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Cape Cod Times: An Eastham man and a Provincetown woman have pleaded not guilty in Orleans District Court to one charge each of lewd, wanton and lascivious conduct stemming from a February incident in which they allegedly had sex on a Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority bus in Chatham, according to court documents.
Daniel Griswold, 27, and Brittany Wojcik, 29, were riding the bus at around 8 p.m. Feb. 24 when the driver noticed them apparently having sex in the back seat, according to a police report. The driver told police she saw Griswold and Wojcik moving and heard noises coming from the back seat on the driver’s side of the bus, the report says. The driver said she turned on the interior bus light and saw what appeared to be sexual activity. Upon seeing police near a housing complex in Chatham, the driver pulled the bus over to ask for help, the report says.
Officers stepped onto the bus and saw that there were only two passengers, who were later identified as Wojcik and Griswold, and that their pants were partially pulled down, according to the report. Police found two open warrants on Griswold, who was removed from the bus and taken to the Chatham Police Department, the report says. Wojcik was allowed to stay on the bus and continue her trip to Dennis, according to the report. The bus’s security video showed that the pair engaged in multiple sexual acts while on the bus although police did not see exposed genitalia, according to the report.
They got a pretty good case though. The video is basically a Scinemax movie. You assume they’re fornicating, but you can’t see penetration so it doesn’t count as real porn.
Sure, they could’ve just waited until the bus, which apparently was going halfway across Cape Cod, made it to their destination in Dennis before he started dropping anchor in her ratchet cove. But does this look like a couple that was willing to wait an extra 15 minutes before they started riding the skin flute to tuna town?
And from the looks of it this isn’t the first time the P-Town pork dumpling swapped love juices on a bus….
Except that’s not the Eastham honey dagger she was taking to pound town in February.
And in 2016 she said she was gonna love this guy “forever”
He even put a ring on it….
But if you’re not willing to bury the broomstick on the back of a moving bus, can you honestly that you’re in love?
27 Comment(s)
You know what’s funny? All of you people have such hateful comments, but literally have no idea what the actual story was. You sit behind your screen and act tough, rude and disgusting at time.
Perhaps you might’ve tried getting the actual story before listening to ‘Title Boy’, who ALWAYS exgerates his stories. But yes hey, go ahead and slam a perfectly innocent married couple. If that’s what makes you feel better about yourselves
Strange, but I thought once you made it out past Yarmouth and into Harwich was where the ratchetness subsided, but apparently the whole Cape is now under siege. Can you even see people with neck tattoos walking pit bulls in Truro and Wellfleet now?
I wouldn’t bang that creature with my eyes closed.
She looks like fucking Gollum. Does she say ‘where’s my precious’ often?
Those chubby fingers say she will be 300lbs within the next 5 years. She’s making hay while the sun is still shining, so to speak.
How can brokeass afford to live in Eastham?
Cape Muthafukn Cod, ugh.
Everything east of the canal is shit.
Pure shit.
Drugs, Pedo Freaks, Rapists and General Dysfunction on a grand scale.
Knock down the bridges and declare it a hostile foreign country. Carpet bomb it from Bourne to Truro and cleanse the world of at least some of the human garbage.
Tango, it should really be the other way around. Keep all of us normal folk in Cape cod. send the ratchets west of the canal then blow the bridges. All of us normal people deserve prime ocean real estate or at least to live in a nice area.
Accept my friend request!
Zippy the PinHeads sister.
Fucking puttana ! Disgratziate !
And her needle-dick fuck toy needs a good crack !
Female pattern baldness? Any relation to male British nobility?
Sir Prising of Hatsize, I presume.
They should sell the tape to bang bus DOT com
Forehead like a drive-in movie theater
Yeah, showing a “The Hills Have Eyes” marathon in 3-D.
Every time I see her around Provincetown I just think to myself “There goes bangbus.”
How hard is it as woman to respect yourself and have some class. Straight pig
We need more pics of her. From what i see, yes i would take her to pound town on the bus, literally anywhere. Of course she would get a plan b cocktail after insemination. Btw, looks like she may have a nice rack.
Most indubitably, Dr. Tit, however she has given the Cape a sound rogering already; I would recommend serious precaution to avoid permanently pissing flames.
Nice to see the Cape represented on TB. Lord knows there are enough scumbags worthy of TB representation. Like the middle aged bitch who stole auction items for deceased Yarmouth officer Sean Gannon. Still deserving of a TB blog….
Her forehead is auxillary landing strip for the space shuttle.
Not even a forehead it’s like a 5 or 6 head. ..lol
And it would make a nice “splash pad”.
I don’t think her hair starts far enough back on her head.
That bitch looks like the lifelong punishment for snorting meth, drinking Mezcal and trying to fuck your sister. If the family looks anything like her, her uncle is probably her cousin.
I’m your sister, I’m your sister!