
The Rockland Bobbing For Boners Selectwoman Returned Tonight To Victimize Herself Some More And Ask For Privacy After Using Town Hall As A Bone Zone

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Deirdre Hall, the Rockland Selectman who dropped out of her race for State Rep after getting busted going out to the bar, getting wasted with the town administrator, and going back to Town Hall for some light night nuky-nuky, made her glorious return tonight at the BOS meeting. And she showed up of course with her big white pearls on:

Not the first time she left town hall with a pearl necklace.

Uncle Turtleboy is OBSESSED with this woman. I don’t get it. I’m also not into chicks, but if I was she wouldn’t be my first choice for a scissoring partner. Just sayin.

She speaks at the 55:00 mark…

God I hate women like this. They make life so much harder for other women. They diminish the real victims of real sexual violence.

“Thank you for keeping decorum.”

You dole out tongue baths in town hall. But please, lecture us some more about decorum.

“I recently reported an incident of inappropriate behavior by the town administrator. False rumors and gossip have spread on social media.”

Oh for fuck’s sake. Are we really blaming this on social media? Here’s an idea – don’t get wasted with the guy you hired to run the town and then get caught on film walking into town hall with him at 2 AM if you don’t want rumors to spread on social media. Because that’s exactly the kind of thing that social media was created for.

“This is a situation where I was treated improperly.”

No. Just no.

“I ask that you respect the privacy of all people involved.”

Privacy? You’re an elected official going bobbing for boners in a building that is the center of the local government. But please, tell me more about how you think you deserve privacy. Here’s an idea if you want privacy – resign. You basically admitted you did it when you dropped out of the State Rep race. Everyone knows you did it. Just be a woman, have some class, think about your kids, and go back to being Uncle Turtleboy’s reserve in the spank bank.

Someone on Twitter sent us this message which they claim is from the town administrator’s lawyer:

“Mr. Chiocca is in full support of an independent investigation into this matter, and requested that the Rockland Board of Selectman conduct an independent investigation prior to its decision to do so. We are confident that such an investigation will reveal that he never acted inappropriately towards Ms. Hall. Mr. Chiocca plans to work with investigators to uncover all the facts surrounding the incident, and he looks forward to an honest and truthful resolution to this matter. Mr. Chiocca thanks everyone who has supported him and continues to support him during this time.”

– Attorney Adam J. Shafran, Esq., counsel for Allan Chiocca, Rockland Town Administrator

I too cannot wait to see what this investigation yields. My only question is, did he return the favor, or did he pull the DJ Khalid chew and screw? That and, can Abi watch the tape? Asking for a friend.

6 Comment(s)
  • Nauseated & pissed off
    July 8, 2018 at 6:18 pm

    As a legitimate victim with the perp in prison, this piece of trash makes me nauseous. I can’t call her a woman because a woman in her position (mother, wife, selectperson) should be the epitome of integrity, class, & humility.
    She must have realized by now that any hope of saving her marriage, let alone her political career, is further out the window with each lie she tells.
    I hope the town sues her to recoup the cost of the investigation & her bump buddy sues her for the false allegation.
    It’s hard enough for legitimate rape victims to get justice. Filth like Hall make it much harder. There’s a special place in hell for her.

  • Screw PC
    June 6, 2018 at 12:42 pm

    The Selectchickenhead was suspended in 2017 when she was working for the Quincy DPW. Apparently she likes to hit the sauce and predictably drop the laundry for damage control.

    “QUINCY – A Department of Public Works employee served a five-day suspension earlier this month following a minor crash she was involved in while driving a Quincy-owned vehicle in Hanover.

    Deirdre Hall, compliance manager for Quincy’s Department of Public Works, was involved in a crash around 2:50 p.m. Wednesday, March 29, and subsequently was suspended without pay for the week of April 10, according to city solicitor James Timmins.

    Mayor Thomas Koch’s office is not releasing the specifics of why Koch suspended Hall. The mayor’s office referred comment to Timmins, who said that the office isn’t allowed to elaborate on the suspension without the permission of Hall, a mayoral appointee who didn’t give them that permission.

    Timmins said that all he was allowed to say was that he met with Hall after the city learned of the crash, and then Koch met with her.”

    …and she presumably walked out wiping her chin.

    Shameless moonbats like Hall make politics fun. Ted “Highball Eee Screech Glug Scotfree” Kennedy would have loved her. The skeet target factor is high in this one.

  • Screw PC
    June 6, 2018 at 12:01 pm

    “Not the first time she left town hall with a pearl necklace.”

    Classic. SSTG came to kick ass and chew gum, and she’s all out of chewing gum.

    Well, once that chickenhead gets over trying to rationalize her skankdom to her family, Mario’s Showplace is looking for exotic dancers without morals in clear heels, and a liberal former politician with a belly full of extramarital DNA would be a duck in water in that situation.

  • The Professor
    June 6, 2018 at 6:10 am

    I previously called Dear Deirdre a scumbag. She’s so much more. I think the appropriate term is “despicable”. Getting caught in the act of adultery in a town facility with someone who is actually her employee and insinuating he raped her is beneath contempt. Some feminist. She just shit on the heads of all legitimate sexual assault victims (as stated by another poster). Her selfishness and disregard for her husband and children is eclipsed only by her gall.

    At least Didi Delgado is just a flim flam artist. Dear Deirdre is a sociopath and a lock for next year’s ratchet madness.

  • itsjustme
    June 6, 2018 at 12:44 am

    She is so full of it. Why didn’t she report this so-called “inappropriate behavior” when it allegedly happened, instead of waiting till they were caught? You don’t need to answer that, I already know the answer. It wasn’t inappropriate until she was going to lose her husband, her job and her reputation, and she decided to just throw the man under the bus and blame him for everything that happened that evening.

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