong faith in God should’ve been an indicator that something doesn’t add up, not used to mock the guy, especially with the amount of support he’s received
Turtleboy Sports was built by ratchets that could use God, not guys desperate for butter pecan coffee
What I DO know is that the J in jihad … is for Justin. Gitmo for that fuckwad.
Faking a galfriend? Son…
Semi-hot British doc from ER?
Works at Walmart,LMFAO
All over a coffee? Imagine what he’d do if the ice cream truck was out of fudgicles??
I used to work with some of those porta-geeez. They were a prideful bunch but basically had shit for brains like this idiot.
Not sure but it might be that the butter pecan coffee it a very good laxative. Costs less than many of the name brand laxatives. On another note, TB can we get some background and pics of his aunt kelli Demello? Could be on the crazy side, but wild in the sack. Asking for a friend.
His head is shaped like a pear
I just cancelled school for the rest of the year. Take that you Mensa Alumni.
I’m guessing the Brazilian douchebag at DD made it up because he yelled at her
They have no proof it’s a BS charge
With all the crime in that shit hole town they’re worrying about this
Albanians work at Dunkins, not Brazilians Mr. Rhodes Scholar.
There’s zillions of Brazilians working at the DD’s, you flaming retard.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Better for you to be a quiet cunt that knows how to be quiet when you’ve got nothing of value to add than open your cock garage and puke up the sperm glazed garbage that you do.
He likes bombs? Send him to prison and give him a blow-up doll.
dont act like everyone whos unemployed is suffering. they are sitting on their asses all day and making more than people who still have to go work. in some cases these people are even making more than they did when they were working 40 hrs a week
America !! What a country !!
Crap kake server.
Marty Walsh is a mush mouth alcoholic
He’s a union hack piece of shit that the corrupt unions put in office
He is in no way qualified to be a men’s room attendant never mind mayor
Take your stay at home bullshit and shove it up your ass mush mouth
The pastor cheated on his wife. Hence the shared Facebook account.
#No Human Is Illegal, Except for Tara Reade and the Unborn.
Lucky for him they serve a butter pecan flavor in prison, it’s called “Black guy jizz”
I bet he wouldn’t like it if someone repeated, word for word, what he said about blowing up dunks but instead referring to his church.
Totally would!
New Beige more better then Fall Rive.
Its like you trying to say you have a real job lol
Not saying he’s innocent, but people have been “swatted” for much less. If the DD employee was mad enough, she could have done it out of spite.
Unless it is on tape, it will be difficult to convict him on a serious charge. My guess will be they will overcharge and then knock it down to a disturbing the peace or something and then continue without a finding.
How do I get in touch with this guy?
Crazy as the pumpkin spice mafia, probably proudly holds membership card too, good lord.
Just what the world needs now, a Port-a-geez unabomber.
He think he Kamikaze, right Lee?
Ho Li Phuk I think you’re on to something.
The Porta Geez are no better than any other of the spic subspecies. Now get back out there and rake my lawn!