The is the dumbest thing ever written. Feel free to skip everything that’s italicized and jump right to my analysis below, because it’s all just attention seeking bullshit.
Campus Reform: University of Rhode Island (URI) professor published a book chapter in September focused entirely on New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and his supposed relationship to white supremacy. URI English professor Kyle Kusz also dabbles in gender and race theory, as evidenced in a chapter, a full copy of which was obtained by Campus Reform, that the professor authored in a recently published book titled The Palgrave Handbook of Masculinity and Sport.
Titled “Making American White Men Great Again: Tom Brady, Donald Trump, and the Allure of White Male Omnipotence in Post-Obama America,” the chapter attempts to provide evidence to back up Kusz’s suggestion that, like President Donald Trump, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has gained popularity due to the “latest wave of white rage and white supremacy” that he says developed since the Obama presidency alongside a “disturbing racial reaction among white conservatives in response to the idea that a black man would be [president].”
The professor’s work analyzes Brady in two ways: his representation in the media and his “relationship with Trump,” seeking to determine what these factors can “tell us about the specific ways that white masculinity is being re-coded and re-centered in post-Obama American culture.”
Kusz zeroes in on “the complex racial, gender, and class meanings that have been articulated with Brady’s body and his performances of white masculinity in the context of a backlash against the Obama presidency” and of “Trumpism,” which he claims is also rooted in both race and gender.
In addition to Brady’s representation as the epitome of “omnipotent, white masculinity” in his various media appearances, advertisements, and movie cameos, Kusz also focuses on Brady’s public image as it relates to what he calls “American myths of meritocracy and individualism,” which he says are “commonly used in sporting adverts.”
Among other media appearances, he specifically cites Brady’s appearance in a 2015 Under Armour commercial, which he claims “would not seem out of place in Leni Reifenstahl’s infamous Nazi propaganda film, ‘Triumph des willens,’” because of its military references and red and black colors.
“I decided to research Trump and Brady’s public performances of their white masculinities and how they connect with broader debates about race and gender politics after a student in one of my classes brought the UnderArmour commercial to my attention and it piqued my interest,” the professor said.
Kusz also took issue in the chapter with a Beautyrest mattress commercial in which the camera angle is pointed upward at Brady so that the “viewer is compelled to see him as superior,” as well as Brady’s partnership with “upscale companies” like UGG and Aston Martin.
“In each of these sites, Brady is figured as an unconflicted and unapologetic embodiment of upper-class white exceptionality and manly omnipotence.”
Kusz also points to the “myths” of meritocracy present in “The Brady 6,” a documentary about the quarterback and his rise to stardom.
“By subtly coding Brady as a version of the 97 lb weakling in ‘The Brady 6,’ his subsequent transformation into Brady—the five-time Super Bowl champion and ‘G.O.A.T’—enables him to be easily read as an athletic variation of the self-made man,” Kusz writes, adding that “the self-made man is [a] seductive and potent ideological figure of American liberalism long used to mask the systemic privileges afforded to, and enjoyed by, white men, especially those with economic means.”
The professor also asserts that Patriots fans who backed Brady during the infamous “Deflategate” scandal were angry with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for “breaking the unspoken bonds of white brotherhood to leverage the NFL’s institutional authority” against Brady. The “Free Brady” T-shirts sold by barstoolsports.com at the time combined humor with “reverse racism” and “political dissidence,” according to Kusz.
In addition to the media’s representation of Brady being “figured through conventional codes of upper-class elitism that are often exclusively associated with, and embodied by, white men,” Kusz also takes issue with the company Brady chooses to keep, mainly focusing on the quarterback’s relationship with Trump, but also pointing out the fact that Brady often takes “boys only” trips with “white majority groups” to the Kentucky Derby.
Kusz claims that since Brady “plays in a sport where 67% of the players are African-American,” the fact that most of the individuals whom he brings with him to the Kentucky Derby are white “tell[s] a more particular story about the racial company he chooses to keep.”
“It is a vision of Brady as a wealthy, white man who unapologetically enjoys, and has even made a habit out of, spending time with other wealthy white men who treasure time ‘with the boys’ over all others,” adding that the choice of the Kentucky Derby “suggests his performance of white masculinity shares much in common with President Trump’s” in that the Derby is a “class-exclusive leisure activity” where most of the attendees are white.
Kusz also focuses on the quarterback’s refusal to denounce his friendship with Trump, which began when Brady judged a Miss USA beauty pageant, or as Kusz puts it, “an activity centered on judging women as sexual objects.” The setting in which they first met, in conjunction with the fact that the two men often golf together, “presumably” spending time together in locker rooms, “begs questions about Brady’s own appetite and tolerance for boorish, misogynistic talk and behavior,” according to Kusz.
Brady’s regimented diet and exercise routines are also supposedly a function of how his “white masculinity is repeatedly constructed,” according to Kusz.
“In short, Brady is positioned as the master of his own fate. His white masculinity is represented as deserving of public veneration not only for his success and self-discipline, but because he enjoys it all without apology or any trace of shame or guilt. In other words, part of Brady’s pub- lic appeal rests in his ability to signify a guilt-free, omnipotent white male who unabashedly embraces the idyllic life that his wealth and white manliness provide.”
Kusz concludes his chapter by reiterating how “cultural representations” of Brady as being “unashamed about privilege” and being “superior and worthy of deference,” as well as his “preferring the pleasures of white fraternal bonds” serve to “buttress American white supremacy” and appeal largely to the “alt-right.”
Question – what does Kyle Cuck hate more about himself? The fact that he’s white, or the fact that he has a penis (maybe)?
I’m not even gonna waste much time dissecting this one because why should I waste my time when this guy didn’t put any thought into writing it? I don’t know what’s lazier – this shitty take, or the fact that professors only have to write one chapter in a book now? I Am Turtleboy had 20 chapters and I did it all by myself while running a business, raising a family, and killing it on the elliptical 5 days a week at Planet Fitness.
All you need to know, is that he said Brady started becoming popular after Trump became a thing. You could check out after that sentence. This guy’s obviously never watched a football game in his life because his wife cuckolds him and makes him do the dishes while she’s getting railed by the pool boy. If he did, he’d know that Tom Brady had already won five Super Bowls by the time Trump became President, and won three of them before Obama became President. It’s just a guy who went into this with an opinion already developed (white men are bad) and found a way to incorporate Tom Brady and big words that only people in academia have ever used, in order to make himself sound smarter than he is. Then a bunch of shit about socialism, I think. At least that’s what I assume he was getting at with the whole, “Tom Brady didn’t really earn his way to where he is now. He got there because he’s tall and white.” Because everyone knows that slow white guys have an advantage in the NFL.
As soon as you saw this part….
would not seem out of place in Leni Reifenstahl’s infamous Nazi propaganda film
It was clear that this was not a human being worthy of being taken seriously.
But the fucked up part is that people actually pay money to go to URI and this guy is the one teaching them. It’s just absolute madness. This is why we have all these whiny cunts complaining about their student loan debts. Because assholes like this are the ones preparing them for the real world, and when they graduate the only thing they know how to do is let the world know how ashamed they are of being white (if they’re white), or let the world know they’re victims (if they’re not white).
This was my favorite part though, and I’ll show you why.
Kusz claims that since Brady “plays in a sport where 67% of the players are African-American,” the fact that most of the individuals whom he brings with him to the Kentucky Derby are white “tell[s] a more particular story about the racial company he chooses to keep.”
Kyle Kusz is not on Twitter, which means he’s a pussy who’s too afraid to face the heat. (Unlike me who’s not on Twitter against my will.) However, he is on Facebook, but he’s only got 41 Facebook friends. Guess how many of them are black?
1 out of 43. What percentage is that Kyle Cuck? Shoutout to Oscar Buchanan – Kyle Kusz’s much angrier and unlovable version of Matthew Slater.
Not that we’re keeping track of black friends here, but since that’s the game that Kyle wants to play, Tom Brady’s entourage at the Kentucky Derby looked like the UN compared to Kyle’s friends and family.
Oh, and, I clicked on Sue Kusz, since she’s the only one with his last name, and the very first post is….
I don’t know if they’re related, but this woman’s one of those diehard Trump nutjobs, so it looks like we may have a case of sheltered white boy rebelling against his ultra conservative parents and tried way, way, way to hard in an attempt to gain woke status.
I’ll be giving the professor a call on Monday to see if he’d like to come on the live show to discuss this some more. I would imagine he’ll be in high demand.
Telephone 401.874.5434
Email kkusz@mail.uri.edu
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86 Comment(s)
someone needs to educate this BITCH!
Do these idiots realize the reason Trump is President is them???!
That right there is a “man” who wants nothing more Than to be gang raped and covered in semen by he entire state of Mississippi
Isn’t it weird that the people who complain most about whites/whiteness are ALWAYS jewish?
This guy has sucked down more cum than Liberace.
As a URI grad, I am repulsed. Nothing else.
Those of us at Patrons for Peace hope you all enjoy watching some millionares play a game today. It will take your minds of your miserable reality and at the same time KEEP them millionaires and you miserable. Reach out for the branch that is your symbol.
sumbitch ya made me spit ma dang espresso out.
TB12 laughs all the way to the bank. This guy is just looking for likes on his FB page…
just cruisin on by thought i’d flick a fuckin butt at you fucking bottom dwellin bitches. go get it ya fuckin queer asses.
feces faces.
Some of TBs best friends are black.
Im sure.
We are the Jew England Terrorists!
Get fucked,
Finn oven
Saturday night’s alright for crapface.
Tom Brady is one of the most decent, kind and polite pro athletes I have ever witnessed. Kyle Scuzz Kusz is a weak Cuck tearing down others for their hard work and achievements. Scuzzy Kuszy is a disgrace and reason 1001 why higher education should be taken with a grain of salt.
In what world does Scuzzy Kuszy’s crack-pot opionions pass for academic knowledge or education of any kind. Scuzzy shouldn’t be allowed with 2000 feet of playgrounds, school or day care centers. He has diddler written all over him.
And here you have the living caricature of the east coast Liberal Arts College English Professor. They exist in a strange, faraway place known as Academia, living in an echo chamber, churning out blather with which only their colleagues will agree.
I was sure that Leni Reifenstahl followed up “Triumph of the Will” with a romantic comedy, but cannot find mention of it on the IMDB. The plot revolved around a gormandized woman and the two sexual predators that sought bail from her. Do any White Males remember the title?
Uncle Turtle Boy, I must say, I find your blog intriguing. Are you suggesting that Kyle is projecting his own racism at Tom Brady? If so, I say bravo! Why would anyone with one black friend call out someone else for not having black friends? I’ll tell you who, someone whose self hatred is so severe that they project it onto others. This is exactly what Kyle is doing. Now what am I going do with those toss salad and scrambled eggs? They’re calling again…
Fuck off haters!!!!! Kyles Kunt is the new Greta Twatburger!!!
He’s teaching a class the football team takes to pass. Who cares what he says.
who are these white guilters trying to impress?
other white guilters? none of them ever have any ethnic friends, so it cannot be anyone in their personal lives….
if more blacks were strong and unwilling to play the “woe is me” card that the left has fostered for decades
(blacks like Candace Owens for instance) we would have less racial strife
and idiots like this dufus would have nothing to write about
What’s with all of these fake Finns posting on every blog?
I mean I get it in a way because the real Finn sort of comes off as a pretentious dick with all of his comments on every story but enough is enough already.
People need to grow up.
No shit.
Get fucked,
Fuckface Finn
Shut the fuck up – I don’t give a shit if you like my comments or not. I comment on the stories I’m interested in – not the people commenting (unless you come after me).
“I mean I get it in a way because the real Finn sort of comes off as a pretentious dick with all of his comments on every story but enough is enough already.”
1. I don’t comment on every story, dummy. There are fake Finns everywhere (I really don’t care either) that post. I’m not going to waste my time pointing out the fakes. I’ve watched the fakes argue with the same email address.
2. I see the “real” emails used and I know it’s not me. I just have zero interest in defending myself every time someone uses my handle. Most of the time it’s funny.
2. All “his” comments? How the fuck do you know I’m a guy?
Get Fucked — I owe you nothing.
Hey Finn,
Take a hint. Everyone thinks you’re a fucking tool
No one gives a shit on your long winded opinions on every blog. Get a job or off yourself
WTF/Finn is a Fag,
Funny how you’re using the same email address on multiple handles (I can see them). Do you often argue with yourself? Dick.
Get Fucked,
I’ve warned you over and over again that I know your email and if you kept it up I would expose you so now you get what’s coming to you.
The email addy for the fake Finn is *Finnthepowerbottom@Gaydate.com*
There, now you’re exposed and I hope people *don’t* flood your inbox you stupid bitch.
Get Fucked,
eat me . typical josh supporter. go audit someone
I’m the real Finn. Until you fight across the Galaxy, you have no right to take my name.
Uncle turtle turd fuck tom Brady and his stupid face I hope he forgets to use a seat belt and goes threw the windshield the patriots have sucked ever since they changed their name from the boston patriots to the new england Pat’s what next new England celtics new England Bruins fuck the Pat’s and fuck maine you ain’t ever part of new England you were french when 5 new england colonies were formed not 6 new england colonies so maine go fuck your self and c’mon masshole bring back the boston Patriots fuck Rhode island Connecticut Vermont and trailer trash new Hampshire tom brady fucking hates you
Not. One. Single. Period.
What. An. Asshole.
Yup, needed here.
Besides al the rest of your much more significant bullshit, you asshole troll, it’s THROUGH, not THREW.
Remember him kiddo’s
He’s why your degree from URI isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.
My name makes way more sense than this dudes chapter length witty verse.
“published a book chapter …” This had me baffled so I looked up the book. Turns out its an anthalogy with 30 chapters written by 45 authors and co-authors. The title of Kusz’s chapter comes in about mid-range for absurdity. I strongly recommend collectors snap it up soon as with only 45 copies sold you know it will surely become a sought after rarity.
This cream puff went to Ithaca (shocking) and got a bachelors in gym. Then he got a masters and a “doctorate” in gym. Based on those credentials, he’s pretending to be an academic social critic by studying sports films like Talladega Nights. Yes, he actually put that last one in his online write up at URI – the serious study of NASCAR culture by Will Ferrel.
The “free” college and student loan payback plans promoted by Bernie & Co. would be nothing but an economic subsidy for drippy limp Sallies like this angry swish. Kids, this is why a bachelors degree is laughable these days, especially at $100k per. Choose wisely.
“Those who can’t do, teach.
And those who can’t teach, teach gym.”
– Woody Allen
And those who can’t teach gym teach at the film school – Alan Parker
When he gets robbed who is he gonna call? Oh right
I hope Josh from Accountability for All on youtube does an audit on this guy.
Save the planet. Kill yourself. I will harvest your organs and sell them to the Chinese.
Lets face fax most of you grundlesticks are in your 30s in mamas basement. Is this queefstick a ratchet fuck hell yes. Doesnt make you less of a hick.
This may be the one person that Brett Killoran’s qoute does not apply to.
He’s kinda like that guy on the Liberty Mutual commercials who is like some sort of detective and he has an ostrich as a partner and the bird is wearing sunglasses.
Oops, kinda *looks* like the guy
My god you’re obessessed with finn. i’m dying ot know the back story.
get a life asshole
I’m blushing that you’re spending the entire weekend trying to emulate (look it up) me.
Get Fucked,
p.s. IP addys and using the same email addresses again? change your game up.
Refuse to allow my kids to go to any of these liberal cesspool colleges. It’s not easy finding schools that actually teach/don’t spew their idealist liberal shit, but they’re out there.
Dems are the epitome of hypocrites. Preach tolerance and acceptance, but if you don’t agree with them, they are nasty cunts.
“Free” college so they can teach this nonsense? No way.
Point of personal privilege: I think that Turtleboy just found the only mostly cis white male in New England that knows less about the Patriots than I do. If I can get into his group of friends I’ll totally be the jock!
Divide and conquer. Athletes are among the most race blind folk in the U.S. . This professor is a puppet.
Another unwashed, poorly groomed lefty
Captain Trips/Finn,
how many handles are you using finn?
ok finn – how many handles can you possible use?
Racist, hater, obviously is delusional!
There’s one more that might have qualified as non-white but I wouldn’t touch that with 10 foot pole.
Classic example of a phag who was never picked to play any reindeer games. He’s desperate to be accepted by SOMEONE, by anyone. He’ll show dad that he’s finally an independent grown up and doesn’t have to listen to his mean ol’ parents anymore.
Take THAT, dad !!!!
URI ‘nuff said.
Its always the weakest men who cry about masculinity. As for white supremacy…lol, what a joke. Any white person who likes their own race is considered a white supremacist by these half-wits. Theres a vid on YT with Muhammed Ali stating that like wants to be with like. Theres nothing wrong with preferring your own race over others. That doesnt make one a racist, just a realist. Diversity is NOT a strength. In fact, it creates unneeded adversity.
I bet at the end of the day this guy is a total racist. In my experience people that talk about race like this and are so fixated on it are always racist in the end. Just like the dude that brags about how many women he bangs but in reality isn’t having sex with anything but his hand or a fleshlight.
I laud Professor Kusz for outing that hateful, white supremacist, Tom Brady. We need more educators like Dr. Kusz to shape and indoctrinate young minds.
I fucking love your posts…
the name…the posts….
bravo……if I knew you…would buy you a beer…
Tom Brady is IRISH. The Irish faced discrimination “No Irish need apply” the No Nothing movement and the Klan who hated Irish Catholics. This fool should be fired and charged with a hate crime.
Is maith liom.
Tom Brady is actual living proof of white supremacy
Oh yes.
And he pushes his Hispanic wife around like a donkey cart. And she makes more than him. Now that’s white supremacy!
adjective: Hispanic
relating to Spain or to Spanish-speaking countries, especially those of Latin America.
relating to Spanish-speaking people or their culture, especially in the US.
“the New York Hispanic community”
noun: Hispanic; plural noun: Hispanics
a Spanish-speaking person living in the US, especially one of Latin American descent.
Gisele is Brazilian and speaks Portuguese she is not a spic bitch, you fucking imbecile.
Her last name is German too, she’s probably 0% Hispanic but people here believe Las Vegas is an English word,lol.
What an angry cunt!
WOW she had a meme supporting trump she must be one of those right wing nut jobs
nothing wrong with supporting trump amirite tb
He should spend a few weeks living in Roxbury.
David Duke has more black friends than this douche has.
what a shithead. big pun.
If “White Privilege” is code for WORKING your ass off your entire life then yeah.
More nonsense. People like this only fan the flames for the white supremacy movement and so-called white rage. Reaction to losers like this are why Donald Trump is president. Twenty years ago I would have laughed if someone said Trump would someday become president.
Boston University’s Saida Grundy said the problem with BU are the white males, and she got a free pass. If I as a student were to post the same thing on twitter, but substitute the word, “black” in place of “white,” I would have been called a racist and I would have been expelled. So, keep this crap up. You will only further divide us and pit the races against each other, which may just be their ultimate goal.
Dependent Thinker/Finn,
Do you cut and paste all your responses?
I am not Finn. I’ve consistently been using this same handle for years and have never posted under another user’s name, and I never cut and paste posts. My writing, which is my original writing, reflects my thoughts and my opinions, which I have a right to do.
At least you’re not calling me a racist for disagreeing with you. Some of the comments are really going down the toilet here.
You’re not fooling anyone. You have multiple handles and they all post the same stupid garbage
You’re a complete waste of oxygen
educated with mommie and daddies money, bet it wipes its ass back to front,and these are type of shitbirds that teach in most of our schools.
If his middle name is Kanye, he’d be KKK.
Tried reaching him on his mobile 401 225 9838.
What a pussy
SO….why hasn’t this asshole committed suicide?