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As you know Turtleboy is in the midst of yet another Internet lawsuit at the hands of a social justice warrior named Jennie Chenkin. She’s the lovely Hampshire College student who claims that we are guilty of copyright infringement for screenshotting things she voluntarily wrote on a public Facebook page.
As you can see, we’re toast!! Usually when we see posts like this we laugh it off, but this one we might have to take seriously. Because according to the Westfield Police blotter, Jennie Chenkin might already have a lawyer:
Ooops!!! Probably the police officers’ fault for violating her civil liberties by making her return stuff she didn’t pay for. After all, she’s just the victim of cisheteropatriarchy, so the cops were probably just harassing her:
She has a right to steal from anyone who is a cisgendered white male because……reparations. Oh well, I guess when you’re wasting all of Daddy’s money at an expensive private school you gotta do what you gotta do. After all, I don’t think her hula hoop video poetry on Youtube is gonna catch on very well:
“Bodies that morticians find fuckable.” Perfectly normal thing to write in your poetry. Surprised more people don’t take these SJW’s seriously. I still liked it more than some of her earlier stuff:
Note to Hampshire College and all Western MA college social justice warriors in general – Don’t. Poke. The. Turtle.
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Liberty Tax Preparation, Greenwood Street, Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Bennie’s Cafe, Craftech Restoration, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Attorney Michael Erlich, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors, Solarreviews.net, The Gun Parlor Range, Attorney Anthony Salerno,
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18 Comment(s)
Name: Jennie Chenkin
Driver’s License No: c2151 08637 12912
SSN: 141-83-1917
DOB: 9-14-1994
Pity her videos have been marked as “Private” on YouTube. Too embarrassing I suppose.
Haha, that must be why she is taking “carceral studies” — to prepare for her future in jail.
Typical liberal. Wag their fingers, flap their gums & lecture the rest of us about tolerance but never practice any themselves. This harpy is the epitome of a college know-it-all hypocrite. They get the vapors when faced with an opposing viewpoint.
Cocomom….I don’t consider this fool a Liberal…she is a full blown mentally ill Leftist. Wonder who will hire this harpy? Would you? Oh, I forget….she will be a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER working for whatever group that are too poor and stupid to not pitch her out of their community. Poor widdle thang…A new Sheriff is coming to town. See: High Noon, Leftist wierdo, bullies, scumbags and those that think they are womyn if they have a ding hanging between their anorexic thigh gaps are in for a bit of a rude awakening!
But, did she give her lawyers contact info?
“I think I want to send my kids to UMass and ask them to major in social justice,” said…..uh…..um……
Those hips – she stole my heart, too.
The first video isn’t her poetry, it’s a famous singer named Mary lambert. Just thought if your going to judge it, you might want to know it is not even her that came up with the lyrics.
Jennie, on the topic of reproducing, some one should have suggested that to your parents.
She’s not horrible looking. So she could probably head down to Sweaty Betty’s and earn a living. Or hooking.
My guess is she is a lard arse that nobody wants to see in their face. But, that’s just my guess. Sick of these permavictims.
The law firm of Dewey, Cheatem and Howe
Detectives Flanagan, Branagan & Iskovitch
Reminds me of the CAR TALK guys….
This cow is going to have a sadder life than she knows. A liar, crybullie, thief and ugly to boot!
When will these asshats learn that EVERYTHING you put on social media under a public profile is…PUBLIC? I hope her attorney, Lionel Hutz, esq., gets back to TBS promptly.
Did she at least get her smoking monkey?