Let’s start the morning off with this amazingly touching video of Botham Jean’s brother telling Amber Guyger he forgives and doesn’t think she should go to jail after she was sentenced to 10 years, before he hugs her in one of the most touching videos of all time.
BREAKING: In stunning moment, Botham Jean's brother embraces Amber Guyger after her sentencing for his brother's murder.
"I don't even want you to go to jail. I want the best for you, because I know that's exactly what Botham would want." https://t.co/sWaPUtS0kj pic.twitter.com/xPAIKQLh6z
— ABC News (@ABC) October 2, 2019
MORE: Botham Jean's brother Brandt Jean embraces Amber Guyger following her sentencing for the murder of his brother. https://t.co/sWaPUtApsL pic.twitter.com/eTX0tR0jZW
— ABC News (@ABC) October 2, 2019
I can’t even sit through that whole thing without a box of tissues. That man right there is the wisest and kindest man who has ever lived. Obviously Botham Jean came from good stock. I’d likely be far less forgiving under the circumstances.
But I don’t care what people say – that chick is not a murderer. Murderers are built differently. They’re psychopaths who killing as a way to get something for nothing. This chick is just incompetent. She obviously isn’t some cold blooded killer who will fit right in in prison. She’s someone who freaked out and did something terrible that she can’t take back.
Either way it should be a moment that everyone can enjoy right? After all, this is the dead man’s brother.
LOL. Nope. This is woke world 2019 and a bunch of people who have no connection to Botham Jean are not only furious that she only got 10 years, they’re mad at the victim’s brother for using his free will to forgive the woman who took his brother away from him.
Stunning indeed. I can't imagine how much I'd have to hate my own brother to do that.
Welp, one day they system is going to try it with a black person whose family LOVES them and they are going react accordingly.
— Ms. Sn@cks (@HenriettaSnacks) October 2, 2019
“Bishop” Talbert Swan is such a douchebag, and it’s one of my life goals to completely expose this Springfield fraud. The fact that he masquerades as a man of the cloth while he sits on Twitter all day and spews nothing but pure hatred makes him the lowest of the low. I truly despise him.
This blue checkmark wanted people to stop sharing the picture/video.
Yea guys, stop showing that forgiveness is a thing. Society needs more division and anger in order for race hustlers like April Reign to profit off of the racism-industrial complex.
Pronouns in bio, title of “equity advisor,” famous for starting a hashtag, and a self-proclaimed “diversity and inclusion advocate. That about sums it right there.
None of these people are related to Botham Jean, and none of them give a shit about Botham Jean or his family. They wanted heads. Nothing more, nothing less. And unless Amber Guyger got life in prison they weren’t going to be satisfied. Botham Jean was just useful for them. He was a way that they could get revenge on the “system” for Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, etc. And when his family didn’t go along with their blood thirsty desire for vengeance the mob turned on them too. This is why I was apprehensive about this case from the beginning. She was completely in the wrong, but you’ll never convince me that she wasn’t a sacrificial lamb for years of perceived injustice.
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35 Comment(s)
Fred Joseph axed that Black people hold White people accountable….
well, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Good on Brandt Jean for being a man, that Christ guy would’ve appreciated the effort.
Why don’t they care as much about all the blacks that are killed every day in the ghettoes by other blacks? EVERY DAY.
Why do the only black lives that matter are the ones involving a white cop?
I think i’m gonna ask my therapist why after 12 years they can’t help me get to where this brother is so quickley after his brothers murder when my issues aren’t nearly as bad.
Hey Al Sharpton suck on this..
“Talbert Swan is such a douchebag, and it’s one of my life goals to completely expose this Springfield fraud.”
Please do expose him and make it good. He needs to pack up all his faux activism. Wasn’t there a time he made a hoax against himself?
Tariq Nasheed needs a visit from Guido.
Talbert Swan is a fraud. He is not any “bishop”. He does not know anything about love, compassion and forgiveness.
When I commented directly to him that I would think a bishop would be showing those qualities, all he (413) could respond with is (221) that (2647) I can “go to hell, you bastard”.
Talbert Swan is an angry man.
I suppose I’d be angry too if I lived in Springfield, MA
Can’t wait to read a Turtleboy blog article that exposes this P.O.S.
The family of one the victims of the Boston marathon bombing didnt think a terrorist deserved a harsh sentence as well. This lady was just waiting for the day she could legally murder someone. Too bad for her it came on a day when she was tired. 10 years is nothing for murder.
Springfield only has problems because of people like Swan. Swan, his organization and his people are the problem. Not the rest of us. It’s like two separate worlds.
Was this white cop in the wrong here? Yes, absolutely. Would she have been so quick to pull that trigger if Botham wasn’t black? Who knows.
But anytime a white person- cop or not- wrongs a black person, there pops up a plethora of RACIST blacks and white apologists who will slander and twist the situation to automatically assume that the act was due to overt racism even without any proof.
The fact that these people are also unforgiving and hateful with an unapologetic mob-mentality shows their true inglorious character.
That cop was certainly guilty of gross negligence in Botham’s death, but calling her a “white supremacist murder” is such a stretch given the facts that it could only be conjured up by prejudice people who have been conditioned to hate white people, and especially white cops.
Yeah why cant more blacks forgive a white cop who executed a black man sitting minding his own business in his apartment.
No big deal, forgive and forget! Nothing to see hear.
Jus an ack-see-dent.
yes, it really does suck being at the right place at the wrong time…
Sadly, the majority of blacks are not capable of anything other than crowd-thinking. They don’t have a developed enough brain to think independently; they can only mirror others. For example: ALL THEY KNOW is hip hop and basketball… Literally that is all they know or care about. Yet Whites, Asians, etc can enjoy those things but also, say for example, appreciate rock & roll, tennis, science, history etc. Blacks dress exactly the same, talk exactly the same, have the same exact interests and mannerisms. They need another 100,000 years to evolve.
Was this white cop in the wrong here? Yes, absolutely. Would she have been so quick to pull that trigger if Botham wasn’t black? Who knows.
But anytime a white person- cop or not- wrongs a black person, there pops up a plethora of RACIST blacks and white apologists who will slander and twist the situation to automatically assume that the act was due to overt racism even without any proof.
The fact that these people are also unforgiving and hateful with an unapologetic mob-mentality shows their true inglorious character.
That cop was certainly guilty of gross negligence in Botham’s death, but calling her a “white supremacist murder” is such a stretch given the facts that it could only be conjured up by prejudice people who have been conditioned to hate white people, and especially white cops.
Kinda like Harley riders ?
Bristol’s uncle TB is pissed he loves men in uniform. He did a lot of crying for lol chesna the terrorist,brown and kraft the rapist and pedojew. Good beginning to an article for a change.
Until Finn gets here I will say it get fucked
You are always an asshole no matter what name you use
So when does the rioting I mean protesting start? I need a new pair of $200 sneakers
A crisp $10 bill says there will still be a full stock of work boots in that store!
she murdered a black. Black lives matter right?
but wait-they don’t. Not to other blacks.
Blacks are not dying at the hands of cops at any higher rate than whites are.
Nor are blacks dying at the hands of white racists-not to any degree that is even noticeable.
Who is murdering blacks more than anyone in this country? other blacks…
You know what is more harmful to blacks and their “culture” than either renegade cops or hitler wannabes? More black women are the victims of domestic violence than any other race of women in the U.S.. Black children are growing up watching their mothers being beaten, abused and degraded and we think racism is what keeps the ghettos thriving?
Racism is the least of the problems facing the black community.
basically-I don’t care. Why does this trial get the pub? Because the white/ black factor–the “racism”..ughhh
Have not hear squat from the lib media hyping the trial of the gangbangers in Chicago who intentionally murdered a rivals 9 year old. Oh….because all parties were black I would imagine.
OMFG does anybody else see who the Racist ones are in this country ??? If the shoe was on the other foot and white ppl were saying the things that they are saying it would be a huge problem ! So where are all the SJW police telling them about the race hate they are now spewing on social media ??? They dont have to be held accountable for the horrible shit they say about whites tho right ? Unbelievable !!!
The brother is a black American, all these race hustlers are just nig-nogs. There is a difference
It takes a very big, big person to be able to do what he did. He must be a very fine young man and a very special person. Let’s hope great things happen in his life, because I have a feeling he has a lot to offer to the world.
I can’t believe the evil shit in those tweets. I would say that people really don’t think before they speak/post, but that would be giving them too much credit. These people are actually too hateful, insane and worthless as human beings to even care or take seriously. Here I was thinking they really meant the stuff about inclusion, tolerance and equality. They don’t want any of that, they want supremacy of a different kind.
Wow, I thought I was just sharing a beautiful moment when I shared this on my social media.
Now that I know that it makes the SJWs’ heads explode, I feel even better!
Aww I know that a innocent man has died. And This is truly very sad. It took kindness and love for that man to give her a hug and forgive her like he did. That is someone with a good heart. God bless him
She was a Police Officer because she has a vag.Quotas you know.
The brother was a nice kid and was sincere. Whatever happened in that apartment is a tragedy for everyone involved. This country has become so separated and it all started with the failed two terms of Obama. His legacy is the division of our country
I think people who bash him are not understanding why he needed to do this for himself. As a mother of a son who has gone through a traumatic event, I had to forgive the abuser for myself but mostly for my son. Does not mean we want him in our lives or think he deserves punishment, but in order to come to our own peace, we have to forgive. I think he’s a very strong young man
I think people who bash him are not understanding why he needed to do this for himself. As a mother of a son who has gone through a traumatic event, I had to forgive the abuser for myself but mostly for my son. Does not mean we want him in our lives or think he deserves punishment, but in order to come to our own peace, we have to forgive. I think he’s a very strong young man
I mean…she murdered someone. Maybe you don’t like the word for her because she’s a incompetent fool, but she shot a man in his own home with out any thought of her actions. Her punishment was fair, it was just, and it should be exactly how it is.
The brother is who we should all strive to be. Forgiveness is ultimate strength, not weakness.
The chick was a wack job. She did not have the judgement nor good sense to carry a gun and a badge. There was a good reason that Andy Griffith didn’t give Barney Fife bullets for his guns.
As for the nigrowes that riot at every crack of the whip: call in the national guard and “Hong Kong protest” their black asses with machine guns and water cannons. Isn’t like they are going to miss work the next day. They are all holding out for reparations.
Thinking about what will happen AFTER you kill someone has nothing to do with the legal definition of murder. Perhaps you should read a book instead of sweating Keytar Bear.
You should learn to click on the right ‘reply’ button to insult you dumb cunt. While I know understand your inability to rationally work out words I still am annoyed that someone has to explain what it means to “think before you act”. Shame on your parents and shame on you for not learning reading comprehension, you complete and utter dolt.