We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible: Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Bennie’s Cafe, Craftech Restoration, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Attorney Michael Erlich, H-S Trading Firearms, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors, HomeWarrantyReports.com, The Gun Parlor Range, 3B Auto, Attorney Anthony Salerno, O’Connor Insurance 24-7, Monster Movers, Firesafe Chimney Services, The Law Office Of Joseph J. Carigila, Skyhook Tree And Sons
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It’s been a busy year for Turtleboy Sports. We began the year with just over 4,000 Facebook followers. We end the year with over 21,000. TBS has quickly become the go to source for news, hot takes, and blatant in your face facts and truths. But some blogs are more popular than others. In 2014 the infamous Busgate blog got over 50,000 views, and we never thought we’d see that get beat. This year 13 blogs surpassed that. Here’s the kind of blogs that get the most views:
- Anything with huge assholes
- Anything that appeals to a large audience, and isn’t localized to Worcester
- Hard hitting exposes and breaking news
- Anything associated with Deflategate
With that said, here are the Top 101 most popular blogs in Turtleboy 2015, summed up with a Haiku….
11,000-15,000 page views
100. Another Principal Assaulted At Worcester North By A Student Melinda Boone Refused To Expel
North High savages
Punches 4 Vice Principals
Boone unveils dumb plan
Lovebirds in Auburn
Don’t want to go around truck
Stab some guy instead
Southbridge is dumpy
Moron has gun in his crotch
Would have been awesome
Girl calls cop pussbag
Cuz he pulled gun on asshole
She is disgusting
Andrew Luck injured
Colts cheat when they don’t report
Colts suck, no one cares
Bills fans are classy
Can’t wait for the game to end
Finger each other
Shitbag FG kids
Calls teachers n word online
Kids can be assholes
Auburn gangbang man
Ass cheeks pressed against window
Everyone sees ass
92. 5 Best And Worst Towns To Travel To In Worcester County
Holden is devil
I hate going to Fitchburg
Lunenburg sucks too
91. Idiot Seahawks Fan Girl Writes “Open Letter” Calling Patriots Parade Celebration Classless
Seahawks fan gets mad
Says Patriots have no class
Seahawks are classless
Burncoat kids brings gun
Hippies say no cops in school
Tracy Novick sucks
89. This Story About Kelley Square Pizza Just Restored My Faith In Humanity
Kelley Square Pizza
Gives homeless vet free pizza
Heartwarming story
88. Biggest Dumbasses In Worcester Crash 4-Wheeler Into Parked SUV On Live TV And Drive Off
Newscast in Worcester
4 Wheeler his a parked car
Fuck did I just watch?
87. Here Is Obama’s Guaranteed NCAA Tournament Bracket Picks
Obama’s bracket
Is really predictable
Always picks swing states
86. “Free The Nipple” Topless Hampton Beach Day Should Be A Gigantic Shitshow
Topless chicks at beach
Horny men take their pictures
Where else but Hampton?
85. Malden Man From The Viral Sun Fish Video Is The Greatest Masshole These Eyes Have Ever Seen
Is that a tuner?
Jay, what is that fucking thing?
Baby fucking WHEEL
Clock boy makes fake bomb
Pretends to be the victim
Really wants pay day
83. Patriot Hero Plows Over Hippies Blocking I-70 In St. Louis With Freedommobile Hippie Plow
Hippies block highway
Her plows through at full speed
Hippies are speedbumps
82. Club Promoter Blacklists Girl Who Boinked Julian Edelman And Posted It On Tinder
Girl bangs Edelman
Puts selfie up on Tinder
Internet kills her
81. Hit And Run Recorded On Video During Riot At The Palladium In Worcester
Worcester Palladium with State and Local PD on scene. Plus Hit & Run recorded! @palladiumshows @WorcesterPD pic.twitter.com/6kJfZQX7w7
— Rich Grindrod (@RichGrindrod) October 3, 2015
Morons start riot
At Worcester palladium
Cops miss hit and run
Mosaic gets check
Turtle follows the money
Scumbags getting paid
79. Here Come St. Bonaventure Fans – The Most Vile, Classless, Obnoxious, Repugnant People On Earth
St. Bonaventure
Wears poop colored uniforms
Fans are savages
78. Are Worcester’s Roads Ready For School Thursday? Turtleboy Tour Of Worcester Investigates
No school in Worcester
Morons say “back in my day”
TB tours Worcester
77. The Shrewsbury Hooters Opens This Week And The Facebook Commentary Is Outstanding
Shrewsbury Hooters
Makses feministos angry
Dumb quotes on Facebook
76. Worcester Man Devises Ingenius Plan To Get Rid Of Panhandlers
Too many crackheads
Need to get them out of here
Thanks Tracy Novick
75. 10 Best And Worst High School Mascots In Massachusetts
Agawam Brownies?
Sutton Suzies and Sammies?
Worst mascots ever
15,000-20,000 page views
74. Protesters Openly Calling For Gangsters To Kill Donald Trump Wednesday At DCU Rally In Worcester
Trump comes to Worcester
Girl tweets for gangsters to kill
What an idiot
Ginger causing scene
Tries to run over cop
Gets shot, goes to jail
72. Guy Who Confronts Food Stamp Muffs Who Buy Lottery Tickets Is A Goddamn American Hero
Muffs use their food stamps
To buy scratch tickets and steak
Steak’s for taxpayers
71. Top 10 Ways The Patriots Cheated To Beat The Jacksonville Jaguars
Jaguars really suck
Patriots must have cheated
To beat crappy team
70. Mother Of 7 Year Old Abused Boy Is Pretending To Be a Loving Mom Now
Deadbeat birth mom of
Hardwick boy hurt by father
Pretends to be good mom
69. Friday Night 2 AM At Foxwoods Is People Watching At It’s Finest
Foxwood Friday night
Collection of drunks and whores
Great people watching
Wants to ride for free
Ratchet doesn’t pay bus fair
Throws drink, gets beat up
67. Gardner Woman Stole $117,000 In Food Stamps, Social Security, Because Why Wouldn’t She?
Ratchet Gardner ho
Acquired tons of food stamps
Because its easy
66. More Proof That Jase Dillan Lied About The Guy Filming Her On Newbury Street
Turns out Jase Dillan
Lied to Cosmopolitan
Worst singer ever
65. Top 10 Hippie Towns In Massachusetts Where Turtleboy Would Lose His Mind
Fake monks in Wendell
Northampton hippies are gross
Amherst is the worst
State Police barracks
Set to be closed in Brookfield
By Boston assholes
Woman hit with bat
Dad exploits for custody
Biggest dooshnozzle
62. Vernon Hill Lovers Exchange Blows Outside Of Elementary School While Children Are Released
At school dismissal
Ghetto white trash fight breaks out
Still have sex later
61. Girl Who Put Hit Out On Donald Trump Was Fired From Job, Called Cops On Turtleboy
Girl puts hit on Trump
Job reads blog and fires her
Calls cops on TB
60. Spencer Woman Has Other GoFundMe Scams, Claims Turtleboy Is Lying, Facts Say Otherwise
GoFundMe trap queen
Says Turtleboy Is Lying
Don’t give her money
Teacher has pink tree
Principal Says offensive
She looks like good time
20,000-25,000 page views
58. Top 10 Ways The Patriots Cheated To Beat The Buffalo Bills
Tom Brady wears Uggs
They give him special powers
To always beat Bills
57. Drunk Leicester Man Does Blarney Burnout, Immediately Crashes Into Police Cruiser
Moron does burnout
Crashes into police car
Blarney miracle
Couple arrested
For drug sales in parking lot
Typical Webster
Terrible neighbors
Use black son as PC bait
Typical Greenfield
54. Webster Genius Announces On Police Facebook Page That He’s Keeping It Real, Gets Emasculated
Moron brags about
Not turning in package thief
Webster cops shame him
53. Woman Who Yelled At Screaming Kid To Shut Up At Marcy’s Diner In Portland Has Irresistible Sass
Kid wont stop screaming
Woman tells her to shutup
Becomes a hero
52. Worcester County Towns Plow Job Rankings 1-20, Part 1
Douglas does great job
Drive on roads without dying
Dudley, not so much
51. Former Laughlin Kennel Employee Shares Horrific Videos, Images With Turtleboy
Former employee
Shows horrific video
Injecting sick dogs
Handjob at Bills game
Typical Bills Mafia
Bills babe wants round two
49. Turtleboy Investigates: West Boylston HS Mom’s Viral Facebook Post Is Probably A Huge Lie
Viral Facebook post
Son suspended for helping
Turns out to be lie
48. Missouri Protesters Are Upset You’re Worried About Paris Victims And Not Them
Paris Massacre
Makes Mizzou students butthurt
Cuz no one likes them
Guy calls Trump racist
Once tried bombing a building
Good friends with Sarai
46. Avalena Conway’s Mother, Jessica Conway, Died Of A Suspected Drug Overdose Today
Turtleboy told you
Not to give to GoFundMe
Blown on heroin
45. Doherty High School Student Gets Destroyed By A Girl For Playing Grab Ass In Staircase
Student grabs girls ass
Gets his assbeat in staircase
Slow clap for that girl
Armory break in
Guns stolen near shady mosque
Days before Trump comes
C.O. Arrested
Woman makes up bullshit lies
Daughter writes guest blog
42. Spencer-East Brookfield: A School District Run By Adults Who Don’t Care About Kids
Kevin Hayes hates kids
Super Crowe lives in China
Kids be like, book please?
Greenfield teacher Dad
With nasty pics on Facebook
Worst neighbor ever
25,000-30,000 page views
Color blind teacher
Called racist by principal
Who sucks at her job
39. Joe Social Worker Explains Why It’s So Hard For DCF To Take Kids From Parents
DCF bad rep
Social worker writes letter
Explains the bullshit
Sucky kids parents
Say coach is mean to their kids
Great coach gets fired
37. Terrible Woman Mocks Easthampton Special Needs Man On Facebook, Gets Massacred By The Internet
Special needs man mocked
Internet gives sweet justice
To shitty woman
Carenza Jackson
Is the principal from hell
Makes the teachers quit
35. Top 20 Worst Plowed Towns In Worcester County, Part 2
Northboro is good
North Brookfield is a death trap
Four wheel drive or die
34. Top 10 Most Breathtaking Neighborhoods In Worcester
Ranking the top ten
Worst neighborhoods in Worcester
Nothing beats Main South
33. Hubbardston Madame Who Organized Auburn Gangbang Is The Most Cutthroat Businesswoman I’ve Ever Seen
Blue balls everywhere
When cops raid Auburn gangbang
Girls never get paid
32. Disgraced Webster Puppy Mill Owner Now Working At Oxford Puppy Mill
Webster puppy mill
Sells sick dogs to customers
Now works in Oxford
31. It Takes A Special Kind Of Butthurt To Call The Cops On The Leicester Christmas Lights
Leicester Christmas Lights
Nearly ended when cops called
By butthurt neighbors
30. Webster Parking Lot Fight Was Like Every Nat Geo Wild Show I’ve Ever Seen
Ghetto ass kids fight
Try to make it on WorldStar
Webster is a dump
30,000-35,000 page views
29. Top 10 Ways The Patriots Cheated To Beat The Cowboys
Too many white guys
Patriots have penises
Hardy don’t hit men
15 year old shot
At 4 AM at Motel
Mom calls him “soldier”
27. David Prouty Students Walking Out Of Class In Protest Is The Most American Thing You Will Ever See
Students stage walkout
After teachers are fired
Everyone likes them
26. Birth Mother Of Deceased 2 Year Old Girl Is Blaming Everyone Except Herself
Two year old girl dies
Mom was in jail, blames neighbors
Starts GoFundMe scam
35,000-40,000 page views
25. Chill WPI Frat Bro Just Made The Greatest Worcester Rap Video We’ve Seen To Date
Worcester rap video
Made by chill college frat boy
Best song of the year
24. Celtics Stabber Baby Gangsta’s Braintree Friends Are Magnificent Creatures
Friends defend scumbag
Say stupid things on the news
We all laugh at them
23. Worcester Man Runs Up $2.7 Million Ambulance, ER Bill By Getting Drunk All Day Every Day
Guy gets drunk all day
Calls ambulance for free rides
Free hospital food
22. Foxboro High School Bans American Flag Picture From The Yearbook, Deeming It “Offensive”
Yearbook pic with flag
Banned because it’s offensive
TB on Hillman
21. Spencer Man And Fiance Assault Worcester Cop, Get Away, Brag About It On Facebook
Assholes assault cop
Brag about crime on Facebook
Worst criminals ever
40,000-45,000 page views
20. Right On Cue: Bella Bond’s Dad, Grandma All Of A Sudden Care Now That The Cameras Are Rolling
Moves to Florida
After Baby Bella born
Claims to be good dad
First snow of the year
Ed Augustus doesn’t plow
Clusterfuck ensues
Alleged sperm donor
Renames daughter after death
Hate this guy so much
17. Spencer Couple Using 3 Year Old Kid To Scam People With Bogus GoFundMe
Laziest “parents”
Want you to pay for their lunch
Cuz they don’t want jobs
45,000-50,000 page views
Teenager missing
Turns out she ran away
To bang her boyfriend
Murder in Worcester
Cops trying to find bad guys
Assholes don’t help out
50,000-55,000 page views
Craziest woman
Tries to sell crappy album
By stalking some guy
Says he loves Bella
Yet he moved to Florida
Never met daughter
55,000-60,000 page views
Stabbing at Celtics
Baby Gangsta Arrested
Whitest kid ever
Crackhead has baby
Lets other crackhead kill her
Worst mother ever
60,000-75,000 page views
11. Grafton Hill Rap Video Is The Hottest Shit I’ve Ever Seen
So Worcester it hurts
Hennessy, out of nowhere
Feelin gooooo-ooooooo-oooooodddd
Rich girl on TV
Says she wants free tuition
We all laugh at her
Four game suspension?
How bout, no, Roger Goodell?
Tom Brady is free
75,000-100,000 page views
Worst drunk kid ever
Jalapeno mac and cheese
Makes you do dumb things
Cop shot in the face
Assholes still harass the cops
Black lives matter frauds
Ware and Athol suck
Holyoke is a huge dump
Don’t move to Lawrence
Walmart of beach towns
Morons think Hampton is cool
White trash capital
- Top 11 Ways The Patriots Cheated To Beat The Giants – 130,172 page views
Pats had ten fingers
JPP only has eight
Don’t respect safe space
- Boston Globe’s Portrayal Of Bella Bond’s Dad As A Victim Is Everything That Is Wrong With The Media – 154,549 page views
Joe Amoroso
Pretends to love Bella Bond
World’s biggest asshole
- Top 10 Ways The Patriots Cheated To Facialize The Steelers – 158,784 page views
Patriots cheated
Belichick does a rain dance
Big Ben can’t throw the ball
- Brockton Fair 2015: Magical Land Of Fires, Gunshots, Robbery, And Pregnant Women Ripping Butts – 173,776 page views
Brockton is ghetto
Pregnant woman ripping butts
Mother of the year
Here’s the blogs that nearly made the cut:
Thanks for riding the Turtle this year. We look forward to another successful year of exposing and laughing at debauchery. What was your favorite blog of Turtle year 2015?
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
Want to have your business advert seen by over 1.2 million people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook

Click on the image to get your Turtleboy Sports Revolution hoodie or browse other merchandise from the Turtleboy store.
3 Comment(s)
Webster cop getting harassed by a dumb hippy wasn’t 2015?
Southbridge is dumpy
Moron has gun in his crotch
Would have been awesome
HAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for reminding me!