Westerly Wang Wrangler With Multiple DUIs Is Arrested For DUI, Drug Possession Just Hours After Playing Drugged Up Demolition Derby With A Police Cruiser
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Can we stop calling this a disease already?
“An Ashaway Road resident was charged with DUI and other offenses early Tuesday, hours after she was cited for backing into a police cruiser that was parked in front of a Westerly bar.
Later in the day, a judge in Fourth Division District Court set a $10,000 surety bond for the woman, 32-year-old Alisha Choquette, of 64 Ashaway Road. She was arraigned on charges including driving under the influence, possession of a controlled substance, and two counts of driving when license is suspended.
Westerly Police Chief Shawn Lacey said the charges stem from separate calls that occurred about four hours apart. Officers are also investigating another incident that may have occurred between the two reports.
According to Lacey, a Westerly officer on patrol stopped at Danny’s Bar on Railroad Avenue to conduct a routine check at about 1 a.m. When he came out a short time later, two witnesses reported that a black SUV had backed over a curb, struck the rear passenger side bumper of the cruiser, and driven off. There was minor damage to the police car.
Lacey said one of the witnesses knew the driver and a passenger in the SUV, both women. The police checked their addresses and found them sitting in the SUV, which was parked in a driveway at the passenger’s home on Batterson Avenue. There were no charges against the passenger, but Choquette admitted being involved in the accident. She was charged with driving on a suspended license and released.
Around 3:20 a.m., police were called back to the Batterson Avenue home for a report of missing prescription pills. Choquette’s passenger reported to police that after returning home, she realized that someone had stolen numerous Alprazolam pills, the anxiety medication known as Xanax. She said 110 pills had been taken, leaving her with only 10.
Lacey said that such a theft would be hard to prove and that the police were still investigating.
The department received another call related to Choquette at about 5 a.m. This time a caller reported that an SUV, which matched the vehicle Choquette was driving earlier, was traveling erratically near the town beaches.
The police said an officer thought that Choquette could be heading home, and stationed his cruiser near Route 3 and Route 78. He located her at about 5:20 a.m. and stopped her after she had crossed the center medians and fog lines in front of him.
Lacey said she was given a field sobriety test, and an officer trained as a drug recognition expert determined that she was likely under the influence of something other than alcohol. Lacey said officers found 13 Alprazolam pills on the floor.
Police said Choquette was taken to the hospital and consented to a blood test. Results are expected back in about a month. She was arrested and held for arraignment.
“There was no evidence to prove or suggest the pills were stolen,” Lacey said. “They weren’t in the original container and we have no way of proving who they originally belonged to. She did not have a prescription for them, however.” “
I’m in awe. This chick pulls a hit and run on a cop car, gets identified, ends up with charged with driving on a suspended license (although clearly she was driving on something else as well), and then wisely decides to steal some Xanax from her running partner friend, and goes out to play unlicensed bumper cars again pretty much as soon as the officer turns out of the driveway. Wise of them to just summons her the first time, I mean,
Who would have thought this is the face of a woman who cannot be trusted to keep her word and stay off the road? There does seem to be a pattern here, though.
Probably should’ve just cuffed her and taken her in for the night on the suspended license this time around. This woman is sending a pretty clear message here – she doesn’t learn.
That doesn’t stop her from teaching others how to “stay sober”, though, because for some reason, this xannygoblin is a “substance abuse counselor”.
The only miracle I see here is that this chick hasn’t killed anyone yet with her reckless behavior and piss poor decision making. How is she still getting these jobs? If you’ve seen this girl for clinical services, you should demand a refund. That’s the blind leading the blind right there.
Listen, I totally understand that no one wakes up one day and thinks to themselves, “You know what I would love in my future? A seemingly endless downward spiral of desperation, abject poverty and bathroom stall blowjobs for $20 to get off E punctuated by a few jail stints and an early grave.” Or maybe some people do, but that’s not the majority. I understand that every drug addict and drunk stumbling around right now is not an intrinsically horrible person. But no amount of empathy will ever, ever, make this a “disease”. This is not cancer, or the flu, or high cholesterol. You weren’t born gulping up Xanax or jamming needles in your arm, it’s not a genetic defect. It’s a choice, that leads to a change in your brain, that is then mitigated by ceasing to make that choice. No, it’s not easy to stop once you’ve slipped into the grips of dependency. But it’s a lot easier than, say, to stop having AIDS. Just saying. And the fact that the “cure” to this “disease” being proposed consists of the expertise and knowledge of people living like this skankbag is dubious at best. She can’t figure out how to manage her life – but let her tell you how to manage yours.
13 Comment(s)
Everything would have been fine if she used the old “Who do I have to blow to get out of this?” strategy.
WTF is up with those eyebrows in the last picture?
Lost in all of this…No One Ever would have legitimately have 110 Xanax on hand. Only in Rachetland would someone even think that is normal, must less complain to a police officer that someone stole +/- 100 of them.
Her shelf life is coming up on expiration. She’ll be a scabbed faced bag lady in no time if she’s lucky, offering ten dollar blowies to the diaper wearing homeless. It’s a shame but she will be expired soon. The angel of death is following her closely.
Bitch get your head out of your ass and go into the nearest church and beg with everything you have for god to enter your life and guide you. You are on your way to hell and that’s no lie if there is no hell in your mind you gonna feel like you’re there anyways. Get off the social media and into the house of God and if you don’t mean it, it won’t work, you should be scared. There are worse things than death.
Cue the “She’s a great person” and “You don’t know what it’s like to suffer from addiction” mob. I HATE these assholes. Life is simple. You either want to be a shitbag or not. If you choose not to, you never do any of the things she did on that one fateful night…
She’s got her hair pulled up too tight it’s straining her brain
Who does she think she is, an illegal alien?
Darling, you’re going to be riding a bike until the heat death of the universe. In case no one told you, getting a bad ice cube and driving leg-less is not a good thing.
I’m retarded!
One in the vag…. Then one in the white. Then kick her out. After of course, she Choguettes on it!
I’d giver her a sarge salute with my little sarge
Judging by the way you sound on the radio, you’d be bending over so she can fuck your ass with her strap on, you pathetic whine bag sjw.
So. Much. Yes. Im all aboard the crazy train with this one.