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A lot of people have been talking about this blog, in which a veteran kind of defends Donald Trump’s latest beef with Khizr Khan, the father of a dead war hero from the Iraq War. If you didn’t see his speech at the DNC it was pretty good. He calls out Trump for sacrificing nothing, while his family sacrificed their son, despite the fact that they’re Muslim. It was actually a stroke of brilliance by the democrats. The republicans switched things up by coming to the defense of gay people at their convention, so the democrats decided to switch things up and pretend to care about the military at theirs.
If I were Trump the comeback is pretty simple – Hillary Clinton voted to go to war in Iraq, not me. Hillary Clinton is the reason your son is dead. But instead Trump said some shit about the guy’s wife that just got him into more trouble. If he had better PR people he would’ve just read this guy’s blog out loud, because it’s fantastic. Here it is in it’s entirety:
Dear Mr. Khan,
I want to preface this letter by stating that I respect your son’s sacrifice for this great nation. By all accounts, he is a true hero that sacrificed himself in service to our country. For that I am thankful.
As a veteran, I watched your comments at the Democratic National Convention with a mixture of sadness, and anger. The United States has a military comprised of volunteers. Every single member has made the conscious choice to join the military and serve. There is not a single service member who has been forced into service. It is important for all service members (and apparently, their families) to understand that service to this great nation does not imbue one with special privileges or rights. I found your comments troubling when you said: “Have you ever been to Arlington cemetery? Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America. You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one.”
Does it matter whether Mr. Trump has sacrificed “…nothing and no one?”…has Ms. Clinton “..sacrificed” for this nation? How about Mr. Obama? Your comment stating that Mr. Trump “…has sacrifice no one” is alarming. Are you intimating that YOU sacrificed? Sir, your son willingly sacrificed himself. As a father I cannot imagine the pain you must feel but his sacrifice is his own. He was not forced to serve.
I am troubled that you would allow a party that has little more than contempt for the US Service Member to parade you into the DNC to denounce Donald Trump. Did you watch when protesters at the DNC booed and heckled Medal of Honor recipient Capt. Florent Groberg? Did you notice your party interrupting the moment of silence for slain police officers? Your own hypocrisy in not denouncing these acts and instead using the DNC as a platform to make a political point is disgraceful. The simple fact is that whether one served or sacrificed does not give greater power to their statements. One vote is as valuable as another. That sir, is why our Country is great. Your condemnation of one person for a statement while standing idly as your party disparages veterans and police officers is the height of hypocrisy.
To conflate the need to prevent potential terrorists from entering our country with the belief that ‘all Muslims’ should be banned is simply wrong and disingenuous. As a reminder, Mr. Trump said: ” “Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,”The irony of your son’s own death at the hands of these very people in Iraq should not be ignored. I have little doubt that your son would have recognized the need to protect our country from these very people. In fact, he held is own troops back so that he could check on a suspicious car. Your son understood sacrifice and how to protect “his people”…’his soldiers’….’his fellow Americans’…
As you continue to make the media circuit and bask in the glow of affection cast upon you by a party that has little regard for your son’s own sacrifice, and veterans in general, I would ask you to consider your comments and your position more closely.
Chris Mark
US Marine and Navy Veteran.
Boom. Roasted. Turtleboy has nothing but respect for Mr Khan’s son. Turtleboy has nothing against Muslims and don’t think they should be banned from this country. That’s ridiculous. But at the same time this guy was used for political gain, just like Trump used the mother of the Benghazi victim for political gain. Chris Matthews and several others called the Benghazi Mom a liar and suggested that Trump was using them, which he was. But the fact that Mr. Khan was applauded as some sort of hero, and Hillary was NOT criticized for using him, just shows how full of shit the media really is.
Mr. Khan didn’t sacrifice anything – his son did. He’s more than likely a lifelong democrat who is using his son’s death for political gain. The blogging veteran is 110% right.
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53 Comment(s)
Chris Mark sold out to the hatred of Trump and the RNC and Republican Party. The Republican Party has consistently blocked efforts by the Democrats to improve services for Soldiers and Veterans, blocked improvements in the V.A., blocked helping the Homeless, blocked Jobs Bills for Vets, 8 Bills Blocked in the last couple of years and this is who he has sworn allegiance to by telling lies about the Khans getting paid and telling lies about the Democrats and President Obama. If Chris was still in the Service, he very well should have been court-martialed and personally he wrote me a note insulting my Service in War and I doubt he was a War Veteran; he was a cook or Laundry Man or some such on a safe ship far from harm. He is in short a phony hater who has duped other Americans with his implications that he is some kind of knowledgeable Hero while insulting all Gold Star Families with his baseless attacks on the Khan Family.
Chris Mark sold out to the hatred of Trump and the RNC and Republican Party. The Republican Party has consistently blocked efforts by the Democrats to improve services for Soldiers and Veterans, blocked improvements in the V.A., blocked helping the Homeless, blocked Jobs Bills for Vets, 8 Bills Blocked in the last couple of years and this is who he has sworn allegiance to by telling lies about the Khans getting paid and telling lies about the Democrats and President Obama. If Chris was still in the Service, he very well should have been court-martialed and personally he wrote me a note insulting my Service in War and he isn’t even a War Veteran; he was a cook or Laundry Man or some such on a safe ship far from harm. He is in short a phony hater who has duped other Americans with his implications that he is some kind of knowledgeable Hero while insulting all Gold Star Families with his baseless attacks on the Khan Family.
A hero in the Iraqi holocaust,avg. I.Q in America 85 it shows.lol.
Ignore the anti Trump trolls here – they are paid by the DNC to infiltrate every blog. Hillary is the weakest candidate they have put up since Dukakis and is so flawed (murderer, criminal, liar, zero positive accomplishments her entire political career) that they have to destroy Trump if they have any chance of beating him.
They will continue to blow up any statement he makes, this one is minor. Why not point out that Khan advocates for Sharia Law? Do you want that? His son was killed by a jihadi! Awful! That jihadi was armed by Hillary! Murderer! She starts the gun running operation in Libya to protect Wall Street interests and it gets out of control, then she blames everyone else. She then lies about lying on TV! They have her on camera contradicting herself and perjuring herself before Congress.
Watch the wikileaks coming out that will prove the evil she has caused in the Middle East and the rea$on$ for it.
Sal knows his shit,can’t argue any of his facts.
The dems have weakened our military and stripped them down to nothing. They are not friends of the military, or the police, or the people who bust their butts working!
Furthermore the press reminds me of living in a communist country! I am surprised they haven’t put up statues of vial Hillary!
Oh for fucks sake! Enough with falling for this clap trap! This whole fucking thing is a god damn shiny object and apparently too many are easily distracted by said shiny object. Jesus Christ!! What the hell does this family’s sacrifice have to do with ANYTHING Trump said about a TEMPORARY ban on refugees coming from Muslim countries until we have a better vetting process? Anyone? NOTHING! NOT. A. DAMN. THING.
There are literally thousands of families of dead soldiers that have sacrificed for this country. They come in all colors and religions. What do they have to do with Trump’s proposed temporary ban on immigration until the vetting process is sorted out? NOTHING. NADA. This family is Muslim you might say. So what? What does that have to do with what Trump has proposed? ISIS has flat out said they are using the refugee crisis to get their people into the west. Temporarily halting immigration from those countries is a very reasonable thing to suggest. (Side note: not only Muslims live in those countries and they aren’t the only ones fleeing.) But now Father Khan is on a rampage against Trump. Why? Because his son died in a war that Trump had zero do with? His speech had no bearing whatsoever on what Trump proposed. He was up there simply to tug at heart strings and get everyone pissed off at Trump for something he had nothing to do with.
This is a meaningless distraction to make Trump look bad. Nothing more, nothing less. This soldier’s death is tragic, was a sacrifice and has absolutely NOTHING to do with Trump. So please, don’t be foolish and bicker about whether or not the Father sacrificed, if it was the son who ultimately sacrificed or if Joe Blow down the street who sacrificed. It is completely and utterly irrelevant to Trump’s proposal.
Trump should have ignored the whole thing. This is such a wag the dog moment. People are literally now arguing over who actually sacrificed when it is completely irrelevant to Trumps temporary halt in immigration from Muslims countries, as was Father Khan’s entire speech. Of course the point was to make it seem like Trump wants to ban Islam completely. Even Hillary stated in her speech that she “would not ban a religion.” NO ONE has even suggested such a thing. Fucking evil slide of hand bullshit and I cannot believe how gullible so many are to jump right into the argument that wasn’t. I feel like I am living in some weird Pod People reality. It’s really quite disturbing how easily people have been played in this debacle. Now everyone is riled up thinking Trump is banning Islam and he doesn’t believe that this family sacrificed for this country. OMG!!! Unfuckingbelievable!
I agree mostly and I am clearly an anti Trump Troll However I would say that while it’s “a meaningless distraction to make Drumpf look bad ” it’s no different from the meaningless distraction to make Hillary (Killary to Reps) look bad.
Trump made this rod to beat his own coiffured locks by opening his mouth. And this is ultimately about his character and his fitness for office which will come down to voters based on all these “meaningless” exchanges.
You are right it’s not about sacrifice, but aren’t even you guys concerned that he feels he has made “sacrifices” and conflates sacrifice with making money, giving people jobs and building hotels? No alarm bells?
Incidentally what are these Muslim countries you speak of? and try to use names rather than “the ones terrorists are coming from” because
The Huffington Post reported that it tried to clarify Mr Trump’s immigration policy with his campaign following the Daytona speech as he had also promised a stricter screening process for citizens from ‘dangerous countries’ such as Syria in another version of the policy.
The website reported the latter proposal stopped short of the original blanket ban and appeared to exempt the countries where the 9/11 hijackers hailed from – Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon. If so its a totally useless policy. and what about….
Mauritania, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Iran, Western Sahara, Morocco, Yemen, Tajikistan, Iraq, Somalia, Mayotte, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Maldives, Niger, Comoros, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Djibouti, Libya, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Egypt, Jordan, Turkmenistan, Kosovo, Middle East-North Africa, Kyrgyzstan, Oman, Indonesia, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Guinea, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Sierra Leone, Kazakhstan, Bahrain, Brunei, Malaysia, Burkina Faso, Lebanon, Albania, Chad, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Where more than 50% of the population are Muslims? although to be honest Muslims could come from every and any country.
Trump is mentally unstable he needs to go.
Only thing sadder and more despicable than the hypocritical media are the liberal lemmings that gleefully lap up their propaganda and do their Democrat masters’ bidding without an ounce of shame. The epitome of useful idiots.
Only thing sadder and more despicable than the hypocritical media are the conservative lemmings that gleefully lap up their propaganda and do their Republican masters’ bidding without an ounce of shame. The epitome of useful idiots.
Amen brother…amen
I think Veteran Chris Mark nailed it except for the sacrifice part. I believe a whole family grieves when a family member, especially in this case a son, loses their life on the battle field representing the U.S.A. That in my opinion is a sacrifice. And a big one.
Veteran Mark states – “Did you notice your party interrupting the moment of silence for slain police officers? Your own hypocrisy in not denouncing these acts and instead using the DNC as a platform to make a political point is disgraceful.”
But this is spot on all day long…
Turtleboy as an avid reader I am ashamed that you can’t see the big picture here. Mr. Khan Sr. made no sacrifice to his country? But Trumps ‘jobs’ and ‘buildings’ constitute as sacrifices? Mr. Khan is the perfect example to counter the hateful and xenophobic rhetoric from our presidential nominee. He CAME to this country, RAISED and INSTILLED in his son the indomitable American values of Honor and Patriotism- values clearly on display when he sacrificed himself for his squad.
I have been waiting all weekend for your comments on this controversy and I am disappointed
Get off the Trump Train because its heading for a cliff
Iraq was no threat to the u.s he sacrificed for Israel not America. Sorry Hilliary voted to send you there to kill Israel’s enemies.
Speaking in Pennsylvania on Monday, Trump claimed he has friends who own coal mines and are going without food because environmental regulations are too strict, despite the fact that mining companies have historically been able to choose profit over safety.
“I mean, they can’t live. They can’t ― they can’t eat,” Trump said.
Don Blankenship, a Trump supporter and former CEO of Massey Energy who was sentenced to a year in prison and ordered to pay a $250,000 fine for federal mine safety violations, was paid $18 million in 2009. Twenty-nine miners died in one of Blankenship’s mines in 2010.
Kudos to you Rat for standing up to the hypocrisy of these bottom feeder commenters. Funny how they can’t own up to their own mistakes.
Anyway, you are wasting your time and energy here. You cannot reason with those who have not come to their opinions reasonably. They are like scared dogs with food aggression holding on to the worthless bones of the past, too angry and scared to let go and see how much of their ideology hurts them. It’s the same of any extremeist. Left or right they fail to see how exactly alike they are. Extremeist views are akin to mental illness be it right or left.
These people like Trump because the man has the audacity to stand up and spew publicly the darkness and evil in their narrow and small little minds, he validates their evil.
Anyway I suggest that if anyone here has the balls, intellect, or ability to rationalize, to keep up with fact check dot org! You will see how petty Trump’s lies are and how much he does so. You will also see the otherside lies just as much.
You will see the truth of my statement about those who come by their ideas resonably by the attacks this post receives. If I felt like it I could even write them out for you.
I’m not surprised by the comments by these people but I am disappointed that the TB writer is lining up with the notion that this family made no sacrifices. And yes, Professor, that is what this blog is about. It’s the “in conclusion” paragraph.
I am disgusted that someone compared killing themselves at their job to a soldier putting himself in danger to save his fellow soldiers. That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.
Am I a fan of Hillary? Not really but I’ll be holding my nose and voting for her in November because the alternative is not acceptable.
Well said, Rat.
I too, am disheartened by the pro-Trump turn that Turtleboy has taken. I am also a veteran and will never, ever vote for Trump.
Well Hal you’re the first veteran I’m aware of that doesn’t support Trump.
If that is truly the case, you should expand your circle. I am far, far from alone. You should read any of the Military Times publications.
I’ll be sure to pass that info on to all my former shipmates and other friends who served. We all could use a good laugh!!
Where were you stationed?
I ask because I’m a Navy bubba, too.
USS Greenfish SS351 71-73 Homeport – Groton CT.
Trump has never served in the military, but he did once claim he’d had a battle that was “scary, like Vietnam”: the fight to not get a sexually transmitted disease.
“It is my personal Vietnam,” Trump told Howard Stern in 1997. “I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
More than 58,000 Americans actually made a sacrifice when they died in the Vietnam War.
The parents of the four dead men in Benghazi know that Hillary lied to them and to the American people. Hillary by her own actions and carelessness has put the lives of American servicemen and our intelligence operatives in danger. Donald Trump was not responsible for their son’s death.
In addition Mr Kahn seems to have previous ties to the Clinton’s per an article in Breitbart News. A very interesting read.
“Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.”
Even if any of that is true, what does it have to do with whether or not the Khan family made a sacrifice when their son died?
Who killed Mr. Khan’s son? Trump? NO! Muslims, YES MUSLIMS. End of story.
No one accused Trump of killing Mr. Khan’s son. Get a grip.
The constitution this media-hog is holding aloft nowhere prohibits a religious test for immigration. He is an ignoramus, perfectly suited to his audience.
You’re an idiot.
Boom! Turtleboy exposed for the jackass that he is! One soldier’s jaded opinion/response is supposed to somehow prove something?? Seriously?! Smdh, turtleboy, you are getting more and more desperate. Careful, your trump is showing. The Trump is unfit to hold any political office. He is narcissistic and incapable of swallowing a little pride to make a bad situation better. Not attributes we need in a leader.
Jaded opinion? He sounds like a sensible person that sees through the bullshit that is the Democratic party. They are exploiting the death of his son for political gain. No more, no less.
I can’t believe you don’t think losing a son in war isn’t a sacrifice. This guy is an asshole.
Okay… Where in this article did it say that? Please, point out where TB said that?
“Mr. Khan didn’t sacrifice anything – his son did. ”
Direct quote. And you claim to be a professor? By the way, for the love of god, it’s “you’re” when you combine you and are. You make that mistake all the time.
I don’t ever make that mistake, if you saw it, it wasn’t from me. The man gave his son, or the son signed up for it? Because those are two different things.
Wow, ok, let me try to spell it out for you. The guy who wrote the letter implied that Mr. Khan Sr. made no sacrifice because it was his son who signed up for the service.
And then TB repeated that sentiment in the very last paragraph of the blog. You’re not very bright for a “college teacher.”
Okay, take what you want to take from it. You are entirely missing the point of the article, by becoming offended.. As usual. Shouldn’t you be rubbing YOUR temples on a couch somewhere?
Example 1:
Second to last sentence
July 30, 2016 at 10:22 am
6 5 Rate This
Oh for Fucks Sake. Bob….. Why the fuck are you threatening people on here again? If someone parodies you, just fucking be an adult and move the fuck on with it. People do it to me all the time. Do you see me going, “I’m gonna find you fake Professor M.. I’m going to find you and make you pay, I never lose”
Do you know why I do not freak out on the fake me’s and threaten them? Because it’s fucking useless!! Because we are on the Internet and you need to start acting like a grown assed man. Stop posting a million times defending your honor. The only reason people come back and back and make fun of you all the time is because you fucking feed them. You continue to comment to them, and act like your a tough guy. If you just stopped, they’d stop.
The point of this article is to imply that the Khan family made no sacrifice. I strongly disagree.
Did you need a pat on the head or do you prefer gold stars?
I love you asshats who are down-voting me when I pulled a direct quote from blog in response to ProfessorM’s inquiry.
It’s people like you that give this blog a bad name.
No … it’s trolls like you that embarrass yourself with your own stupidity.
By the way, your example of the Prof’s grammatical error doesn’t count when you wrote both the original fake Bobnmic post as well as the fake Prof response.
Didn’t you learn yesterday after I schooled you in the other article’s comments?
What do you mean it doesn’t count? It was not a fake ProfessorM. It has her avatar. And I’ve noticed that this a common mistake of hers because it always makes me wonder if she’s really a professor. I was able to find an example in about 60 seconds. I’m not going to waste any more of my time looking for more.
Whoever you are, congrats. There are not many people who notice and have the balls to call it out. Golf hand clap for you my friend!
And from the letter:
“Are you intimating that YOU sacrificed? Sir, your son willingly sacrificed himself. As a father I cannot imagine the pain you must feel but his sacrifice is his own.”
Thanks you rat. My thoughts exactly
So Mr khan forced his son to serve maybe he felt guilty. So if I die at work did my parents sacrifice me by letting move out and get a job that has known risks?
The guy joined. He was killed. Big deal. That’s war.
Now all parents want some sort of recognition claiming they made a sacrifice. What BS.
He was no hero. Just because he died does not make him a hero.
Asshole? You’re the asshole.
Actually he is a hero and you’re an asshole!!
I and I am sure most people would agree it IS a sacrifice. It’s reported in thousands of newspapers on thousands of occasions as such.
The Keep Military Museum
“One Family’s SACRIFICE – The Story of the Seven Sons of Canon and Mrs William Shuckforth Grigson”
Remembrance Day
Through the rituals of remembrance day they remind us of the SACRIFICE of many mothers who lost their sons in previous wars.
Women at Home in a World at War
In addition to the SACRIFICE asked of women who surrendered their loved ones, as the war continued states asked women to ‘sacrifice’ (a word often invoked) many other things.
However it could be argued that because the nature of sacrifice is a “willingness to allow or do” , it’s a choice to make the sacrifice as the comment below makes clear.
“Eventually the newspapers picked up the story of Mrs Beechey’s fivefold bereavement. In April 1918 she was presented to King George V and Queen Mary. When the Queen commented on her great sacrifice, she responded: ‘It was no sacrifice, Ma’am. I did not give them willingly.’ ”
But even in that case The King and Queen and the country clearly though it a “sacrifice” The boy’s mother saw it as a terrible loss.
So an entire population felt losing her sons in war was a sacrifice and if as in the Khans case, their son went with her blessing. He did. it’s a sacrifice to argue otherwise is semantics.
Whatever the case if Chris Mark wants to stand in front of millions of women who have lost their sons and say to their faces it was not a sacrifice on their part he ‘s welcome to try.
It will come as no surprise that Trumps idea of “sacrifice” is the most disgusting as he thinks it a sacrifice (on his part) to make a lot of money and create jobs which exploit people.
So I agree 100% with you and the original post is a festering pile of islamophobic bile wrapped in some clever words.
As for Chris’s “wrong and disingenuous.” comments…. pot, kettle, black.
Trumps first statement before it was sanitised by his worried handlers…..
in December 2015 Drumpf called for a ‘total and complete shutdown’ of US borders to Muslims following the San Bernardino terrorist attack. THATS A COMPLETE SHUTDOWN TO ALL MUSLIMS
In May Mr Drumpf described the ban as temporary.
In late June, a further clarification to the Muslim ban.’We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in place,’ he said.
The most recent update? maybe? it’s still unclear, but its been reported.
The “ban” would exempts the countries the 9/11 hijackers hailed from, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon.
So they just make it up don’t they. Mostly you are right the guy is an asshole.