Mainstream media failed yet again by giving this cheesehog 15 minutes of fame without doing their due diligence and looking deeper into the picture. They should be ashamed of themselves. Whatever you do, DO NOT SEND THIS WOMAN GIFTS OR MONEY.
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Holla atcha girl: NorthShoreTurtleBabe@gmail.com
Get ready to have your blood boil. We wrote this blog yesterday about Christine Harvey, the Malden woman who made international headlines for dropping a 6lb hunk of baby out of her tunaflap and onto a dirty sidewalk because she had ‘no idea’ she was knocked up. It was reported by some outlets that Christine had 6 children, others only reported 3 as living at home. Well, she HAS had 6 kids fly out of her greasetrap, but we wanted to know… where were the other 3?
No sooner did we get the story up when our inbox EXPLODED with information about this disgusting lurchbeast. Buckle up, because this is a nonstop trip on the Ruin Your Day Express.
The mainstream media failed here and in a HUGE way. This Welfare Queen has been raking taxpayers over the coals for AT LEAST the last 19 years. You see, her eldest 3 children were removed by DCF (then DSS) somewhere around 2005 and eventually adopted out to loving, caring people after a nightmare of epic proportions – endless mediation with the court, failed metrics on Christine’s end for getting the kids back, stalling tactics by her free-to-her attorney (thanks, taxpayers!) forced supervised visitation that the children did not want to participate in, so on and so forth.
The first litter of 3 are all very close in age and were under the age of 8 when they allegedly had to endure physical abuse and being left home alone and locked in a room all day while Christine gallivanted around. It’s also alleged they were medically neglected, not seeing the pediatrician as they should even though they were on MassHealth and EVERYTHING IS FREE, not fed regularly, and as babies, never had their diapers changed. This is basic fucking shit she could not provide and it is horrifying that she was left intact to go on and breed again, replacing the kids she lost with 3 more to ruin beyond measure.
Looks proud of herself, doesn’t she?
Sources allege that Christine is incredibly unstable, and, when home with her older children before the new ones came along, she created volatile situations – such as the time she was throwing hands with some rando dude in her living room and left her children to call the police to break up the melee. And we’re not talking older kids here, we’re talking around KINDERGARTEN age. Guess those friendly police officer talks at school helped these kids out exponentially.
This is the Christine from the 2000s, not quite the rode-hard-and-put-away-wet toothless wonder she is today. She definitely looked like the type to get into living room fisticuffs with random dudes surrounded by spectators with a median age of 6. Totes normal.
So now that she and her baby daddy du jour are off and spawning again, they get to ramp up that EBT card limit with one more baby to live off the dole. They’ve named the baby “Miracle” although we’ve heard rumblings she’s spelling it with a ‘y’ (“Myracle”) because of couuuuurse she would. I can’t think of a more fitting name for that precious baby, because it will take nothing short of a fucking miracle for her to survive being ‘raised’ by this lurchbeast. The kid really has no chance. I hope beyond hope, considering Christine’s lengthy history with DCF, that the state is involved and monitoring this situation appropriately.
Friends, on Christine’s behalf, are already making the rounds in local Mommy groups, begging for items for the new addition
I implore you, Turtleriders: if you see something of this magnitude relating to this gutterslug, SHARE THIS BLOG. Send it to anyone and everyone who is trying to ‘help’ this woman. When they give her goods, services, or their cash, they are NOT HELPING, but enabling the cycle of living off the government’s tit and perpetuating the cycle of abuse and neglect of the children under her care. I am almost positive a GoFundMe will be set up in the coming days, and if you see it, send it to me ASAP – either in the TB Inbox on Facebook or straight to your girl via email at NorthShoreTurtleBabe@gmail.com
Bottom line, this isn’t a simple “Oops, I didn’t know I was knocked up!” this broad was in denial. She hid the pregnancy, denying it to herself and everyone around her, because she didn’t want the gubmint interfering with yet ANOTHER of her crotchfruit. Here’s a tip lady, tie ‘em up, burn ‘em, get a hysterectomy, maybe launch yourself off the Tobin. There should NEVER be another child bore from your tainted womb.
My heart goes out to all the children here, but especially the eldest 3. Can you imagine sitting down with your loving family after being free of that horror show for years, only to have it forced down your throat on the six o’clock news? I can’t. How do you even handle something like that? The media is painting her as if she is some kind of happy-go-lucky, church-going woman who had this miraculous event happen to her, when in all actuality, she is a fucking monster who deserves to pay for her crimes against her children. I sincerely hope that the eldest kids are OK and able to cope with this accordingly. And I know that since they’ve been adopted into wonderful families who actually FOUGHT for the right to call these kids their sons and daughter, the families will be there every step of the way for them to lean on and get the support and guidance they need.
If nothing else, I hope this blog serves as validation for these children and their families that not everyone believes what is portrayed on TV as the sole truth, and that we are glad to get the word out, if for nothing else than their peace of mind and healing. Turtleboy always gets to the truth; this is why we’re the best at what we do.
19 Comment(s)
I know it’s off topic, but seriously, none of those women on that mommy Facebook page drive?
When human trash like this gives birth repeatedly, it truly makes me question God…….
honestly its sad that this is saying not to give anything to her… So we make this innocent child suffer because she’s a mess up. Come on, let the children suffer?!?!
It’s so sad that many people are willing to help this child, but we can’t trust her mother. Hopefully dcf will take the baby girl and she will have a chance in life. Now with all the bad this mother has done, no one will want to help the baby, so what happens now?
Grant you she is a piece if shit but by not helping with baby things at least it’s like taking it out on the baby I truly believe the piece of crap new she was pregnant poor kids
How anyone in their right mind could believe anything that so called human being Rachelle Bond says is beyond me . I had a conversation with a DCF employee a few months ago and brought up the subject of Bella Bond . I kid you not the answer I received was Who’s that? The Baby Bella case is a huge f-ck up on the part of the DCF . Hence the POS gets a plea deal to testify against Mike McCarthy . The powers that be in this state are trying to make this case go away. It is a given that McCarthy is not a model citizen but the sole murderer of that beautiful child I highly doubt it. He gets railroaded , she gets a slap on the wrist and case closed . Typical of state government cover each other’s ass and the truth be dammed. No to worry Ms. Bond the Devil will collect on the deal that you and the prosecution made with him in due time. I hope see that angelic face every time you close your eyes for the rest of your life and hope you live a thousand years . There is no punishment too great for your crime .
If you have already had three kids or any kids taken from you then you should automatically lose any other children you have. Actually, you should be forced to be fixed so you don’t screw up anymore innocent kids lives.
I didn’t know 60 year olds could get pregnant.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug…
I was willing to donate stuff until i read this how do i contact you via Facebook
How easily swayed. Have you’re own thought. Because of this article how do I be a snitch. Y’all some hoes
DCF step up and get that child out of there while she still has a fighting chance at a normal life.
How do i send you stuff on Facebook
If you push out a kid and cannot support it, sterilization should be mandatory to collect public assistance
Where’s Shawna, the punctuation-challenged poster from yesterday who defended this toothless wonder?
SSDI checks came out last night…..check your local smack dealer.
So gross. And the news casters were awwwing over it!
To my knowledge though, DCF will keep a hawks eye on her,
and will probably find a reason to take the baby away, they always do.
If her oldest is over 20, how old is she anyway? Late 40’s? Most women can’t
even have children at that age! And BTW where’s Dad?
She’s probably late 30’s, maybe even 40-42. Thats what booze and drugs will do to you.
She’s 40, it said so on the news.