Hurricane Brockton Keeps Yelling At Cops To “Do Your Job” After Getting Into Accident, They Do Their Job And Arrest Her
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SOURCE – A woman who was standing in the middle of the street yelling for officers to “do their job” ended up being arrested on Tuesday night, police said. Officers responded to a report of a two-vehicle crash near 281 Grove St. about 8:24 p.m. and learned that one of the drivers may have been trapped in a vehicle further up the road. “The officers went to check on the operator and a woman was in the middle of the street yelling at the police to do their job,” said police Detective Sgt. Michael Dennehy. The woman, later identified by police as Christina M. Frizzell, was apparently upset because she wanted the officers to check on the driver in the car up the road, but Dennehy said that’s what the officers were doing when she got in their way and started yelling.
“That’s what they were doing – they were going to check on the operator to make sure he or she was OK,” Dennehy said. As Frizzell continued arguing with the officers, many of the residents on Grove Street came out of their homes, he said. “The officers told her to go inside of her house because she was interfering with what they were trying to do, but she refused,” Dennehy said. “She unleashed a verbal assault on the officers, according to them.”
Oh, sweet Brockton. Just look at all the many stories of debauched ratchetry that we culled from one little Massachusetts city. This little lady has had a busy couple of years, racking up a series of ridiculous arrests. This one is just the most recent. So as the story goes, Christina Frizzell, 30, of Brockton (surprise, surprise), got into a minor car accident on October 17. Cops show up to the scene, and Frizzy goes right into the responding officers, demanding they “do their job”, even though they were there for that exact reason. Well they did their job alright. Frizzell was arrested on scene after she became “combative” and aggressive with officers. Frizzell was placed in handcuffs for her efforts while the cops investigated the car accident.
“She became very assaultive – she was kicking the doors inside the cruiser and refused to be booked,” said police Detective Sgt. Michael Dennehy.
Frizzell, 30, of 291 Grove St., Apt. 2, Brockton, was arrested and charged with resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct, according to authorities.
So she lives at 291 Grove Street, and the car accident/arrest occurred at 281 Grove Street. That means in the span of just a few houses, this dunce managed to crash her car into another vehicle and get arrested for demanding cops do their job even though they already were.
“Do your job” is a phrase to use as a Patriots fan, not something you tell a cop who’s just responded to a car accident you caused.
And would you believe this isn’t Ms Frizzell’s first ridiculous arrest?
Oh look! Another mugshot! Although she doesn’t look as happy as her most recent police-provided photo shoot.
Somehow, the things this woman has gotten arrested for are downright preventable and outright ludicrous. Check out this Google trophy of hers from 2016:
Throwing food and soda on the floor of a gas station… Swinging a gas hose at employees? Just another day in the life of a Brockton ratchet.
Thus far, we haven’t been able to find Ms Frizzell’s Facebook account, which is probably chalk-full of more ratchet hilarity. If any Turtle Riders happen to know her social media accounts, feel free to drop us a line!
16 Comment(s)
Not quite a butter face. Strong would here. Shower and clean shave below first. Plan B on hand as well.
I believe the phrase is “chock-full”… im sure filtering through hours of ratchet speak every week makes it difficult to avoid things like this.
Is there any way that the state could order that this woman be sterilized, in order to protect the gene pool of course.
“fuck turtle boy ” should be allowed to write an in depth article explaining their positions.
this is ridiculous. lmao so what? some woman did stupid shit get over it. this article is lame as fuck…and y’all like to get off on talking shit about how everyone looks. i wonder how ugly your bitchasses are. prob makes you feel better lol y’all such hated mother fuckers
Is this you Butterface? Why didn’t you just listen to the cops?
I agree 100%. Always game for a good TBS story but that said I’d love to get a look at some of these commenters and what’s in their closets. Betting fupas and false teeth all around
The Turtle can’t have it both ways . You don’t get to be pro cop when you publish shit like you did last week . You threw the MSP under the bus along with a judge and a D.A. Now your screwing with a former state Rep ? Turtle picked wrong stories .
No, stupid. Picking sides is NOT how journalism works.
Maybe Turtleboy is just pro good cops, not pro bad cops. There’s a difference, d-bag.
Obviously new here..A ratchet is a ratchet is a ratchet is a ratchet….
“Now your screwing with a former state Rep ? Turtle picked wrong stories.”
I never knew. Former state reps are off limits? What other groups are off limits? Your elitism is showing. By the way, lobbying for really terrible people just because they’re quasi-powerful promotes religious and political oligarchy.
You need to include pictures of her body if you’re going to call her a butterface
This chickey probably either doesn’t have a social media, or she took it down in contemplation of the endearing comments she would receive. Either way, she got what she asked for, for the cops to do their jobs!..Nice work Ms. frizzell, and also to the Brockton police dept.!
I pray she is not breeding.
slim chance. She’s 30…probably already has 3-4 kids.