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This might be the biggest douche move in the history of illegal handicapped parkers.
Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR handicapped spots, including the striped lines for the wheelchair ramp access. This occurred last week on Thursday in the EHS East Weymouth medical building. People are trying to make excuses for this chud on Weymouth Is Everything Facebook group, but there is no excuse for this. You don’t park in a handicapped spot if you’re not handicapped. Ever. There is never an excuse for it. Dude parked in four handicapped spots because he was too lazy to find a spot and carry packages, which is his or her job. To make it worse they did it at a medical clinic, where the odds that someone handicapped would come along are significantly higher than normal. The guy who posted this appears to be a former firefighter and veteran. We reached out to him for comment but he told us it was “taken care of,” because he probably has no idea what Turtleboy is.
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21 Comment(s)
I am so happy you report these. As a daughter of someone who was severely handicapped for 5 years before she died everyone should understand how important it is to honor this law. People that ARE handicapped would give anything NOT to be. And therefore not use these reserved spaces.
What a douchbag. Hope this driver is proud of his ignorance.
look at it from their view. they have thousands of dollars or possibly millions in merch in those trucks. Would you want to park it out of your sight in these neighborhoods? i do not condone parking in handicap at all. he shouls have parked behind other parked cars and just ran in quickly.
3 spots, not 4.
Downgrade your outrage by 25%.
Why is Merrimack reporting on a South Shore story?
Check out my hit “Balls Deep”. That shit is hot fire, dawg!
I’m Dr. Phil famous muthafuckaz!!!
The “artist” who currently has 7 subscribers:
These Fed-Ex ground guys, not the true Fed-Ex Company drivers are the biggest Assholes on the planet. They cry to the parking officers in Boston about how they have to pay their own tickets. But they park in Bus Stop, HP spots, Crosswalks HP ramps, they don’t give a shit where they park.
Fed Ex, the company that hired Angelo Colon-Ortiz to drive around Princeton. You’d figure they’d learn to better screen the mentality of the drivers.
That right there is world-class asshole-ishness the likes of which you rarely see. It takes an expert with years of experience to execute a move like that.
sometimes buildings like this have 16 handicapped spots nobody ever uses. sometimes these guys have nowhere to put the truck. these guys work their balls off for short money. i dont work for them.
And he chose the closest ones to the entrance judging where the walkway is
I dunno. My wife hates UPS. They sorta throw shit on the sidewalk a block from our house. They don’t ring the doorbell but give the ol’ front door a felony knock.
Fed Ex Contracts a lot of deliveries out now, That may not even be a Fed EX employee or a FedEX truck. But I just reported it anyways….
Maybe the driver was just going in & out but even still that’s ridiculous.
Yeah… FWIW… I see 3 spots taken up, leaving the 4th spot open. Handicapped people should get free shipping for life from Fed-EX!
Plot twist: A UPS fan bought a decommissioned FedEx truck on the parcel delivery black market to generate some bad press for a competitor. Leave it parked like a douche in some handicapped spaces here. Maybe parked in a crosswalk there. Is that a hydrant? Don’t know. There’s a delivery truck in the way. A benign evil genius.
$300 fine per spot. Looks like $1200 to me. No excuse for that stunt. Usually those guys are pretty decent guys. Love a picture of the driver
Maybe fedex was delivering handicapped people. The patient transport services are very pricey.
LOL Good one!
FEDEX ground is the worst shipping company in the history of shipping!
Many of my customers are switching to them because the give them great corporate deals but:
1. You have to schedule a pickup a day in advance
2. They charge us $3.20 PER BOX to pick up packages AND you can only pay them by mailing them a check
3. They are (with the exception of one guy) all assholes
4. Their trucks look like shit inside and out
5. Their computer interface is the absolute worst
6. They treat your packages like an old time trash guy treats a trash can
now that is the epitome of a douche bag. 4 fucking spots at once has to be a TBS record