WBSM: An East Wareham woman faces charges after allegedly robbing a convenience store in Raynham with a hypodermic needle. According to a release from Chief James Donovan, on Monday, December 14 at approximately 6:07 p.m., Raynham Police received a 911 call for a reported robbery at the Seasons Corner Market, located at 442 New State Highway. A description was given of an adult female suspect who brandished a needle she claimed to be infected with AIDS before leaving with a quantity of cash. A license plate of the suspect’s vehicle was obtained and provided to Raynham Police investigators. A notice was issued to surrounding communities to be on the lookout for the suspect and vehicle.
Moments later, the same vehicle was identified by Massachusetts State Police as being wanted in connection with a similar robbery in New Bedford. State Police located the vehicle and made a traffic stop in the town of Marion after a brief vehicle pursuit. The driver, 34-year-old Ashley Demers of East Wareham, was arrested after a brief on-scene investigation. She is charged with armed robbery. Donovan said Demers likely faces additional charges in other communities as well as charges stemming from the pursuit and motor vehicle infractions identified by State Police.
“This was a terrific example of the level of professionalism, teamwork and communication that exists among municipal police departments and the State Police,” Chief Donovan said. “In this instance, a suspect – who made violent threats against people doing their jobs to provide goods and services to the public during these difficult times – was apprehended safely and efficiently by well-trained police officers.
But wait, according to the the Wareham Jack of all AIDS last February, her “story is far from over.”
Apparently she hadn’t gotten to Chapter 14 – The Time I Robbed Multiple Stores Along The South Shore With A Needle Filled With AIDS Juice And Ended Up On Turtleboy.
It’s OK though, because she ain’t never giving up.
Next time she’ll just get her heroin the old fashioned way – by giving Diego the friendly neighborhood drug dealer a blowjob. Sure, it might come with more diseases than a syringe filled with AIDS juice, but at least you don’t have to go to jail.
A year ago today she was warning people not to judge her.
Because she may just decided to get clean and take care of her family. Probably not. But she might. Maybe.
Tragic Johnson is the complete ratchet package too. She named her crotch fruit Ayden with a Y, and in doing so put more effort into naming him than she did raising him.
She moved out of her house earlier in the year to go into rehab but not before trying to pawn off all her furniture.
Because it’s always a great idea to hand over cash to a junkie on their way to rehab.
You know you’re pretty ratchet when your Mother’s Day picture is just a picture of you with junkbox eyes.
But by June she was all fixed and rocking the gerber servers and cultural appropriation.
If you wanted evidence that she was clean then look no further than the inspirational poems she copy and pasted onto Facebook.
Then in July she started selling name brand masks that I’m sure she acquired legally.
And of course she only smokes the official cigarettes of ratchets everywhere….
The flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hats of tobacco.
Anyway, she posted this just hours before getting arrested.
If only somebody had nosed that white boy Vince who stole her paycheck then she wouldn’t have been compelled to rob multiple stores with an AIDS juice needle. It’s all Vince’s fault. Fuck you Vince.
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34 Comment(s)
This is disgusting and by “this” I mean the individual that wrote it. No one is condoning what she’ did but at the end of the day she’s someone’s daughter, mother, sister, niece etc. she’s still a human being. How does this help anything? You took someone’s troubled situation and added your judgment and cruelty to it. If I were one of her family members I’d absolutely find you in a dark alley and see what you had to say to me in person about this girl. You’d probably only ever be able to eat through a straw after I was done with you. Do you actually feel good about yourself after posting garbage like this? It took zero intelligence and even less class to put it together. You are precisely what’s wrong with this world today. Not to mention making money off trash like this. You are no better then her and should be completely ashamed of yourself. Your parents must be so proud. You are the definition of an oxygen thief. I hope someday, someone shows you in person how much of a pathetic coward you really are. Such a big man kicking someone when they are down behind the protection of your keyboard. With any luck someone will be writing a story like this about you and I can’t wait to read it.
Wow, what a fucking simp.
what an ugly fat slut with blubber tits
I wonder how many times she’s spread flanks to give thanks for a dose?
You know she’s had her doodoo forcefully dented on a few occasions.
Someday Ayden is going to look up mommy and this will be one of the top responses, after all her google trophies.
Motorboated those gerber servers plenty of times………….
I’m betting this is her last Christmas.
Who wants in?
Nice Rack !!! Just sayin
No Jack, no……… it’s not.
I’d glaze her face like a Bundt cake
She can’t even type her cellphone number. It got one extra digit. LOL
I’m addicted to brake fluid. But I can stop whenever I want.
Mine’s antifreeze. But I can cool it
She uses blinker fluid! She still couldn’t be bothered to use them..
I was addicted to the hokey pokey , but I turned myself around . And it was Vince the Shamwow guy ….
A solid Wareham 8.6. She got points for the crucifix between her tits…
Do I pay for her by swiping my cahd between dem big ole tittaes?
She looks like the type of white girl who thinks she Spanish. Spanish by injection!
Q: What happened when New Bedford sucked Brockton’s cock to completion, then spat out the release?
A: The Town of Wareham was incorporated.
Wouldn’t. I only beat off to the Third Reich posters hung up in my bedroom anyway.
That made my Hanukkah!
I just spit my Manischewitz out and now have to light my menorrah again,,,,oy vey…..shalom.
I would let her pinch out an eggroll on my chest.
Damn, white folks, you really got hooked on that poppy! LMFBAO, it’s sort of like you are slaves to opiates, oh the irony.
-Black Friday
How’s the crack rock treatin’ ya schniggles?
And my other favorite white people; the ones stuck in late the 80’s.
That’s ancient history, my friend. My people are long past that. Now you guys are going through it, except with something way worse than crack cocaine. Hang in there though.
Quit smokin rock huh? Ha!!! Good one. But you hang in there homie. Hope the branch holds.
She fucking left a bag of dope out in the open with those brand name masks she tried selling.
Another one covid missed.
(Off topic).
Holy shit. Wait til TB gets a load (ahem) what the transvestite Pennsylvania Health Dept Director just came out with regarding mask wearing AT F-IN ORGIES!
I wonder how many people she’s robbed for her ‘disease’.
Give her 10 years if she lives.
She’ll look 80.
She may actually look better for a time, if the junkie diet ever kicks in.
Marion, Raynham, Wareham, etc are not the “South Shore.” The South Shore is like Hingham, Weymouth, Cohasset, Braintree. Towns south of Boston that are suburbs of Boston. I’d call Marion and Wareham “South Coast,” just like New Bedford and Fall River. I don’t know what I’d call Raynham.
And just call them all Opiate County!
How dare you misgender her with the nickname “Tragic Johnson”!
(Racist too?)