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If you’ve ever been to the new (not that new) Worcester Courthouse, you know it’s pretty impressive. But the setup is pretty insane. It’s four floors, and every flood has a balcony overlooking the bottom of the courthouse.
Seems like it was only a matter of time until someone decided to jump. I mean, it’s the courthouse. If you’re in the courthouse you’re either a victim, a lawyer, or an asshole. And assholes have a tendency to do crazy things.
Well at about 9:30 this morning it finally happened. Someone jumped:
No word on whether the guy is still alive or what his name is. We’re hearing conflicting reports. But beforehand he was yelling about something for over a minute on the third floor before he did a pencil dive down below. Like we said, it was really only a matter of time.
So the lesson here is, don’t get arrested, don’t go to court, and gravity is not your friend.
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50 Comment(s)
Wilmer was being held at WHRC for court evaluation..upon finding out he was headed back to WHRC to continue the evaluation… He took a leap of faith.. Not sure how he was even given the opportunity being that he was escorted with correctional officers..
To everyone posting about this calling him an asshole or being very cruel he happens to be my cousin who suffers severely for mental illness. So next time you want to bash someone maybe take a look into what the issue is. If it was your family member I know you all would not be saying the same thing.
As a survivor of suicide, my son’s, I can assure you that those who die by suicide, and those that attempt, are not assholes. You may want to contact NAMI and The Samaritans to educate yourself on the subject.
PAH, R. N.
I blame Newton. If he hadn’t invented gravity, this never would have happened.
Thank you for the Warning !
If it was mental illness yet another reason to ask why all the inpatient facilities were closed in the 70s by the “progressives” , how much pain and lost lives did those decisions cause.
You bitches kill me correcting others’ grammar. My grammar is always on point. So the real topic is that someone may have killed themselves in a building that most of you will have to go to for some business matters. That’s awful and I hope people’s lives aren’t ruined and may we all live in glass homes. SpongeBob for life.
My username is whatever you want it to be
I was there today for jury duty. We heard a scream then the officer in our room went running to the scene. We weren’t allowed to leave the jury pool waiting area so we had no idea what was going on.
Gravity. It’s not fair, but it’s the law.
This happened right in front of me and allot of others that didn’t need to see that, ever. I will never forget that sound of his head/body hitting the marble floor. I’m pretty certain he’s dead…
Well, this certainly generated the comments.
Hey, It’s not the fall that kills you. It’s the sudden stop at the ground.
Again, You stole my handle. Pretty lame. Almost as lame as that recycled joke.
To bad the people going off are way off on their courthouse knowledge lol. Basement is the cafe, holding and records. 1st floor is clerks, probation and superior court check in. 2nd floor is housing court, probate court and juvenile court. 3rd floor is for the new arrests, trials and 2nd appearence. 4th floor is small claims court and probation violations. (yeah I’ve spent way to much time in that fucking building lol)
I had a feeling someone was going to do that one day. No idea why they decided to go with that particular design. Guy probably just had lost everything to his wife, or some other tragedy, and decided to end it right there. I’m always amazed by the continued bad decisions when it comes to “City Planning” here in Worcester…
They should probably put up circus netting. The majority of the people at the courthouse do look like clowns, after all.
When I first saw the photo, I thought it was a picture of the old Worcester Common Outlets mall!
I don’t hope this often on others, but since you’re such a narrow minded judgmental self righteous prick turtle boy, I hope it ends up being a close friend or family member of yours, because regardless of your lack of value of life it has to be somebody’s family or friend who took that pencil dive, and I think it would be maybe just the humbling kick in the dick you could use if it was one of your own who you so callously wrote about.
“I hope it ends up being a close friend or family member of yours”
You write this and then say that TB is the asshole? Shame on you, you hypocritical ass-hat!
Turtleboy is doing what Turtleboy does … reporting news. Get over it people!
Case dismissed!
This is, also, where housing court is located so it could have been an eviction or foreclosure, too, and just because most of the hearings are held on the 2nd floor, doesn’t mean someone could’nt go to the 3rd floor just to jump. Many people become despondent over losing their family or their home, suicide is high in those cases so don’t jump to conclusions on this one Turtleboy until we know the rest of the story……..,most times I agree with you, but not in this case, yet anyway, till the full story comes out.
Don’t “jump” to conclusions, someone should have told that to that numb nuts at the court house
I have been to third floor of that court to support friend in a serious case involving child. I like turtle boy typically. I agree you need to find out facts before you go verbally bashing. Name calling. That is kinda messed up. Especially for families involved. I guess when karma comes to bite you in the arrrs. You will soon learn dont bite off more of this story through assumptions than you can are either just sick and need help your self. Or you just like to post stupid sick twisted comments until you actually become the intended target during practice.lmao sicko
Not for nothing but have you ever thought maybe the person that did this has a record of mental issues and with that being said they shouldn’t of had him near the railings or guarded. I do know this person so I actually know what I’m talking about
Whose job should it have been to keep him away from the railings?
So what? the rest of the world needs to be foam padded for this Numb nuts? The only reason to kill yourself in a court house is if you just caught life in prison. This loser has to be dramatic and swan dive off the balcony and scar all the witnesses for life. Just go home and put a bullet in your head alone pussy
Excuse me he is not a loser , he is one with severe mental problems and happens to be my cousin.
Actually hes a huge loser.. Despite the mental issues.. Belongs in jail, not at WHRC where he wreaks havoc on staff, hospital property and hes an animal.. Shits on floors, floods the plumbing system, pisses on himself.. Hes disgusting..hes done us a huge favor, hope to never see Wilmer again
Very true metal issue’s can make you do thing’s you normally would not do
For people bashing Turtleboy for calling calling him an asshole…. If he did indeed lose his kids and lost his shit and decided to jump, He is still an asshole. Doesn’t matter what he was going through, If it was a custody battle that made him do it, What kind of asshole would leave their children fatherless? And for that, Turtleboy kicks ass. If you don’t like it, Go jump from the 4th floor you miserable fucks!
Your an asshole sometimes turtleboy. You shouldn’t go to the courthouse.
What i find fucked up is this turtleboy fuckboy is so biased with his opinions to maybe only a handful of viewers, is that as you call this guy or girl an asshole, how do you not know if this person just lost all custody to his children? Or went through a divorce and there significant other walked away with everything? Instead of jumping the gun for views, how about you get the real story and write about it when you learn more? Typical fuck boy. Your probably some 40 year old man child with a kid ( so help this kid )
That gossips as much as the kardashians looking for attention anywhere you go.
Lol family court is on the 2nd floor
I have been to third floor of that court to support friend in a serious case involving child. I like turtle boy typically. I agree you need to find out facts before you go verbally bashing. Name calling. That is kinda messed up. Especially for families involved. I guess when karma comes to bite you in the arrrs. You will soon learn dont bite off more of this story through assumptions than you can chew.
Nicely said
Sorry not just assholes there is family court proceedings that are held there so there are victim’s assholes and parents maybe he lost his kids to a bitch through divorce or something and couldn’t take it but I’m with you leaning more towards the asshole side.
There are many reasons to be in court, and to be on the third floor, including suing or being sued in Superior Court, going through a divorce or child custody proceeding, or being in court for an estate hearing. Any time you are involved in a court action, there can be stress associated with it, so the lesson to you is: yes, you get “breaking” news, your trash sells ads, but your insensitive and uninformed “lessons” are ignorant.
Then why are you a member? Unlike turtle boy news and continue to live in your happy bubble of ignorant lies.
* you’re
No..she used the correct your…but you’re an idiot…
When someone tries to correct you but they’re wrong….lol
Hahahahaha, right??? This is awesome!
3rd floor is the where you go when your in deep sh!1 idiot
Brett brother rake these pics?
that’s one way of getting out of jury duty.