Turtleboy Bone Ride Is Coming To 20 Towns On Friday To Rank Them On How Well Their Roads Are Plowed
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We tossed out the idea of doing a Turtleboy Live show today instead of on Friday this week because everyone would be able to listen since we were all stuck in the house (most of us). But we’re gonna hold off and here’s why.
A couple years back we did a bone ride through 20 different towns on back to back days (40 total) and ranked them from 1-20 based on how well they were plowed, to see if any places were worse than Worcester. But since it didn’t snow last year we didn’t get the chance to do a repeat blog. Tomorrow is the day we get to do it again. So yea, we’re doing a bone ride to 20 different places tomorrow and taking pictures and ranking them all over again to see which towns get the best bang for their buck on plowing. This will also give us something good to talk about for the show tomorrow.
Are we coming to your town? Who knows. It stays a secret so the DPW doesn’t try to pull the ol’ “make it look nice for Turtleboy” trick.
FYI, the two blogs we wrote in 2015 lost all their pictures. Long story. But the rankings are still there:
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16 Comment(s)
Please be careful out there folks. I taped this this morning!
Does anyone have some really old pictures of downtown Worcester during a snow storm? I need some for my scrapbook. Thanks
Hi y’all! I was wondering what pizza place makes the yummiest pizza? I’m getting tired of Domino’s every storm LOL.
Another 7-10 this weekend. Make sure to stock up on the hot chocolate, be safe, and check on your elderly neighbors! Prayers to all.
Worcester is the worst. There’s more snow on the streets this morning YEEEEEEARGHHH!!
Thanks for nothing.
You wouldn’t believe the number of bone rides I’ve been on.
There is still snow outside fuckinnnn WHAAAAAAA!
Sorry I’m just a pussy who goes online to bitch about everything.
And that is exactly what the real Turd (Tredge) does….
Town plow guy cleared the bottom of my drive
Unless every place you visited was the exact same size with the exact roads and the exact idiots living there you can’t make a comparison. It’s tough to clean the streets when you have stoned out panhandlers on every corner blocking the clean up.
It’s not like you have to drive to your job everyday.
Sounds smart. There is nothing better than a couple stoners pointlessly driving around after a snow storm and getting in the way of the clean up. Just so they can get stuck and go “Whoa dude that was awesome!”.
Stay home you fucking morons.
Redneck, because it’s fun genius !
Did anyone catch the quick mention that Worcester received on the ABC Evening News with David Muir? The piece was on the winter storm across the Northeast. It confirmed streets in Worcester were once again in shitty condition. Don’t know if you can find it on the internet someplace. Augustus, Moosey and Puddy must be so proud.
Ya think? Of course the roads were shitty in Worcester today. They were also shitty everywhere else, What’s you’re point?
Time to take your final dirt nap old man ?
Ya, OK Teddy! Go find another ass to stick your nose up!