Hope you’re not sick of the Revere Lesbo Ratchet crew yet. They’re the gift that keeps on giving.

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Last night, we posted this blog about Peter Sewell, or Medford Peter as he likes to call himself. He was huge fan of Turtleboy until we went down the list and got to him. Then, our blogs weren’t so funny anymore. Pervy Pete saw our blog almost immediately after it was posted. He went on an incoherent FB live rant in which he called us turtles out, demanding to come on our live show. Unfortunately, before we were able to download it, it was deleted (bummer) but we have some screenshots from it that loyal Turtleriders didn’t miss a beat capturing
It was a whole lotta blah blah blah from Hot air Harry over here. He also went on a series of since- deleted tangents stating he was going to show up to 98.5’s station and demand to be put on the air
And then he began with the decimation of chatcher talk, and ‘outed’ Turtleboy with the same tired, old Turtlegram article
I’ve never heard Uncle Turtleboy’s British accent. Can we push him to do it tonight on live, please? I’d pay to hear it. Then he compares us to Howard Stern and ouch… that hurt.
In the middle of his frantic postings, trying to deflect the heat from himself, he was also all up on our post, licking Uncle Turtleboy’s ass
“Other than that your page is cool with me” – trying to win brownie points or something?
He was also in the inbox, but didn’t give Deskie a chance to respond before he blocked the page
This shit would’ve worked on that bleeding-heart ginger bitch, too. I’m almost glad she didn’t get a chance to respond.
You’d think Peter was walking away with his tail between his legs after all this cry baby babble coming out of his mouth. But he returned this morning, stronger than ever. Must be something in those McDonald’s hash browns and McGriddles that give cheesehogs the strength to soldier on.
Pete butthurt af, saying TB lives in his mom’s basement, got fired, is unemployed… the same old shtick we’re always hearing. A lot of his friends think we’re hilarious, though – lookin’ at you, Michelle San Angelo, high five, girl!
Who knew Peter had people on his friends list that had sense? Danielle Marchione points out that all we did was pull shit from his page. How could it be untrue if it’s what he, himself posted?
Oh! Uncle Turtleboy logged into Pervy Pete’s FB to post all the bullshit, including selfies of Pete and his junkie harem over the last so many years… Someone help me, I’m screeeeeeeeeeeaming! Yeah, buddy. We’re a group of elite hackers taking over cheesehogs’ FB pages from here to the 413 just for the entertainment of our Turtleriders. You sure figured us out!
And if that one PSA wasn’t enough, he had to put out another
Uncle TB’s a hacker and wasting that talent to entertain the masses… yet he couldn’t fix his goddamned mic on Friday’s TB live so North Shore Turtlebabe could speak?! #Conspiracy
And as if all of *that* wasn’t enough… Pete put out a new FB live video this afternoon. Once again, calling Uncle TB out, saying that North Shore Turtle “baby” and Uncle TB are boyfriend/girlfriend (sorry, turtles don’t participate in incestuous relations) and I’m on the Worcester School Committee, blah blah blah.
Since we got gypped last night, we had the foresight to download this vid for your viewing (dis)pleasure
Pete wants everyone to know that everything NSTB wrote about the Revere Lesbo Ratchet Squad is true, but everything about him is “falls” – got it.
Pervy Pete says that all of this is in the hands of his lawyers and he’s gonna put a lien on our houses when he sues us for slander, defamation of character, so on and so forth. Two minutes later… “you better hope my lawyer never gets a hold of this.” He also said he’s gonna ring Uncle TB’s doorbell, something about some Pringles, and throws in a few chest-rattling, COPD/Newport 100 coughs in for good measure.
So angelic looking.
He wants us to come to him… not happening. I can’t even get out of the North Shore to go meet Uncle Turtleboy shell to shell. No way I’m meeting up with this Cheesehog.
At the end of the video, he name drops a friend on the Medford PD… like that’s gonna help him. That friend? Officer Jason Montalbano, who recently made international headlines for a post that was construed as anti-Islam on the Facebook Machine and was promptly put on administrative leave
Peter, Peter Pumpkin-eater, don’t you know that when you’ve got friends in high places, you never drop their names like that? That was excessively rude, and if I were Jason, I would sever ties immediately. It doesn’t look like anything good ever happens to people who associate with you.
For the record, I have no opinion on Officer Montalbano’s comments either way. But if I were catching any type of flak for my social media presence online, especially from my employer, I’d quit it immediately. Appreciate what you do for the Medford community, though.
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14 Comment(s)
Is a guy who lives in a Holiday Inn really trying to judge someone else for living in their mother’s basement? He’s one odd duck…
Holy nuck futs, me thinks the Medford school English department failed the Grand Poobah of Medford miserably. It was extremely hard reading his posts. I literally had to read and re-read them. I wonder if he actually graduated from High School.
“My lawyer has it in his hands now”
Followed by:
“You better hope my laywer doesn’t get a hold of this”..
Then followed by:
” I’m gonna wait for what my lawyer says, he’s looking at it now”
Spoken by: A fat slob, with a ponytail who never went to a laywer, but should really abide by the distracted driving laws.
Stop claiming you’ve gone to a laywer, cut the ponytail, stop itching your tits on camera and don’t hook up with junkies. Thats the root of your problems, not Turtleboy.
I want to be interviewed by the whore feisty and the pedophile Brett.
Fiesta needs a strong cock to straighten her attitude out.
Five to fuck Fiesti fund raiser.
Kev, you don’t know the proper hole to stick it in. Feisty seems like a nice lady, even with the New York accent. You on the other hand are the lowest form of life that exists: a cum sucking murderer. Kill yourself and do society a favor.
Finally discovered the missing link anyways. More pitiful because he has a mind of a 17 year old.
Clearly he took the short bus to High School, probably gradjeeated in the bottom ten percent of his class. Umm, I doubt he could perform that advanced calculation.
Dear Pete,
I still miss you and want you to stay TRU to me. It doesn’t matter if you’re 468 lbs or heroin skinny, you’ll ALWAYS b MINES!! Prove to me that you still my Bae and stop LOOKING for poontang, wear black every damn day and smoke my ashes.
Don’t make me haunt your rank flabby ass.
This is going a little too far…. Kristen is dead… This is pathetic. Her daughter is old enough to read. Have at least some respect for the dead and her family. I could care less about peter…. Kristen isn’t here to defend herself . grow up
Dear Tina,
Hop off Pete’s dick HO.
I’ll haunt your huge cuntflaps if you continue.
This guys rants are HYSTERICAL, he literally forgets what he’s gonna say mid sentence, it happened like three times in the other video too. I don’t associate with lowlifes he says. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA I just died. Just stop it. Actually don’t, we could use the laughs. Guy is serious with his “Falls” accusations too. Mothers basement my ass, this guy is the quintessential poster child for “creepy guy online in a basement he doesn’t pay for.”
NSTB if Ass Face Mcgee takes your house, I got a spot for you. No worries, and if your short on cash I can reserve a spot for you at Amateur night at the old Fuzzy Grape. I’m sure once you take off that Turtle Shell and expose those Dirty Pillows the dollars will come raining down on you.
Did he hire Richard N. Vulva?