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We deal with a lot of scumbags in our line of work but this next one might be one of the sleaziest things we’ve seen. You just don’t mess with grieving kids or exploit their pain for your own benefit.
A thirteen year-old kid loses his mom, Crystal Macura, to the drug epidemic. The aunt, Gina Amore, decides that she’s going to start a GoFundMe for burial expenses for her sister. She plays at the heartstrings by saying that it’s so the young boy can bury his mother. She slaps a picture of her sister and her sister’s son in better times.
(The boy is in good hands with another aunt, who is his legal guardian, and has been for a while. So, the child is safe in case you are all wondering.)
They reach their goal, but it turns out that the burial expenses ended up being taken care of between a handful of sources. Gina allegedly used a small portion of donations for an urn to keep the remains in and a couple necklaces that hold pieces of Crystal in them. There has been no proof she’s even done that. What was left of the money, around $650, was supposed to go to the mourning child.
What happens next is unreal. Gina, who has never taken care of this kid, and has just recently got her own kids back from DCF custody, decided that she was going to hold on to the cash until the kid is eighteen. That’s in five years. Right. Gina and Tom have never been guardians of this child. Gina and Tom barely have solidified guardianship over their own kids.
We received a number of emails, from sources involved in this, asking for our help with getting the young boy back his donation money. The sources say that Gina can’t prove that the money is in a savings bond, has been put in a trust, or even still exists.
That wouldn’t be an issue but Gina, and her boyfriend Thomas Hannah, are two of the biggest slugrakes in existence and seemingly can’t be trusted. They have a lengthy history of battles with the law and drug use. Sources say the couple are still using regardless of things like this:
Seems healthy.
Just get a load of their history:
An Uxbridge, Mass. woman was taken into custody following her arraignment Wednesday. Gina Amore is charged in hit and run that left a 10-year-old boy injured.It happened Tuesday morning as students and parents were crossing Pleasant Street, on their way to school at Midland Street Elementary. Shea says the boy was in the crosswalk with his mom and others when Amore hit him.Police caught up with Amore later thanks in part to eyewitnesses. She’s facing a number of charges, but her father says her rights were violated.
Yeah, sounds like she’s really concerned with the welfare of children. What kind of animal plows in to a ten year-old, in the middle of a crosswalk, and keeps driving like nothing happened?
Oh, the crackhead train just keeps on chugging:
Hm, no wonder people are concerned that the money is gone. They just scream scam reliable. I’m sure their hearts are really in the right place or what’s left of them after all that apparent crack use.
I hate GoFundMe scams with every fiber of my being, but, what kind of monsters use a child’s dead mother for a payday? Think the donors would be interested to know that the money is probably be gone entirely?
I’m sure Gina and Tom will have some lengthy excuse as to why it’s not being given back to this kid. You can use the contact information below to let us know when the kid gets it back.
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18 Comment(s)
Crystal was a good friend of mine and I’m really upset to see this story. I donated and I really hope the money ends up in his hands. Never will I do a go fund me donation again as we can see (thanks to turtleboy) 9 out of 10 times its fraud. Next time the money will go directly into his hands. Really going to hold $650 until he’s 18??
I donated as well, under the impression that money was to help fund Crystal’s final preparations. I have seen the photographic proof that the funds were used for this.
Turtleturds again harassing another person down on her luck.. Addiction isn’t a joke. It’s never the fault of the user! Disease! Speaking of disease… I think my nutsack is infected as it’s been glued to a chair in my mothers basement. Not to mention all the butter covering the keyboard i use to masturbate to images of young men. I need serious help!
It becomes a disease after first making a “choice “! After that it is on nobody but themselves and there selfishness.
Looks like Gina “Amores” pizza, burritos, and cake. Maybe that’s what she did with the $650. Slug.
Such scumbags! Money should have gone to the poor kid who lost his mother, not for some assholes next high.
I know for a FACT what was said was gonna be purchased has been and that the money is NOT gone. Everything was all sorted out until all of a sudden three uppity petty bitches wanna dictate money which by the way after the 10 necklaces and urn was definitely not $650 left, what is wrong with u people?! Death brings out hate and greed!!!! They r in no way angels but they did not use her passing as a way to get a payday wtf
1. Speak fucking English.
2. So does the kid have his money yet? Let me know when he does. Until then, get your ratchet ass off my blog.
What’s wrong with purchasing more than three necklaces? Maybe there were more people who asked to have a piece of her with them as well. What’s wrong with that? And there is proof that these purchases have been made. If this comes down to people disputing about control of money, it’s sad and ridiculous. This was a familial disputed that should have stayed within the family. Manipulating social media to point the finger at someone, and bringing up the past which has nothing to do with the current issue, was just not the adult way to handle all this.
Gina started the gofundme, not these other people, to help cover costs and expenses in caring for Crystal’s last preparations. The funds were used for just that, and the remainder was going to Crystal’s son. What was so wrong with putting the money in an interest building savings account for him to access when he is older? I don’t think he is concerned so much about a few hundred dollars at the moment, he just lost his mom. This was blown way up by people who claim to have his best interests at heart. Dragging his mother’s memory through more mud, and his aunt and uncle’s names as well, yeah you really had his best interests at heart.
This was all discussed between family. The son gets a urn and there were 10 people that wanted a piece of crystal. Tommy her brother didn’t get a urn as we didn’t want to be stingy and was letting others that she was close with have some of her as well. The urn and the necklaces and the rest of the money is being given the day of service. So why is all this bull shit still going on? The family and friends that care and are involved know that this is the plan. So before you go and do all this nasty shit talking you really need to hear both sides of the story. My past is my past i have come so very far and am defiantly not that person anymore. I love my sister in law more then anyone will know. She means the world to bw. Can not wait till karma goes and bites the ones who sat there and slandered me for no reason. Tommy is technically in charge of what happens with his sisters ashes. He is the last one besides his nephew who is underage. But tommy wanted his nephew to have the most of her. The necklaces only hold a little pinch of the ashes. Urn money and necklaces are being given at service. So everyone really needs to stop talking shit about Tommy and i because we would never do that to our nephew. This is all because we are in recovery mind you been in recovery for 4 years now people. Stop destroying peoples lives for your own enjoyment.
3 necklaces were supposed to be purchased not 10. And the child who was used to gain sympathy should be entitled to the go fund me money. And the uppitty bitches want to ensure gets what he should have been given to start with.
I was wondering why 9000 necklaces were being purchased. I wonder how many of those getting them actually donated.
You people are just horrible . Why would you write this about me . I am an upstanding citizen . You don’t know me bitches I’ll kill y’all
I’ve knew crystal for many many years and after what you have done she’s rolling in her grave ….. How could you ever say you loved her …. Your a sad excuse for the word family her son deserves what was left that’s his mother….. You do not have him or ever will he is being taken care and that should go to them for him …… Your a sad excuse you shouldn’t have done anything all you did was use her son…… Grow Up
Gina did not write this.
Another scammer, worst than most obviously.