Triggered Hampshire College Students Run To The Cops After Being Confronted By Scary American Flags
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The silent majority was silent no longer this afternoon as they invaded Hampshire College in the name of freedom and democracy. Since the school is run by Nazis it simply had to be taken back by the people. And that’s exactly what they did:
Turtle riders were out in full force:
Around 1:30 the Hampshire students finally woke up after a long night of ripping the bong, and as usual no one took a shower:
They did bring sushi though:
And as you can see, they were in desperate need of a safe space after being triggered by the red, white, and blue as far as the eyes can see.
And in the ultimate popsicle headache the delicate snowflakes RAN to the police for protection from the non-violent protest.
The very same police him and his hipster friends have been shitting on for the last two years.
Apparently you can never be safe around a group of blue-blooded Americans singing God Bless America.
Chanting USA
The lone non-Hampshire counter-protester even got a hug from a flag-waving Patriot.
Oh, and shoutout to Atkins farms for bringing free food to the protesters.
Great day for America.
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76 Comment(s)
Leave us not forget, the entitled fellow who took down the flag and burned it actually STOLE AND DESTROYED PRIVATE PROPERTY. If for nothing else, he needs to be punished under THAT law.
Yes, he can burn the flag.
Yes, there are consequences.
No, he can’t have it both ways.
Worcester City Hospital
To: Nursing Supervisor (name withheld)
From: Head Nurse (name withheld)
Date: May 7, 1987
“In relation to an incident that occurred in the emergency room on May 4th, the staff on that evening reported that an altercation took place at the desk over an unrelated incident between a patient and a visitor.”
“A patient presented to the E.R. with a companion after an alleged assault. … A third male came running through the E.R. doors, screaming that the two males at the desk had assaulted him. The two males at the desk had in their possession “hunting knives”.”
“Paul Larson was the first to respond, and quickly subdued male #3 until the WPD responded. This is but one of the cases where Mr. Larson has performed his duties well. The staff has asked me to please convey to him, through administration, our appreciation to his quick responses and commitment to our security in the E.R. In this case and others, Mr. Larson’s presence has prevented injury to both staff and visitors.”
PS: Male #3 and I both went to Wachusett Regional High School. He was twice as big as me, and when I came home from Vietnam, he tried to recruit me to break into offices and take pictures of documents. I turned him down. By the way, a Worcester Police Officer got a broken leg out of this incident. Also, I could do exactly the same thing today as I did 29 years ago.
Paul Larson
Here you go Paul… I fixed it for ya!!
Arkham City Hospital
To: Nursing Supervisor (name withheld)
From: Head Nurse (name withheld)
Date: May 7, 1987
“In relation to an incident that occurred in the emergency room on May 4th, the staff on that evening reported that an altercation took place at the desk over an unrelated incident between a patient and a visitor.”
“A patient presented to the E.R. with a companion after an alleged assault. … A third male came running through the E.R. doors, screaming that the two males at the desk had assaulted him. The two males at the desk had in their possession “hunting knives”.”
“Batman was the first to respond, and quickly subdued The Joker until the WPD responded. This is but one of the cases where Batman has performed his duties well. The staff has asked me to please convey to him, through administration, our appreciation to his quick responses and commitment to our security in the E.R. In this case and others, Batman’s presence has prevented injury to both staff and visitors.”
PS: The Joker and Batman both went to Midtown High School. He was twice as big as me, and when I came home from Nanda-Parbat, he tried to recruit me to break into offices and take pictures of documents. I turned him down. By the way, a GCPD Officer got a broken leg out of this incident. Also, I could do exactly the same thing today as I did 29 years ago.
Bruce Wayne
That whiny little shit sitting between the cops looks scared shitless. How ironic. He’s afraid of a peaceful protest, and a flag.
There is only one reason we enjoy freedom of speech, and that is due to the sacrifices of our veterans. How much freeedom of speech
existed in Cuba, Russia, Germany or Italy under the socialists? I remember seeing hundreds of Cubans being shot down in firing squads after Castro took over. Libs are free to leave if they don’t like the USA.
Paul Larson
I’m going to have to deny that Paul…unless you can point out a page number in whatever book you use when you post these OT diatribes you’ve become famous for here.
Every American is free to leave this country if they don’t like it, except for those who are locked up for breaking our laws.
By the way, you know who is free to leave? Kaepernick!
I have a T-shirt that I wore to my 50th high school reunion.
On the front it says:
“Kaepernick does not respect our flag, so why would I respect the man who fathered and abandoned Kaepernick?
On the back it says:
“Kaepernick is free to leave but he won’t because he knows this is the best country for him to live in.”
Paul Larson
I have a t-shirt that says… “Save the Whales”
And on the back it says “Harpoon a Fat Chick”
And another that says, “If God didn’t want man to eat pussy, why did he make it shaped like a taco?”
I didn’t write the above comment.
Paul Larson
Right… It was me…
Paul…that reply is worthy of an upvote. Colon Kaperdick is a magnamous fag of epic proportions and I hope one day his asshole gets torn up worse than BobnMic’s Gaping Anus.
Hey Paul guess what? Burning the flag IS freedom of speech! And it was a conservative supreme court that decided so! If you don’t support the RIGHT to free speech, you can get the heck out of my country!
I volunteered for Vietnam. I risked my life in Vietnam to defend your right to free speech. However, I see that you take your rights for granted.
PS: It was Democrat Thomas Jefferson’s partisans who passed the 2nd Amendment in order to keep their slaves under control.
Paul Larson
You risked your life in Vietnam to protect rich people who were afraid of allowing a nation to determine its own system of governance! Oh the irony…
Recently a fellow made an argument to me that JFK would have withdrawn from Vietnam in his second term.
JFK was a congenital anti-communist. At the close of WWII, he said the greatest mistake was stopping Ike’s armies and letting Russia take East Germany; Kennedy said we should have “gone all the way to the Pacific.” In 1949, following the fall of China to Communism, he said: “The responsibility for our failure in the Far East rests squarely with the (Truman) White House.” In 1952: “this fall I had a chance to visit…Southeast Asia…The Communists have a chance of seizing all of Asia in the next 5 or 6 years.”
In 1953: “If France were to withdraw her troops today, Communists would overrun not only French Indochina but southeast Asia.” In 1954: “So the position of the (Democratic) Senators on this side of the aisle was not one of opposition to intervention” in Indochina. In the mid-50s, Ngo Dinh Diem, a Catholic anti-Communist nationalist “enjoyed the backing of (Democratic) Senators John Kennedy and Mike Mansfield, Cardinal Francis J. Spellman and Justice William O. Douglass… Senator Mansfield made a plea in Congress for armed aid for Diem, including nuclear weapons”, according to The Buffalo News.
In 1956, JFK said: “Vietnam…if it falls victim to…Communism…then the United States…will be held responsible; and our prestige in Asia will sink to a new low.”
While president, Kennedy sent 14,000 American soldiers to Vietnam. I don’t believe he would ever have cut and run.
Paul Larson
Right. Hillary and Bill the rapist of Juanita Broderick made many millions in their foundation and only gave a tiny percentage to charity. Also, Chelsea looks a lot like Webb Hubble to me, even after her plastic surgery in an effort to make her look more like Bill’s daughter.
Paul Larson
Here is a letter and a rosewood engraved pen I found:
Worcester Telegram & Gazette
Dear Mr. Larson,
July 2, 2012
Your letter to The People’s Forum has been selected as the Letter of the Week.
Your engraved rosewood Telegram & Gazette Letter of the Week pen is enclosed. We hope you enjoy it.
Chris Sinacola
Editor of the Editorial Pages
Of course now the T&G is just an apologist for the undemocratic Democratic Party!
Paul Larson
Kevin got triggered by the rainbow flag comment because he’s a fudge-packer want some milk and cookies Kevin? Maybe some crayons and coloring books? Maybe the next event should be in Fitchburg and I’ll burn the rainbow flag right in front of your dick-sucking face
Look at those fucking dooshnozzles blocking traffic on 116. Someone should have run them over!
Let me just set the plow on my pickup and then it’s BEEP BEEP TURTLEBOY EXPRESS COMIN’ THROUGH!
Hey Kevin you and I are cast from the same mold. Here’s a song commemorating the first time we met!
No fuck you rravelli, I fought and died in the war and was reincarnated to return to this earth and become Mayor of Fitchburg. I have fought my inner demons and the police and have been wrongfully incarcerated as has my boyfriend for soliciting gay prostitution in Springfield. I once kicked and then stabbed an unconscious helpless person to death with a golf club to prove fags can be tough guys too! So don’t try to tell me about war or how the EMT’s in Fitchburg haven’t tapped my phone line you ignorant bitch!
See… you went full retard right there… You never go full retard.
Just look at your gravatar rravelli. You need guidance from me. Watch this video and think of we you Spanish harlet!
“I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen, and accrue what I hear into myself. ” -Walt Whitman
Or another words I am going to be a lasy asshole, do nothing, not work, spunge off my parents and be a Social Justice Warrior and take a picture of a turd in my toilet and post it on the fucking internet.
I have a life’s plan…
otherwise known as *lazy asshole. whatever…
Awwww… look at you. Making assumptions and attacking a young girl. Do you feel big Bobbie? Keep counter-punching bro… You’re a real WINNER!!
And you’re a fucking pussy ASAL. All over the place fucking pussy…
*YSAL whatever the fuck
For reasons I feel afraid to tell you because you’ll probably further make assumptions about my life and about who I am, I don’t have any financial support whatsoever and have earned my way through college completely on my own. Walt Whitman was anything but “a lazy asshole,” if you took a few minutes to read a book. I’m sorry you feel so mistreated by the government and so angry about how a lot of things have turned out for you, but personally attacking college students who are trying to make a difference in their peers and mentors lives isn’t going to get you anywhere. Find your own outlet and create your own real strength. Don’t attack young women feeling outraged by this crude, hurtful language. That’s it.
Well any how ‘stop’ I hope we don’t get off on the wrong foot as I always think it’s great to have a new female voice here on my blog. As you have probably already figured out I’m a pretty big deal around here and for whatever reason the women in particular love me. I can promise you that you will love my comments and I in return will tell you how great your posts are. However I can’t promise you that you won’t fall helplessly in love with me!~ LOL~
XOXO Bobby
Why wear Veteran status on a jacket? WHY? Real Veterans don’t need attention everyday for 60 yrs.
War is now mostly fought with heavy bombing. Scenes like you see in Iraq and Allepo with babies intertwined in mountains or aggregate that use to by their home, playground or school.
War is ugly and wreaks with barbaric death, blood and unarmed civilians in piles of rubble.
The only good thing ever stated about war is that “it is a necessary evil.” EVIL
Look Kevin – First and foremost you are a convicted Felon so nothing that you say really matters until the day you die. You got piss drunk one night and fucked your entire life up. That sucks because a situation like that is so easily avoidable. You go out with your buds, tie one on but leave weapons at home and don’t kill people. Sound advice? You bet. Pretty fucking simple and basic if you ask me.
Secondly I am not all that great reading about your disregard toward our veterans and pretending like you have a fucking clue as to what it is to be one. War theater deployed or otherwise just like what the fuck Turd, Anna and Marie says in here. A guy like you or those assholes would not (never) last one fucking day in basic training let alone a combat theater. You would shit your fucking self to the point of becoming Turd’s twin brother and fucking Fiesty’s fucking sister. And what a useless stack of fucking shit personnel list that is. Your parents must be proud…
I still hate fucking hate you, Bob, more than Kevin
Weird how that is. Giving how I am a solid citizen…
And no you do NOT hate me. That is impossible and you know it. Give me a hug and knock it off already…
Nah…you’re more like a solid piece of shit.
Sorry Marie. Hey let’s do smack…
Speed Kills! GO AWAAY!!!!
What…you thinking about giving up that meth habit that keeps you up at 3am spouting off this bullshit that in your mind makes you the ultimate keyboard warrior?
You ain’t nothing but a keyboard cunt. Go choke on a hobo’s dick.
Look BobnMic – First and foremost you are a certified asshole so nothing that you say really matters not even after you die. You get piss drunk every night and fucked your entire life up. That sucks because a situation like that is so easily avoidable. You go out with your buds, tie one on but STAY THE FUCK OFF TURTLEBOY SPORTS. Sound advice? You bet. Pretty fucking simple and basic if you ask me.
Secondly I am not all that great reading about your disregard toward everyone here and pretending like you have a fucking clue as to what it is to be liked as a person. The shit that dribbles from your feeble mind and into this blog is is pathetic compared to what the fuck Turd, Anna and Marie says in here. A guy like you would not (never) last one fucking day in a real life let alone the comments section of this blog. You shit your fucking self to the point of becoming Kevin’s twin brother. And what a useless stack of fucking shit personnel list that is. Your parents must be proud…
It seems to me you are fighting a losing battle here. Go back to your safe space snowflake. This is peaceful and you have serious rage and if you really want to talk more about this like a civil human being then please stay and ask questions to help you decide if you are willing to be an American!
Democrat Harry Truman killed hundreds of thousands of civilians with 2 A-bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Before that, FDR locked up thousands of Japanese-American citizens in concentration camps. And FDR also sat on the Anti-Lynch legislation so as not to alienate racist Democrats down South. Over 90 blacks were lynched every year.
Turtlebitch, are you a Veteran? Look at them MORONS wearing cut off Veteran jackets. Tough guys.lmao.
Why look for attention? Bikers are just rabid animals.
This coming from a guy who thinks wearing a cabbie hat with a yellow shirt and a brown tie is a fashion statement. You look like your colorblind mother dressed you.
Back when Hippies didn’t take themselves so seriously…..still weird but they were so far out there they were cool………….
Harassing students still Turtlebitches? We have 80 yr old men wearing Veteran hats. 50 yr old men wearing veteran jackets.
Why don’t you ever see young men wearing Veteran gear? Let me ask a tough question. Why do you have to wear veteran status on your sleeve?
Some of these Veterans served 2 to 3 yrs in without seeing any bullets nor war.
Why don’t you take your BRAND NEW FLAGS down to the pipeline protest and join real Americans???
Of course people thank Veterans for their service but to constantly wear it on your sleeve is ridiculous call for attention.
Do you see them idiots in Turtle gear? All losers who can’t find their way out of the bar.
remember when you murdered Andrew McDonough?
No I don’t remember that as it never happened.
Hey, I just wanted to give a heartfelt shoutout for that awesome drive you did through my back door last night. None of my boyfriends (past or current) have ever chipped me in the rough quite like you. I will be walking with a pronounced limp for several days. Excuse me now…I have to run up to the store for some baby orajel to soothe my wrinkked star.
Why Kevin? Satan remembers… You’ll have plenty of time to reflect when you’re being tormented for all of eternity.
Please let me know when the next event is. I’d like to gather my veteran friends together. This blow hard has no idea of the experiences that come from the wars going on these days. I will try my best to organize quite a few to be there and we will all be proudly displaying our veteran gear for all to see. Whether he/she fought 100 years ago or 1 minute ago, they will always be my brother/sister in arms.
Like I said I would have been there but UMass Amhurst had this going on………..
Sushi? All I smell is stale tacos and pork rinds.
You should smell me. Scorched lube and burnt rubber.
Thank you vets! A true first today, a cute girl on the hampshire campus (the one holding the two flags)
I wish I could have gone, but I had to work, I would have burned a rainbow flag right on the campus lawn in front of all these little pussies and watched them cry and whine and piss and moan. Thank you vets !
You are real tough huh? Looser. “Thank you vets?” Do vets need a safe space? Enough bullshit. I know many Veterans who are Ashamed and embarrassed that some men need to wear veteran gear all their life.
Grow the fuck up, toughen the fuck up. World War 2 is over. All wars are over.
What the fuck is there to be proud of exactly? No wars protecting our country no more as it is all for either agitation, bullying and killing of unarmed people just looking to be able to live without being bombed into dust.
Amputees by the tens of thousands for no good reason. Guys coming back going insane.
Are we supose to live everyday with a Veterans day event? There has to be at least 25 days throughout the year.
I applaud peace makers. I applaud gods people who feed the hungry, house the homeless and don’t pick on people that are different.
You would burn a rainbow flag? How tough of you. Any gays in the military? Any veterans in prison? Any veterans homeless?
Bunch of band wagon losers went out and bought NEW FLAGS. Why don’t you have flags at home already? You bought the flags made by jihadis who sell them to the dollar store that you bought them flags from.
Damn! Quite a bit of butt hurt going around all over the place in your post! Were you one of those that never made it to boot camp/basic training or were you never good enough to make the cut?
As for veterans wearing their gear to commemorate their service…good for them! They’re proud of what they have done and have earned the right to display whatever the hell they want. You should make it a point to thank a veteran every day for their service. If it wasn’t for the veterans, you may still have been born, but it might have been in a country that doesn’t grant you the freedoms to bash people like you do.
25 days a year for veterans? Every day is a veteran’s day. Many of my brothers or sisters in arms has died in any number of conflicts, defending the rights of those that cannot defend themselves. I’m proud to have supported them before, during and now after my time in service has come in gone.
Next time you open your mouth to badmouth someone or a group of people, put yourself out there first and realize just what they are there for. If there is anyone that can’t feel proud to fly the flag that so many have fought and died for, then they need to relocate to a country to reflects their beliefs.
You have no idea the level of my butthurt.
I saw the butthurt on your facebook page. You’re a big dude that looks like you’re all ass and have no idea what real sacrifice is. Do you even know what self sacrifice for is? It appears from what I have just researched about you that you are only in it for the self glory and you have failed hard because you couldn’t help fucking it up for yourself. Keep trolling TBS. You keep setting them up and we’ll keep knocking your sorry ass down.
Are those mean scary soldiers hurting your feeelwings come here let daddy wipe the sand from your mangyna
We have 2 holidays Kevin Lynch, you dumb ass, Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
We Love our Country & Our Flag, we fought for all you snowflakes to have your “Freedom of Speech” WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
Burning that rainbow flag really triggered you, eh Captain Closet Case?
I like this guy!
Hey, toilet paper! We finally found something a Hampshire diploma is good for.
The immature kiddies hate the cops, but when their delusional lives are upset. They run to the cops. Like I said, delusional !
When Turtleboy said the Turtle riders were there in “full force” he wasn’t kidding. I would have gone but I had to hold my post here on the blog all day and night.
Nice to see our heroes and their families throwing some red, white and blue sunshine on the mud whistle of Massachusetts.
Always liked Atkins Farms, way to go! ood job everyone.
As a (pre-identity politics) liberal, I’m proud of the Americans doing this protest and thankful for the veterans who put their lives on the line for America!
Fuck you, liberal.
Triggered…. I don’t think that word means what they think it means…. just ask a vet (or anyone) with PTSD what ‘triggered’ really is
On Monday, I’m sure they’ll all get more and better counselling than any deserving vet will ever be able to access. They’ll claim PTSD after this peaceful protest and run crying to the student services center ASAP.
Whats happening Deb. Long time no chat baby doll.