Smiles And Sunshine

The Guy Who Parked In The Handicapped Spot In Providence Wrote Us An Email And It’s Really Sincere So We Took The Blog Down Shaming Him

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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: 


Yesterday we published an article outing the guy who parked in a handicapped spot in Providence, preventing former boxer Gary Balletto from accessing his minivan.

Then we got this email today:

Dear Turtle boy, Everybody makes mistakes, and a few days ago, I made a big one when I parked my vehicle in a yellow-lined handicapped-access area. Unfortunately, my negligent action caused Mr. Gary Balletto and his family a great deal of inconvenience, and for that, I am truly and deeply sorry.

Since the incident, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to offer my most sincere apologies to Mr. Balletto directly. True to his reputation as a gentleman, Gary graciously accepted my regrets, and we engaged in a very fruitful and amicable conversation. Gary educated me about the importance of those yellow-lined areas, and that their abuse and disregard is just one of the many struggles that the handicapped in our communities face each day. While he is no longer a fighter in the boxing ring, after discussing the great work of “The Gary “Tiger” Balletto Foundation” and all the charitable work he facilitates, it is clear that he is now a champion for the support of disabled people everywhere.

It was a pleasure and a privilege to speak with “The Tiger” himself, and we are happy to announce that we intend to turn this once-negative incident into something positive. We have plans to work together to raise handicapped awareness, and I will personally be making contributions and joining in the fundraising efforts for the amazing handicapped adaptive gym that Gary is developing, which will be an awesome resource for those disabled in our area.

In spite of my remorse, I am thankful for this eye-opening experience because it has helped me to learn and grow. I make no excuses for my poor judgement, but I can vow that I will certainly never make this terrible mistake again. Gary and I hope that others will also take away valuable knowledge and awareness from this incident and that they might also consider donating to his worthy causes and spreading positive energy and awareness.

I am deeply remorseful Turtleboy, I am hopeful that you will accept my apologies and help me to get my statement out. This incident has been a very difficult one for me. The very unfortunate part of this is how many people that have been negatively impacted by my actions. Gary, my family & co-workers.

Sincerely,  Paul Mallari

What more can you ask for? It’s Christmas time folks. Forgiveness is one of the most important things we can do as human beings. This email is sincere, he’s made amends, and the guy who was hurt by his actions is OK with it so everyone else should be too.

A lot of people think the goal of Turtleboy is to ruin people’s lives. It’s not. We’re not mean people, and we’re not malicious. We just want to make the world a better place. Don’t get me wrong, we greatly enjoy shaming certain people, particularly those who never admit they did anything wrong, and decide to go the Attorney Richard N. Vulva route instead. But we do it with the goal that it will deter other people from acting a fool in the future, and perhaps get the people featured in the blogs to realize that they fucked up too. I you come to us like this, and you’re sincere, we will not only credit you for that, but we will take the blog we wrote about you down as well, which we just did without him even asking to have it taken down. People change, and if they change for the better they should be able to start fresh without the Google machine haunting them the rest of their lives.

Providence is the home of happy endings for a reason.

29 Comment(s)
  • Sad Turtle
    November 30, 2018 at 7:14 pm

    Turtleboy now stands for nothing. Am disappoint.

    A grown-ass, educated man had no idea that people in wheelchairs needed a ramp to get in their vehicles? He is just sorry he got caught.

    Enjoy the money he gave to take the article down TBS.

  • I'm better than you
    November 30, 2018 at 1:51 pm

    All I see here is a bunch of butthurt people who’ve had blogs written about their trashy lives and they’re mad that, as usual, someone with a productive life and someone that gives to society rather than take, acknowledge their error and reached out on their own to correct it. Notice how they didn’t try to act like they were high powered internet lawyers threatening to sue for deformation of character and threatening to unleash holy hell? You know why? Because only trashy losers think threats actually work. I’m just a turtle rider and the only reason I am is because I love to see them trash the shittiest parts of our society that most of you are. We all know when you say “I am getting my attorney” you really mean “I’m a piece of ghetto trash and when I wake up from my Oxy nod I might remember to see if my court appointed lawyer from my last arrest can help me”… anyway, I digress. Merry Xmas dope fiends

  • I'm better than you
    November 30, 2018 at 1:47 pm

    All I see here is a bunch of butthurt people who’ve had blogs written about their trashy lives and they’re mad that, as usual, someone with a productive life and someone that gives to society rather than take, acknowledge their error and reached out on their own to correct it. Notice how they didn’t try to act like they were high powered internet lawyers threatening to sue for deformation of character and threatening to unleash holy hell? You know why? Because only trashy losers think threats actually work. I’m just a turtle rider and the only reason I am is because I love to see them trash the shittiest parts of our society that most of you are. We all know when you say “I am getting my attorney” you really mean “I’m a piece of ghetto trash and when I wake up from my Oxy nod I might remember to see if my court appointed lawyer from my last arrest can help me”… anyway, I digress. Merry Xmas dope fiends

  • randiguy2006
    Randall Guy
    November 29, 2018 at 10:15 am

    Kumbaya mother-fuckers. Kumbaya.

  • WeAreFukd
    November 29, 2018 at 6:50 am

    Here’s the deal hater’s… this guy will never park in a handicap spot again. Period. Lesson learned.

    I would love to see this become the norm on TBS. People get caught doing dumb shit, people own up to it, people apologize. Lesson learned. But…

    … this story was about an educated man, not a tittoed ratchet from Fitchburg, so I don’t think we’ll be seeing many blog retractions. This guy had something to lose with a negative blog being forever. How many other TBS blog subjects can say that?

    • Turtle Beggar Sports
      November 29, 2018 at 8:03 pm

      you’re a fuking fool…. how much did he “contribute” to wheelie boy… how much did he contribute to “tbs”. turtle boy’s beggar web site…. we’ll never be told the truth. Shake down time “donate” to tbs and get your negative “blog” removed…. how stupid are you or did you cash in also? Educated doesn’t mean honest, he will do it again this week if not already, monkey talks tbs bullshit walks.

      • I am sorry
        November 30, 2018 at 5:47 am

        I am sorry for the above comment. I didn’t write it but I am sorry anyways, you are not a Fucking
        Fool, you are a sensitive, intelligent, wonderful human being deserving of respect and lots of dirty sex and recreational marijuana…. I am sorry, I shouldn’t have said that part about sex. I want the dirty sex, I am sorry for that part and I am sorry for wanting dirty sex with big tit whores like stormy Daniels. I also want to fuck ginger Gumby in the ass and mouth and pussy and ass, sorry too much information. I love you ginger Gumby whereever you are, sorry I shouldn’t have said that. I love all tits even hairy tits, I love your tuna smelling twats, I am sorry they smell and for telling you they smell. They smell like fresh strawberries and candy that is made from old tuna fish… I am sorry.

        I would like to extend my most sincere heart felt apology to wheelie greggster for the bad parking by the Chinese man and I am sorry for calling him Chinese. DWA driving while asian isn’t a crime but the way they drive is a crime, I am sorry for the racist comment there, sorry.

        I am sorry, please accept my apology and donations. I will donate to your sperm bank… ooops sorry about the sperm comment, it kind slipped out of your ass…. Sorry I shouldn’t of said that either.

        I am deeply sorry.

  • AJ Baker Your honor I am sorry I got caught
    November 29, 2018 at 6:20 am

    This guy should run for office he knows how to handle an apology. When is Charlie Baker and his son gonna apologize for sexual assault? While simultaneously fighting against sexual assault. I would like him more if he sent me some money to. I am sorry if that is too much.

  • Mahky Mahk Ballbag
    November 29, 2018 at 5:05 am

    Yeah, okay… I forgive you, you sorry sack of shit… Just make sure you stay off the yellow lines and keep moving. Merry Fuckin’ Christmas.
    And effin’ Turtleboy, what are you growing a soft shell? And has the whole miserable suddenly turned gay?

  • Dicken Vagina
    November 29, 2018 at 1:09 am

    That’s cool. Sure he never gave af until he got shamed but he is falling on his sword far more than most others would so give him a chance.

    Now lets get back to shaming the gofundme swamp creature scammers

  • You fahkin people...
    November 28, 2018 at 11:44 pm

    He gave a public apology AND went so far as to help with the Tiger’s cause.
    Yet the peanut gallery wants to focus on the negative and make all kinds of speculation about motive.
    Safe bet that a good number of you parked in more douchebaggedly ways than this guy and never gave one crumb of a shit about it.
    He could have gone with the apology and been on his way but he went the extra mile. That’s deserving of some real world extra credit.
    Kudos to him from someone that gets into charitable works.

    Now, regarding the statement about TBS not being mean spirited, LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!

  • I'm Sorry
    November 28, 2018 at 7:12 pm

    He’s the Asian Eddie Haskell. The truth was ruining with his gig, he layed some cash on the wheel chair tiger and blew a bunch of smoke up TB’s ass. Only thing he didn’t do is bite his lip and say “a personal attack never fed a hungry child”.

    The part about TBS not being mean or destroying people… ha ha ha ha.. that was a good one. Oooops I’m sorry.

  • Wheelchair Greg
    November 28, 2018 at 3:56 pm

    If the driver turned out to be a tittoed black ratchet who apologized for her ‘mistake’ and asked you to remove the article you would have did the stupid desk girl questionnaire bit and never removed the blog. FACK

    • ElJefe72
      November 28, 2018 at 4:04 pm

      Has a “tittoed black ratchet” (or any ratchet for that matter) ever apologized for her ‘mistake’ on TBS? Usually they just double down on their actions and claim that only God can judge them. Fax!!

  • JimmyBooms
    November 28, 2018 at 3:45 pm

    I really hate the people that go to Wallmart or the Dollar store and park in the Fire Lane. There could
    be 5 empty spots closest to the door but it doesn’t matter. They need to save themselves those 5 steps from car to entrance. It really fucking pisses me off that they are that lazy. It’s the same people that will be on their cell phone the entire time talking loud so everyone can hear them about things that are nonsensical or should be private, it’s fucking torture. Im losing my grip!

    • hate keeps me warm 8==) - - - 0
      November 28, 2018 at 6:28 pm

      I hate people, including the ones who go to Walmart.

  • Wheelchair Greg
    November 28, 2018 at 3:45 pm

    Grow some balls you bunch of faggots. This this self important Handicap parking mutha fucker has probably been parking illegally for years. Now suddenly after getting busted he’s not only seen the error of his ways but he’s also going to give some of his cellulite sucking money to the charity? Fuck him.

    • Bingo
      November 28, 2018 at 4:23 pm

      Yep guaranteed this was not his first rodeo.

      This guy is also not a “stand up guy” as come in the comments have portrayed him. A true standup guy would not have pulled such a shitbag love in the first place. Only now that he ha a been exposed he’s trying to save face. Fuck him

  • Lou P
    Lou P
    November 28, 2018 at 3:40 pm

    TurtleboySports blog at its best.
    I give a lot of credit to this man for owning up to the negligence and making amends …. frankly, beyond what I would have expected.
    This is a standup guy and the type I would not hesitate to do business with.
    All of us make mistakes; true character shows in how we deal with them afterwards.

  • Sir Wilfred Death
    November 28, 2018 at 3:22 pm

    Can’t some of these virtuous commenters take the victory without giving the offender a final kick in his ass? Real class.

    Give the guy a break. He f’d up and then he manned up and made it right. What’s the percentage of ratchets on TBS that do that? I’d wager around .01%.

    The people ascribing motivation to the man’s apology are brave keyboard jockeys. I doubt none of them has ever crossed the line. Right.

    • Harriett Chandler's conscience
      November 28, 2018 at 8:37 pm

      Why do people keep tagging me on this story?

    • Sal Manella
      November 29, 2018 at 4:17 pm

      Actually no, I have never before blocked in a handicapped person’s minivan with an obvious wheelchair lift, because to do so would mean I either have rocks in my head or I just have absolutely no consideration for someone who CAN’T USE THEIR LEGS. So get off your high horse, you pompous ass.

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    Dr Quack
    November 28, 2018 at 2:43 pm

    Mallari got caught and outed. That is the only reason for the pandering heart felt letter. It was probably written by his lawyer in an attempt to save his lucrative fat sucking business.

  • Craven Morehead
    November 28, 2018 at 2:39 pm

    Did you take down the blog where the corrections officer was falsely accused of raping an inmate? That is the worst thing I’ve ever seen

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    November 28, 2018 at 2:34 pm

    Good deal. He’s a stand-up guy

  • Dick LaBone
    November 28, 2018 at 2:34 pm

    But the past blogs are still up…

  • Sal Manella
    November 28, 2018 at 2:32 pm

    Gotta hand it to this dude for admitting he acted like a selfish turd muncher for not just blocking a handicap spot, but even worse blocking an obvious-from-Mars specialized minivan equipped with a wheelchair lift. No question he apologized out of a sense of career self-preservation rather than genuine remorse, but to his credit most people wouldn’t have tried to atone at all for such crummy behavior.

    • poopship14
      November 28, 2018 at 2:54 pm

      Like you i do give the guy some credit for nutting up and admitting he screwed up but the only reason he did is because he got called out publicly and because he knows people in the victims social circle. I’m pretty sure it was not his first time parking in a spot like this, just the first time he got called out on it. Until that moment he didn’t give a shit.

      I’m sorry but any normal non self absorbed person would not have parked there or anywhere else that is marked as a no parking spot simply because they know better and its they know its not the right thing to do.

      • JP
        November 28, 2018 at 6:04 pm

        Shut the fuck up…let this guy be…he apologized, don’t be a ‘throw stones in a glass house’ douchebag

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