
The Latest Post Removed By Facebook Is Insane, Share Your Stories With Turtleboy

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Like the Free Turtleboy Facebook page to follow our posts when our other page is arbitrarily suspended. If we ever get shut down for good, this will become the new Turtleboy Sports main Facebook page.

Click on the image to view all products in the Turtleboy Store.

Click on the image to view all products in the Turtleboy Store. Shirt are also available at the Union Tavern and The Buzz Barber Shop.

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So the Turtleboy Sports Facebook page has been up and running for a good two weeks straight now. New record. But at any point Facebook could arbitrarily suspend it again, and our nearly 26,000 followers won’t be able to share their hilarious commentary on there for the world to see. Yesterday we got a little scare when we found out that this post had been removed after Facebook deemed it violated their standards:

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“Take life everyday one step at a time, but make sure those steps are in the directions of your dreams. You got this!!!”

What a nice, uplifting, positive comment. Why on earth was this post taken down?

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Ahh yes, nudity, promotion of sexual violence, and solicitation of sexual content involving minors. Now that I think about it this makes perfect sense.

You may have noticed how our Facebook posts are ridiculously optimistic these days. This was obviously done by design because we are sick of our posts getting taken down. We have no idea why they’re being taken down, but at least if we write nice things like this and they are still removed, it will prove even furthermore how full of shit Facebook is.

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The funny part is that Facebook executive Monika Bickert actually had the balls to tell this lie to her investors last month:

“Bickert told CNNMoney that Facebook prioritizes the review of posts inciting physical harm — but all reports of violations are reviewed by trained Facebook employees. She said she often gets asked why the company doesn’t have its “world-class engineers” tackle hate speech “proactively and perfectly.””

So according to Monika Bickert, one of her “trained Facebook employees,” and “world-class engineers,” looked at this post and agreed that it did indeed promote sexual violence and sexual content involving minors. This is the lie that Facebook is telling their investors and customers, and they’re getting away with it.

In the past month you might have seen Turtleboy Sports on your feed under “Sponsored Content” because we have been purchasing advertising from Facebook. This is what they do to their paying customers.

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Miraculously the page was not suspended. No clue why, but it’s probably because we’ve gone 45 days without a post being taken down (because we were suspended). But you can be sure the next harmless, positive post that is deemed “sexually violent” by Facebook’s world-class engineers, will get us shut down. That’s why it’s important that you like the Turtleboy Sports fallout shelter page, where we post when our main page is suspended. When that page gets suspended we normally post on the Turtleboy Safe Space page, but unfortunately Facebook deleted that page and didn’t give us a reason why. As usual there is no one you can call, and no appeals process.

Anyway, we have been talking to some reporters from CBS Interactive and NBC Universal who are interested in writing a story about this. Beecause it’s insane that one man in his parent’s basement in Fitchburg can manipulate a billion dollar company like this. It’s even worse that this company cuts corners by not hiring any employees, and then lies to it’s investors by claiming they have non-existent engineers on payroll who review these posts.

That’s where you come in. They’re looking for people who have similar stories to this. Have you had harmless posts reported by some loser with too much time on their hands? Has Facebook removed these posts or suspended your account arbitrarily? If so, please email us at turtleboysports@gmail.com or message us on Facebook. We’d love to share your story, and we’ve got a special headstone for Mark Zuckerberg in the Turtleboy graveyard.


We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.


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Liberty Tax Preparation, Greenwood StreetWormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Bennie’s Cafe, Craftech Restoration, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Attorney Michael Erlich, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors, Solarreviews.net, The Gun Parlor Range, Attorney Anthony Salerno

Want to have your business advert viewed over 2 million times per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.

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Click on the image to get your Turtleboy Sports Revolution hoodie or browse other merchandise from the Turtleboy store.

Click on the image to get your Turtleboy Sports Revolution hoodie or browse other merchandise from the Turtleboy store.

5 Comment(s)
  • Dom
    April 12, 2016 at 2:51 pm

    Why Monika Bickert would say that they physically look at every complaint is definitely SMH worthy. With the number of people that are INSULTED and OMG OUTRAGED over every topic imaginable, I would bet my salary that it is mathematically impossible to look at, investigate and take APPROPRIATE action on every complaint.

    Anyways the previous poster, Manturtle, is likely correct in your situation. There are a group of people that are specifically targeting your posts and reporting them, regardless of the content. My guess is that it is Old Balls and a group of his supporters or someone else that got pissed off when you pointed out their idiocy, corruption or douchworthyness are trolling your page.|

    When I first read this article, I logged into an old FB page that i don’t use anymore. I posted “remember this” and linked the Sesame Street opening song from the first season. I then messaged 6 people, telling them I was running a test and asked them to report the post. I am not sure how many actually reported the post but in the time it took me to make another cup of coffee and take a quick shower, the post was removed. One person replied to my message 18 minutes after I sent my message, telling me the post had already been removed. So i don’t how many actually reported the post.

    • Manturtle Phoenix
      April 12, 2016 at 7:39 pm

      Dom your test, and other similar tests, are something Turtleboy needs to do in conjunction with the CBS and NBC people to prove that Facebook is lying about humans checking these things out.

      You’re absolutely correct that it’s a mathematical impossibility for Facebook to be doing what it claims. It’s using its abuse reporting system to trigger automatic shutdowns and post removal. The questions become, How many reports from how many people in how short a time frame to trigger a page shutdown?

      Googling “boycott Turtleboy Sports” yielded some guy named Bryan whose mission in life is to shut down Turtleboy. There’s gotta be a lot of those types out there.

      Facebook is a protector of the PC mindset that still has its Facemash ancestor roots programmed into it. Zuckerberg’s PC elitist, Poison Ivy League schools bullied people and Facebook is no different. It’s a social media platform with all the social skills of a back-stabbing teenage girl.

      It’s the PC form of bullying… stand up to them, you get called an anti-PC bully and Facebook will shut you down every time.

  • Dom
    April 12, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    Why Monika Bickert would say that they physically look at every complaint is definitely SMH worthy. With the number of people that are INSULTED and OMG OUTRAGED over every topic imaginable, I would bet my salary that it is mathematically impossible to look at, investigate and take APPROPRIATE action on every complaint.

    Anyways the previous poster, Manturtle, is likely correct in your situation. There are a group of people that are specifically targeting your posts and reporting them, regardless of the content. My guess is that it is Old Balls and a group of his supporters or someone else that got pissed off when you pointed out their idiocy, corruption or douchworthyness are trolling your page.

    When I first read this article, I logged into an old FB page that i don’t use anymore. I posted “remember this” and linked the Sesame Street opening song from the first season ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfQSp92L88I&list=PLC26DAFD1CFA8A840&index=10 )
    I then messaged 6 people, telling them I was running a test and asked them to report the post. I am not sure how many actually reported the post but in the time it took me to make another cup of coffee and take a quick shower, the post was removed. One person replied to my message 18 minutes after I sent my message, telling me the post had already been removed. So i don’t how many actually reported the post.

  • Manturtle Phoenix
    April 11, 2016 at 8:57 pm

    FYI Turtleboy. Facebook is an enforcer of Political Correctness . I know… duh.

    But here’s what you might be missing. Look to non-Facebook, social media planned assaults on your Facebook presence. I wound up as collateral damage in such an assault last year, my Facebook account shut down.

    What happened was people used Tumblr to spread the word about flooding Facebook with complaints to get a page they didn’t like shut down. The Facebook system relies on a threshold number of complaints, not usually a single persons complaint. And assaults planned from outside Facebook jurisdiction are the most successful because Facebook doesn’t monitor what’s going on in places like Tumblr.

    Using search engines, monitor what’s going on Turtleboy wise on other social media platforms. You might find out about a pending assault and shutdown plan prior to getting shutdown.

    You’re better off ditching Facebook altogether but if you want to maintain a Facebook presence you’ll need to monitor for outside attacks.

  • Dun dun dun
    April 11, 2016 at 1:30 pm

    Plot twist: The Fitchburg mam IS a trained Facebook employee

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