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A handful of people sent us messages today about some lovely member of Worcester society named “Skinny Mike,” who apparently is threatening to kill police on Facebook. Well, kind of. First he has to find out a way to get a gun:
Oh shit!! Keyboard gangsta!!
He seems like a real winner. He even used a hashtag. TWICE!! Because as we’ve seen with all these protesters, when you throw a hashtag in front of something it automatically makes it true. Doesn’t matter how moronic it is. Just toss that pound sign in front of “HandsUpDontShoot” and you’re automatically Martin Luther King Jr.
Apparently he doesn’t have a problem with police officers getting killed right before Christmas:
Oh I see. He “speaks through experience” that cops are corrupt. Right. Because if this isn’t the face of a law abiding, contributing member of society
then I don’t know what is. We should have more protests to defend people like Skinny Mike who have been victimized by the police. THESE are the people the protesters are standing up for – productive members of society. And with our help someday they will all have real mustaches and goatees instead of a collection of dirt and pubes.
I don’t know Skinny Mike, but I do know this – he should be in jail. End of story. You write something like this on the Internet then you automatically go to jail. We can’t risk whether or not one of these assholes will follow through on their promises. As you know the protesters clearly influenced that human garbage who killed two police officers in Brooklyn the other day. Who knows how many other copycats are out there. We can’t take chances. I can already here the ACLU and others whining about “civil liberties” and blah, blah, blah. Newsflash – no one’s civil liberties will be violated as long as they don’t threaten to kill cops on Facebook. Since no normal person would ever consider doing this then no normal person should have anything to fear about Turtleboy justice.
Do you know Skinny Mike? Because I’m sure the community at large would love to hear more information about this lovely individual.
Feel free to share your thoughts to keep the conversation going.
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12 Comment(s)
Apparently you CAN get arrested for doing this http://www.buzzfeed.com/alisonvingiano/this-man-was-arrested-after-writing-a-youtube-comment-threat#.aj5EywadJ
“Skinny Mike” is definitely a law-abiding registered Level 2 Sex Offender…
Hey! his hands are up with a pistol- Soooooooooooooooo SHOOT!!!
Another wannabe looking for attention cuz he don kno his faver
If brains were dynamite, Skinny Mike wouldn’t have enough to blow his nose…….
Bwahahahaha…..thats a good one!
If skinny mike really is Michael betancourt he was just in the court records yesterday…LAW ABIDING
This guy is such a moron I didn’t bother to even respond to him again. The level of stupidity it takes to write this kind of shit Is just beyond me.
this little child needs to grow up and get and education instead of running his mouth like he has done something useful in life. The only thing this idiot will be known for is claiming to be something he isn’t. #skinnymiketheidiot #skinnymikeneedstogetaeducation
Skinny Mike = Michael Betancourt
I just love that a kid with the last name “Betancourt” thinks he’s tough shit.
If kids can get in trouble for bullying on facebook and such I dont see why this idiot should be spared either. I wish cops could record all these stupid fucks and when they finally need help no one shows up.