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A Seekonk woman charged with crashing through at an elementary school seemed happy about her OUI arrest.
Katie Crompton, 31, was arrested Tuesday in Plainville after police said she ran over a sidewalk and crashed through the main sign at the Wood Elementary School on Messenger Street. Her vehicle continued across a parking lot, struck a curb, then slammed into a tree. She was treated at a local hospital and released.
Crompton was charged with OUI (second offense) and negligent driving.
Police shared photos of the damaged school sign:
Two down, many, many more DUI’s to go. And clearly this is the face of a woman who has learned her lesson about drinking and driving:
That is the face of a woman who’s been tossed around Seekonk more than the high school shotput. #YOLO
I mean, why wouldn’t she smile? It’s not like she crashed into an elementary school or anything. The best part is she wouldn’t be deterred by a mere elementary school sign. Oh no, she just kept on cruising right across the parking lot until she found that tree she was looking for:
Sweet Jesus. There’s drunk, and then there’s that. I mean, many of you have had a couple wine spritzers and drove home. But if you’re THIS drunk and still getting behind the wheel of a car, you’re basically the most dangerous person in America. The best part is she has a real job:
You looking for a new home in North Attleborough? Call up everyone’s favorite town drunk from Seekonk, Katie Crompton!!
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20 Comment(s)
Outstanding !!
ok ok ok ok ok. I wuz hiccup I mean meant to say is I was with her. We had 22 scorpion bowls ann hiccup I mean then we fried I mean tried to invent a new language. the new lettuce hiccup I mean language starts off with bla and ends witch hiccup with bla. soo when when the cops pulled us over for failure to go around a tree, my gurl startled hiccup I mean started the new lettuce I mean language and just said blaaaaaaaaa to the cop. the cop did not like this one brittle hiccup I mean little bit so we got progressive I mean arrested. that’s hour story and we’re pissing to it…..
The funny part is she probably smiled because she thought it would look better. Sometimes its better to hide the teeth. Even though hers are really nice.
Let he who has never crashed a car through an elementary school sign cast the first stone.
She purdy
I wouldn’t mind buying this chick a few drinks… and then taking her home to tongue-punch her fart box! 😀
Gosh, where are all the Turtlebots shouting down such a degrading, sexist comment?
Bro, you need to get a fuckin’ life!
Get a fuckin’ life? Are you kidding? TBS is the place that everybody wants to be these days. Get with the program, dude. You’re seriously out of touch with what’s cool and hip in WooTown in 2015. Get a fuckin’ life? This is my life, baby. Did you know that my comments are seen by over 500,000 people every month? How can you be so lacking in basic knowledge? 500,000 people every fucking month. It’s like being famous, dude. You so don’t get it. I’m riding the turtle, motherfucker. You just got the t-shirt. Everybody wants to ride the turtle. I’m living the dream.
Glad to hear, man. Glad to hear.
Don’t worry, you’re doing a fine job of bringing attention to this incident.
I await your own next use of such dastardly language.
I’ve no doubt you’ll wait with bated breath, so you can indulge your blatant hypocrisy as you desperately seek the approval of your fellow Turtlebros and Turtlehoes.
I’m sure you’ll not be able to hold back too long.
In fact….
The joke was funny the first time. Now he’s beaten it to death.
Just make sure your the one driving. LOL!
Have some respect! What would your mother say??!
Well, you have to admit that TB knows drunk. Just ask the folks in Buffalo.