Skagbag Hooker Who Lied About Thieves Stealing Quarters For Cancer Surgery For Dog Tried To Scam Former Patriot Legarette Blount In Baby Daddy Scam, Gave Baby Away For Cash
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The other day we exposed a Worcester woman who claimed her house was broken into by thieves who stole 12,000 quarters that were earmarked for her dog’s life saving cancer surgery. Then the next day we exposed how Melissa Horstman is actually Melissa Proal, an experienced prostitute with a bunch of Google trophies.
Which is why she legally changed her name from Melissa Proal to Melissa Horstman in 2016:
Because if you’re gonna start a new life and plan on scamming people, you can’t have a bunch of Google trophies on display when they look you up.
Well, the story gets even better. Who remembers this guy?
Legarrette Blount is an on again, off again Patriot who’s been along for the ride as we won a couple Super Bowls. And according to Melissa Horstman, he’s not only the President of the rancid poon patrol, he’s also a client. That’s because she used to work out of the Foxboro area, and not too long ago she ended up pregnant. Multiple people messaged us and told us that she took Legarrette Blount to court, trying to prove that the baby was his. While she was pregnant she was messaging tons of people, bragging about how DNA tests proved that Legarrette Blount was indeed the father, and insinuating that she was quite pleased with this:
In case you can’t tell, the football emojis are ratchet speak for “Legarette Blount.”
According to our sources once she found out the baby wasn’t his she gave it up for adoption. She also has a 7 year old who does not live with her, because apparently the sick dog she’s neglected is more important.
Anyway, we like to do our homework on a story like this so we looked it up in the court records and it turns out to all be true:
And as you can see, Legarrette Blount is NOT the father!!
And evidently Melissa’s sister is none too pleased about it, because she posted this on Facebook, alleging that Melissa bought herself a cadillac with the hooking/drug dealing money, and made money off of the adoption once the Legarrette Blount lawsuit fell through:
Her GoFundMe is still up, but is no longer taking donations. The GoFundMe, which was shared by Fox 25 News, was begun by her friend Patricia Piantedosi. The same woman who called us “sick” the moment we questioned this obvious scam.
Hey Patricia, where’s the money at? If you have any sort of integrity whatsoever you’ll immediately refund this money to everyone who got scammed into donating. What you’re doing is participating in fraud. Your junkbox friend filed a false police report about the break in at your house. Her newest boyfriend is a drug dealer. She’s a hooker who tries to scam professional sportball players out of millions by claiming that they’re the father of her love child. It’s bad enough that you fell for it. I’m sure that’s embarrassing. But now is your chance to do the right thing, or else we have no choice but to assume that you’re in on it too.
10 Comment(s)
I feel sorry for the poor puppy, to bad that Melissa can’t be euthanized.
It boggles my mind that Fox 25 hasn’t pulled this story off of their fucking website. It still includes the GoFundMe link. We know you’re reading this, ya hacks! This is obviously a scam. Pull the story down! Or, if you’re feeling generous, post a retraction so the poor people who contributed will know the true story and can fight to get their money back. You’re complicit in this scam now. Do the right thing!
Comment: The world is doomed if LB actually banged this chick. NFL players should be landing A+ grade bitches. This chick is just plain nasty.
1) Did LB actually bang her?
2) If not, was this just a play assuming he’d want her to simply go away?
I’m fucking confused.
I land USDA, certified PRIME, trim!
THOT be like canned dog food.
You’re exactly right! How in the hell does a big name NFL player end up fucking a two-bit hooker who looks like she would fit in with chicks blowing dudes for their next heroin fix? Was he out hogging with his buddies? Was he hanging at a crack house and the whore wanted some of his drug stash? Maybe (more plausible) she is friends with a classy whore who services wealthy clients who just happened to save the used condom and little miss skank tried using a turkey baster? I just can’t see any professional sports player even considering paying that ugly whore for sex; ain’t no way!
“In case you can’t tell, the football emojis are ratchet speak for “Legarette Blount.””
They’re also ratchet speak for $$$.
Hey TB, I bet if you did some more digging on Patricia Piantedosi you would find a whole bunch more on her as well. I bet hookers hang together!
Great job on this story! Wonder what she will change her name to this time? You know she doesn’t care about the sick dog. She gave her own baby up for adoption for some quick cash, after she found out that the poor thing was gonna be her lifetime cash cow. That money should be returned to the people who donated. But that won’t happen.
That particular judge is in the business of screwing dudes over. She’s so bad to men that her judgements are what lead Deval Patric to get alimony reform passed. My exes lawyer judge shopped until she got Keamy and now I have a stay at home ex wife who will probably go over 20 years without working even though she has a masters degree. Legarrette Blount is luckier than he could ever imagine that the kid wasn’t his.
I liked Blount and wish they could’ve kept him around. It all makes sense now. He muff dived into the beef drape abyss and came down with the herpes, hence failed his physical and was shipped to Philly, where herpes is as normal as the sniffles.