This is Seth Watson, formerly of Monson, MA.
Seth is a fucking monster with the kind of chinstrap that screams, “Pursuant to Megan’s Law…..Do not let me babysit your kids”.
“Seth Watson served plenty of stints in county jail — 20 to be exact — but they never exceeded more than a few months, according to a Hampden County prosecutor.
That changed on Thursday, when he was sentenced to 12 to 15 years in state prison for sexually assaulting and raping an 8-year-old girl nearly a decade ago.
Watson, 37, was convicted by a jury in Hampden Superior Court on Oct. 11 on multiple counts of aggravated rape of a child and indecent assault and battery of a child under 14.
Assistant District Attorney Carrie M. Russell argued at a sentencing hearing that Watson deserved a longer sentence than the 10-year mandatory minimum term the rape charge carries because of his apparently incorrigible criminal tendencies and the gravity of his convictions.
Watson had a “nearly two-decades-long criminal record” filled with assaults and larceny convictions, Russell said. He spent sporadic stints in jail for 20 separate convictions, she said. Watson groomed his victim and took advantage of her wheelchair-bound, profoundly disabled mother, the prosecutor told Hampden Superior Court Judge Frank Flannery.
“He quite literally placed this child’s mother where she could not see, or hear her child,” Russell told the judge, arguing for a 15- to 18-year prison sentence.
The abuse took place in 2010 and 2011.
While the victim chose not to attend the sentencing hearing, Russell read aloud a lengthy statement written by the young woman, who said she suffered from crippling anxiety and an eating disorder for years following the abuse.”
The chinstrap doesn’t lie.
Yeah. This guy is garbage, and the best possible decision is to just throw him away. An eight year old? Fuck this guy, it’s too bad he didn’t get the death penalty – in my humble opinion.
If you’re thinking there is no way humanly possible that anything with an IQ over 45 and a pulse could ever possibly defend this piece of literal human garbage, you’d be wrong. Because according to his chubby bulldyke of a girlfriend, Mariah Mcnelis, Seth is a really great guy, and despite being convicted by a jury of his peers and receiving a jail sentence dwarfed by the life sentence he imparted on his victim – he’s totally innocent.
Yeah, right. It’s inconceivable that a career criminal with 20 jail stints under his belt and a perpetual case of rape-face could do such a thing. Definitely trust this chick, and all 4 of her remaining unscathed brain cells.
Negatory, ghost rider. Your creepy jizz jacuzzi of a pedo-pork sword does not, in fact, “deserve to be free”. He deserves a 45 caliper slug delivered at high velocity through the back of his skull. But I suppose a 12-to-15-year vacation upstate will have to suffice. I’m sure they’re going to love him there, just as much as you inexplicably do.
Pro-tip, Mariah – if you’re committing to the “the guy I’ve been porking is definitely NOT a pedophile piece of shit” route – best not to look like a 14-year-old boy.
That’s not convincing. The counter-reaction was swift and decisive – nobody thinks that Seth Watson is a good guy who “deserves to be free.”
Sounds like a really great guy. I’m sure he’s gonna make lots of friends in prison. Then again, the chick loudly proclaiming his innocence seems like a real winner herself.
As soon as someone exclaims “You don’t know who I am!”, we immediately know who you are. An ignorant trash person. All I’m saying is, is if Mariah’s next romantic interest ends up being a 16 year old she met playing Pokemon Go, who scissors her in exchange for weed and Mike’s Hard lemonades, I will not be particularly shocked.
25 Comment(s)
Looks like he thinks he’s a tough guy
He’s really a pussy
Wait until he gets to cedar junction Walpole
He’s going to have a sore asshole
If you had to put a picture next to the words smelly vagina it would be her pictures. My God is she gross looking
His bitch tits are bigger than mine.
Seth look me up when you get to the Big House. I wanns teach you my new Anal Audit system.
I’m having a hard time trying to find people in those screenshots that I wouldn’t want dropped in a silo of thick cheese and barley.
might find a few who would consider that a challenge.
Imagine a mother bringing a shit bag like that home and having him around your daughter
Hopefully he will have a bad ending in prison
Had he previously been put away for good, this child would never have suffered at his hands.
He won’t have to serve all that long. People who do this stuff to kids need to be put down. You can not cure someone from this sickness.
Unless someone takes it personal, he won’t get much of a bad treatment in there.
There’s so many of these skinners in the system that they could form their own union.
Oh, he’ll get fucked up on occasion but that’s because a cunt like him will let his mouth outweigh his ass with some guy that does not deal well with disrespect.
It won’t happen for a while, anyway.
He’s in the seg unit to start off.
Bristol looking like a snack yesterday during The Bristol Crew podcast. She can slap the cuffs on me anytime.
Damn, dude just got locked up AN she already missing the D so much she ripped it off the keyboard.
Speaking of diddlers, Kevin Spacey’s accuser just happened to pass away and his case was dropped.
Sounds like a case of Arkancide.
All rippers and diddlers must fucking hang.
She’s more of a man than he is….
His supporters should start a gofundme campaign for a supply of KY he’s going to need lots of it, they hate pedophiles in prison
In my past life, I ran into women that defended men like this allllll the time.
I was in court in California (Riverside County) for a particularly repulsive case when the girlfriend of the man accused of pedophilia got in my face. She screamed that I “ruined her life” (they were engaged) and “he is a good man and this [was] a huge mistake!”. She was a kindergarten teacher. Extremely sad and not uncommon.
There’s lots of people that have family members that kill Or rape other people they are still supported by their family where they have unconditional love but those family members know the guys a fucking monster and come to terms with it They say you know I’ll support them and visit them regardless Because he or she if family you know I’m OK with that I get that but this kind of shit behavior he didn’t do nothing or he’s a good guy crap is just bullshit. Where is he going to be when he gets out anyway ? What kind life is this little boy going to have between now and then ? The little boy is gonna wait for this maggot ? ? I doubt it by The way there absolutely should be capital punishment. To Even have to question whether the bomber (Boston bomber for example) should be given the death penalty your a moron to even second-guess that then you’re a dumbbell I Hope the little boy in time (hopefully soon) will look in the mirror and realize they have a chance hopefully of waking the fuck up and changing their life …
I see a prolapse surgery in the not-too-distant future…at tax-payers expense, of course.
definitely going to be rocking a pink sock in his undies….lol
Could he possibly look any more like a dirt bag? The douche bag beard is always a dead giveaway
Is she going to be jealous that he’ll be getting anal in jail, but she’s left to being by herself for any pleasure?
Mariah is definitely a little league pitcher. Gross
I like them a bit older with a spare tire and bitch tits. Broken/taped eyewear really pumps my nads too.
Hahahahahahaha this kid is currently getting his ass kicked or is PCing real quick. What a shit bag loser. As for the 5 year old little boy/girl he was dating I’m positive she will have a bright future. It wasn’t until Turtleboy that I realized how many trailer trash inbred red neck cousin fuckers there were in Massachusetts. Jesus sometimes I feel like turtleboy is covering stories from Alabama. Nope just western part of Mass. Lol it’s a whole other world out past Worcester. Who knew? Lol
You’ve got just as many rapist pigs out your way. Hello Josh Abrams. Go fuck yourself
Yeah, because everything east of Worcester is a crime-free utopian paradise.
Go fuck yourself, you ignorant douchebag.