All-Star Criminals

Terrible Cranston Rapper Jackoff Sauce Was Arrested On Child Pornography Charges For SnapFace Story Involving Gland To Gland Combat With Child Slave Girlfriend, Faces Up To 15 Years In Prison And Registering As A Sex Offender

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Just thought you guys would like an update on one of the scummiest human beings alive. In the most shocking turn of events in the history of ever, awful Cranston, RI rapper and career flashlight thief Mack Sauce , AKA John McEvoy, who gained infamy after leading his vodka/water pounding 17-year-old sex slave around on a leash on InstaFace, has been arrested and charged with child pornography a little while ago.


Providence Journal reports: “A 25-year-old Cranston man who sparked outrage when a video of him leading his 17-year-old girlfriend around on a leash appeared online has been charged with distributing and producing child pornography, according to police and court records.”

“Sparked outrage when a video of him leading his 17-year-old girlfriend around on a leash appeared online” Translation: Everyone saw that shit on Turtleboy and people got pissed off enough for us to actually cover it. You’re welcome, bitches.

We were all pretty confused when we called up the Cranston police and we told that since the girl was 17 and the age of consent in RI is 16 and that the guardians were cool with this that there was nothing that could be done. How someone takes a look at this rapey fugly mug and thinks it’s acceptable for the kid they’re in charge of to date is fucking beyond me. This is some seriously beguiling shit, here:



This fucking girl is absolutely ruined. There’s no way in hell that she will ever be able to live a normal life after being defiled and manipulated by Jackoff Weak Sauce now. This girl is scarred for life, and the worst part about it is that she doesn’t even know it. She thinks this is normal and how you treat someone you love. She’s in for a life of misery after this:


I was really surprised when she answered the phone on Turtleboy Live (which will be on tonight 9:30, NOT tomorrow) a few weeks back. I kinda like the girl, she’s feisty and absolutely doesn’t give one single fuck. She’s the kind of kid who’s rough around the edges, but is smart and strong enough to go places. The kind of kid that, if she met someone who could get through to her and led her in the right direction without a leash and with no motives for banging her, could really be successful. You know damn well that as soon as this loser gets out of jail, she’s going right back to this:


Because he’s conditioned her to come back every single time.

The last time Weak sauce was arrested, he could only be charged with resisting arrest, obstructing an officer and simple assault since Princess Lay-uh said she wasn’t being held against her will. Oh yeah, that checks out despite the collar, leash and choking being blasted all over the internet.

They could have continued this insane thing they called a relationship if they weren’t fucking stupid attention whores. Here’s where Weak Sauce fucked up. Around August 15, he decided to post a video of them engaging in gland to gland combat. As literally anyone knows, if you’re dumb enough to bang anyone underage and post a video of it that’s called child pornography. He didn’t just have child porn that he made with his 17-year-old slam pig of a girlfriend laying around in his flop house, oh no. He broadcast that shit on SnapFace, probably because he has the mind of a 12-year-old.  Don’t get it twisted though, the only reason they’re broadcasting all their slop swapping is because they fell in love:

He takes her out to eat so they’re totally legit. Or they used to be…Now, there’s a no contact order in place because the only way this douchequeef could bond out of jail was to agree to not be anywhere near her. Thank GOD. It looks like this tale of Knock Off Chromeo and Juliet is over, all because “concerned citizens” turned the video in to police. So basically that means some turtle riders saw some fucked up shit and was like “Aw, hell no!” and called the cops. Good job guys!

This should tickle you all as much as it did me. Jackoff Sauce is facing 15 years in prison, fines up the ass (hope they can fit up there with Bubba) and is going to have to register as a sex offender now:

Good. I hope this buttnut, fake gangsta bitch gets pegged morning, noon and night and has to give up his honey buns to save himself when his hemorrhoids get too bad. He strikes me as the kind of guy who is immediately gonna piss off the wrong person and get whacked off the head with a meal tray. He’s absolutely going to be shitting out his own teeth within 2 days. There’s no way this pussifed kiddie diddler is not going to place himself in protective custody in the first week because he can’t keep taking the beatings he’s gonna get. I’m giggling like the child he’d like to stuff his chud in over the way he’s going to get abused. I can’t help it, justice makes he happy.

When she realizes how not ok this was it’s going to turn her world upside down and she’s never going to get over it. This girl is going to look back at this shit in 20 years, if not sooner, and cringe so hard she might break her face. I wish the best for the kid. Rest in peace this:

There’s a major difference between two consenting adults doing the do however they please. This was a grown ass man manipulating and taking advantage of a child and a child’s weak will. That’s fucked up, you don’t do that. At least now he know that while you might be able to do that, you sure as hell won’t get away with it. Not with Turtleboy lurking around the corner.

12 Comment(s)
    September 17, 2018 at 6:42 am

    Wait, wait, here’s an awesome idea guys. let’s whine and blog about some dude who’s banging a 17 y.o. making those types of pics and videos calling it kiddie porn. Then run to the internet and post the same pictures that got him locked up for kiddie porn! I dont know who’s worse, this fucking skinnah. Or the skinnah who posts the same pictures that got skinnah#1 locked up in the first place. The way I see it. if hes been arrested for posting these pictures online because its considered kiddie porn then you should be arrested for posting the same pictures. You’re just as bad for distribution of said kiddie porn. ” like omg look at this idiot for taking kiddie porn pictures. Let’s blog about him and post the same kiddie porn pictures” yeah sounds about right. So now not only has this website went to shit but you’re a site that distributes kiddie porn as well. I’ve been a turtle rider since way before you started posting blogs about idiots. As in, way back in the day when you were doing the sports thing. You started off with good intentions but now, but now it’s just shit! There are plenty of one sided stories, plenty of contradiction’ and lots of fake out rage! I love you guys but now you’re just like CNN with their coverage of the great Donald J Trump 2020 BTW. It’s never a good story, it’s always news about ratchet folk. never any good stories or happy ending stories. just the same old shit! Like I said, you started with good intentions and I’m glad you exposed alot of bullshit but now it’s just the same old shit day in day out. You should think about this. I hate to say this but your brand is dying off. You’re black listed by google, facebook keeps tossing you and Twitter has band you. At what point are you going to wake up and realize that this is obviously not working? I mean I used to come here and post every day multiple times of day under many different names. Then I got sick of the same old shit and only visited once in a while, once a week. Now k hardly ever come here. I’m not saying I dont love you guys because I do but at a certain point one can only take so much. The blogs maybe about different people but it’s still the same old negitive shit. I’ve also noticed a decline in some of the readers/commentors and I wonder why that is? I want you guys to succeed but you’re ruining it for your self. Also stop complaining about facebook and Twitter all of the time. We get it, it’s not cool what they did however they are a private company and if they dont want you on their sites then they can kick you off. I feel you turtle bro it’s not right but at the end of the day what’s done is done and no matter how much you bitch about it, it’s not going to accomplish anything! Use that energy and put it into something else. Sometimes you just got to take the L yo and move on! It sucks it hurt your pride and business model but there comes a point that you just get over it, move on and dust your self off. Or dust your self off and move on. Either way, just stfu about it already and find another outlet.

    • SMDH
      September 17, 2018 at 11:46 pm

      Did you read the article or just get triggered by speed-reading the headline?
      He posted them doing the nasty and that’s what got him jammed up. TB didn’t repost that stuff.
      Age of consent is less than 18 but porn becomes child porn if the “model”, “actor/actress”, whatever is less than 18 years of age at the time of production.
      If you’re going to toss a uterine clot over something, at least make it factually accurate and worth bitching about.
      *the Midol is on Aisle 10

  • XX Chromosome
    September 15, 2018 at 7:54 am

    I get it, but age of consent is the point here. Why was he arrested? Banging a 17 year old, or posting their freaky side on social media? I understand everyone’s outrage, but aside from the court of public opinion, I don’t see why he was arrested. Age of consent.

    • ABCD
      September 15, 2018 at 12:00 pm

      She’s still under 18, so posting those photos is kiddie porn.

    • SMDH
      September 17, 2018 at 11:50 pm

      Law regarding porn is no one under 18.
      Federal law.

  • John Q Public
    September 15, 2018 at 6:43 am

    Hey Lil Johnnie hows that social media shirt working for ya…

  • Joe Dirt
    September 14, 2018 at 6:45 pm

    Captain Save A Hoe strikes again

  • vicx1
    September 14, 2018 at 6:19 pm

    I believe age of consent is 16, so yeah 17 years old is up for anything. Sad but true.
    What she doesn’t know is that drinking too much Mack Sauce at such an early age means she will be tasting dumpster gravy for the rest of her life …..

  • Dave
    September 14, 2018 at 5:35 pm

    Another captain save a hoe post, when turns 18 and move unto the next local rapper, will we see another blog then?

    This girl was ruined long before mack came along.

  • Judge dread
    September 14, 2018 at 5:09 pm

    New idea for Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket company: put this slug rake on the rocket as an experimental payload and send it right into the sun.

  • ncfoothillbilly
    September 14, 2018 at 4:09 pm

    With the sad state of affairs as relates to the judicial system he’ll probably get probation and a gay porn contract. Who the fuck treats a kid like that? Shameful, at the very least…ugh.

    • Fo Sho
      Not wid my dick
      September 16, 2018 at 10:14 am

      Too bad……….. he looks like he’d enjoy 2 to 5 tossin LeRoy’s salad.

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