Smiles And Sunshine

Suicide Prevention Non-Profit Is Having Their Sponsors Harassed For Discussing Mental Health On TB Live And You Can Support Them By Making A Donation


Scott Hyder is a disabled veteran and former police officer who founded a suicide prevention non-profit based out of Lowell after his brother Nicky committed suicide called Hidden Battles.

A turtle rider who was personally helped by Scott during a mental health crisis told me to reach out to him after I had an incident, and he was there to talk. I figured it would be a good opportunity to use my platform to raise awareness for people suffering from depression and anxiety, so I invited him on the live show to talk about what Hidden Battles does to help people. It was a good episode that you should check out if you haven’t already.

A couple people have reached out to me since then and told me that they’re suffering from mental health issues and planned on reaching out to Scott, and quite frankly if we could reach just one person it would’ve been a productive night. Surely suicide prevention is a cause we can all unite on, or so I thought.

Trolls who I will not name because they are not worthy of that, began to harass Scott and threaten to harass the non-profit’s corporate sponsors, simply because he had a conversation with me about suicide prevention.

Again, these people object to a guy using a decent sized platform to potentially save lives. I get that not everybody likes what we do at TB, but if your hatred for Turtleboy is stronger than your desire to prevent people from dying, then I would argue that your soul is broken. Scott did a live stream on Facebook talking about some of the blowback he’s gotten.

I won’t name the people who are doing this because they are unworthy of being mentioned alongside great people doing great things. But one woman organized a crowd to go after him, calling Hidden Battles a “sham of a suicide prevention nonprofit,” simply because he discussed suicide prevention with a man who recently has been battling mental health.

Of the utmost concern to one of these trolls was that there were never 1,000 people watching the show at the same time, because….priorities.

Imagine how awful it must be to wake up in the morning and be the person who decides to spend their Sunday attacking and threatening a suicide prevention nonprofit because they had a discussion about what they do with a person who writes a blog you don’t like? Must be horrible.

“I stated I would make sponsors aware of Aidan’s behavior.”

They’re not going after my sponsors, they’re going after a suicide prevention nonprofit’s sponsors. Luckily none of them gave in because no sane person would ever even consider bowing down to terrorists like this.

“I do find it 100% distasteful and concerning that an organization with suicide prevention at the forefront of their mission would ever, ever associate with someone like Aidan Kearney.”

Yea, the thing about that is, nobody cares what you find distasteful or concerning. You’re just not that relevant.

They then began attacking me for helping to spread awareness, or something.

Just to be clear I’m looking at my kids right now while I write this in my home. It’s nice to have your kids when the state doesn’t confiscate them. I won’t dwell too much on the negative. Instead I’ll turn this into a positive by making a donation to Hidden Battles. You can do the same by clicking here. You can also give HB a like on Facebook. Feel free to and tell them how you appreciate the work they’re doing.


Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: 


59 Comment(s)
  • Deb
    February 25, 2021 at 1:02 am

    I have read every dis tasteful comment on here and thank you Mr. Hyder and Turtle Boy for opening my eyes in more ways than one! I myself suffer from depression and thoughts of suicide. Thank you again, as I am ANOTHER person that this interview has touched and saved! All these shit bags that have put down this interview, have NO idea what it is like to suffer from depression/suicide! It’s pure ignorance! I am NOT a veteran and I am beyond thankful for Hidden Battles and the interview with Turtle Boy, as it has helped me with my battle! Sham on you shit bags for your accusations, assumptions and un kind words! I hope you NEVER lose a loved one from this disease or suffer from it!!

  • yesiliveinquincy
    February 24, 2021 at 1:23 pm

    I find it funny that people will come on here to shit on Aidan and his blog, meanwhile when Aidan tries to put up a supportive message for someone who actually deserves it unlike some of the scumbags he writes about, people have a problem with it.

    Nothing said here in the comment section means anything in the grand scheme of things. Life will go on, and Aidan will do whatever he wants with the site.

  • Stop fucking up good things you fag
    February 24, 2021 at 8:10 am

    Wait a fucking minute! so, you’re trying to tell us, there are scary trolls who live under bridges, who are harassing the sponsors of the non profit. Yet you are not going to name them. The same guy who puts anyone and everyone on blast for anything is not putting names out there. Its almost as if you’re just being dramatic and making it up for attention.
    This all coming from the same guy who said many times all non profits are scams.
    The same guy who said all his fans are idiots and believe anything you say.
    I hope someone smacks the shit out of you and mushes your face in dog shit after!
    You are such a phony and a fraudster. Drumming up shit for attention because you’re on a sinking ship and now want to take people who do good work down with you.
    You’re a pathetic hairless little monkey. All of your lies, flip flops and back pedals have been exposed over and over again yet some people are too stupid to see it. Those are your mentally Ill fans. The rest take anything you say about your self and personal issues with a grain of salt. Yeah we might come here for the articles on the new shitbag and for the comments but when it comes too you, us normal people dont give two flying fucks about you, your court cases, your kids, personal life etc.
    Dude said the other day he was rebranding and not going to use funny names any more when writing articles.
    Yettttt, there you are calling some nasty spanish bitch with no tits and a run way for an 8 head a saucy senorita.
    You just cant help being a complete fucking idiot. You think you’re so much smarter and better than everyone but you’re just as dumb and ratchet. Just shut the fuck up about your personal life. You sound like a bitch looking for attention. And stop being a pathetic simp! those braods are never going to sleep with you and they nasty bitches any way. You cuck faggott mangina whine bitch!
    And donations dont help stop suicide you fucking muppet. Just being a decent caring human willing to lend an ear is all it takes!

    • Brian Dailey
      February 26, 2021 at 12:04 pm

      Are you retarded? You sound like a hurt little bitch, like Connie .
      It was Masshole Report staff harassing the non profit you ignorant queen. Try not hanging on unks balls maybe?
      Masshole Report >Turtle Turd

  • Jaja's article is an example of why people do jot take you seriously
    February 23, 2021 at 9:53 pm

    Turtleboy did an article on a young minority lady that had many inaccuracies, in it, you stated this young lady had basically no chance in life because of her past at lifestyle. Without directly saying it, you stated she was better off dead, than the possible “ratchetness” she and any “crotchfruits” would have.
    You also want to bring awareness to mental health issues, and like two articles ago you made fun of some guy named Tibbetts, who clearly has mental health issues.
    You also try to emphasize this entity is a good cause for vets and law enforcement, bit you have made fun of both (for example, that cop that died from the virus, that former fan of yours, who you “exposed”, that lady cop’s ex boyfriend… i can go on…)

    You are either bipolar or a real bad con man.

    Either way, you get no consideration here.

    I am just giving my diatribe because of the above, but also because there are a lot of negative comments on vets and police, both of whom I do respect.

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´
    …………..\………….\…This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..…………………./´¯/)
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´
    …………..\………….\…This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..…………………./´¯/)
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´
    …………..\………….\…This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..…………………./´¯/)
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´
    …………..\………….\…This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..…………………./´¯/)
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´
    …………..\………….\…This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..…………………./´¯/)
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´
    …………..\………….\…This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..

  • Pro-choice
    February 23, 2021 at 5:00 pm

    Are these vets from Jew wars in Iraq,Syria,Afghanistan after that Holocaust I don’t blame vets for killing themselves it’s almost the honorable thing to do. TB is depressed because blue lives don’t matter.

  • Uncle Simp
    February 23, 2021 at 2:44 pm

    This whole suicide prevention shit doesn’t look good for the blog or your brand. This is like some shit a blonde suburban 50-year-old mommy blogger would start up lol. You’ve made a living off making fun of people to the point of suicide it’s kind of hard to switch up now. Just drop this and get back to making fun of ratchets

    • Orion
      February 23, 2021 at 4:02 pm

      Uh, no he doesn’t. Whining and threatening suicide is one of the oldest tropes in the ratchet and scumbag playbooks which they whip out to get someone to stop putting them on blast. This didn’t happen that way at ALL.

      Ratchets, scumbags, liars and hypocrites don’t deserve one inch or any mercy unless they unreservedly change their ways. Unc himself has accepted people back who used to be in his articles when they show change. People like you and his other detractors, however, just want people to suffer if they don’t agree with you. Evil.

      • Uncle Simp
        February 23, 2021 at 5:11 pm

        “Unc himself has accepted people back who used to be in his articles when they show change.”

        LMAOOOO who? Leigha? Its because she’s hot. end of story. If anything it just proves more simp shit… do you think he would have been that nice and forgiving to the Burlington mall fupaslug? Yeah, right lol.

        February 25, 2021 at 3:23 pm

        Exactly. Turtleboy gets views and money by blogging about embarrassing and fucked up moments in people’s lives. I’m all for that, just don’t be crying about suicide prevention like a bitch it’s hypocritical af

  • Bret's Evicted Neighbor
    February 23, 2021 at 1:20 pm

    Why the fuck is Bret fuckin Killoran always in here talking about me? He’s a stinkin drunk and doesn’t remember half of what goes on during the day. Listen, all anyone needs to know is that I am piping his wife Paula because she can’t stand the smell of Bret and he has permanent whisky dick so he can’t get it up for her anyway. The way Bret obsesses over me, I think he might want a little of this strong hog lovin to. Fuckin creep. And by the way, I never stole his weed. He’s a liar. He ran out of money because he went on another crack run with his mom.

  • Eat a Bullet
    February 23, 2021 at 12:33 pm

    Wow dude when I heard Turtleboy and ‘suicide support’ together I was thinking you’re supporting them to go thru with it like “Pull the trigger man you can do it” or “wash down a bottle of sleeping pills with a gallon of vodka friend, you’re the man!”.
    Actually trying to be nice to people is not in your wheelhouse son.

  • If You Consider This Harassment...
    February 23, 2021 at 12:20 pm

    What do you call what you do to people, TB? Sucks when your own fucked up words come back to bite you. Stop dragging legitimate organizations down with you while you desperately try to reconcile both your personal and “professional” (hahaha) lives with the fact that you are human garbage. Yes, you are probably mentally ill. As in, Cluster B personality disorders mentally ill. Stop claiming you have depression and were suicidal, you narcissist. Nobody likes you. Keep crying to your core group of 60 or so braindead codependents, though.

  • randiguy2006
    February 23, 2021 at 11:55 am

    Until you address why you yourself urged others to commit suicide, I cant take you serious.

  • EA
    February 23, 2021 at 11:42 am


    • China Flu
      February 23, 2021 at 12:15 pm


  • Kenny Klitz
    February 23, 2021 at 11:14 am

    A more appropriate partnership for this blog’s proprietor would be with NAMBLA

    • ST was caught molesting his nephew
      February 23, 2021 at 12:17 pm

      Spic tormentor is a lifelong member, maybe since he wants to help out with the blog so much he can help get Unc a partnership

  • .
    February 23, 2021 at 10:36 am

    Long time reader, but isn’t it ironic that a blog that profits off of shitting on people is now preaching mental health?

  • Orion
    February 23, 2021 at 10:15 am

    The language in that message is absolutely repugnant. They call it “cozying up to” when just showing compassion for a human being and to help save lives. They’re all about “inclusion” and “tolerance” as long as it’s someone who conforms to their same ugly world view. So-called progressives are such evil goddamn phonies.

  • Done with this shit
    February 23, 2021 at 9:51 am

    Thanks for the heads up TB. Just donated to this worthy cause. Now if someone somewhere can establish a loser prevention non profit for hatey katey and her misfit trolls, the world would rejoice.

  • fuckin n¡ggers
    February 23, 2021 at 9:29 am

    I’d like to see more African Americans commit suicide.

  • The front
    February 23, 2021 at 9:29 am

    So this is how the shakedown works , first we ask for “donations “ the you kick 40% back to me and no one is the wiser . Just remember all the personal stuff you buy with that 501c3 status is tax free , just run it all through the “charity “ okay no paper trails , no names thanks .

    • Jalajhia's runny snatch
      February 23, 2021 at 11:03 am

      I heard Kate Peters is now into double fisting

  • I See Dumb People
    I see dumb people
    February 23, 2021 at 9:05 am

    What the hell is wrong with people??? These ass hats are the exact reason this country is going to the corrupt elite. At every turn they are trying to cancel someone that does great things for others.
    I myself have battled a severe and at most times crippling anxiety disorder for over 30 years of my 38 year life.. Ive lost 2 of my closest friends and confidantes to suicide all with in a 2 year period both of whom left behind beautiful families and friends that loved them more than they could ever have known because of their mental states at the time. It is the most utmost disgusting action to go after sponsors of a hard working non profit that exists solely to help others during a hard time. Shame on you people.. Grow the fuck up .. You dumb fucking morons

  • Judge dread
    February 23, 2021 at 8:07 am

    I am all about suicide prevention. Back in 2004 my brother hung himself and committed suicide. It was a fucking horrible incident and fucked me up for years.

  • The Revolution Starts Now
    February 23, 2021 at 8:00 am

    Here’s the solution tardo boy. Contact Dr. Phil. He would absolutely love to have you on his show. You would get the national recognition you obsess about as well as the best help available for free. And
    $500 too!
    Your refusing to ” focus on the negative”, also known as refusing to take personal responsibility would come through loud and clear. Millions of people watch his show. He would tear your ass down. And invite those you’ve trashed as well. Then you can explain your victim mentality. Since you like to lift thoughts, words and ideas and pretend they’re your idea consider this another freebie from me.

    • WeRFucked
      February 23, 2021 at 9:25 am

      You should go on Dr. Phil. Find out why you’re obsessed with Uncle TB.

      What a dope you are.

      • The Revolution Starts Now
        February 23, 2021 at 10:31 am

        This isn’t the only fucked up website I visit. To you he’s the Mahatma Ghandi for the trailer park crowd. To me he’s a middle aged man frustrated by the fact he fucked his life up and can’t understand why!

        • Sad little you
          February 23, 2021 at 12:26 pm

          And yet, here you are, obsessing to the point of orgasm, over this blog and it’s followers. Makes you pretty damn pathetic, but you do you. Hahaha

    • Linda Coralyn
      I’m there
      February 23, 2021 at 10:31 am

      Whoa! Reading this, thought it was a direct message to the ex blogger! If anyone has repeatedly refused to accept personal responsibility, its TBs ex-stalker and biggest error. That is a show I would watch – her explanations for her many life failures would be great television. Unfortunately, minor children can’t appear, so their voices won’t be heard, but I’m sure there are plenty who would love to speak against her. Come on Kate- put up or shut up.

  • Hellfish
    February 23, 2021 at 7:53 am

    Scott and Hidden Battles has done amazing work and I will continue to work with them and we reach Veterans who need someone to talk to in a time of need. Having a care plan is something everyone should have and we can help you create them and get you the mental health help you may need. Be it physical activity to help improve mood, seeing a therapist, painting, socializing and getting folks out and about to live and love life again. You all are worth living! Scott keep up the fight we are here in your corner! Also seek help in a time of need its not weak its actually very hard but helps to get out there and be frank about your situation. Together I know Hidden Battles and the rest of the Veteran Collaborative to Silence the Stigma that surrounds mental health for men and women especially those who deal with PTSD, TBI, and MST from their times in the service.

      February 23, 2021 at 4:32 pm

      All for it! I’m a veteran myself. I 100% support the need for these organizations. Although , I would never spend every second of my life seeking out and tormenting those who I feel are below me… to the point of suicide, then expect everyone to feel bad for me when I feel the same way. You get back what you give in this world. If all you give is hatred, then that’s exactly what you deserve.

  • WeRFucked
    February 23, 2021 at 7:47 am

    I just donated. Only $25, but if we all gave a little it would make a big difference. Even $5 times 25 of us is better than nothing.

    I can’t imagine what it must be like for these people who spend their every waking hour worrying about what Aidan will do next. These people are obsessed. They need help.

    The sad story written about Jalajhia Finklea would be forgotten by now, but some asshat keeps reminding us of her everyday. So those who didn’t read the blog can go look it up and read about what some blogger in Holden thinks happened & why. All that commenter is doing is reinforcing the blogger’s opinion that Jalajhia’s family is unhinged.

    People writing in the comments that Aidan is living in his mom’s basement and his children were taken away… like we care? Unlike you, we don’t obsess over the blogger’s personal life. We’re only here to read about the shitty people in world, and we know your comment is because you are one of those people we love to laugh about.

  • Jarhead
    February 23, 2021 at 4:24 am

    Veteran Suicide is no joke, Thousands of Vets return home after their Tours pretty Fucked up because of what they have seen and been thru. My nephew a Marine Corps Combat Veteran is one of them.To be honest his childhood Sucked. Instead of turning to drugs and crime he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. During his Tour in a Fire Fight one of his Brother Marines right next to him got his Head blown off by a Shitbag Terrorist ,enough said. God knows what else he saw as he doesn’t like to talk about it and I don’t blame him, He will carry that nightmare for the rest of his life and Yes he’s fucked up PTSD, like do many others. I too am a Marine Corps Vet. I’ve talked too and know a lot of returning Vets who carrie this baggage when they come back home. Veteran Suicide is real and No joke. I plan on reaching out to this non prophet organization because our Government in my opinion doesn’t do enough for our returning Vets!! Kudo’s to TB.

  • Meanwhile
    February 23, 2021 at 3:33 am

    When you admit that you’re a failure at life and a hypocrite then people will take you seriously.

    • bigdaddy
      Michelle Carter
      February 23, 2021 at 7:27 am

      Give me a call I have a suggestion for you

    • Back at the ranch
      February 23, 2021 at 9:28 am

      It’s hard to admit to being a failure. Kudos to you for reaching out. However, we already knew. That’s why you were featured on TB

    • WeRFucked
      February 23, 2021 at 9:32 am

      You comment on this blog everyday. I think you might need help if you can’t move on from hate. Please don’t let your head full of Turtleboy Sports 24/7 ruin your life. There are wonderful things out there for you. Find them.

      • Aidans noose
        February 23, 2021 at 9:40 am

        As if I care about some burger jockeys opinion.

  • This comment is for Uncle TB only. Don't care about ratios or responses.
    February 22, 2021 at 10:50 pm

    Aidan, I’m happy to hear your kids have their father in their life. That’s a plus for them and on the macro. But you have encouraged suicide for others. You’ve made a joke of the incident where the young woman encouraged the suicide of the young man in Massachusetts.
    I really can’t fathom how you can reconcile this. It’s as if you have bi polar or something man. That poor family of that kid…and you mocking the whole case….imagine if your kid was going through this struggle.
    If you truly wanted to change you’d start deleting blogs where you mock addicts who self medicate and suicides.
    Apart from that, it seems like a ploy to garner sympathy to fix your domestic situation. I’m sorry man. But it just reeks of self serving behavior under the false narrative of you wanting to help people. You socially shame people going through hell, on a platform that has high traffic, on the global internet that last forever. You’ve rejoiced in that. Your newfound good will is meaningless at the moment to people who aren’t just blind TB fans. Do you not count your fortunate situation to have mental health but have a family, a mother who will help you in times of need? Some don’t. Some kids came from houses where they were beaten, abused, molested. And their traumatic past leads them into being broken adults with little concept of right and wrong. I wish you would really change and make real amends through action not promotion. Anyways…Good luck and I hope you find that moment of reason.

    • that matt dizo guy
      February 22, 2021 at 10:54 pm

      “addicts who self medicate”

      LMAO. That’s like the most PC way possible to say “junkies who shoot heroin”

    • Fuck Off
      February 22, 2021 at 11:20 pm

      You Tard!! Hahaha

    • WeRFucked
      February 23, 2021 at 7:14 am

      LOL. Sorry, I love reading about junkies and the stupid shit they do.

    • Linda Coralyn
      February 23, 2021 at 9:42 am

      Are you speaking from experience? Were your children abused, beaten and molested? Did you, perhaps, have them removed from your home because of your poor choices in men and drugs? And then leave them out there, cause, whatever…..

      We would like you to make real change too. All of us. Maybe this blog came at a pivotal time for you. Your obsession with the past is taking over your life. This counselor could be the help you need. Take it.

      • Original commenter
        February 23, 2021 at 11:07 am

        I don’t have children but I did come from a broken home with DV, abuse and neglect, addiction. And I made shitty choices in adulthood. And then I reformed. So, I can say it took a lot of work and help. And I’d be suicidal if I was the target of this blog for a dumb choice that could haunt me forever. I know you guys have your views. I’m speaking to Uncle TB

        • Jarhead
          February 23, 2021 at 11:16 am

          are you into bondage

        • Linda Coralyn
          Ratio and response
          February 23, 2021 at 12:20 pm

          Fair enough. Except you posted on a site where everyone can read it, so not really addressed to TB – more like about TB. If it was a message you wanted him to read, it should have gone directly to him. It didn’t. because the point of your passive aggressive comments wasnt to speak directly to him but to let us all know your thoughts. So thanks for that. Filed under dont care

  • Spic Tormentor
    February 22, 2021 at 10:31 pm

    Much respect for already helping some people out with their depression issues Unc, it’s a great start. Getting a whole non-profit started will be tough at first, but just stick through it and don’t feed into the trolls and their bullshit. I can see this leading to great things for you.

    And as always, I’m here to lend a hand if you need anything at all. Even if you need help running the website, email duty, you name it and I’m there brother.

    • The Spic Tormentor
      Spic Tormentor
      February 23, 2021 at 10:04 am

      One of these days this will be funny

      • Spic Tormentor
        February 23, 2021 at 10:12 am

        Another long, productive day ahead?

    • WeRFucked
      February 23, 2021 at 5:54 pm

      Glad to see you helping out bro. People who come to this site every day probably see us as assholes making funny comments, then see our sarcastic & witty banter and think we are trolls, but in reality we are like a big family that cares for each other when one of us needs help. Much respect brother.

  • Dr. Ed
    February 22, 2021 at 10:27 pm

    The principle of EMS is that you don’t *care* who you are rescuing, it’s about who you are and not who the victim is. Conversely, going after a suicide prevention outfit because you don’t like who they helped is like going after your local fire department for giving some druggie Narcan.

    No, we don’t make judgement calls about whose life is worth saving and whose isn’t — we try to save *all* lives…

  • Bret Killoran
    February 22, 2021 at 10:03 pm

    My fuckin evicted neighbor should give this Steve guy a call. Motherfucker sneaks in my room to suck on my ole lady’s toes and fart on my futon all night. If that’s not a mental health crisis I don’t know what is. Fuckin’ shit sucks.

    • murdochpatsymcreynolds
      Bret Killoran
      February 22, 2021 at 10:31 pm

      I don’t know who the fuck you are but you’re pretending to be FUCKIN ME! the real fuckin fake Bret. Fuckin shit sucks.

      • Bret Killoran
        February 22, 2021 at 10:33 pm

        And I don’t know why either of you dipshits are pretending to be me, the REAL Bret. Fucking faggots.

        • murdochpatsymcreynolds
          Bret Killoran
          February 22, 2021 at 10:47 pm

          You’ve been flagged for using a homophobic fuckin slur.

    • murdochpatsymcreynolds
      Bret Killoran
      February 22, 2021 at 10:41 pm

      Hey fake Bret, me, my fuckin evicted neighbor and the ol’ lady are heading out to fuckin Indiana this fuckin August for the Gathering of the fuckin Juggalos and we got room for one fuckin more. But ya gotta fuckin pay. Gas grass and fuckin ass.

  • Neo classical conservative
    February 22, 2021 at 9:56 pm

    Crisis text hotline on Facebook. Personal friends of mine.

    Very sad to hear people politicizing suicide.

    Fuck em all.

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