
Worcester Elected A Junkbox To The School Committee Over A College Professor Because Everything Mike Gaffney Touched Turned To Shit

Worcester Elected A Junkbox To The School Committee Over A College Professor Because Everything Mike Gaffney Touched Turned To Shit

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So election night in Worcester was a complete abortion. Worcester elected a junkbox who barely graduated from high school and claims to own a business that doesn’t really exist, to the School Committee – Dante Comparetto. He knocked off a college professor, Donna Colorio, in order to do so.

But you know what we’re not gonna do? Sit here and whine about it. We won’t be using hashtags, blaming the Russians, knitting pink pussy hats, or using this as an excuse to protest. Because unlike the morons from last year who couldn’t come to terms with the reality that many viewed their candidate as repulsive, we respect the will of the people and aren’t afraid to analyze election results honestly. Worcester wants a junkbox who encouraged kids to skip school and criticized the superintendent for punishing them, so that’s exactly what they’re gonna get.

So how did this happen? Simple – this was a Gaffneylash. Literally everything he touched turned to shit. This is 99.9% his fault. Here’s the City Council results:

Joe Petty – 10,026

Kate Toomey – 9,547

Gary Rosen – 8,964

Khrystian King – 8,689

Moe Bergman – 8,197

Konnie Lukes – 7,092

Ben Straight – 5,335

Mike Gaffney – 4,585

Last time around Gaffney finished in 2nd and Konnie Lukes finished in 3rd. This time Konnie wasn’t even close to 5th place. She lost by over 1,000 votes to Moe Bergman, and over 2,500 votes to Kate Toomey, both of whom she beat last time. If someone like Joe O’Brien had run she probably would’ve been voted off. Why? Because she was viewed as associated with Gaffney. People showed up at the polls specifically to vote against him, because they were turned off by the obnoxious Cheers videos and the constant grandstanding.

Oh look, he took down all the videos. It’s almost like he now realizes how stupid those were.

It wasn’t that people disliked his politics. It was that people couldn’t get past the obnoxious, whiny, childish way he delivered his message, so they weren’t even paying attention to whatever his message was. The guy who called his supporters “stupid uneducated morons” got more than double his votes. People would rather be insulted by the Mayor than listen to Gaffney’s voice.

And make no doubt about it, Gaffney didn’t drop out of this race to “pursue new opportunities.” He dropped out because he knew he was going to lose. That’s just a fact. To get elected he would’ve had to have knocked out Konnie Lukes. No way in hell he was gonna do that, and he knew it. He saw the writing on the wall. But he had too much pride and arrogance to stay in the race and lose. That’s all that ultimately mattered to him – his pride. So he said he was dropping out because at least then he could pretend it was doing so on his own terms. At the end of the day the only thing that ultimately mattered to Gaffney was that he had to make it look like he was in control. He wasn’t.

His wife Coreen, who was “MURDED” by a corrupt joke of a politician who once said, “I’d like to see a penis do that” at a City Council meeting, had to point out that their run was “over by design”:

Translation – we could’ve won if we wanted to, but we CHOSE not to get elected. It was by design. We’re always in control.

The fact of the matter is that they weren’t though. Coreen did significantly worse in her D4 race than Jackie Kostas did four years ago, despite the fact that Jackie spent zero time campaigning:

Titi Ho – 1,090

Coreen Gaffney – 318

In District 5 Paul Franco, a really good guy who has no association whatsoever with Gaffney, went down like a ton of bricks because the MSM tied them together:

Matt Wally – 2,695

Paul Franco – 1,917

Then there’s the School Committee. Donna Colorio finished 2nd last time. No one ever goes from 2nd to voted out, especially when they’ve done nothing wrong like Colorio. But once again, they tied her to Gaffney, and she went down with the Titanic too:

Brian O’Connell – 9,084

Jack Foley – 8,616

John Monfredo- 8,489

Molly McCullough – 8,092

Dante Comparetto – 7,894

Diana Biancheria – 7,807

Donna Colorio – 7,516

She deserved better than this.

This is ultimately the legacy the Gaffney’s have left Worcester with. Their insane rantings, which we wisely urged them not to engage in several times, destroyed not only themselves, but others who wanted nothing to do with them. Hope it was worth it.

The only good part about this election is now we have a villain again. Politics has gotten boring without Tracy Novick doing insane shit on the School Committee. It’s almost a guarantee that Dante will find a way to top her, and then two years from now we get to overthrow him all over again, and we won’t have Gaffney to fuck it up this time.

The bottom line is that Gaffney had a lot of potential. He’s smart, successful, and actually was the voice of the people. But he let it all get to his head and instead of being a refined politician, he tried to become Turtleboy. But the people didn’t need a Turtleboy elected to office. We just needed someone who represented our values and delivered our message in an appropriate, measured way.

26 Comment(s)
  • Michael Gaffney
    November 30, 2017 at 9:02 pm

    “It wasn’t that people disliked his politics. It was that people couldn’t get past the obnoxious, whiny, childish way he delivered his message”
    Kind of the same way you deliver yours

  • Chuck Cunningham
    November 9, 2017 at 10:42 pm

    I wish Gaffney would go public as to why TB all of a sudden despises him. I ‘m guessing Gaffney tried to distance himself from TB or confronted TB about all the shit he posts thinking he is helping Gaffney, when in fact, his words recently started hurting him. Anyone else want to take a guess? I’m interested.

  • Chuck Cunningham
    November 9, 2017 at 10:36 pm

    “If someone like Joe O’Brien had run she probably would’ve been voted off. Why? Because she was viewed as associated with Gaffney. People showed up at the polls specifically to vote against him…”

    Could it have anything to do with Lukes being associated with Gaffney and Gaffney being associated with TBS? Make up your mind. Did you want people to vote for him, NOT vote for him, vote for him (in protest, I believe you said,) or NOT vote for him?

    Could Dante’s victory have anything to do with the bashing he received on TBS? Let’s face it, most of your loyals probably aren’t the voting type. They probably wouldn’t have voted for Dante, but in not voting at all, it gave Dante the edge this time around . I feel sorry for Donna. I would have much rather seen Dianna voted off than her.

    I think some people are voting against what TBS endorses. Just sayin’.

  • Chuck Cunningham
    November 9, 2017 at 10:30 pm

    “But you know what we’re not gonna do? Sit here and whine about it.”

    But isn’t that exactly what you are doing?

  • Smartypants
    November 8, 2017 at 8:09 pm

    Gaffney = Trump!

  • can you two just patch this up now pls
    November 8, 2017 at 4:59 pm

    “Oh look, he took down all the videos. It’s almost like he now realizes how stupid those were.”

    that sucks i was gonna finish watching those someday.

    i was charmed by his girlish.. errr, sophisticated!…. affect 🙁

  • John e. Depth
    November 8, 2017 at 1:01 pm

    This is as fun as watching liberals cry after hillary lost. Fuck turtleboy.

  • Bogglesnort
    November 8, 2017 at 12:56 pm

    What does any of this have to do with cat cafes or tittooed welfare welching guttersluts in Dorchester fighting over baby daddy’s in front of a Tedeschis?

  • yaz
    November 8, 2017 at 12:55 pm

    This guy is the most effective liberal activist Worcester has seen in decades.
    Send donations to the Worcester Democratic Committee to:

    41d3n k34rn3y
    111 m450n rd
    h0ld3n m4 01520

  • goosberg
    November 8, 2017 at 11:26 am

    It seems to me that everything that Turtleboy touches turns to shit, including Gaffney.

    Keep up the good work guys, your work is directly responsible for making a very positive impact on city politics.

    • Dillbag
      November 8, 2017 at 12:08 pm

      No kidding, Worcester liberals should erect a monument to this dipshit.

      • Fitzy
        November 8, 2017 at 12:30 pm

        Liberals could never achieve erection

        • Kusala
          November 8, 2017 at 12:43 pm

          A!d3n K33rney just became a Worcester liberal hero. Thank you for all that you do, you dipshit.

  • TurtleBoy Whines like a Jilted lover!!!
    November 8, 2017 at 11:17 am

    You lost out on the “bromance” with Gaffney? Feel like a jilted lover? Were you hoping for a little “action” from Gaffney? You’re pathetic!

    Wishing the Gaffneys the very best for the future!

  • Someone's a little butt-hurt!
    November 8, 2017 at 11:06 am

    Just a tad butt-hurt TurtleFucker? You don’t have your golden boy in office? Get over it, douche!

  • Done with the Woo
    November 8, 2017 at 11:06 am

    Sad day and very disappointed in the Gaffneys. Disgusted with the city as a whole. It will continue to turn to a bigger pile of shit, not if the politics don’t change, but if the retards that vote them in continue to do so. Cheers Worcester, you are going to get what you voted for!!

  • Sonny's Mom
    November 8, 2017 at 11:03 am

    Start looking NOW for potential candidates for the next city council and school committee election. They’re out there.

  • Buck Dancer
    November 8, 2017 at 11:02 am

    For those that may have been a lil late to the turtle parade. TiTi Ho deserves a great deal of gratitude for making TB what it is today. If it wasn’t for her countless episodes of doing what’s best for her instead of the people of Worcester, Turtleboy wouldn’t be what it is today. So, for that I say cheers to you TiTi Ho! Now go pay your property taxes you snake oil salesman.

  • V
    November 8, 2017 at 10:13 am

    Pretty depressing morning.

    • pro trump
      November 8, 2017 at 9:16 pm

      literally drenched in tears. a terrible day to be white.

  • Chris
    November 8, 2017 at 10:01 am

    Colorio and Franco lost because (like Gaffney) they’re registered Republicans. Plain and simple. It’s very unfortunate that a Republican is de-factoly ineligible to hold office in Worcester (and most of the state too).

  • Aware voter
    November 8, 2017 at 9:59 am

    1st order of bidness, get damn po lice out d’s skills, den raise taxes, then sanctuary cities, den mandatory planned parenthood/antifa propaganda for 1st graders…sell sell sell

  • Maggie the Cat
    November 8, 2017 at 9:58 am

    If I lived in Worcester right now, I’d be putting my house up for sale immediately and getting out of town fast. The election results foreshadow the doom of the city. But they’ll get what they voted for, though they may not have known what they were voting for!

    • Aware voter
      November 8, 2017 at 10:40 am

      But at least we will finally, as taxpayers, be able to pay for the demo of Sistah Sarah’s church. Praisssssssse the lod

      • Aware voter
        November 8, 2017 at 10:41 am

        Sorry, Sarai’s

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