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This is why we can’t have nice things:
Do people notice Hillary is copying my airplane rallies – she puts the plane behind her like I have been doing from the beginning.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 20, 2016
Yea, no candidate has ever had a rally in front of a plane before.
This is what politics looks like in 2016. We’ve had a series of terrorist attacks in New York and New Jersey and we have one candidate whining about whether or not the other candidate thinks the current President was born in the United States, while the other candidate is whining about trademark infringement over airplane placements at rallies.
The first debate is Monday, and I for one cannot WAIT!! What’s the highest rating ever for a Presidential debate? Whatever it is, double it. This is the most much watch TV in the history of politics. A lot of people are saying that she’s gonna wipe the floor with Trump because she’s so experienced and seasoned as a debater. But that’s because some people can’t come to terms with the fact that Trump has completely rewritten the rulebook on politics. None of the things that used to matter, matter anymore. Facts and issues? Ain’t no one got time for that anymore. The American people want one-liners and quick punches below the belt.
In case you haven’t noticed, Donald Trump has an amazing ability to draw people into the gutter with him. Marco Rubio used to be considered a refined and up and coming politician. Now he’s just the guy who got into an argument with Trump about the size of his cock on national television. Hillary Clinton is not Barrack Obama. She gets rattled easily and Trump is gonna be pushing her buttons the second he gets up there. She’ll bring up the birther stuff and he’ll accuse her of killing Vince Foster. She’ll bring up his tax returns and he’ll bring up all the chicks Bill nailed, including the Colin Powell emails. She’ll bring up all the “phobias” he is allegedly guilty of, and he’ll bring up the emails, Benghazi, her insane history of lying, the fact that she might have the plague, or the never ending supply of low hanging fruit she will provide for him just by being Hillary Clinton.
The bottom line is, no one is gonna be happen the day after election day, but it will be some of the most entertaining television in American political history. At the end of the day we’ll be fine no matter who is elected, because our founding fathers were brilliant and they created a system of checks and balances that makes the President the least powerful of the three branches of government.
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12 Comment(s)
At the end of the day we’ll be fine no matter who is elected, because our founding fathers were brilliant and they created a system of checks and balances that makes the President the least powerful of the three branches of government.
You can’t possibly believe this statement. You are correct that the President is not as powerful as an individual as Congress is, or even the Supreme Court is. But to say “we will be fine” is a load of horse shit. We won’t be fine until Congress starts working for the people, and not corporations. The first two things we need to happen are to overturn Citizens United, and impose term limits for Congress.
I can see why from this post here why turtleboy is looking for some new writers.
Debate summary –
HC: Your tax plan was scored to put us over $5 trillion in debt. Mine is balanced.
DT: Benghazi.
HC: Your trade plan was analyzed to cost us 4 million jobs and Congress couldn’t stop you.
DT: Emails.
HC: You have publicly stated that you would consider lifting sanctions against Russia that reduce Trump Organization profits.
DT: Monica Lewinsky.
Headlines the next day – “Trump had great eye contact with the cameras and kept his answers short to win the debate.” Idiocracy.
5 trillion in debt? Why that’s nothing when you look at the past 20 years of spending! I’d rather see a real conservative get in there and essentially abolish the federal government as we know it in modern terms… But fuck it, that ain’t gonna happen for a looong time, like when fellow young people start opening their minds to conservative principles. Until then at least we can get Trump to troll the the shit out of the media and piss all over the faces of SJW morons… Win some lose some
Hillary will spout the same tired-ass Democrat bullshit that anyone with a brain sees right through while Trump will shit all over her life. He doesn’t even need to argue politics. We all know lefties are full of shit and do nothing but harm the country. We all know Trump is an air head that probably won’t save the country. But at least he’s got style, at least he can rip hilldog a new butthole. Can’t wait
I will watch to see what happens first Trumps losing is mind or Hillary losing consciousness
My money’s on hilliary having a seizure first…that is if she even shows up.
This is silly. Didn’t Hillary have rally while she was ducking bullets that were flying all around her. in a war zone.
She was with Brian Williams at the time.
I don’t think I’ll be able to stay up that late. Plus, just like Obama, I can’t even stand to listen to her voice.
I picked Atlanta Falcons getting 3.5 at NO Saints for my Monday night entertainment. My Anti-Hillary vote is already tallied.
That’s easily the worst game of the week. The debate will be hilarious,I can’t wait